An overview of opinions and observations for the month.
01/02/2017 @10:57
Today is the day we send off my brother in law Tim. Another life taken tragically early. May you be safe in the arms of the angels now. Rest easy my brother ❤
[feeling heartbroken]
01/02/2017 @13:46
[with Stace Lewis at Milton Bowling and Recreation Club]
02/02/2017 @01:31
5 more trophies on FFXV for the Platinum. I just need to get lvl. 10 for cooking, fishing & surviving, clear the Costlemark Tower dungeon to acquire the final Armiger, and defeat the Adamantoise.
[playing Final Fantasy XV]
02/02/2017 @08:29
"We've reached our peak, we're strong not weak!" 🎶
[listening to Clubland Classix 2]
02/02/2017 @19:15
Been officially promoted today to IT Manager... don't get me wrong, I think it sounds way better than Supervisor, but I'd be happier if it wasn't two years overdue and didn't come with more workload! 😂😂
02/02/2017 @19:48
Finale o'clock!! :D
[watching Vikings]
02/02/2017 @20:58
This is a bit close to home today :(
[watching Suits]
03/02/2017 @13:18
Beds play a cruel trick on us. At night when you get in, it's freezing and uncomfortable. When you have to get out of it the next morning however, it somehow transforms into the warmest and comfiest thing ever!
03/02/2017 @19:01
04/02/2017 @16:10
Curled up inside our cushion fort with Ilysha, having a coffee & a cuddle 😍 #SimpleSaturdays
[watching Home Alone]
04/02/2017 @18:46
If 2017 has started as it means to go on, then roll on 2018... Christ on a fucking bike. So far my bath has cracked and needs replacing, my brother in law passed away, the wind has blown the aerial cabling all off the back of my house into the garden which needs sorting, and now my fridge freezer seems to have booked it, packed it and fucked itself off. Ugh. Why can't I just be left to have a stress free life.
[feeling frustrated]
04/02/2017 @21:46
05/02/2017 @17:44
Another lonely pint, standard Sunday evening of reflection & self loathing x
[at Crown & Cushion, Biddulph]
05/02/2017 @18:38
"Our fears had no teeth, hearts were still blind."
[listening to Radical Face]
06/02/2017 @22:25
Finally getting round to this, whilst smashing in some more FFXV!
[watching Stranger Things]
06/02/2017 @22:26
Lol! Fucking Tonberries!
[playing Final Fantasy XV]
07/02/2017 @01:39
Just watched the entire of Stranger Things in one sitting 😂
07/02/2017 @18:13
08/02/2017 @15:18
Not long come out of a 4hr meeting & going to get lunch at 3pm... don't get me wrong, it was interesting and informative. But 4hrs. FOUR. HOURS.
08/02/2017 @23:02
Today I resigned myself to more sacrifice in the name of leadership in agreeing to be separated from the other two members of my IT Squad. Work will not be the same without being able to banter with these pair about anything and everything, and it genuinely guts me imagining my daily work life without them beside me. The structure of my life does not afford me many social opportunities, and I've been lucky to have two great colleagues that I get along with perfectly to talk the days away. Alas, we have a new member joining the IT Squad on Monday, and our current office just won't fit us all in... so rather than make the difficult decision of forcing one of my team to move out, I've agreed to take the bullet myself and relocate to a new office away from them. It's not going to be the same without you both with me every day to keep me entertained and sane. You pair always cheer me up and keep me positive, and I've enjoyed our time together. No matter where I end up, you'll always be my IT Squad. 💔
[with Georgina Bailey and Ben Evans]
09/02/2017 @01:44
Oh Skyrim, here we go again ♥
[playing Skyrim]
09/02/2017 @19:05
If I can't trust that you're being honest with me, then don't expect any favours from me.
09/02/2017 @21:18
I seemingly traded this chassis in for a Dad Bod at some point since then... 😂
10/02/2017 @08:50
It's a classic OG kinda Friday 👊
[listening to Dr Dre]
10/02/2017 @08:55
Last night I had my washer on a 1400 rpm spin cycle and it sounded like a pneumatic drill. I was convinced it was about to burrow through the floor and disembark onto an epic journey to the centre of the Earth.
11/02/2017 @09:14
Ilysha is getting a right lazy buggo! It's absolutely brilliant! This morning she didn't wake me up until 9am and we both went bed about half 9 last night! ❤😄
[feeling awesome]
11/02/2017 @11:16
Always gold to me brother ♥
[with Terry Scott]
11/02/2017 @11:53
Sad but true!! 😂
11/02/2017 @12:11
Typical. Had an appointment for a contractor to come measure up my bathroom today between 11:00 and 13:00. Been bosting for a shite all morning and finally think fuck it I'm gonna have to go. 5 minutes after gassing out the bathroom, the contractor turns up... 😷😳😂
11/02/2017 @11:47
Having a broken freezer is a good excuse for a May Street chippy 😁❤
11/02/2017 @14:58
So easy to antagonise this lil pudding 😂😂😂
11/02/2017 @20:50
Overdue catch up with my brother ❤
[with Terry Scott at Moorland Inn]
11/02/2017 @23:59
Tonight has inspired a plan to pop over Prague next month because why not... 😏
12/02/2017 @01:35
Swear at Charlotte's is the only place I have a 6st cat staring at my cock whilst I have a piss.
12/02/2017 @15:42
I've got a poorly child today, my lil Charchar really isn't well. And what makes it worse is I'm trying to cuddle up with him and he's dropping the most horrendous farts!! It's making me feel ill myself!! 😷😭
12/02/2017 @16:52
Been out on a mini mission with little man to get some fresh air and stretch our legs. Not even illness can stop him wanting to climb up the rockery ❤
12/02/2017 @23:04
Fingers crossed tomorrow I will have my hands on a OnePlus 3T and can happily wash my hands of EE.
13/02/2017 @00:16
Haha, as if Scroobius Pip is in this!
[watching Taboo]
13/02/2017 @08:23
Ironic when I have a new staff member starting today that I need to train! 😂😂
13/02/2017 @20:33
"It's been a minute since I've been with some women.../
Not cause they've been lacking, just I've been lacking the feeling."
13/02/2017 @20:41
Ready for tomorrow 👌💊
Only gone and got myself a cheeky OnePlus 3T 😀
Happy commercial holiday designed to pressure people into buying cheap tack and booking at overpriced restaurants to prove their love ❤️
Happy Valentine's to the only one who has stuck by me through thick and thin, and always been there when I've needed them, no questions asked. They keep me strong when I feel weak, make me optimistic when I lose faith, and push me to succeed in all aspects of my life. Happy Valentine's to myself 👊💪
15/02/2017 @00:58
Best thing about being single on Valentine's Day is that you only have to worry about your own orgasm. And you don't even have to book a fancy restaurant as foreplay 👌
15/02/2017 @08:49
When the roadworks by Green Star fucked off over the weekend I was laughing thinking now perhaps I wouldn't be sat in queues of traffic. Lol, yeah. No.
15/02/2017 @22:25
"Sweet Mother, sweet Mother, send your child unto me, for the sins of the unworthy must be baptized in blood and fear."
17/02/2017 @01:03
This week has been so busy and eventful that it seems ages since I gave my little Princess cuddles. Roll on tomorrow night ♥
17/02/2017 @18:47
Someone is chuffed my freezer is fixed! 😂😁 x
18/02/2017 @13:58
Ilysha wrote her own name on her school homework back to front 😂 I can't even deal 😂 she is adorable xo
18/02/2017 @23:10
Skyrim begged for a cheeky couple hours with me after putting Ilysha to bed, but I think common sense prevails now and I better call it a day before she wakes up and I have to explain myself to a 4 year old 😂😂
19/02/2017 @10:18
Monster High: Zipline Woes
19/02/2017 @17:53
End of a short era, and time to find a new fortnightly haunt.
[at Crown & Cushion, Biddulph]
19/02/2017 @23:04
[watching Hacksaw Ridge]
20/02/2017 @08:23
This goes hard!
21/02/2017 @01:17
The prospect of a social life was nice, but then I returned to Tamriel and I now foresee myself being preoccupied forever.
22/02/2017 @23:45
This is a dumb decision. Turning on Skyrim for a 'quick go' at 23:45.
24/02/2017 @20:26
Cuddled up my little beaut 😍 xo
[watching Trolls]
25/02/2017 @12:45
There are two kinds of adult in this world; those who drink coffee, and those who are abnormal.
[drinking coffee]
26/02/2017 @16:02
Cuddled up with my little Prince ❤️
26/02/2017 @21:51
Watching this makes me really think that when Jacob Lynagh has his moustache, he's a dead ringer for Pablo Escobar.
[watching Narcos]
27/02/2017 @19:18
[thinking about stuff to do next week]
28/02/2017 @18:33
No pancakes for me today, such is the price of living alone and being too lazy to make them for just yourself!
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