Lads holiday with Dan Heath, Matt Heath, Chris Bostock, Lee Williams, Liam Dann, Sam Sylvester, Lewis Oliver, Ashley Evans, and Louis Lee (Fat-Ed).
- Viagra jelly on the plane
- "Rite O Driver!"
- Sunburned to fuck
- Stokie Gobjobs
- Bald Fat-Ed in a Bikini
- The Wakefield Girls
- The powder fire extinguisher incident
- Dan and the full bottle of absinthe
- The shaving foam on the booze cruise
- "You've got the tits of a 12-year old!"
- Hijacked Jet-Ski's
- Fat-Ed fighting Greek bouncers
- Pod Lanky was Pedo Kennedy 😂
- Timmy caught Bird Flu
Aqualand Park, Corfu
Booze Cruise
Legends Bar
Buzz Bar