Friday, 30 November 2012

Monthly Musings: November 2012

An overview of opinions and observations for the month.

01/11/2012 @02:32
All this fuss over the child benefits cuts sounds ridiculous, 'if you have £10k a month before tax then you don't get child benefit'... how will they ever survive on just £250 a day?!

01/11/2012 @13:37
Back in work tomorrow after 2wks off... for 1 day. Then it's the weekend... ;D

01/11/2012 @16:20
Hahahaha this is brilliant! :L

01/11/2012 @18:52
Keep away from those who try to belittle your ambitions. Small people will always do that, but the really great make you believe that you too can become great.

02/11/2012 @18:34
With his daughter in his life there's no hopelessness.../
Just a sense of pride and love on which he focuses.

02/11/2012 @21:08
I just like to smile; smiling's my favourite! :D

02/11/2012 @21:35
Massive home freeweights session commencing... if I can move my arms by the end of the night then I won't be happy! Reps to failure!! :D

03/11/2012 @12:08
Making my Charchar laugh :') ♥

03/11/2012 @12:09
My Godson trying to say "Baby Ilysha" hehe ♥

03/11/2012 @13:43
On my estate, when two lads in hoodies and trackies walk past carrying a 50inch flat screen TV like they just have, you listen closely for the police sirens which I now am haha...

03/11/2012 @16:58
The same four walls become claustrophobic over time.

03/11/2012 @18:16
People change as the time does too.../
Look inside, see I'm just like you.


03/11/2012 @20:52
7 years...
12 albums...
163 tracks.

04/11/2012 @00:14
Denzel Washington. That is all.

04/11/2012 @03:07
PS3 is amazing for fast forwarding the time... 3hrs have just passed in what felt like about 15mins!

04/11/2012 @11:33
Cereal, caffeine and nicotine.

04/11/2012 @17:10
Don't tell people what you're capable of, show them.

04/11/2012 @19:44
Routine Sunday, seen Sheila, Wheels and Charchar for a few hours, and then had David round for a bit... and now it's time for me to wind down ready for gym in the morning... missing my Princess loads at the moment, 5th day without seeing her in a row, I just want to hold my beautiful daughter in my arms again... x

04/11/2012 @23:21
Hate it when you get in bed and it's absolutely feckin freezing!!

05/11/2012 @07:08
At the gym half asleep... [with Terry Scott at Pure Gym]

05/11/2012 @15:34
Is a break option clause in a tenancy agreement a cause for concern when it's opted for by the Landlord, and not the tenant? A little paranoid I'm going to be turfed out my home on short notice after renewing my tenancy if I agree to it! :/

05/11/2012 @18:12
Ain't nothing gonna stop me but a motherfucking flatline.

05/11/2012 @22:52
Keep giving me challenges, I absolutely love turning them into accomplishments! Every obstacle is just another victory waiting to be earned!

06/11/2012 @13:09
If looks could kill, I'd crawl over hot coals just to get a glance at some people...

06/11/2012 @21:24
Hey assholes, read my status.

07/11/2012 @00:00
It's been over a week since I was last allowed to see you Ilysha, but in my heart and thoughts you are with me always. Daddy loves you Princess x

07/11/2012 @07:09
Leaving home to head to Puregym with Terry Scott!!

07/11/2012 @10:21
If you corner a lion and repeatedly poke it with a stick, don't be surprised when you lose a hand.

07/11/2012 @12:56
I'm finally seeing my Princess Ilysha again tonight for the first time since last Tues... :') ♥

07/11/2012 @23:12
All you can do in this world is try your best; if required you change your approach, but never your goals. Nothing is impossible, if you want something enough, you will find a way to get it. Fortitude is a friend.

08/11/2012 @10:03
"I've seen your ways and, I know your plans,
Cause I've been around and I've seen this place before.../
I won't do this anymore.../
If you want war, then you've got war!"

08/11/2012 @17:17
Impossible is a word used by quitters to justify not attempting.

08/11/2012 @20:30
Nothing left to lose, means everything left to gain... ;)

09/11/2012 @10:18
"If tears could build a stairway, and memories a lane.../
I'd walk right up to Heaven, and bring you back again."

10/11/2012 @00:56
I don't fear failure, because to me, it isn't even an option.

10/11/2012 @01:50
"Soldiers! Don't give yourselves to brutes, men who despise you, enslave you; who regiment your lives, tell you what to do, what to think and what to feel! Who drill you, diet you, treat you like cattle, use you as cannon fodder. Don't give yourselves to these unnatural men - machine men with machine minds and machine hearts! You are not machines, you are not cattle, you are men! You have the love of humanity in your hearts!"

10/11/2012 @13:55
I keep thinking I want a cig, but then I remember; it's not that I want one, it's a chemically stimulated dependency in the nicotine receptors in my brain deceiving me into believing I want one. #willpower

10/11/2012 @16:44
"If you can bear to hear the truth you’ve spoken.../
Twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools.../
Or watch the things you gave your life to, broken.../
And stoop and build ’em up with worn-out tools."

♥ [with Dan Heath]

10/11/2012 @19:26
"Scissors cuts paper, paper covers rock, rock crushes lizard, lizard poisons Spock. Spock smashes scissors, scissors decapitates lizard, lizard eats paper, paper disproves Spock, Spock vaporizes rock, and as it always has; rock crushes scissors."

10/11/2012 @19:58
Download mode enabled...
Big Bang Theory S6E01-07
Sons of Anarchy S5E01-09
Walking Dead S3E01-04
Red Dwarf S10E05-06

10/11/2012 @22:59
I have GREAT ambitions in life; for example, one is to have Mila Kunis as Ilysha's stepmum hehe... ;D

11/11/2012 @13:06
Lest we forget... ✿

11/11/2012 @17:54
"I would go out tonight, but I haven't got a stitch to wear..."
Classic :) ♥

11/11/2012 @21:00
I am so rock and roll these days! I haven't had a drop of alcohol in 3 weeks, and I haven't smoked for over a week! Charlie Sheen ain't got nothing on me! ;D

12/11/2012 @14:39
"If an injury has to be done to a man, it should be so severe that his vengeance need not be feared."
[Niccolò Machiavelli - The Prince]

12/11/2012 @22:16
"You may shoot me with your words; you may cut me with your eyes.../
You may kill me with your hatefulness... but still, like air, I'll rise."

Maya Angelou ♥

12/11/2012 @23:49
Talk about a moment of clarity! #epiphany

13/11/2012 @12:38
When I was a young, these streets were my playground.../
It's been 25yrs, believe I've learnt my way round.../
I know these alleys and these fields like my DNA.../
These places and faces have made me who you see today.../
This city boasts all my victories and defeats.../
I've made both magic and history in these streets.../
Walk a mile in my shoes and you'd get blistered feet.../
I run on hot coals, but grew to resist the heat.

13/11/2012 @14:13
"I read the Bible, but I forgot the verses.../
The liquor store is open later than the church is."

Macklemore ♥

13/11/2012 @18:28
Day #9 of non-smoking. Yes, I do really want a cig.

13/11/2012 @22:48
That's the thing with once in a lifetime events, you can't pop back and give it a try at a later date... the moment is unique, and if you miss it, well... let's just hope there is a fucking good reason. #unforgivable

13/11/2012 @23:57
I am exactly who you've made me.

14/11/2012 @08:51
What screws us up the most in life, is the perfect picture in our heads of how it's all supposed to be.

14/11/2012 @17:42
"This time, the loser wins."

14/11/2012 @23:16
"Now I lay you down to sleep.../
I swear to God, you're dead to me."

15/11/2012 @00:57
Spring cleaning at 1am as a result of oversight, and lying companies.

15/11/2012 @10:06
I should be seeing my Princess for the first time in 9 days tomorrow for my allocated 1hr a week.

15/11/2012 @18:39
Every accomplishment begins with the decision to try.

15/11/2012 @19:02
Talent untouchable, none of your trash could hurt it.../
Revenge is best served cold, and I serve it, perfect.


15/11/2012 @23:30
Everything is perfect about being single, except the fact you're alone.

16/11/2012 @00:06
Nice to see there are some decent people about.

16/11/2012 @01:02
It's called empathy, and it's the reason I'm always 3 moves ahead.

16/11/2012 @08:47
I was born ready; failure is not an option.

16/11/2012 @12:51
24 days of no drinking, and 12 days of no smoking.

16/11/2012 @16:13
Potentially the only game I will be paying full price for on/around the release date for in a fucking long time.

16/11/2012 @18:12
Brew with David for an hour, then off to see my Princess Ilysha, and then Pure Gym with Terry... :)

17/11/2012 @02:51
A lion does not concern itself with the opinions of sheep.

17/11/2012 @14:17
"Minor injuries are common and include, but are not limited to: scrapes, bruises, sprains, nausea, and cuts. Serious injuries are less common, but do sometimes occur. They include, but are not limited to: property loss or damage, broken bones, torn ligaments, concussions, exposure, heat-related illness, mental stress or exhaustion, infection, and concussions. Catastrophic injuries are rare; however, we feel that our participants should be aware of the possibility. These injuries can include permanent disabilities, spinal injuries and paralysis, stroke, heart attack, and even death." #toughmudder #liabilitywaiver

18/11/2012 @02:58
Instead of counting down the days to the weekend, or until your next holiday, why not try making yourself the kind of life you don't need to escape from? #focused

18/11/2012 @14:39
31 days since Ilysha was born, 26 days since I had any alcohol, and 14 days since I had a cigarette. #proud

18/11/2012 @18:10
You can sit around dreaming of the things you want from life, or you can get the fuck out your seat and go fucking get them. Less talking, more doing!

18/11/2012 @19:21
The right thing to do, and the hardest thing to do are usually the same thing.

18/11/2012 @23:03
Winners are simply willing to do the things that losers aren't.

19/11/2012 @00:13
What is it with TV shows killing off lead characters?! I thought Ed Stark at the end of S1 of Game of Thrones was bad, but I've seen Lori Grimes die during a caesarean section in Walking Dead recently, and now Opie has just been murdered in Sons of Anarchy! Is this the new craze?!!

19/11/2012 @01:29
The awkward moment when you can't get to sleep, because you are lying there thinking about the fact you can't get asleep too hard.

19/11/2012 @08:40
I'll never find you attractive, that's the reality.../
Cause no cosmetic surgery fixes an ugly personality.

19/11/2012 @09:44
Sickened by this, sometimes it really seems our Government don't give a fuck about us at all. []

19/11/2012 @15:25
A professor stood before his philosophy class and had some items in front of him. When the class began, he wordlessly picked up a very large and empty jar and proceeded to fill it with golf balls. He then asked the students if the jar was full. They agreed that it was. The professor then picked up a box of pebbles and poured them into the jar. He shook the jar lightly. The pebbles rolled into the open areas between the golf balls. He then asked the students again if the jar was full. They agreed it was. The professor next picked up a box of sand and poured it into the jar. Of course, the sand filled up everything else. He asked once more if the jar was full.. The students responded with a unanimous 'yes.' The professor then produced two beers from under the table and poured the entire contents into the jar effectively filling the empty space between the sand.The students laughed. 'Now,' said the professor as the laughter subsided, 'I want you to recognize that this jar represents your life. The golf balls are the important things---your family, your children, your health, your friends and your favorite passions---and if everything else was lost and only they remained, your life would still be full. The pebbles are the other things that matter like your job, your house and your car.. The sand is everything else---the small stuff. 'If you put the sand into the jar first,' he continued, 'there is no room for the pebbles or the golf balls. The same goes for life. If you spend all your time and energy on the small stuff you will never have room for the things that are important to you. Pay attention to the things that are critical to your happiness. Spend time with your children. Spend time with your parents. Visit with grandparents. Take your spouse out to dinner. Play another 18. There will always be time to clean the house and mow the lawn. Take care of the golf balls first - the things that really matter. Set your priorities. The rest is just sand. One of the students raised her hand and inquired what the beer represented. The professor smiled. "I'm glad you asked. The beer just shows you that no matter how full your life may seem, there's always room for a couple of beers with your friends."

19/11/2012 @19:44
I need to shake the idea that a deck of cigs is a reward, or treat.

19/11/2012 @22:21
I could just rate go for a 16" pizza right now - but since I've only been home from the gym for about an hour, I'm going back gym again at 7am tomorrow, and am trying to watch my spending... I better not I suppose.

20/11/2012 @14:22
Wealth is of the heart and mind, not of the pocket.

20/11/2012 @16:03
For those cheeky breaks that we deserve during the working day. []

20/11/2012 @21:38
That's how it's done Juve, 3-0...

21/11/2012 @00:28
I wish I had a pretty girl here in bed with me, I'd cuddle the fuck out of her all night long!!

21/11/2012 @14:31
Black coffee is definitely not my cup of tea.

21/11/2012 @22:28
"Oh what I would give, not to stumble but to really fall in love."

22/11/2012 @09:38
Christmas is so close, I can almost smell the mistletoe I'm not going to be kissed under.

22/11/2012 @12:57
I just had potentially one of the best conversations of my entire life... ;D ♥

22/11/2012 @21:04
Well, football has been cancelled due to a waterlogged pitch, so that's my night opened up for boredom haha.

22/11/2012 @22:54
Playstation Plus is awesome. I still need to complete Just Cause 2, Infamous, Resident Evil 5, and haven't even started playing LBP2, Infamous 2, Warhammer 40k, Bulletstorm or Crysis 2... I won't need to buy any new games for a long time haha.

23/11/2012 @00:39
Are the rumours I'm hearing true, that someone has been stabbed up Harley tonight during the turning on of the Xmas lights??

23/11/2012 @11:32
'They say I'm 'shallow', and yet I spit this 'deep'.../
I only 'vomit tears'... cause I'm that 'sick of grief'.

23/11/2012 @13:01

23/11/2012 @16:21
All smiles and sunshine, seeing my Princess Ilysha tonight! :) ♥

23/11/2012 @22:35
I fucking HATE public transport with a FUCKING passion. #cunts

23/11/2012 @23:09
Mixed kebab & watching The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo... :)

23/11/2012 @23:58
Daddy always cares, Daddy holds none above you.../
No matter what happens, Daddy always loves you.

23/11/2012 @23:59
I fear the sky will fall, the illusion shatters.../
I look at you and I know, nothing else even matters.

24/11/2012 @00:01
Every time I see you Princess, my heart it grows.../
A sense of pride? You give me one of those.

24/11/2012 @00:25
There's a promise that I made, swore it on my own grave.../
That for you I'd make a change and I've stuck by it always.../
I promise, that that promise, won't ever get broken, honest.../
Cross my heart hope to die, if I turn my back on it.../
You deserve it, and I want it, I was nervous when I started.../
But with every scan I attended, success remained my target.../
So I ran until lethargic, I fought like I was the hardest.../
Overcame it all; you never could believe what I've departed.

24/11/2012 @02:14
But you knew best... you knew best.../
When you sacrificed your self respect.

24/11/2012 @02:14
Your boat has left the dock, bitch.../
And it's too late for you to stop this.../
The wheels in motion, you provoked them being obnoxious.../
If you want to shut me out you'll need to find a better locksmith.

24/11/2012 @13:37
Thinking I'm something you could run from?
I'm here to shock your fucking system like a stun-gun.../
All your hard work's coming undone.../
How does it feel being helpless like a young one?

24/11/2012 @18:42
Follow my Art page here: Artistic Youth ♥

24/11/2012 @20:19
We are all saints and sinners; it depends who's eyes we're viewed through.

25/11/2012 @00:13
Sometimes, you just look in the mirror at your reflection and realise that although you are happy with who you've become, you know that there is so much more within you to offer to the world... there is still a piece of the jigsaw missing, and until you locate it, you will never be complete. You can't always identify what the missing piece is, but you just know deep down that there is something you still need to find in this big wide world.

25/11/2012 @02:14
Well now it's time for you to taste loss.../
We're switching roles like Troy and Archer in Face Off.../
Wasted your money and your time like a fake watch.../
I'm done with wasting mine - it's time your fun and games stop.

25/11/2012 @14:00
"But we all gotta change our life up.../
Wise up, now I've got a girl to die for."

25/11/2012 @14:08
I've made a lot of mistakes down the paths that I chose; too often I picked the wrong road to walk, and littered my history with sour memories and battle scars. I voluntarily let myself be led to Hell before I realised the destruction I was causing, the pain and the hurt, for which I'll forever carry the weight of guilt and shame on these tired shoulders. But when I look into your beautiful eyes and see so much innocence, perfection and potential, I know the only way I will ever forgive myself is to do right by you... to move mountains, to make you proud, to be the Daddy that you deserve. I love you Ilysha Jade, there is nothing else in this world I can be proud of, nothing else I have achieved in my history that even compares to the feelings I experience just being in your presence. I know that I'm far from perfect, but all I ever want is to make you proud and to raise you into a strong young lady. This world can be a dark and scary place, but don't worry Princess, I will be there every step of the way to protect you and keep you safe. You are my world, and I promise I will never fail you. I love you Ilysha, my beautiful daughter... ♥

25/11/2012 @19:33
Loving this, Charlotte Rundle's voice is beautiful... ♥

25/11/2012 @19:36
Big tune! @MK1! ♥

25/11/2012 @19:42
I think I just fell in love with Charlotte Rundle... adorable! :')

25/11/2012 @19:47
And on a lonely night when it gets cold,
Maybe you'll miss me then?
And you'll remember feelings we once had,
Way back when.

25/11/2012 @21:33
I know this feeling all too well given the last 12 months... crazy how much time can change people just as much as the seasons can change the weather x

25/11/2012 @21:33

25/11/2012 @22:55
The sweetest revenge is achieving whatever people tell you that you cannot.

26/11/2012 @00:24
Just watched Lawless and highly recommended for anyone who hasn't seen it.

26/11/2012 @01:02
Hey brain, how about you stop thinking so hard and let me get some fricking sleep?! I'm up for the gym in less than 6hrs!!

26/11/2012 @09:19
Just smashed up loads of weights at Pure Gym with Terry, and now I'm sat at work with a strong coffee, and a long day ahead haha!

26/11/2012 @12:54
Bacon Supernoodle sandwiches for lunch, thanks Sheila and Wheels hahaha :) x

26/11/2012 @15:30
They will tell you that you can't; you must show them that you can.

26/11/2012 @16:46
The shit is about to hit the proverbial fan...

27/11/2012 @00:05
Lovely catch up with a beautiful lady :)
[with Leigh Leigh]

27/11/2012 @09:22
"No matter where I am, no matter what I do.../
I'm always coming back home to you."

Daddy loves you Ilysha ♥

27/11/2012 @11:53
Hmmm, didn't see that coming... that being said, I predict a riot.

27/11/2012 @19:03
Tonight's gym session has been postponed until 7am tomorrow, so my plans are now... ermmm...

27/11/2012 @20:28
Designing a tattoo to commemorate my daughter, Ilysha... ♥

27/11/2012 @00:45
Lying in bed fighting myself to sleep, again! Gym at 7am but my brain isn't bothered if my body is tired...

28/11/2012 @12:05
Seeing my Princess tonight, I wonder if things will go as smoothly now the Mother knows I've initiated legal proceedings against her? #doubtful

28/11/2012 @15:15
The 'hard done to, woe is me, tiny violins please, attention needing, sympathy seeking, only a cunt behind closed doors routine' got boring a long time ago. #yawn

28/11/2012 @19:00
1hr until I see my daughter, Daddy loves you Ilysha... :) ♥

28/11/2012 @19:03
'With his daughter in his life there's no hopelessness.../ Just a sense of pride and love on which he focuses.' ♥

28/11/2012 @19:05

28/11/2012 @21:14
3 steps ahead every time ;) - thanks for the 7 min audio recording of insults, threats and abuse, see you in court... :)

29/11/2012 @00:55
Bittersweet. I love you my Princess Ilysha ♥

29/11/2012 @10:02
Mediation assessment meeting today, hopefully the ex will continue her stupidity and not bother showing for her own appointment... then I get my FM1 form and official court proceedings begin... :)

29/11/2012 @14:21
When a "legally impartial" mediator agrees, off the record of course, that your ex is obstructive and unreasonable, the unmovable smile you wear thereafter is justified! :D ♥

29/11/2012 @21:45
Saving a stranger two's on your last cig cause you're a top boi.

30/11/2012 @00:09
Smile for the memories... :)

30/11/2012 @09:21
Nicotine and caffeine, my best friends in the morning... :)

30/11/2012 @13:02
It's definitely hot soup weather! :)

30/11/2012 @23:55
When you waste your time and energy being two faced, it says more about you, than those you seek to screw over. #growthefuckup

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