Wednesday, 13 February 2002

DD #13

How r u?

We're all off school at the moment.

I've bought Music 2000 - classic. Watched 'The Wedding Singer', 'MI:2', and 'The Perfect Storm' today.

Adam Sandler is the best comedian ever.

Fat Matt is a ManWoman.

My mouse (Burglar) that died sometime ago has just had his belongings sold to someone else. He died  on Friday 13th.

Stacey is retarded.

Terry is a moody git.

Dad's sound but is being sad.

Ang is normal - an evil saddo.

Matt is a ManWoman and deserves a kicking.

Apparently in March I should go the hospital. I should have my appointment.

C u soon.

Tuesday, 5 February 2002

DD #12

Today was fucked.

Dave bobbed agen n we ad sum play at skool which I ended up getting sum shit about.

Gaz John told me fuck my mum so I grabbed him n jabbed him in the face. Now apparently half the population of Chell Heath are after me. Kev Davies - Gazes cousin n Gary Rogers n Will Condliffe n every other gay mother fucker in the world. Fuckin gays.

Now I am watchin me back 24-7. But... I don't give a fuck cuz at the moment if ne1 hit me, I'd kill the fucker.

C u l8r.

Sunday, 3 February 2002

DD #11

I sed I cud go through d shit of being finished by Steph and I ave. I don't like Steph nemore (why do I feel like a parrot?) That was a week ago though.

I ave borrowed Driver off CJ n he's borrowed Zelda off me. THPS3 is gettin easier by the minute.

Juventus r 2 gud 4 d Serie A - they just keep winning!!!

Stacey is a tramp. She just borrows CD's as she feels. Fuckin ho.

Went d Faraday Lecture d otha day n got there late. We woz on d coach late n then sum1 potted d window with a brick n cut sum1's face open. We ad wait 4 another coach n d police. Wot a fuckin joke.

I've just been dossin n playin on d PS.

I've got a new best song now. Afroman - Crazy Rap, but DJ Alligator Project is gud 2.

I'm avin Music 2000 next weekend hopefully cuz I ave got enuff money.

Not alot else happening at skool. Closed Miss Chandock cuz it woz none school uniform day n she told me take me jacket off cuz its wear wot u want, not wear ur coat all day too which I replied wot if I want 2 wear my coat? Closed.

I'll c u l8r cuz I'm nackered n conna fink of ne fing else 2 say.