An overview of opinions and observations for the month.
01/10/2013 @01:42
Dear Ben, I know you're warm, comfortable and
pretty much asleep, but I don't care. Fuck you, that's why. Get out of bed and
go the toilet, lots of love, your bladder xoxo
01/10/2013 @18:15
"No time for mistakes, I gotta choose my faith.../
I gotta swallow my
pride, but never lose the taste."
01/10/2013 @18:50
A purpose is what we all seek the most, but what
we find the least.
01/10/2013 @21:50
This I believe, is perhaps the epitome of
contrasting entertainment.
02/10/2013 @00:03
Happy Birthday to the best big brother I could
ever hope for. Love you Terry Scott x
02/10/2013 @00:51
Really looking forward to seeing my lil'
handsome sonshine tomorrow :') ♥
02/10/2013 @09:46
I love buses, especially when they don't turn up
or come really late. It makes me so happy when they make me late for work, or
make me miss important appointments. I'm feel so damn lucky that we have such
a fantastic bus service in Stoke-on-Trent who literally couldn't care less
about how shit their service is, or about how often they let people down. Give
yourselves a pat on the back First Potteries, if you're aiming to be the
definition of wank, you're doing a superb job of it.
02/10/2013 @18:20
"How long will mockers delight in mockery and fools hate knowledge? If you
had responded to my rebuke, I would have poured out my heart to you and made
my thoughts known to you. But since you rejected me when I called and no one
gave heed when I stretched out my hand, since you ignored all my advice and
would not accept my rebuke, I in turn will laugh at your disaster; I will
mock when calamity overtakes you- when calamity overtakes you like a storm,
when disaster sweeps over you like a whirlwind, when distress and trouble
overwhelm you. You will eat the fruit of your ways and be filled with the
fruit of your schemes. For the waywardness of the simple will kill them, and
the complacency of fools will destroy them." - [Proverbs 1:22]
02/10/2013 @21:01
Had a lovely time with my wonderful 'Son, and
now I'm going watch Sons of Anarchy with a curry lovingly prepared by my other
Mother hehe
[with Dawn Wheels Owen and Sheila Scott]
02/10/2013 @21:47
I wish I could absorb all of your worries and pain.../
And smother
them inside me like an oxygen starved flame.
02/10/2013 @22:40
"There's Hell to pay but the Devil don't take cheques.../
I tried to
send a message to God - his phone don't take texts."
02/10/2013 @23:56
If only doing it, was as simple as wishing it,
writing it, and thinking it.
03/10/2013 @01:25
A hot bath, then starfishing listening to the
calming soundtrack of rain against the window pane... it really is the simple
[feeling content]
03/10/2013 @13:31
I've decided I need to start eating properly
again, what were once my most "fitted" work trousers are now hanging off me,
and none of my belts have a setting small enough to hold them up. This is
merely an observation, not me boasting about how much weight I've lost.
03/10/2013 @19:06
"I see too many young women craving affection.../
Degrading themselves
for a male's attention."
03/10/2013 @20:26
I'm designing the canvas that my mind paints.../
My eyes are cameras,
anxious on a blind date.../
In awe at the beauty of this Matrix.../
see the waterfalls of code as I embrace it.
03/10/2013 @20:47
[feeling apathetic]
03/10/2013 @20:52
"If your head's just an empty box.../
If your heart has become spare
Deep down, we all just want to be somebodies everything.
Birthday shopping for my Princess
[feeling excited at Toys 'R' Us]
"The world is ruled by money, and money is the root of all evil.../
Polluting our people, nobody's equal.../
Money is lethal don't let it lead you, or it'll bleed you.../
And take your life from underneath you."
Really recommend The Internship, as more than just a funny and feel good film, it's packed with subliminal messages woven into the fabric of the plot, the simple things we commonly overlook in modern society. It isn't difficult to be nice to people, to be kind, to reach out to those less fortunate than ourselves, to love each other and accept each other. All to often we forget to be human, to appreciate the finer things in life - and even worse, we forget to be positive, to have belief and faith in ourselves, and in the people around us. The world is such a beautiful and happy place, it's just that sometimes we need to take a step back to realise it.
[feeling appreciative]
Less entertaining, but likely more productive than your Friday night.
[feeling focused at Asda Tunstall]
The fear of another person raising your child will make you a better parent than you ever expected. The natural response is to compete, you go above and beyond to be the epitome of the perfect parent, and you refuse to lose a fight involving your child. You don't get complacent, you don't take anything for granted, you focus clearly with solid determination on victory. And you will not settle for anything less So looking forward to seeing my lil' Princess tomorrow, and the next day! Double whammy Daddy day care! ♥
[feeling excited]
Off to bed so tomorrow comes quicker!
[feeling blessed]
Wake up music, no doubt!
Two weeks has felt like a lifetime, I just wanna see, hold, cuddle, kiss, chat with, play with, bond with, be with my Princess! I've missed her beautiful face, those two gorgeous eyes, that cheeky little toothy grin, those chunky little arms and legs, the smell of her soft hair, the feel of her soft baby skin, the sound of her laughter, the cute way she babbles these days, the way she makes me feel invincible like nothing in the world could ever bring me down! Roll on 10am!
[feeling impatient]
I feel so close to you right now!"
:') ♥
"We're drinking gin till we pass out and fall on the floor.../
Is that your bitch, cause she told me she ready to go!"
[listening to Limp Bizkit]
I have disposable income, invites to go partying and an open night ahead of me. I also have two amazing children, priorities and the experience and common sense to not overlook the outcome of the scenario referenced in the first sentence of this status. #bennyputthekettleon
Encourage everyone to take note of this, and the points raised. It's aimed at "20 year olds" but relevant to a wider demographic. I read this a while ago and strive to implement much of it these days x
"Every second counts and if more time is spent pretending to be the person you want to be instead of becoming them, then you’ll sink in quick sand without even knowing it."
I can't even lie, I've had more fun just bantering on here tonight than I ever expected.
[feeling bewildered]
Haha, proper brings back good memories of me & JB on a mad one!
[Evila - No Gravity]
Off to bed so that I'm fresh tomorrow to spend the afternoon with both my Princess & my Soldier! Love you more than I could ever find the words to explain Ilysha&Charchar! ♥
[feeling lucky]
What glorious weather! Just woke up, and I'm feeling goooooood already!
[feeling fresh]
Really looking forward to LB's next album! Cause this is pretty fucking dope! New alarm tone, waking up to this is full of win!
Had a lovely day with my wonderful children, nothing makes me feel more alive than just being with them ♥ - gutted that Charchar didn't feel very well, and heartbroken as ever that they've both had to go back home now, but a lovely day nonetheless :') - perfect weekend, haven't had a single beer, just spent irreplaceable time with irreplaceable family ♥
[feeling blessed]
Love revenge films, and ain't seen this bad boy quite some time...
[watching Shooter]
The article that has kept me focused on what is important, what is at stake, and the beautiful reality of what being a parent entailed the entire duration of my daughters life ♥
"Men are born to protect. Regardless of whether it has gone out of fashion in today’s society, deep in the heart of every man is a desire to protect his loved ones. To make sure that they feel safe when you’re around, like the calming presence of a strong lion protecting the rest of the pride. Though I'm sure that this instinct is there with boys as well, the strong conviction I have to protect my daughter is greater than nearly anything I've felt in my life. It isn't a feeling that has to be worked up, it’s just there, like cement, daring someone to move it. Taking on the protector role means carrying yourself a bit differently. Rather than wandering aimlessly down any dark alley, I now am more aware of my surroundings and where I am taking my baby. I also find myself a bit less sympathetic when other people’s reckless actions invade my daughter’s life."
Off to bed wearing a smile that looks too big for my face, after what has been quite possibly the best weekend of my entire life... ♥
Ahhh, gotta love a Monday morning lie in!
[feeling relaxed]
[feeling fresh]
[feeling carefree]
I anticipate stupid comments, so I'll be proactive and tell the haters to shush their noise. I just wanted to say, since having a child my life has changed so much - I haven't had sex since before she was born, taken drugs since before she was born, or had an interest in getting really drunk since before she was born. I'm not trying to come across as some kind of saint, I'm aware I still have many flaws - I guess what I'm trying to say is, that having a daughter has completely changed my outlook on life. It makes me consider the outcome of everything I do, it makes me aware of my character, and how my behaviour affects those around me. I honestly think that the Court process has made me a better person too, as crazy as it seems in hindsight. I value and appreciate all the small things in my life, I don't take simple things for granted, and it taught me a lot about myself and about how I handle pressure and obstacles. These days I barely recognise the person I used to be, and I am grateful for that fact. Given the choice of the two, I'd choose my current lifestyle any day of the week. Having my Godson and my daughter in my life has really given me clarity on what matters - and it's not the things I used to think did.
[feeling grateful]
Spot on, Ricky.
I truly believe that the only meaning of life is finding true happiness, in whichever form that may be. We are born, we live, we die. It's a bitter pill to swallow, but the reality is that most of us will never make a huge impact on the world as a whole - however, we all have the potential to find happiness, and that is contagious for those around us. Surround yourself with positive people, find the rainbow in every storm cloud, and remember that when you die, none of this will really matter anyway. Just be happy, and enjoy what little time we have.
[feeling complete]
:') ♥
This song ALWAYS makes my Princess smile :') ♥
:') ♥
This is one of the first ever videos I have of me with my Princess, recorded secretly at the Contact Centre when I wasn't allowed to have her on my own unsupervised (or allowed to take photos/record videos ha!) - as you can tell, I struggled to bond with her and didn't interact (well, according to my ex who had no idea I filmed etc) - I'm just so grateful and so happy that I can now take photos/vids whenever I like and spend quality time with my little girl. I'm blown away by how quickly she is growing too! This video was only recorded at the very end of June, so about 3 months ago!! :') ♥
Hehe :') x
We all do this with our kids! :') ♥
I haven't been able to upload videos for over a year as a result of "copyright infringement" because I uploaded videos with copyrighted background music in the past - better believe I'm making up for lost time! haha
The very first time I got my Godson to come into the sea, when he was afraid of water before :') ♥
Gosh now, it's "oh my gosh" not "God" hehe :P x
Rough housing is good for kids haha x
My sofa is the best toy in the world - it makes the best dens, tunnels, caves, walls, houses etc! :D x
Big sofa cushions make the best obstacles & defences! :') x
Very adaptable and easy to make dens from! Love my sofa haha x
My Godson when he saw a photo of my daughter Ilysha :') ♥
It's the simple things ♥
Self-explanatory! Kids and cardboard boxes, why don't we find them as entertaining?! haha x
Charlie's "Harry Potter" impression goes awry! Too cute! haha :') ♥
Another alternative to sofa cushions! x
:D x
My makeshift prison for Robin! Yes, I'm the Joker ;D x
My lil' man loves just walking up and down high walls haha :) x
I love how thinking back, I can remember exactly who introduced me to most of my favourite music artists... Eminem (Mark Goodwin), Limp Bizkit (David Webb), Frank Turner, Jamie T & Hadouken! (Chris Bostock), Radical Face (Christopher Downs), Bliss N Eso, Scribe & 360 (Streamlyne), Akala (Richard Stanway)... and that's just a handful haha...
Imagination is the pioneer of entertainment :) x
Me and my Charlie ventured into the Maize Maze at Wheelock Hall Farm recently. My lil' man was a little wary at first, mainly worried we wouldn't ever be able find our way out if we went in but I reassured him that I knew the way (which I didn't, but I knew we'd get out eventually). We were in there a good 10 minutes, I had him on my shoulders to begin with, the height calmed him down because he could see over the top a little bit so wasn't as claustrophobic... I found him some sweetcorn from one of the plants, and once he was a bit less panicked he asked to walk himself and he wielded his sweetcorn like a little sword as we fought our way off the beaten tracks through the maize stalks hehe :') x
[at Wheelock Hall Farm]
I bet you don't even realise how much you waste the money that you work hard to earn. It seems to be that most people go to work, doing a job they hate, and then take the money they earn and spend it on crap they don't really want or need just for the sake of spending it because it's there burning a hole in their pocket. Basically, they work jobs they hate just so they can buy crap they don't want. Go figure.
"I want you to doubt me, I don't want you to believe!/
Cause this is something that I must use to succeed!"
[watching Homeland]
09/10/2013 @09:07
"As life unravels... my mind's what fights my battles.../
I rhyme
like lightening travels; think fast, how'd you like them apples?!"
09/10/2013 @18:16
Please be aware, contrary to popular belief
constantly checking the time and sighing does not make the bus come quicker.
09/10/2013 @20:52
Second chances with me are like Master
Balls... you will only get one, so don't waste it. #Pokemon
09/10/2013 @21:52
"This might turn and wind up just the way we dreamed.../
And I might
become the things I swore I'd always be."
I wouldn't say my tastes have changed much, but Radical Face's latest offering is quite possibly my most anticipated upcoming album release. Beautiful, emotional, haunting music.
[with Christopher Downs]
Powercut. Either that or Revolution isn't a fictional based tv series.
Curled up in my pj's again, munching cheese oatcakes and walnut cake, with a coffee and a ciggie. #simplethings
[watching Homeland]
Time for another moment of brutal honesty. I really hate being single at times, but I hate the thought of being with the wrong person a lot more. It isn't just about me any more, I need to find a partner who would understand the importance of my children to me, and also present a positive role model for them. I don't do short term relationships, if I don't believe we'd be together for a long time, then I don't see any logic in even making a go of it whatsoever. I fall hard and fast, and I daresay I've learned the error of my ways on that one. My past experiences have damaged me a lot too, even more than I care to admit. The damage is carved deep below the surface, especially where trust is concerned - I think in reality, my main trust issues are with myself... I don't trust my judgement any more... and I definitely don't trust that I have enough to offer a partner.
[feeling challenged]
The attitude and opinions of some single Mothers really angers me! If you are a Mother to a child and have cut their Father out of their life with no legitimate reason, then you disgust me!! Reading comments where single Mothers are finding some sick amusement in torturing the Father of their children by preventing access, smugly moving halfway across the country knowing it will damage the bond, or intentionally sabotaging the relationship the Fathers have with their children makes me physically shake with anger! Seriously, I get that some Fathers are absolute cunts who deserve everything they get, but I can tell from some of the things I read that isn't always the case - and after going through it all myself, I feel sick about some of the poor excuses for parents out there! Your children should always come first, not scoring some stupid fucking points over your ex by using your children as weapons and damaging their emotional stability! Some people really need give their fucking heads a wobble and see the bigger picture!!!
[feeling pissed off!]
I'm a hurricane - my impact is felt.
It's Friday, it's dress down, and I'm only working half a day... BOOST!
Vegging it is.
[watching Homeland]
So far today since finishing work at 1 this afternoon, all I've done is watch 7 episodes of Homeland.
We are not recovering, times get harder.../
Even more so as a Mother or Father.../
Knowing that your child's growing up in this drama.../
Safe to admit that I've given up on karma.
My how Friday nights have changed... #hotbath
Bed ready for seeing my perfect little Princess tomorrow for the last time before her first birthday! It seems to have gone so quickly, even despite Court etc!
[feeling overwhelmed]
Global "warming"? You must be having a laugh!
[feeling freezing]
10 minutes and my Princess will be back in my arms, back where she belongs ♥
**aazwasz ijjmn hjmn hjmn bnkk,jmghm
Sad Dad o'clock. See you next week Princess Ilysha, I love you x x x
N'awww my lil' Sonshine is growing up! So proud of his writing ability! :) x
[with Terry Scott, Stace Lewis, Matthew Morris, Dawn Wheels Owen, Sheila Scott, Chris Scott and Nora Scott]
My lil' girl is a very curious Princess, she loves just crawling around my house and examining every thing she finds along the way! :D ♥ x
Once upon a time, I had a very bad drug addiction. The lifestyle I embraced lost me a lot of friends, pushed away my family, and almost cost me everything. When times got really dark, very few people actually cared enough to stick by me and help me through it - I am eternally grateful to those who did. I kerbed the lifestyle as my daughter was conceived; I changed everything that I could to be the best Father I can, the very essence of myself. I smashed the foundations to rubble and dust, and rebuilt myself on solid ground. My daughter alone gave me the clarity and willpower to quit the drugs, to change my lifestyle, and to get my life back on track. Tomorrow will mark my first full year completely drug free since 2008. To people who have never taken drugs that will seem like nothing - but to those who do take drugs/have taken drugs/have suffered from addiction, they will appreciate the strength and integrity that it's taken to come this far... especially those who know how bad I really was when I was the furthest off the rails. I could have slipped and relapsed at any time, I could have fallen back off the rails in an instant - more so since winning Court in August, as that took away the prospect of drugs tests, meaning I had nothing to lose besides my self respect if I did relapse. I already suspect that some people think they know the full story, but chances are they don't. Few people actually do. I am proud of the progress I have made, and this is still just the beginning of me becoming the man that I am supposed to be.
[feeling proud]
Free drinks? Aaah go on then!
[feeling wonderful at Chicago Rock]
What a miserable day! Looking forward to my Sonshine coming to brighten it up! :)
My lil' Sonshine is getting good with his writing, he can even write his own name! :) - proud as punch with him! :') (even if his "a" does look a bit like a tadpole/sperm haha) ♥
My Sonshine took a liking to my daughters travel cot, so he decided he was climbing in for a nap haha :) x
My Godson reading my comics and getting excitable haha x
So, we're sat playing with Playdough, when suddenly and unexpectedly my Sonshine decides to start doing this! The adorable lil' weirdo! haha x
I regret nothing, my past is the story of who I am today. And who I am today is someone who smiles back at his reflection.
[feeling content]
But as for me, I'm the simple kind, I'll live and die in this town."
If life is a monopoly, it's like I've won the lottery.
[feeling creative]
[with Sammie Scott]
and wish the words that I say could extinguish.../
The fear in your tears as you try to forgive this,
heartbreak you've been forced now to live with.
This guy is such an inspiration, so committed and dedicated to his fitness goals! #mancrush
Coffee, ciggie, cereal & tv.
[feeling fresh]
Me showing my lil man how to develop his exercise routines haha :') x
[with Dawn Wheels Owen and Sheila Scott]
My lil' man loves crashing cars, just straight up smashing them into each other in head on collisions... I'm 50% amused, and 50% concerned! :P x
[with Dawn Wheels Owen and Sheila Scott]
Looking forward to actually spending some quality time with my big brother tonight, it's definitely overdue!
[feeling gold]
The voice over on this is intense... so inspirational! ♥
[with Christopher Downs]
People need to realise that emotions are contagious, if you surround yourself with negativity, people who complain, pessimists, defeatists, then they will bring you down. You constantly see the drama, the problems, the worries, and they rub off on you. But if you surround yourself with positive people, the optimists, the happy people who see the best in every situation, the silver lining in each cloud, then you will feel better. If you expose yourself to the beauty of the world, you will grow to see the beauty in yourself. We all have problems, we all have darkness we must overcome, and the easiest way to do that is to find the light in the people around you. Emotions are contagious, find the people who help to make you a better person. I cut off all the negativity, and I evolved into something bigger, stronger and better. When the weight of the world presses down on your shoulders, you have to believe you can lift it. When life places obstacles into your path, you have to believe you can overcome them. When everything seems dark, you have to believe you can bring the light out of yourself. You are greater than you could ever believe, I want you to show me.
[feeling unbreakable]
Back from the gym, and it's Walking Dead time!
[with Terry Scott]
I love your imperfections, because they reassure me about my own. After all, if I can love somebody imperfect, perhaps somebody could love me too?
It's my little Princess' 1st Birthday on the 18/10/13, this is a video of her growth from conception all the way to the beautiful little girl she is today ♥ - Daddy loves you Ilysha, you complete me like nothing I've ever known, you are perfect in every way :') x ♥
[feeling wonderful]
So, an engineer didn't listen properly when I reported a hardware fault this morning, and he's driven all the way from Milton Keynes with the wrong replacement part. Good work there pal, I recommend getting your ears syringed on your way back home.
We settle for the love that we believe we deserve. So many people stay in unhappy and unhealthy relationships, simply because they believe it's all they deserve. When you're single for an extended period of time, you start to notice patterns in other peoples relationships. You learn that love isn't easy, and only those who shelter and protect it ever truly appreciate it and reap the benefits. If you want to have a decent relationship, don't rush into it, don't get dependent on the security or you'll end up stick in a rut, and don't take each other for granted. Most of all, don't involve other people. If I've learned one thing from being single, it's that it's better staying alone, than settling for the wrong person.
If there is one single definitive thing that proves that I'm different than most guys, it's the fact that I really don't understand the whole obsession with football...
I write you poems and letters so that when I'm gone, you can still know my thoughts and lessons. I write you songs so that when I'm no longer here, you can still find comfort in my voice, and hear all the things I want to tell you. I draw you pictures so that when I'm not around, you can still see the beauty of the world the way that I do through eyes that appreciate. I take photographs and videos so that when I am no more, your memories of us can still be shown to the world, and so that you never forget the precious moments that we share. I live my life for you, and even after my death, I will still remain in this world for you through these gifts that I make for you. I love you with all my heart, all my soul, and everything that I am. You complete me, wholly and unconditionally. Forever the two jigsaw pieces that make me a man that I only pray you are proud to call your Daddy. I love you Charlie and Ilysha, and nothing will ever change that. Thank you for all the magic you give to me. You are my world, and everything in it worth having. I love you both, like nothing I've ever known before. ♥
Hahaha siiiick!
[with Christopher Downs]
And fight for what's mine with physical force."
[feeling amused]
You reap what you sow, and karma can be a bitch, so be careful what bridges you burn, because sometimes you might want to walk back across them in the future. In short, don't treat somebody like a cunt, and then expect them to do you a favour a few months down the line.
[feeling remorseless]
I'm calm in the knowledge now that everything is different.../
No more wishing for a change, cause the change has been made,
I can feel it in my veins, I am here and I'm staying.
[feeling home]
"The mind is a labyrinth, ladies and gentlemen. A puzzle. And while the paths of the brain are clearly visible, its ways deceptively patterned, its destinations are unknown, its secrets still secrets. And, if we are honest, it is the lure of the labyrinth that draws us to our chosen field, to unlock those secrets. Others have been here before us and have left us signs, but we, as explorers of the mind, must devote our lives and energies to going further, to tread the unexplored corridors in the hope of finding ultimately... the final solution. We have to see, we have to know."
A year ago today, my life was changed forever when my beautiful daughter Ilysha Jade was born. It's not been an easy first year being a parent, but there isn't a single day that passes that I aren't eternally grateful to have such a perfect child to call my own. Ilysha, you amaze me and make me feel so proud just seeing you grow. It breaks my heart that I can't see you today, but when I see you Sunday, you can have lots more presents and my undivided attention. Daddy hopes you have the best day ever Princess Ilysha, because you are the best thing in my life. Happy Birthday! I love you and miss you, all my love Daddy x x x x x x x
Creativity is more important than knowledge, because the latter has limitations.
[with Christopher Downs]
[watching The Hurt Locker]
Must be something in the air... a lot of girls legs by the look of things.
Ahhh, a steady 11hrs kip.
[feeling fresh]
Waiting for my lil' man to come out play! :P x x x
I used to be about that slow flow.../
Then I learned that people like it when you step it up so.../
Here we go, let me take a breath then we'll get into this.../
I'ma show you I can still have speed and be a lyricist...
[feeling creative]
Picture this, Canon fodder with a sicker Nikon twist.../
Bi-Polaroid mentality - Silver Linings, Limitless.../
Rubiks personality - six sides to this sickness kid.
[feeling wonderful]
Lol at my ex calling me "pathetic" because Ilysha fell asleep before I got her home. Apparently being a good parent includes forcing an exhausted child to stay awake just so it doesn't inconvenience the other parent.
[feeling amused]
Anybody free tonight and fancy coming for a couple jars somewhere? Inbox me.
Hahahahaha! Actually LOL'ing like a retard!
Hahaha! I LOVE that at 0:22 the delivery guys thinks "fuck this" and gets involved hahaha! epic!
[feeling incomplete]
Live today, because tomorrow isn't promised. I need to realise this myself.
"I wonder if I disappeared how many men would miss me?/
Or would they all forget like I erased my name from history?"
And I know it for what it is.../
But it beats the alternatives.../
So I'll take the lie.../
I still miss you."
"The marks show that I've lived, it's like one for every heartache.../
Get the picture, I'm a walking canvas that the scars paint.../
And it's my story, every single letter and word is felt.../
I take the power back, they can't hurt me more than I've hurt myself."
7C534D51 #trandwagon
Expectations falter to worse things.
Close the curtains please for major surgery,
I'll dissect all of your lies beyond uncertainty.
Took my financial support like it's a bursary, not university,
but still gave me the third degree.
Then tried to force me out your life with utter urgency,
anyone would think it was a damn emergency.
You called me a liar with no evidence so nervously,
then came to Court and personally committed perjury?
So ironically hypocritical, it's absurd to me,
claim to be a "full time mother"? Our daughter goes to nursery?
At last I'm going on the birth certificate deservedly,
and I know it really hurts you deep internally.
See you don't deserve to breathe for all the hurt and grief.
But now I smile because you've fucked yourself so perfectly.
Standard Friday night, home from work, cleaned and prepared to see my Princess tomorrow, and now catching up on the weeks TV viewing... #simples
Seriously considering taking up Digital Matte Painting as a hobby/freelance venture! Amazed, mesmerised and inspired by some of the existing work I've seen since I began looking into it a few days ago!!
Well would you just look at that!!? It's only bloody Saturday again!! With a smile on my face and a spring in my step, I'm getting ready to see my Princess once more!!
[feeling amazing]
Two rules you should all live by to have a happier life. First, stop caring about what other people think - actually start living how you want without worrying about being judged by others. And secondly, stop making all the effort with people who can't be arsed to reciprocate - friendships and relationships require mutual commitment, you can't make either of them work by yourself. I've been following these two rules for a while now, and I'm much happier than I used to be!
[feeling carefree]
Just passed the halfway point... 39/77
[playing BioShock]
"I thought, you are having a laugh. I've been walking about for hours to save you, now you can keep me up all night? No wonder they got shut of it. The goat with tourettes... meurghhhh." - actually crying hahahaha
"STOP CALLING ME, CAUSE I DON'T WANT ME PPI! Alright? Got me mates here, I think they want their PPI back, why don't you ask them?! Why don't you ask them if they want their PPI back!!? AY?!" - hahaha I would actually marry Karl Pilkington!!
People who ask questions, then don't even listen to the answer. And sometimes if you're really lucky, you even catch them asking the same question to somebody else later on. #PetHate
Bitch you just need a helmet because if you think you're special - you're retarded."
Own a collection of maps and followed my kids to the edge of the atlas.../
Someone ever moved them from me? Then you could bet your ass's.../
If I had to come down the chimney dressed as Santa and kidnap them."
Fuck, this actually put a proper lump in my throat. So emotionally deep and honest.
Sequels to films should begin the same as TV shows; "Previously on..."
I wish you'd take a minute to listen, 'cause you hurt me and I wish you didn't. Wish it was different, wish I felt indifferent, wish I wasn't wishing for a new opinion. Sitting thinking, seeking deep to find some inner peace or wisdom. Fact is I'm still spinning, still trying to fix the broken pieces from the hurricane you ushered in, and you split before the storm had finished destroying the picture perfect image we created in the minute that we locked pasts - lost laughs we left at the crossroads of crossed paths. The clocks stopped in my life, seems it only made your watch faster? I'm chasing out of breath, guess I can't catch ya', or even match the pace you've mastered. You're on the next chapter, and I hope the grass is greener than the last pasture, but I still can't grasp the fact, either way my hearts shattered. You were out my grasp faster than my eyes could even see the fractures.
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