An overview of opinions and observations for the month.
14/04/2014Best Game of Thrones EVER!! Hahahaha! YES!
19/04/2014 @18:47
A video of my lil' sweetheart singing hehe :') x x x *side note* Ironically my ex is claiming that last week whilst under my care, Ilysha burnt the inside of her mouth on food that was too hot, to the extent that she hasn't been sleeping, constantly crying in pain and has been off nursery for 4 days as a result... (subsequently I'm a negligent parent apparently) - this video was recorded 8 minutes before leaving my house to take her home (and is time and date stamped) which was after she'd eaten her tea etc and was perfectly fine (clearly)... is it just me or does the story not add up?? :S *confused*
Limited time only offer, pints of "just fuck off and die" are going cheap. In fact, I'll actually even serve some people for free.
19/04/2014 @21:28
Took my lil' sweetpea down the park and before the video she was loving the swings, then during the video, she was more interested in the passing pigeon! LOL - bloody kids eh! ;) x x x
19/04/2014 @21:46
Be careful what bridges you burn, you never know if you'll need to walk back across them in the distant future.
21/04/2014 @22:55
Such a hauntingly beautiful piece of music, it truly evokes feelings of loss, pain, suffering, despair and mourning, whilst subtly inspiring strength and belief, hope and motivation. It's the sort of music I could imagine a motivational speech over, an Eric Thomas monologue or something to that effect.
I abstain from detailing spoilers, however the Bioshock Infinite ending is forcing me to turn my brain inside out, and causing my logical thinking to fold in on itself, whereby confusion inherently ensues. The subject of multiverse philosophical theory combined and intertwined with the Grandfather Paradox is complex ground to traverse, and I currently lack the capacity to consume and digest the required train of thought!
[with Christopher Downs]
One of Ilysha's latest self amusement techniques - the dreaded "spinning until I'm dizzy" trick! I'm such a uber paranoia freak about her bashing her beautiful face up, so I'm there werriting away whilst she is absolutely loving it! The pretty little fruit loop that she is! Keep watching at the end for another of her latest tricks, one she often tries to exploit if Daddy isn't paying attention... the good old "putting things in stuff that they shouldn't go in" haha :') x
My lil' giggleface absolutely loves when I chase her, she loves being on her feet and running about like an off balance, distracted lunatic! It's adorable hearing her excitable shrieks as she legs it away from me, and then her chuckles and giggles when I catch her and cuddle her and tickle her hehe! Again, I'm very vocally paranoid about her lack of attention to where she's going - panicking about her running into the radiator or the like! x
This made me laugh earlier, me munchkin hasn't quite grasped the concept of a fork, she understands it's used to put food in your mouth, but not that it's purpose is to eliminate the need to use your fingers whatsoever! Hehe :') x
Again me lil sweetpea shows her amazing talent for being distracted hehe, think she get's it from her Daddy - I've heard he's observant and always paying attention to the world as it passes him by too. She's there on a roundabout, and just watching a doggy running around the adjacent fields hehe x
The video isn't the best, namely because it's difficult balancing a young child stable on a see saw, whilst filming and bouncing said see-saw! But yeah, this is Ilysha on a see-saw haha x
Quite a fan of these swing things is my lil' cherry blossom beauty! She has a tendency to appear a bit disinterested, but that's because she's been in the swing for a while before I start filming :P - also, excuse my abrupt departure at the end of the video, some chavvy kids were loitering near 'Lish's stroller so I had to go retrieve it! x
My lil mucky monster opted to go outside in the rain and play in the sand, as a result he couldn't get any speed up going down the slide... I suggested using his coat as a cushion to assist in gaining momentum since the material is that waterproof fabric... the result? Speed sliding! :') x
My lil Sonshine found great amusement in exiting the slide emphatically... here is one such example of his extravagant finish! Hehe :') x
As I've grown up and matured, I've come to realise over time that there are only really two types of people in this world: those who like me, and those who I don't give a fuck about.
Rather than wasting your life away, do something productive. In this day and age there is no excuse to not be continually learning and educating yourself to be a better, more intelligent person. Those who are informed, are those who are equipped to succeed in life. Let's be honest here, shit for brains don't get far in life. MOOC's are Massive Open Online Courses, in other words free college/university style educational programmes where you can learn a comprehensive range of disciplines and studies. And they're free. That's right, you can learn new skills and expand your knowledge for absolutely no charge. Education should be available to all, no matter your financial situation. That was the basis behind the concept of MOOC's. They even do self-paced courses so you aren't pressured and stressed to get work complete when your personal life is a little dysfunctional (like most of us!). Become a better you!
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