Friday, 28 September 2001

The Conversation

In a famous well known London Zoo by an elephant pen.
Inside pen is "Elephant" and outside the pen is "Me".

Elephant: Bored? I am. Every day, all I do is stand around being stared at by a bunch of brainless clowns.

Me: Well, I've been dragged to this boring zoo by my "parents".

Elephant: I have people like you staring at me every day. People who've been made to come to the zoo.

Me: I know it's rubbish!

Elephant: Well thanks! That's my house you're insulting!

Me: Sorry, I never thought of it like that!

Elephant: It doesn't matter. Forget it.

Me: What's it like to be couped up? Eh?

Elephant: Rubbish!

Me: Do you wish you could get out somehow?

Elephant: Obviously!

Me: Sorry but I can't exactly slip you out under my top!

Elephant: Sad life isn't it?

Me: Go over to the gate and I'll unlatch it.

Elephant: No it doesn't matter. See you around!