Friday, 12 December 2003

Work Experience #5

Got Furniture Mine at 7:30am and when other employees arrived, loaded up Scooby & lorry and then we went straight out with 2 Deliveries + 9 Collects, me, Griffo, & Geoff again.

After we'd finished we went and dropped off Griffo and went back to the warehouse. We had a brew whilst all the warehouse slackers unloaded Scooby and then we locked up and left at 4:30pm.

All I've disliked is knowing that all the great guys I've been working with, I'll probably not see again. Just when I feel like I'm beginning to get to know them it's the end of the week - I could quite happily work there full time instead of going school - it's been an experience that has changed my perspective on life.

Thursday, 11 December 2003

Work Experience #4

Got Furniture Mine at 7:20am and waited for other employees - not many turned up.

Then we loaded up the Scooby with a big delivery load and the lorry with about 3 loads. The plan was for me, Griffo + Geoff to drop our loadand come back for the other but when we got to the address no-one was there so we returned the items to the loading bay and took out the next delivery - then we did 10 pick-ups, many items were rejected because they were faulty, broken, or had no labels confirming they complied with the 1988 Fire Regulations which resulted in the clients getting angry with us.

Left work at 5:10pm after unloading the vehicles.

Wednesday, 10 December 2003

Work Experience #3

Got Furniture Mine about 7:25am and once again waited for the other employees to arrive.

Then we loaded up the Scooby + 1 lorry (because the other one has gone in for repairs). Then we loaded up the loading bay with furniture to be delivered tomorrow and waited for Mike so we could get the key to a clients flat because we were doing a full installation.

Then me, Griffo & Geoff went out and did the job, and 7 pick-ups. We came back to the warehouse and unloaded ours and me Dad's lorry and put the furniture into main warehouse.

I showed a client around and then I left at 03:50pm

Tuesday, 9 December 2003

Work Experience #2

Got Furniture Mine at 7:20am and waited for other employees to arrive.

Loaded up the 2 lorries & the Scooby Van with deliveries and went with Griffo & Geoff in the Scooby to do 2 deliveries + 7 collections. Then helped to unload all collected furniture into main warehouse.

Left at 4:15pm

Monday, 8 December 2003

Work Experience #1

Got Furniture Mine 7:25am and waited for other employees to arrive.

Loaded up the 2 lorries & the Scooby Van with furniture to be delivered and then helped transfer tomorrow's delivery furniture through to the loading bay. Waited for the lorries and van to return, then helped to unload collected furniture and transport to the main warehouse.

Went out to do some collections with Big Steve, then helped unload the furniture.

Left at 4:00pm