Tuesday, 30 September 2014


Ever since feminism became widely acknowledged, the majority of males have grown to despise the term for it's association with men hating. This is undeniable, and until now, something that has never been publicly broached to such a diverse audience, let alone by a female speaker.

For myself, like a lot of other males, "feminism" and "gender inequality" have always gone hand in hand, each as part and parcel of the other; I guess I had become conditioned to rejecting the premise that males too are disadvantaged by gender stereotyping, since awareness was never under the scrutiny of a media outlet's microscope. Women courageously battled to overcome gender inequality, meanwhile men remained ignorant to the stigmas attached to themselves.

This topic holds prominence with myself at present; as a Father I have been repeatedly vilified by single Mothers, my parenting abilities dismissed or criticised, and any attempts at empathy shunned. When I was prevented from contact with my child and pursued the legal route, I was constantly reminded from all sources, even my female solicitor, that the Legal system favours the Mother in child cases, regardless of disposition or history. Even now, gender equality is an ongoing issue for equal rights in parenting; though the scales have shifted, the equilibrium is still absent, and Mothers are still looked upon favourably.

The main reason however that this topic is such a vested interest of mine, is because I am the proud Father of a beautiful daughter. I see that without gender equality, my daughter could be largely disadvantaged in life. I wish for her to pursue her dreams, to chase whatever she so desires without being disadvantaged or limited by her gender. I pray that she can be socially respected, and not sexualised, or subjected to harassment or discrimination.

"Men, I would like to take this opportunity to extend your formal invitation. Gender equality is your issue too; because to date, I have seen my Father's role as a parent being valued less by society, despite my needing his presence as a child, as much as my Mothers. I have seen young men suffering from mental illness, unable to ask for help, for fear it would make them less of a man. In fact, in the UK, suicide is the biggest killer of men between 20 to 49, eclipsing road accidents, cancer and coronary heart disease. I have seen men made fragile and insecure by a distorted sense of what constitutes male success. Men don't have the benefit of equality either." - Emma Watson

If you are yet to watch Emma Watson's inspirational speech, you can view it below.

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