Saturday, 23 June 2001

Travel: Ypres, Belgium

We visited Ypres as part of a school trip about World War I.

  • The infamous Brett Lovatt line of "Vodka? Vot vodka?!" when Miss Silby caught them smuggling vodka onto the coach.

  • Mr Averill having a mental breakdown screaming "YOU DON'T KNOW ME! YOU DON'T WANT TO KNOW ME! I'M EVIL!" at a bunch of high school kids in the middle of the night.

  • My on/off romance with Steph Hand begun after Andrew Walters pressured us into our first kiss 😂

  • Got toothpaste in my eye off the door handle and thought Webby had tried to blind me because he was jealous of me for kissing Steph (and had warned me something along the lines of: "If you wake up unable to move, it's because I've made you paralysed whilst you were asleep"). I walked out of our dorm, pulled the door closed behind me without realising it had toothpaste on - walked wearily down the corridor to Steph Hand's dorm, and rubbed my eyes since I was half asleep which transferred toothpaste to the edge of my eye. Walked into their dorm and was asked (by Kayleigh Hodgkinson if memory serves) "are you wearing white mascara?" which when I went to wipe and check what she was on about, I proceeded to smear into my eyeball 😂

  • Hepple ran off over his missing wallet.