Saturday, 28 February 2015

Monthly Musings: February 2015

An overview of opinions and observations for the month.

01/02/2015 @11:44
Check out my latest mixtape/album "Unspoken", available at the link below. Free to stream and download (Y)

01/02/2015 @12:45
This series just gets better! Impatiently awaiting the next episode every damn week!
[watching Banshee]

02/02/2015 @23:08
Just heard somebody whistling faintly, then looked behind me and there were fingers poking through my letterbox... by the time I looked out the window, there was nobody to be seen...
[feeling surprised]

03/02/2015 @09:03
"Darkness may reign in a cave for thousands of years, but bring in the light, and the darkness vanishes as though it had never been."

03/02/2015 @20:53
I would tell you how much I miss you, if you'd only care to hear.

03/02/2015 @20:56

03/02/2015 @21:32
My voice is silence; her ears are deaf, this life is tiresome.../
These blind eyes crying; too tired for trying to find a diamond.

03/02/2015 @22:10
Likely why I spend so much time alone...

05/02/2015 @22:35
My little pudding just keeps growing up, and it's as endearing to experience as it is saddening to accept ♥ x

07/02/2015 @19:35
Some people are too predictable; Marie has just text to tell me that she has moved house again today (only the 6th different address since conceiving Ilysha) so I'll need to drop our daughter off at a new location tomorrow.

09/02/2015 @20:13
It's not what you think! x

10/02/2015 @12:32
Well Asda seemingly aren't the only incompetent company where deliveries are concerned. After ordering a new phone from EE, they told me it would be delivered to their Hanley store at my request for me to collect today; then they seemingly told DPD UK to deliver it to my house. DPD text me saying unfortunately they couldn't deliver my phone today as nobody was home to sign for it... I contacted DPD and explained that of course there was nobody in to sign for it because I'm at work, hence why I requested it to be delivered to the EE store instead. DPD argue that EE need to contact them to tell them the correct delivery address, alternatively it can't be changed. I contact EE who tell me DPD should be able to change it at my request; DPD repeatedly tell me they can't. EE say they can update the address with DPD but it could take 48hrs for my delivery to be reattempted to the correct EE store, alternatively I can arrange to collect it myself from DPD. In the meantime I feel like I'm missing a limb without my phone. So instead of quickly popping into the EE store in passing on my lunch break now, tonight after work I'm wasting 3hrs commuting on buses/paying for taxi's to go and collect my phone from the DPD depot up Chesterton because between EE and DPD, they've managed to fuck up my entire day. tl;dr EE and DPD are absolute cunts.

10/02/2015 @23:16
Back Breaking Bad; I'm Walt White with a ricin fag.../
And I'm forcing these slags to inhale every drag...


11/02/2015 @00:10
I'm 13 Weeks and craving Ice Cream. Not sure how this raises awareness though...

12/02/2015 @14:00
No matter how old I get, I will always eat Wagon Wheels cautiously whilst trying to save the marshmallow centre until last... just like I will always eat Jaffa Cakes whilst trying to save the orange jelly centre (Y)

12/02/2015 @22:20
"It won't last. People like you and me, we're great for a night, we're great for a weekend... *sigh* - but we really suck at letting people in. We're just not built that way."

14/02/2015 @09:32
I hate having a new phone! My alarms are all fucked up and I've lost some apps and as a result I woke up late & am picking up Ilysha late!! GRR!

14/02/2015 @16:37
So proud of my special little lady, she hasn't had a single accident all day and has used her potty about 20 times since about 10am!
[feeling impressed]

14/02/2015 @18:53
Any single pringle or any one in the dog house for getting the other half a shit gift fancy coming for a bev? Drop me an inbox (that stops it looking even more pathetic if nobody replies).

15/02/2015 @22:55
This picture makes my ears optimistic.

15/02/2015 @23:41
"I'm scared as hell to let my little baby grow up in this big world."

15/02/2015 @23:48
"Promise me you'll let me die first, cause I just couldn't live without you."

16/02/2015 @19:22
I trust you've already seen this Bradderz?
[with Bradley Simpson]

17/02/2015 @18:16
"You can't keep snakes in your backyard and expect them only to bite your neighbours."

All that ever exists is this very moment in time; the past and future only appear to exist when acknowledged in the present. Carpe diem.

You only fail when you stop getting back to your feet.

18/02/2015 @23:38
"And the universe said you are the daylight; you are the night; the darkness you fight is within you; the light you seek is within you; you are not alone; you are not separate from every other thing. You are the universe tasting itself, talking to itself, reading its own code. And the universe said I love you, because you are love."

19/02/2015 @00:22
I fully endorse roughhousing! :) x
[with Dawn Wheels Owen and Sheila Scott]

19/02/2015 @21:00
Epic Brand.

19/02/2015 @21:04
The video solely responsible for piquing my interest in politics. Brand absolutely fucking smashes it.

19/02/2015 @21:07
An absolute gem worth an hour of your time; realise the UK is not free, your choices are pointless when operating inside the confines of the system.

You define your own limitations; thinking you can't succeed is the reason you won't succeed.

20/02/2015 @19:12
"Power is always dangerous; it attracts the worst, and corrupts the best."
[watching Vikings]

20/02/2015 @22:06
Money is debt, and banks exist only to profit those at the top of the food chain. They create debt by lending money that doesn't exist, then get rich off the profits of interest that is paid on the non-existent money, all meanwhile the borrowers live in squalor struggling to make repayments. It's actually sickening to realise! 95% of all money in circulation is created from debt; the money is fabricated on the promise that the debtor will repay the amount created in due course. A deposit of $1,000 from a private bank to the Central Bank will allow them to collect interest on approximately $100,000 due to the 9:1 Fractional Reserve Ratio. The only thing of value involved in the loan is the asset levied against the repayment.
1) I apply for a £10,000 loan at Natwest repayable over five years with a representative APR of 4.9%.
2) Natwest add a debt to my account of £10,000; £9,000 of the actual money this debt represents does not exist - there is no physical money backing £9,000 of the loan. It is literally a number typed on a screen that represents a promise to supply money that they do not possess.
3) I work (labour) to earn a salary/wage for a modest income and I pay a percentage of this income to Natwest in order to clear the £10,000 debt plus the interest that they charge. The interest in this scenario is £1,265.
4) The repayments I make gradually reduce the illusionary £10,000 debt that never actually existed, and all of the interest I pay goes directly into Natwest's profit.
5) After five years the £9,000 that Natwest created out of nothing has earned Natwest £1,265. But wait, there's more. It get's more amusing when we consider what is done with the £9,000 of magically created money in my Natwest account. Let's assume I spend it (otherwise why have it, right?). For example I buy a car. Since the money does not exist I trade the promise of a £9,000 payment that is not backed by anything of physical value. The person I 'buy' the car from then deposits the £9,000 into their Natwest account. Natwest can then repeat the process of creating money at the ratio of 9:1 against the deposit; that means the £9,000 deposited (that Natwest created and has never actually physically existed) allows them to loan (create) a further debt of £81,000. For arguments sake 8 people "loan" £8,000 each, and Natwest makes a further £8,096 of profit in the next five years. And the cycle continues. The more deposits of fictional money, the more banks can create more fictional money. Worse still, the debt being created does not include the interest. Therefore the money owing will always exceed the amount of money created, because there physically is not enough actual real money in existence to cover the fictional numbers being generated on computers. And this my friends is why our economy is fucked, and our national debt in the UK is pretty much £1,500,000,000,000 (£1.5 TRILLION).

22/02/2015 @07:48
Fwinsesh Sheeshar

23/02/2015 @23:50
Love is just pressure, more stress than pleasure../
People call me cynical; I just know better.


24/02/2015 @12:36
My Valentine's Day flowers are still the same as when I first got them. Imaginary.

24/02/2015 @21:43
[watching Citizenfour]

24/02/2015 @22:40
For shits & gigs... #Gwatsky #PaleKidRapsFast #NoMacLTho

24/02/2015 @22:58
"Do not take life too seriously. You will never get out of it alive."
- Elbert Hubbard

"Do not take life too seriously. You will never get out of it alive."

Up to now, you have a 100% success rate for overcoming difficult times - be proud of maintaining that statistic.

25/02/2015 @00:42
Once you've peeked behind the curtain of mainstream media and corporate propaganda and seen that it's all a deceptive illusion, it becomes difficult to not be skeptical in any scenario where there exists the potential for smoke and mirrors. It's all just one mass orchestrated puppet show, and we're sedated and subdued into their apathetic, passive crowd, ignorantly content with bread and circuses.

25/02/2015 @08:51
Life can be tough & sometimes it seems defeat is inevitable, but realise that if you are reading this now then you have a 100% success rate for overcoming obstacles in your life. Every time in the past when life has challenged you, you have overcome. Failure is a choice. Choose success instead.
[feeling empowered]

26/02/2015 @18:51
Brilliant marketing for a worthy message.

26/02/2015 @21:43
The most difficult part of ordering a takeaway is convincing myself that it's financially viable.

27/02/2015 @18:55
Marie has just informed me that from now on she'll be sending Ilysha without a nappy on and that I will need to start taking a potty to be used on commute. Not sure where is best for Ilysha to use the potty on the journey though - either in the gangway of a moving bus, or at the side of the road in the street (potentially in the rain and snow).

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