An overview of opinions and observations for the month.
01/08/2014 @08:57
"You're never really gonna make a difference 'til you've suffered."
01/08/2014 @21:31
Seriously, fuck the new bus timetables!
01/08/2014 @22:33
"Don't say something your bound to regret.../
Talk's cheap like bouncing a cheque."
02/08/2014 @18:14
Had a wonderful day with my special little lady... let's see how long it lasts before the abuse from her Mother starts... wagers anyone? :D
03/08/2014 @11:03
"Being honest may not get you a lot of friends; but it'll always get you the right ones." - John Lennon
03/08/2014 @18:35
I genuinely believe that piracy and the increased availability of music has had a negative impact on my appreciation for it; my taste has definitely diversified and evolved eclectically, however the dilution of the market and my over saturated accessibility leaves me with little to no patience for anything that doesn't catch my attention immediately... and even if something does catch my attention, it's relevance and presence in my playlists often passes fleetingly as it is rapidly replaced by the next batch of songs that arrives. It's a modern day tragedy; too much choice is as bad as no choice. #FirstWorldProblems
03/08/2014 @19:36
"I don't give a fuck like I'm celibate."
The hardest decisions I face these days are:
1. What music I should listen to.
2. What tv show/film I should watch.
3. What game I should play on.
"I know you're tired of loving, of loving with nobody to love."
I've got my blood and my water;
that's my 'Son and my Daughter.
- Ily&Charchar♡
[feeling blessed]
If you are from my generation, the rate of inflation is always gauged against the cost of a Freddo.
People who defend Israel over the Gaza situation dumbfound me. It amuses me that their predominant argument is "Hamas started it. Hamas fired 3,000 rockets and killed 1 Israeli civilian." That justifies wiping out an entire populated area. It's the equivalent of your neighbour chucking a pebble at your window, so you move away and then nuke the entire estate. Overkill doesn't even begin to describe. #FreePalestine
So... I'm sat rolling a cig & drop a filter under my computer desk. Being the lazy twat I am, I reach down & stick my hand underneath blindly trying to retrieve it... wait what is THAT? Slimy? Gooey? Huh? I get the torch on my phone, take a look under and what do I witness? A fucking slug spooning a pea. What even...
Tonight just gets stranger. I'm outside having a cig before bed, hear a rustling sound in the alleyway... I peer over my gate and I shit you not there is a fox casually eating a bag of popcorn. I'm done for the night, I can't function with this insanity.
And here I am... depressed because I can't decide what game to play...
It's crazy how much people can change; I used to be so close with certain people, and these days they're like strangers. I don't think they even realise how distant we've let ourselves become...
Oh the fucking irony... yes, that is indeed Marie's new fella giving my 21 month old daughter Ilysha a drink of beer according to his Mum's status and the accompanying photograph. I better polish up that "Perfect Mother of the Year Award" since she clearly deserves it! The sheer hypocrisy of her chastising me and calling me an unfit parent is actually dumbfounding. "Never underestimate the predictability of stupidity."
Guess the ex enjoyed my letter because she had nothing to say today, plus I've got Ilysha sleeping over tonight...
[feeling accomplished]
09/08/2014 @21:05
[feeling amazing]
I dropped Ilysha off after a busy weekend, and her Mother actually had the audacity to tell me it's "absolutely disgusting" that I took her to Stoke Pride yesterday because it's "inappropriate" since it's "just a festival for gay adults"... ha! Also, it's ironic that she tries to grief me for smoking, yet I noticed she was wearing a nicotine patch when she allegedly quit smoking when she first fell pregnant two and a half years ago... hmm.
[feeling amused]
...on a Peppa Pig Keyboard
Whether it's emotions, friendships, relationships or a whole host of other stuff... if you allow yourself to be distracted by the shitty ones, you'll always overlook the decent ones. Stop making excuses for not being happy; embrace the beauty, reject the ugly!
Each day is a blessing, cherish and embrace life! Carpe diem!
[feeling thankful]
Incompetency is one of my biggest pet hates; it's not about having a dog and barking yourself. Paid a third party company to do some techie stuff at work, and then I've spent 2hrs correcting it all this morning because they've massively ballsed it all up.
Celebrity suicides prove that money cannot buy happiness. I know the cause of death is not confirmed yet, but regardless, rest in peace Robin Williams.
Despite common consensus, your value as a person is not defined by the numbers on your paycheck or the amount of metal coins in your pocket. Currency is just a control system designed to facilitate your submissive slavery. You work to earn the money that you are brainwashed by advertising into wasting on a false economy. You work a job that you hate, to afford things that you don't need, to impress people that you don't like. And whilst you continue to feed the system, you are taxed so that others can prosper from your ignorance. I don't have the answers, but I have the perspective necessary to ask the questions, and to see beyond the transparent veil that so easily blinds the majority. Money and materialism are superficial ideologies that suffocate the things that actually matter; peace, love and unity. Compassion and humanity are the cornerstones of true freedom. Money cannot buy happiness. #DeepThoughtsOfATiredMind
It's mad hearing this now, and knowing my little baby is going to be 2 in October! Where does the time go?
12/08/2014 @22:25
I wrote and recorded this almost two years ago now... I'll never break the promise I made to my Princess; Daddy will always be here ♥
I've grown so adept keeping my cards to my chest.../
The perfect secret keeper, heck even I'm impressed.
We used to be so close, and yet I don't even know you any more.
Non Peppa Pig version :)
Forgot how sick this track is.
In bed after a boss night of beers, takeaways, Fifa & Blackjack...
[with Christopher Downs, Lorna Ector, Rob Cooper and Joseph Bromage]
I love it when Marie is in a foul mood, because it simply confirms that her life isn't as rosy as she likes to pretend it is... does it make me a bad person for feeling really amused by the problems in her life? haha :) - in other news, I've had an absolutely lovely day with my little Princess (even if she did wee in her highchair and on my living room floor), and I'm looking forward to seeing my little Sonshine tomorrow for a day of just being lads; we might even go on a riverboat gambling trip, or make our own beef jerky!!
[feeling amazing]
Just been round the shop get some milk, and there was some horrendous "female" (and I use the term lightly) standing in her pyjamas, hair like a birds nest, drinking a can of Skol super through a straw whilst finishing her ciggy. Stay classy Burslem.
If anybody on my friends list see's someone from Bucknall ways trying flog a white iPhone 5C give us a nudge please - it's my mates ladies and was stolen from her bag earlier at Esso. Cheers x
"I'm a space bound rocket ship, and your heart's the moon;
and I'm aimin' right at youuu..."
First time Ilysha has seen this toy with batteries in... I anticipated her reaction so started recording before I set him off... she didn't disappoint! :') hehe x
A year ago today was the first time I got to see Ilysha without supervision in the comfort of my own home, and also the first time my family got to meet her ♡
Y'all need some ALS Ice Bucket Challenge fail vids in your life!
Few jars with my old mukka Timbob
Pretty proud of tonights progress :)
Just randomly bumped into an old face in town so been for a cheeky jar with that Dave Porritt.
It's 22:30 and I'm sat at home, off the clock, music blasting whilst I research website coding approaches and content ideas for work. I'm one of them types who can't ever really just switch off and relax!
Latest track by yours truly, please give it a listen & let me know your thoughts.
The older I get, the more I dislike old photos - and quite often it's because of the other people in them.
I cringe every time I watch @Sean Hannity struggling to justify atrocities, and ultimately resorting to talking over all of his 'guests' rather than letting them actually make their valid points. Furthermore, to highlight the extent of his flawed arguments; Sean believes that 6 gunshots (including two to the head) is 'justifiable force' for 'defending' yourself against an unarmed 18 year old running towards you. #Ferguson
This looks sick! Proper reminds me of 'Man on Fire' and 'Taken' which are two of my favourite films! Denzel is a beast!
If you don't believe the media is designed to distract you from reality, consider this: lately your newsfeed has been spammed full of videos of celebrities doing the Ice Bucket Challenge for ALS... it came from nowhere, suddenly flourishing into a media frenzy that saturates your vision. Why? What could the media want to distract you from so badly? In the last six weeks, the death tolls from Gaza: - 2,070+ Palestinians, mostly civilians. - 67 Israelis, mostly troops. The ice bucket challenge doesn't keep me blinded. #FreePalestine
Just sat at home casually restructuring a database of PII worth over £25,000; with great power comes great responsibility.
[listening to 360]
It's so cute how Ilysha pretends to cough for attention when she's supposed to be going sleep; little duck is knackered, and keeps forcing herself to cough, then pretending to cry to lure me upstairs.
Love truly does conquer all.
A brilliant video that adds weight to my argument the other night about how the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge is nothing short of a distraction tactic that has swept the social media attention of the world away from the real issues at present such as Gaza, Syria, Ferguson etc. Yes, ALS is a problem, and yes, of course I condone people supporting it; but realise that it didn't just pop up overnight, ALS has been around for a long time... I don't believe that it's a coincidence that the media frenzy around it just conveniently coincides with the perfect time to distract people from real world issues.
I'm lucky, because 95% of my "friends" never even speak to me any more so this isn't too much of a problem, and I do fully agree, less connections = less drama. If I wasn't so used to losing friends, perhaps I'd care more? Life is too short to worry about the people who can't even be arsed to reciprocate friendship or make an effort with me; my life is busy enough with my own problems, never mind having to chase down and force people to be involved in it. It used to bother me, but now it's like water off a ducks back; I guess I've just become accustomed to losing people? It's like: "oh, another one's gone? well fuck 'em then. who's next?"
OMG hahaha, the irony of the bloke saying "where's the ice?" haha!
For once a quiz that seems plausibly accurate.
Bank Holidays aren't what they used to be... they're better :) - had a lovely day with my beautiful little Princess Ilysha yesterday, and then spent all day with my handsome Prince Charlie (and loads more kids) for his 5th birthday today! ♥ Absolutely exhausted but thoroughly content with everything in the world right about now :) - love my life, and feel blessed to have such amazing people to share it with ♡ - & now, I'm starfished up in bed, all my alarms off for a lie-in (maybe?) & ready for a good nights recovery! Sweet dreams you wonderful people, I love you all ♥
Curled up on my armchair, doing a bit of work from home today... at least here I'm watching films too, with a nice hot cup of coffee and cig breaks whenever I choose :)
"What are you gonna do?"
"What I do best; I'm gonna kill them. Anyone that was involved, anybody that profited from it, anybody that opens their eyes at me."
- Denzel Washington
"A man can be an artist in anything, food, whatever. It depends on how good he is at it. Creasey's art is death; he's about to paint his masterpiece."
- Christopher Walken
[watching Man on Fire]
I think the precedent for today's viewing was established by Man on Fire.
[watching Taken]
Sticking with the trend of revenge films, another favourite of mine.
[watching Shooter]
Written and recorded by Ben Scott, 2014. Produced by @Allrounda Productions. Please take a few minutes to listen and let me know your thoughts.
That's all the office work done for the day, and I can properly just veg out now with a brew and relax. It's been both a productive and enjoyable day.
[watching Warrior]
I've just been well and truly conversation raped by my neighbour, because I'm too polite to tell her I don't care for hearing her audio autobiography.
Just spent a few hours doing some infographic designing for work; need to run a final check on the accuracy of everything, but I dare say it's ready for distribution. I've done more work today when I've been at home than I usually do in the office!
Well, not the best choice of wording for an insult.
"Biggest dick award goes to my stepdad"
Just been reading old messages and realising how much times have changed... all these people that once meant so much to me, and told me I meant so much to them... and now we barely even speak...
Just finished writing and recording a new song called Melancholy; I'm sure a lot of people can relate to it.
- My latest song about losing friends and growing apart from those you care most for. Please take the time to listen, especially if you think this could refer to you x
Bit more practicing, learned a bit of Moonlight Sonata now too but still a bit sketchy playing it lol :) x
I don't mean to offend anyone with this post, and it isn't supposed to make you feel like a fool if you've already partaken, however this is why I won't be taking part in the Ice Bucket Challenge, or if I do, I sure won't be donating. The 2013 Tax Returns for ALSA (the charity everybody is donating to) is available online, from their own website (therefore you cannot deny it's authenticity). Last year, the ALSA spent £7,5 million on labour costs; the President of the charity was paid £220,000 for working 40hrs a week, the Chief Financial Officer pulled in a healthy £130,000 for working the same, and the Public Policy Officer took home a handsome £121,000 for his 40hr a week employment. (page 8 of the Tax Return). The ALSA don't make any excuses, or even deny that they spend only 28% of the total money received on actually researching into cures and treatment - want to know what's ironic? That 28% is only £7.2 million, meaning they spent £300,000 more last year on lining their own pockets than they actually spent on doing what they were donated money to do.
(found on their own website here:
I don't donate to charity, because most of the donation just goes into the pockets of overpaid white collar criminals. I'd rather buy a homeless guy in Hanley a couple of pies from Wrights; at least then you know that somebody in need is actually benefiting from your charity, not some overpaid douche in their designer clothes.
Bit more practicing, decided try my hand at a bit of Canon by Pachelbel :) x
Lay on my bed starko bollocko, eating crisps and playing Zelda at this hour. Feel like I'm 12yrs old all over again.
[at Burslem Skate Park]
[feeling blessed]
Pikachu nominates Charmander, Squirtle, and Bulbasaur for the Ice Bucket Challenge. They have 24 hours.
A nine year old girl in pink shorts has killed more people than most of the rap artists who boast about it. Just sayin'. I'm not going to go off on some epic rant about how retarded America can be... but, America can be massively fucking retarded. Nothing teaches children to be peaceful quite like firearms training at nine years old...
Absolutely insane... a gamer gets Swatted whilst live streaming. Swatted refers to when somebody intentionally calls in a hoax crime that results in a SWAT team raiding an unsuspecting victims home. At least they aren't excessive, bursting in screaming at somebody with their hands already in the air, before throwing him to the floor, standing on him whilst they cuff him aggressively handling him and just generally being complete dicks in how they approach the situation. Not surprised they face the camera down once they realise they're being streamed live acting so unnecessarily aggressive!
And there you have it, a reputable source validating my post from a few days ago...
Lay here tucked up in bed, listening to the soft breathing of my Princess in the next room :') #itsthesimplethings ♡
My pretty lil pud is flat out, and I'm debating whether grab a sneaky hour myself... the 4.5hrs sleep last night just doesn't cut it and coffee can only carry me so far!
Madam is once again flat out akip after a busy afternoon, she's just been sat good as gold watching Simpsons cuddled up with me, then as soon as the credits rolled looked at me and said: "where teddy? get to bed!" then I carried her upstairs, tucked her in, gave her a hug and kiss, told her I love her to which she replied "wuj shu" and she was asleep within a couple of minutes :') - love this adorable little Princess too much ♥
Last cig, then off bedski with the best intentions of having more than 4.5hrs sleep tonight! Otherwise I will quite probably physically collapse tomorrow when I'm with both my beautiful Ilysha & my handsome Charchar! ♥
Walk in the room, Ily has stripped completely starkers, discarded her nappy and clothes, and is running round with a potty full of wee shouting "a pee a pee!" Hahaha!! Too cute! ♥
[feeling amused]
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