An overview of opinions and observations for the month.
01/05/2014 @22:32
Curry & bevvy with the cuzzy Mickey Rawlingson :)
04/05/2014 @11:35
It's not difficult to be charitable when you're sickeningly overpaid; ironically, it's the overworked and underpaid who commit the most to causes, likely because we can empathise more. We are naturally compassionate and caring, unfortunately those with the authority and finances to make this world a better place are too greedy and ignorant to pro actively make the difference. Meanwhile it's the working class who are accosted with Band Aid campaigns and the like, then made to feel responsible for, and guilty about, being better off than people in the third world. This is by no means a personal attack, just a working example for demonstration purposes: with all the suffering in the world, does Bill Gates honestly need $77,200,000,000? Surely he'd be in a better position to donate £2 a month to WaterAid, or to contribute to UNICEF and Amnesty International than people earning a pittance and living on the breadline? *Addendum: Bill Gates is actually a top bloke and was a poor choice to use as an example since he has pledged his fortune to charity, however the fact is still valid about most rich people!
04/05/2014 @21:40
Missing your children is a beautiful kind of pain.
05/05/2014 @11:00
Oh Bank Holiday you beautiful concept. Crawl out of bed at 10:40, brew & ciggy, and watch Game of Thrones before I can see any spoilers... ahh.
[watching Game of Thrones]
05/05/2014 @13:26
"You never own up to what you did.../
Yeah you fuck like an adult, then you cry like a kid."
[listening to Frank Turner]
05/05/2014 @23:54
One of the greatest things you can ever learn is self restraint; without it you speak too soon and act too hastily.
06/05/2014 @07:56
One of the greatest tragedies of our generation is that our lives are so mundane, unfulfilling and empty that we waste them entirely. The majority spend 5 days impatiently counting down to the weekend, simply so they can drink enough alcohol and abuse enough drugs that they can escape from their reality and numb themselves for a couple of days. And then they repeat this weekly until it becomes a routine, and mistake it for living their life.
07/05/2014 @09:21
The cultivation of coffee is one of the greatest achievements of our species.
08/05/2014 @11:10
It's not about getting the dentist and being told they're running behind, and there are 5 more patients to be treated before you. I need be home by midday cause I'm expecting a delivery any time between 12 & 1!
[at Sneyd Green Dental Practice]
08/05/2014 @12:21
In proper rant mode today, I emailed ASDA on Sat to cancel an order that was due for delivery today because I'd changed my mind and ordered an alternative item. They emailed me on Tuesday to say the order would be cancelled, and then yesterday I got an email saying my item had been dispatched. I've just had to explain to the courier that I don't require the item he's delivering and that the order was cancelled 4 days before it was even dispatched from the warehouse. He was about as impressed as me.
08/05/2014 @12:39
Haha, this is spot on if you're anything like me! What you reckon lads??
[with Matthew Morris and Dan Heath]
09/05/2014 @17:50
"I ain't no abacus, but you can count on me."
[listening to Jamie T]
09/05/2014 @22:54
My lil munchkin has learned a couple new tricks lately, the 'Red Indian Awa-wa-wa Chant', and the 'Lip Flicking Wibber-wibber-wib' hehe :') x
09/05/2014 @23:14
If you are the parent of a young child, it is highly likely that you hate Peppa Pig with a passion.
10/05/2014 @00:09
Tucked up with a mug of hot chocolate in bed, ready to starfish before seeing my beautiful lil Princess Ilypie in the morning... Friday nights always end with a smile, and Saturday mornings always start with one!
[feeling blessed]
10/05/2014 @14:43
*insert dirty laundry here*
10/05/2014 @22:12
No homo... haha!
11/05/2014 @00:48
N'awww it's so cute that you think I care about your opinion! :')
11/05/2014 @12:49
"I wish you could understand.../
How it feels to love a girl, and wish you were a better man."
[listening to Jamie T]
I'm single, and yet women are still ruining a good night!
If you fill in an online quote form with the name "Russian Bollock" thinking you are hilarious, then expect to be called that when I contact you. "Good Morning Mr Bollock, we have received your quote request, you fucking weapon."
"I've had many different girls inside my bed.../
But only one or two inside my head."
You know it's time for bed when you're outside at 2am feeling guilty about insects passively inhaling your cigarette smoke.
The reality of an introvert.
Impatient to see my prinny in the morning so I'm starfished in bed ready for a good sleep & feeling fresh tomorrow :') x
Money is not wealth, because with Ilysha & Charlie in my life, I'm the richest person I know.
[feeling blessed]
Today will include walking 4 miles carrying a 4 year old on my shoulders, I'm confident last nights 11 hour sleep will be appreciated later on haha!
[feeling motivated]
I never get a decent tan, and even my sunburn is patchy. Fuck you skin.
Absolutely brilliant weekend, what a difference a bit of sunshine and a reasonable ex-partner can make!
Outside with the cool breeze soothing my warm skin, looking up at the stars feeling content, carefree and completely at peace with the world and everything in it. The world is beautiful, people are beautiful, and life is beautiful. Being content is the most underrated thing; perfect people, enjoyable experiences and magical memories are worth more than anything that money can buy ♥
Cheeky beverage? Rhetorical.
A rough draft of 'Stella', the first track from local duo Mickey Blue & Benny Bronco, a.k.a. Tidy Pose. An infusion of rap and ska, and a breath of fresh air from Stoke-on-Trent.
Second draft track "Needing" from local duo Mickey Blue & Benny Bronco a.k.a. Tidy Pose. A fresh mix of ska and rap, a breathe of fresh air from Stoke-on-Trent.
"You are being watched. The government has a secret system: a machine that spies on you every hour of every day."
[watching Person of Interest]
Some of my little Princess Ilypie's latest vocalisations and expressions hehe... she never fails to amaze me and make me smile! She is getting so big now too, just look at her wandering about the gaff confidently! :') x
My lil' munchkin has quite an impressive attention span for her age - she'll happily sit looking at books for a fair while - it's definitely a good thing & something I'll encourage! Ideally I don't want a square eyed daughter! :') x
I wouldn't say Person of Interest is addictive, but I've just finished season 2... so that's 45 episodes in 8 days. And I'm starting season 3 in a moment.
[watching Person of Interest]
How off his fucking cake is Westwood here?! Christ, he's on more than alcohol in this surely, he's off his tits!
[at Benny Bronco's Studio]
Three frequent and amusingly confusing Facebook scenarios:
1) Someone you've blocked creates a new account then tries to add you.
2) You deny someone's friend requests, yet they repeatedly request you.
3) Someone who has blocked you then uses a fake profile to spy on you.
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