Wednesday, 8 March 2000

Script: Cyber Voodoo

Episode One: The Arrival and the Discovery

Cast List
Cyber Voodoo     (alias Kasper Jackson)
Cyber Mortal
Tingle Voice        (Cyber Voodoo's programming. Just a voice)
Civilian X
Civilian Y
Civilian Z
Mugger 1
Mugger 2
Old Lady

Scene One: Forest Clearing

Tingle Voice:    Hello Cyber Voodoo. I am Tingle Voice, your programming. I am here to advise you and to give you information. I will give you advice now. GET OUT OF THIS RIVER BEFORE YOU DIE!

Cyber Voodoo: What!

Tingle Voice: Get up! Now!

Cyber Voodoo: Okay!

(Cyber Voodoo gets out of the river)

Tingle Voice: I was nearly gone then, and so were you! Listen! Get dry and get to safety where your brother won't recognise you!

(Cyber Voodoo walks off stage, and on come three scruffy civilians)

Civilian X: Yo dudes! There are some mega-minted footprints here! You should have a look!

(Standing in front of Civilian Z)

Civilian Y: Ah wicked man! Cool!

Civilian Z: Let us see! Let us see! (Pushes Civilian Y out the way). Ah cool!

Civilian Y: Shift!!!

(Pushes Civilian Z who accidentally slips into the river)

Civilian Z: Ah! I'm drowning!

Civilian X: Come on quick! Pretend we weren't here!

Civilian Y: You can't just leave him here drowning!

Civilian X: Watch me!

(Civilian X runs off the stage)

Civilian Y: I'm not taking the blame!

(Civilian Y runs off stage)

Civilian Z: I can't swim! Help me! Urgh!

(Civilian Z drowns).

Scene Two: A City Street

(A scene of a city street with houses packed together in the road (make sure there is a camera somewhere on the scene))

Tingle Voice: This is the city, home to people and hazards.

Cyber Voodoo: So this is where I stay?

Yes for now.

(Cyber Voodoo walks over to the nearest building)

Cyber Voodoo: By the way Tingle Voice what name shall I go by? I can't exactly go by Cyber Voodoo can I?

Tingle Voice: How about err... Rele Lemetis?

Cyber Voodoo: Sounds too foreign.

Tingle Voice: How about Kasper Jackson?

Cyber Voodoo: Perfect!

(Over the road a taxi pulls up and out steps an Old Lady)

Cyber Voodoo: Yo lass! How you today? Looking beautiful.

Old Lady: You rude man!!!

(On run Mugger 1 and Mugger 2 screaming "Get her handbag!")

Mugger 1: Get the handbag Regg!

Mugger 2: I can't get it off her!

Cyber Voodoo: I'll stop them!

Mugger 2: You can try!

Cyber Voodoo: Here I come!

(Cyber Voodoo runs in front of a car which goes through him)

Tingle Voice: Go save her!

Mugger 1: I'll stop this ponce!

(Cyber Voodoo shoots a bolt from his eyes which kills Mugger 1 and Mugger 2)

Cyber Voodoo: Ha! You can try more like!

Scene Three: CCTV Studio

(Lots of computers and screens etc)

Cyber Mortal: We've got him, move in RFI. Your objective is simple. Immobilise then destroy! If you mess up this then I'll mess up you! Now get 'im you pair of blithering idiots!

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