An overview of opinions and observations for the month.
01/04/2018 @08:15
Nice healthy breakfast for a change, bit of avocado and kale. April's Fool, me and Ilysha are sat eating chocolate in our pyjamas; it's Easter bitchhesss! ๐
01/04/2018 @09:20
Easter as an adult; get one or two eggs, take your time and make them last as long as possible. Easter as a kid; get 15 eggs and insist you need to partially eat all of them before 09:30.
01/04/2018 @12:25
Okay Saddiq, we'll just take your word for it and ignore all the stats and evidence to the contrary.
• 23% increase in knife crime in the last 12 months.
• 19% increase in murders.
• 30% increase in robberies.
• 14% increase in vehicle theft/break ins.
• 10% increase in gun crimes.
• 500% increase in acid attacks between 2012 and 2016.
This year already London has had more killings in 2 months than even New York in the same period. Guess it's just part and parcel of living in a big city, right?
01/04/2018 @18:57
Been a good Easter weekend yeah yeah safe sound famo blud ๐ป
[at The Nelson Inn]
01/04/2018 @21:46
Wee bit immersion breaking when you watch Gotham with Barbara Kean becoming the Demons Hand at the behest of Ra's al Ghul... then straight afterwards, Arrow with Thea Queen as Malcolm Merlyn's heir, aka the next Ra's al Ghul of the League of Shadows...
01/04/2018 @22:18
02/04/2018 @00:04
Yes bro you're rocking that red man bag
02/04/2018 @00:35
02/04/2018 @01:15
No kids, no work, no alarms, no plans to get up for... having a fucking lie-in is all stations go! ๐ด๐ค
02/04/2018 @12:24
Good morning, now that is what I call a lie-in.
02/04/2018 @22:16
Been a decent night with great company watching Ready Player One Movie at Cineworld Stoke-on-Trent, then grabbing a bite to eat at Gourmet Burger Kitchen
[feeling relaxed with Jennifer Sibley]
03/04/2018 @08:19
Happy 20th Birthday to my (not so) little sister! So proud of you and the woman you are becoming ❤️ hope you have a wonderful day! Love you loads, love from me & little Miss Ily-J x x x
[with Emma Scott]
03/04/2018 @19:48
Forza Juve
03/04/2018 @23:24
[watching Chris Rock: Tamborine]
06/04/2018 @08:46
"I want to dance, I want to dance.../
I want lust and love and a smattering of romance."
[listening to Frank Turner]
06/04/2018 @22:52
Just thought I'd give "Marvel Strike Force" and "Marvel Contest of Champions" a little thrash with Lysh in bed ๐ฏ
06/04/2018 @23:05
Karen Tyrell, spokeswoman for Stoke-on-Trent drug and alcohol charity Addaction, said: "Overall drug-related deaths are the highest on record and tackling this issue needs to be a priority - last year the UK accounted for 31 per cent of drug related deaths in Europe." What!? 31% of drug related deaths in Europe?? ๐
07/04/2018 @09:55
Today on "Things You Never Expect To Hear Your Child Say"; Ilysha imitating a baby's voice: "Dadda I want to eat your nipple and drink out of your booby." ๐คจ๐
07/04/2018 @15:10
Being an adult means being honest about your mistakes and accepting the consequences of your actions, even if it costs you a friendship. After all, a friendship built on a lie isn't a friendship worth having.
08/04/2018 @16:28
Charlie: "The ducks haven't eaten their bread, they must be on no carbs" ๐
09/04/2018 @01:02
The first thing that I see when I open my eyes in the morning is... the blinding light of my phone screen as I fumble helplessly to turn off my alarm
09/04/2018 @01:05
When I don't know the answer, I... ask Google.
09/04/2018 @01:05
When I go on a diet, I... fail miserably and comfort eat to make myself feel better.
09/04/2018 @01:07
If I could choose any job imaginable, I would want to... be an author, artist or musician.
09/04/2018 @01:10
When it comes to keeping a calendar, I... make it on an Excel spreadsheet so I can edit it easily.
09/04/2018 @01:12
Something that keeps me up at night is... my reluctance to waste away my precious time on this Earth sleeping when I could be doing something more productive.
09/04/2018 @01:12
My favourite day of the week is... Saturday.
09/04/2018 @01:16
I would die if I couldn't eat... food, because the body needs sustenance to survive.
09/04/2018 @13:22
Happy Birthday brah, got your cards at mine - would've come last night but I had no heads up until a few hours before! Hope you're having a good day! ❤️ X x
[with Matthew Morris]
10/04/2018 @00:06
"Some motherfuckers are always trying to ice skate uphill!"
#Blade #TheOriginalBadass #nostalgia
[watching Blade]
10/04/2018 @08:37
On this day 5 years ago, the Court granted me access to see Ilysha - for almost 6 months her Mum wouldn't let me be involved, but 5 years ago, the first step towards where I am today was taken and there's been no looking back! ❤️๐
10/04/2018 @17:58
We take people for granted, especially those we hold dearest; we become so accustomed to them being around that it's hard to imagine them not being there. Stop autopiloting relationships and be present in the moment. Take every opportunity you get to tell them how much you love them, how appreciative you are for the part they play in your life. Peace and love to all of you. ❤️
11/04/2018 @19:54
Forza Juve? ๐
11/04/2018 @19:27
Fucking Mandzukic is on fire! Hard not get your hopes up at this point! Can we do a Roma?!
11/04/2018 @20:37
Guess we just chilling here for a bit like? ๐คจ
13/04/2018 @08:48
Mad that it's been 6 years since I left OneSure ๐ฒ
13/04/2018 @18:55
With this little Cheetah ๐❤️ xo
14/04/2018 @08:05
Here we go again with countries trying to police the world, and provoking retaliation. Really should just stop getting involved. The media comes with bias reporting, the half truths and concealed motives. Can't trust anything you hear anymore, it's all smoke and mirrors. All I can do is pray that myself and those I care about remain unaffected by the reckless actions of those sworn to protect us.
14/04/2018 @12:41
Grand National today! What are the odds for horses being 'euthanised' so that people can make money whilst they suffer? Gamble responsibly? When the fun stops, stop? Then why does the Grand National even still exist? Imagine the outrage if the jockey had to be 'euthanised' too when their horse had to. No thanks.
14/04/2018 @14:56
Catching some rays with buggo ๐ xo
[at Tunstall Park]
14/04/2018 @18:11
When it's been a long and busy day and you can just come home, kick your feet up and veg in front of the TV with your favourite person ❤️ simple things xo
15/04/2018 @11:42
15/04/2018 @16:42
The Internet helps me to… maintain a god awful sleep pattern.
15/04/2018 @19:07
London is the perfect city for... getting raped, mugged, stabbed, shot or acid thrown in your face.
15/04/2018 @19:08
Something that always makes me smile is... my facial muscles.
15/04/2018 @19:10
I love watching videos of... other people having sex.
15/04/2018 @19:11
I like to dance to... music. It's weird otherwise.
15/04/2018 @19:12
On a first date, I cannot stand... the female usually.
15/04/2018 @19:12
If something breaks in the house, I… am often the reason.
16/04/2018 @08:52
This reaction ๐๐ฏ
17/04/2018 @18:58
Finally home ffs. Not about realising at 17:30 that the server paging file has gone rogue, disregarded it's allocated threshhold and started eating up resources it shouldn't... ๐
18/04/2018 @00:56
Two more trophies to 100% Mad Max... one is a twat, but roll on Platinum #19.
[playing Mad Max]
18/04/2018 @01:40
When I was a child, I wanted to be... a grown up. More fool fucking me! It's a trap!
18/04/2018 @09:08
Mad how much our staffing has changed over the last four years! 12 of these have left! ๐ถ
18/04/2018 @20:02
Just being called "boss level" by loads of kids down the park has made my day ๐๐
[at Richmond Street Park]
18/04/2018 @20:33
What is happening in Syria in a nutshell. Tunisia had a civil uprising and overthrew their Government in what would become the start of the Arab Spring, a series of Middle Eastern countries rebelling against their leaders. Syrian civilians celebrated this and held peaceful protests against the Al Assad Government. Al-Assad had hundreds of demonstrators killed or imprisoned. A load of the military defected and formed the Free Syrian Army with a view to overthrow the Al-Assad Government. Two chemical attacks occured, Aleppo and Damascus. The United Nations couldn't prove who was responsible - the Syrian Government blamed the Free Syrian Army, and the Free Syrian Army blamed the Syrian Government. The general consensus was that only the Syrian Government had access to Sarin Gas, the nerve agent used in the chemical attacks meaning a lot of people automatically assumed it was Al-Assad responsible. The United Nations demanded the Syrian Government dispose of all it's chemical weapons and stop producing more of them, otherwise there would be military involvement. In 2014 it was alleged that all the chemical weapons were gone, but the Free Syrian Army remained adamant that the Syrian Government had still kept some. In 2017 there was another chemical attack, which USA responded to with 59 tomahawk missiles raining down on the Shayrat airbase. In 2018 there was another chemical attack in Douma, and at this point the US, UK and France decided enough is enough, and ran airstrikes against Homs and Damascus to destroy suspected chemical weapons storage and production facilities. To complicate matters, Al-Assad is supported by Iraq and Iran (ISIS/ISIL) and Lebanon (Hezbollah), Kurdish soldiers armed by the USA and then also Russia who have been running air strikes since 2015 against the Free Syrian Army. The Free Syrian Army are backed by Turkey, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and Israel, but then also have the United Nations backing them due to the use of chemical gas as a weapon against civilians. Too many cooks spoil the broth. It's hard to prove who is responsible for what; there are logical explanations both sides of the table.
18/04/2018 @23:56
Complete these 26 Challenges, and I've got another shiny Platinum!
19/04/2018 @17:54
Fucking needed after today! ✌️☀️
[at Brewers Fayre]
19/04/2018 @18:34
20/04/2018 @08:56
Deja vu ✌️
20/04/2018 @19:12
Get home from work, get Missy dropped off, and cleaned my front garden and door off cause they have gotten rank af over winter! First moderately sunny day I've had when I've had chance!
20/04/2018 @19:16
Never been one to share posts about celebrities deaths, but holy fuck, as if Avicii has died aged 28 ๐ฒ
20/04/2018 @23:02
Does anyone else have it where you see all these recent reports of burglaries and just lay there in bed in silence listening intently expecting to hear someone try break in so you can go down there starko bollocko and stab them, the muggy little cunts. Or is it just me? ๐ค
21/04/2018 @06:59
Happy Birthday Ricky, another one we won't get to celebrate with you, another year passed by that we don't get to spend with you. I know you'll be up there, looking down on us with a beer; whilst we look back on the memories we made together and the good times we shared. Happy Birthday arr kid, miss you brother ❤️
21/04/2018 @09:44
People can mock this guy all they want - but his passion and confidence are on point! See him up Hanley most days, can't knock his hustle whatsoever. This is a poor example of his vocal range, he has such a good voice on rock tracks. Granted he looks a little unorthodox but he is doing something he loves and I've seen him conversing with the public and he's a down to earth and well spoken bloke ✌️
21/04/2018 @11:13
When Brexit was achieved, I honestly felt a wave of relief and renewed faith in both the majority of the British public and the power of democracy. More fool me. The more this shit show unfolds at the hands of Maybot, the more I realise democracy is an illusion and no matter what the people want, the powers that be ultimately don't give a fuck and will continue to just do what suits them.
21/04/2018 @22:19
Get fucked, and there's Platinum #19. That 'Up To The Task' trophy - no wonder only 0.6% of players have earned it, most frustrating grind trophy ever thanks to 'Stick It To Ya!' ๐ at least it's fucking dealt with now!
[playing Mad Max]
22/04/2018 @00:43
"All's well, what ends well.../
Set ship and set sail.../
Paradise turns to heartbreak hotel..."
22/04/2018 @16:26
[at Jollees Cabaret Venue]
22/04/2018 @19:44
Just a random observation today; why do fans leave the match before the end "just to miss the traffic"? I mean, I get that it's frustrating being stuck in congestion, but the logic is so dumb. It's like going the cinema and leaving without watching the end of the film. Or going for a meal and strutting out halfway through eating your food, just so you don't get stuck in traffic. Meh, I dunno, just seemed retarded.
23/04/2018 @08:29
Whaddup Saint George, my dragon slaying homie from Turkey repping them Roman soldiers ๐๐ด๓ ง๓ ข๓ ฅ๓ ฎ๓ ง๓ ฟ
23/04/2018 @13:53
So the unelected House of Lords have acted against the will of the people to lock UK into the EU Customs which goes against a major reason Brexit was voted for. Fuck them off.
23/04/2018 @18:45
Fuck yes. [watching Westworld]
23/04/2018 @21:27
Possibly the strangest looking rapper I ever saw. But fuck his tracks bang like a shotty to yo' dome.
24/04/2018 @21:26
Day 1 of 10 - Linkin' Park - Hybrid Theory. I haven't been nominated to do this because nobody actually cares about my opinion, but I wanted to be a part of this regardless and everyone else is showing off their favourite albums so fuck off. 10 days 10 all time favourite albums that really made an impact and is still on my rotation list (even if only now and again) post the cover,no need to explain and nominate one person each day to do the same Today I nominate - [Hicham Taloubi]
25/04/2018 @09:06
Day 2 of 10 - Limp Bizkit - Chocolate Starfish and the Hotdog Flavoured Water. 10 days 10 all time favourite albums that really made an impact and are still on my rotation list (even if only now and again) post the cover,no need to explain and nominate one person each day to do the same. Today I nominate - [Tu Ben Ngo]
25/04/2018 @18:01
Think my little baba is growing up ๐ญ
25/04/2018 @20:48
Weather has been so bipolar today, but check out that sunset! ๐
26/04/2018 @08:41
Day 3 of 10 - Talib Kweli - The Beautiful Struggle. 10 days 10 all time favourite albums that really made an impact and are still on my rotation list (even if only now and again) post the cover,no need to explain and nominate one person each day to do the same. Today I nominate - [Frank Knight]
26/04/2018 @20:01
And a couple others saying farewell to my little IT legend ❤️
[with Georgina Bailey, Ryan Thorpe, Matthew Handy and Becca Rushton]
26/04/2018 @21:36
Love you sis hope Uni is looking after you ❤️ X x
[with Emma Scott]
27/04/2018 @08:28
Day 4 of 10 - Bliss N Eso - Flying Colours. 10 days 10 all time favourite albums that really made an impact and are still on my rotation list (even if only now and again) post the cover,no need to explain and nominate one person each day to do the same. Today I nominate - [Josh Lynagh]
28/04/2018 @06:20
Day 5 of 10 - Eminem - The Eminem Show. 10 days 10 all time favourite albums that really made an impact and are still on my rotation list (even if only now and again) post the cover,no need to explain and nominate one person each day to do the same. Today I nominate - [Rob Cooper]
28/04/2018 @08:25
Love a good Timehop. 500 days in a row ๐
28/04/2018 @10:27
Can't get my head around all the hate being shown to Alder Hey over the Alfie Evans situation! The absolute vitriol and disgusting abuse they've received is sickening. The hospital had no power over the outcome - it was a court ordered decision that they had to allow events to unfold how they did. The staff there had been caring for him for over a year - they had battled and tried everything they could to save his life and to fail him must have been heartbreaking for them. Definitely more heartbreaking than its been for people just reading about the situation and getting emotionally invested - imagine if you'd been there actually trying to save him, actually caring for him for a year and then being helpless to save him! ๐ And yet they are still there, trying to save other children despite being called all the names under the sun - imagine if they all just said "yano what you're all right, we're fucking terrible human beings" and quit. Imagine all the other poorly children in that hospital who would suffer as a result. I get it, you're upset but direct your anger at the right people, not the people who are likely more heartbroken than you are.
28/04/2018 @11:40
28/04/2018 @12:39
If you know, you know! ๐๐ด #JustStokieThings
28/04/2018 @12:43
28/04/2018 @12:59
After seeing all this uproar about Alder Hey and the events surrounding the tragic passing of Alfie Evans, it's been decided from now on children's hospitals are going to close, and when a child is dying instead of medical professionals, all the parents on Facebook are going to administer the medical care because they know better than the people trained for this sort of thing. Fear not, "Yummy Mummy" Louise is going to make sure your kid is okay ๐
28/04/2018 @19:55
29/04/2018 @07:01
Day 6 of 10 - Yelawolf - Radioactive. 10 days 10 all time favourite albums that really made an impact and are still on my rotation list (even if only now and again) post the cover,no need to explain and nominate one person each day to do the same. Today I nominate - [Trevor Young]
29/04/2018 @07:48
Fucking mental, 10yrs on Facebook. The amount of time I have likely spent on here is insane.
30/04/2018 @08:08
Day 7 of 10 - Radical Face - The Roots. 10 days 10 all time favourite albums that really made an impact and are still on my rotation list (even if only now and again) post the cover,no need to explain and nominate one person each day to do the same. Today I nominate - [Christopher Downs]
30/04/2018 @22:18
Sometimes I question both mine and my ex's parenting choices. Little madam's Mum has taught her to swear, which she did the other week in front of my Nan which was pretty embarrassing when your five year old daughter comes out with "I'm fucked up" ๐ ...meanwhile, I've taught her how to fight, and tonight she's punched her Mum in the gut and winded her... ๐ถ - I think somewhere along the way we stopped raising a child and started raising a delinquent... ๐ณ
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