Saturday, 31 January 2015

Monthly Musings: January 2015

An overview of opinions and observations for the month.

01/01/2015 @16:58
[watching The Theory of Everything Movie]

01/01/2015 @20:26
When it comes to New Year resolutions, rather than setting lots of specific goals, targets and expectations that create stress and pressure, just try to be a better person today than you were yesterday, every day of the year. And then next year, set the same resolution. And the same resolution the year after. And repeat this annually until you die.

03/01/2015 @13:08
After discussing with Marie this morning about Ilysha's current nap routine, it was agreed to just follow her lead since sometimes she wants a nap, other times she doesn't. After Ily had her dinner today I asked her if she wanted to go bed and she firmly told me no with her arms folded; less than 5 minutes later she was pointing upstairs saying "na-nights" and rubbing her eyes. She was fast asleep in bed with her teddy within 10 minutes of telling me she didn't want a nap whatsoever; and without her dummy too since Santa took it away. She is doing great, didn't even ask for it (Y)
[feeling amused]

06/01/2015 @08:15
Better safe than sorry.

07/01/2015 @00:00
95% in game completion and 85% trophy completion; might just call it a day.
[playing Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag]

07/01/2015 @23:13
Brilliant watch... a cute video with a powerful message about how children perceive domestic violence against women. #HeForShe

07/01/2015 @23:33
Let's be honest, they've repeatedly poked the proverbial lion, and today the lion reacted. #CharlieHebdo

08/01/2015 @00:04
The dialogue I have with myself before bed: "Fuck sake it's going be freezing in there; I really aren't looking forward to getting under those duvets at all. Man up for fuck sake B, it will warm up. Maybe if I stand here long enough, my body temperature will lower so that it won't seem as noticeable? Who am I kidding this is gonna suck regardless. It will be just as cold if I ease in, or if I just jump in and get it over with. May aswell just knock it on the head and get in ain't I? Fuck sake this sucks, here goes..." *hurriedly clambers under the ice cold covers* "Fucking bastard. Absolute fucking cunt. Knew it would be freezing. Fuck you bed, fuck you."

09/01/2015 @20:02
The latest track I've recorded, give it a play! (Y)

09/01/2015 @23:03
Ily having a little boogie, until she sees her shadow being cast by the light on my phone hehe ♥ x

09/01/2015 @23:14
Ily's vocab is coming on leaps and bounds - some of her new words :) x

09/01/2015 @23:25
Ily is getting better with her numbers, still not perfect but getting there! :) x

09/01/2015 @23:29
Hehe :') x

10/01/2015 @09:45
With my Princess :') x

10/01/2015 @20:07
I predict we're in for a rough night with very little sleep at my house.

11/01/2015 @09:17
Not too bad, Ily only woke me up 11 times in 8hrs... she migrated to Daddy's bed for cuddles at about half 2 and stayed there until we got up at half 7, albeit restless, it was nice having my little Princess curled up with her head on my chest ♡
[feeling drained]

11/01/2015 @19:34
My conversations with Ily this afternoon were very similar to this...

12/01/2015 @09:26
Your time here is over little nicotine monster; it's dangerous ahead, but I'll go it alone.

12/01/2015 @09:26
Are you quitting smoking, or trying to? Are you a non-smoker confused by people "choosing" to smoke despite all the reasons not too? Read on... It can be difficult to understand why people smoke cigarettes, in spite of the common knowledge of resulting health issues, and the obvious financial cost - especially if you are a non-smoker. If you're a non-smoker I'm fairly sure you think all of us smokers are just fucking retards. Allow me to explain. Happiness is experienced as the result of Dopamine being released in your brain; which happens due to a neurotransmitter called Acetylcholine (ACh). Nicotine mimics ACh causing cigarettes to release Dopamine, which creates the illusion of enjoyment; one cigarette can activate as high as 90% of the Dopamine receptors, which creates an overwhelming sense of happiness. Unfortunately Nicotine is rapidly metabolised and resultantly as a smoker's Nicotine level drops, so does their Dopamine, and subsequently their perceived happiness. You should realise that smoking genuinely does make a smoker feel "happier". The ensuing addiction is the result of a process called up-regulation; as a result of the apparent increase in ACh the brain creates additional Dopamine receptors with lower sensitivity to handle it - this is referred to as an addict gaining "an increased tolerance" to their drug of choice. It now takes even more Nicotine to release the previous levels of Dopamine from the receptors - also the level of happiness is shorter lived and less intense; hence smokers ultimately develop an affinity for chain smoking to get the Dopamine release they once experienced. This is why smokers will get progressively worse the longer they smoke; they don't feel the buzz like they used too. The longer you smoke, the less ACh the brain produces, as it's purpose becomes obsolete since Nicotine has replaced it's necessity. As a result, a smoker becomes unable to experience regular Dopamine release without their precious Nicotine. Furthermore, due to the increased tolerance, a smoker becomes psychologically unable to ever achieve a non-smokers level of Dopamine release, since the brain continually creates even more additional Dopamine receptors in correlation with the increased amount of Nicotine intake. It can be concluded that a smoker can never be as happy as a non-smoker. The first three days of quitting smoking are the toughest; at this point a smokers body is still metabolising the remaining Nicotine in their system and when it is running low, the brain will attempt to convince them to have a cigarette to "restock" their reserves; it is like a heroin addict going cold turkey, their body is so accustomed to having the drug that it will feel uncomfortable without it during the adjustment period. The key is to remember that you don't even want a cigarette; your body simply wants Nicotine to feel "normal". After the three day milestone, it can take a further 21 days to down-regulate all the Dopamine receptors in a smokers brain to the levels prior to starting smoking; this is why experts and advice all say the first 3 weeks/month is the hardest. Until the Dopamine receptors normalise, a smoker is still chemically addicted to Nicotine. During the down-regulation period a quitting smoker will be easily irritable and more prone to being miserable, since the receptors in the brain are receiving very little ACh and no Nicotine, there is very little Dopamine released. As a result, happiness seems elusive and a weak willed smoker will give in to their cravings simply to feel happy again. Obviously this is then short lived, since a smoker will then need to endure the cycle all over from the start if they ever hope to quit. After four weeks of quitting smoking, only memories and habit/routine of smoking will be responsible for a relapse; there is no chemical dependency on Nicotine after a month, and an ex-smokers quality of life should improve exponentially. If you smoke and don't intend to be a smoker for the rest of your life, make no mistake about it; sooner or later you will have to go through this process of down-regulation, otherwise you will be forever chemically addicted to Nicotine. One month is all you have to make it through to break the addiction; those 28 days could save you a lifetime of health problems, and spending through the nose for the privilege. Nobody is saying it will be easy, only that it will be worth it.

12/01/2015 @22:20
"Of course I wish I could turn back time, before my lungs became cancerous.../
If I knew then what I know now, I would've put up with the anxiousness.../
That you feel when you need a snout.../
But should'a, would'a, could'a can't help me now.../
So let's not waste the time I have left -
especially when I've got a lot to get off my chest.../
Need to tell you this now, when you was born I made a vow.../
Crossed my heart and hoped to die,
looked to the sky and swore that I would never let you down."

12/01/2015 @23:02
That awkward moment when the UK population have unmonitored face to face conversations; I hope Cameron doesn't ban speaking too, I quite like the sound of my own voice. First he wants to stop me having a wank by banning porn and having ISP's restrict access, and now he wants to stop me sending videos to my friends of me having a wank, unless he can view it too?! The interfering pervy prick!!

13/01/2015 @00:21
[reading Revolution]

13/01/2015 @21:41
[watching A Time to Kill]

14/01/2015 @00:14
"Do you accept Jesus Christ?" he says again, like Jesus is a credit card and I’m an unhelpful waiter.
[reading Revolution]

15/01/2015 @00:03
[playing Minecraft]

19/01/2015 @22:17
I miss us.
[watching Cruel Intentions]

20/01/2015 @08:32
"Too many snakes in the grass.../
On my way leaving them fakes in my past."

21/01/2015 @08:52
"Once upon a time not long ago, lived a girl called Irrelevant.../
Awfully sweet young pretty thing, plus she was pretty intelligent.../
Every time I stare at her, I'm looking for ways to be there for her.../
Plus I've got a very, very, very big heart that I want to share with her."

21/01/2015 @22:09
This is fucking insane! It bewilders me how our species can vary so much, from the drunks on the back steps of Nom drinking Frosty Jacks at 9am, to muslim terrorists shooting up a cartoonist magazine office, to these revolutionary visionaries who come up with mad technological advancements like this!!

22/01/2015 @19:40
Good work Asda, deliver my shopping but forget 3 totes worth of items... my £35 shop is clearly not just bread, milk, yoghurts, cheese and stir fry you retards. Then the driver tries to act all coy like the onus is on me to contact the store to resolve it - I tell him otherwise, and he rings them to get it sorted. Now I've got to wait for the remainder of my shopping to be delivered later tonight, with an ETA of between 22:30 - 23:00. Shocking customer service.

22/01/2015 @22:11
Brilliant advertising campaigns here; really goes to show the impact of clever visuals.

23/01/2015 @00:00
Anyone care to guess what time the rest of my ASDA shopping turned up after their fuck up? That's a rhetorical question, because it hasn't.

23/01/2015 @19:09
Can you believe that ASDA have just been to drop off the remainder of my shopping and only brought half of it!? I've fucking livid!! Just rang them up, got cut off twice without speaking to anybody, finally got through to a manager and tore him a fucking new one! He's allegedly going to hand pick the items now and personally drive them to my house! Absolutely spewing! Fucking HATE incompetence!!!

24/01/2015 @10:04
Got your nose! :L

25/01/2015 @08:12
Last night was a massive contrast to last time little munchkin had a sleep over at Daddy's... she fell asleep curled up on my chest at 19:30 so I tucked her in bed, and I went bed myself at about 22:00... we both slept through until Ily woke me up at 8am!
[feeling refreshed]

25/01/2015 @19:38
"Veteran" difficulty on Call of Duty isn't even particularly hard; the only handicap it imposes is that ally A.I. is set to "retard mode" so that nobody on your team will contribute anything of worth to your progress. Luckily I prefer Free For All to Team Deathmatch, so it doesn't bother me going balls deep as a One Man Army.

25/01/2015 @22:33
I don't play games, I pwn them.

25/01/2015 @22:46
Some of the most intriguing and thought provoking art I've seen in a good while! @Rob Gonsalves (Official Site)]

25/01/2015 @23:15
Clay & Nola... holy Santa Claus shit!!
[watching Banshee]

26/01/2015 @01:16
"The super-Jedi level of advanced altruism is when you do a kindly act and don't get found out. Like no one is allowed to know about it. Now that is hard. God, I thought keeping my mantra secret was a challenge; try doing something generous and kind and not telling anyone - even your boyfriend or your mum. It's like knowing George Michael was gay in 1986, or that Kennedy was murdered by the Secret Service in 1963 - you want to scream it from a grassy knoll outside the Club Tropicana."
[reading Revolution]

26/01/2015 @12:33
I am becoming irrationally irritable lately, from losing my rag with inanimate objects to finding the sound of people eating intolerable.
[feeling misophonic]

26/01/2015 @13:28
Sony PlayStation, Asda and Reeds Rains Estate and Lettings Agents are all on my shit list.

27/01/2015 @20:00
It's insanity, that "likes" seem more important than humanity.

28/01/2015 @00:08
Posted a new song: "Biggest"

29/01/2015 @22:33
"Our fears had no teeth, hearts were still blind."

29/01/2015 @23:20
Ahh, missed this.
[watching Suits]

29/01/2015 @23:48
I don't understand when people jump from relationship to relationship, perhaps due to my own track record:
R'ship: 4 years.
Single: 2.5 years.
R'ship: 7 weeks.
Single: 3 years.

30/01/2015 @01:04
Ohhh ffs!
[watching The 100]

30/01/2015 @01:37
Think we may be snowed in by the morning, it's falling thick and fast... [feeling concerned]

30/01/2015 @09:18
If you are a driver who purposely swerves out of their way to soak pedestrians with spray from a puddle, then you are a cunt. That is all.

30/01/2015 @11:34
Any of you lot doing this today? Donate a quid and show your respect for a footballing legend - #WearItWithPride #SirStan @Stanley Matthews

31/01/2015 @11:05
Think my Princess may be cracking this potty training, so far today no nappies & no accidents, and 3 wee's!
[feeling proud]

31/01/2015 @21:51
Feel like having a few beers, but I don't usually drink alone.

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