I shall never tire of the irony of females citing inspirational Marilyn Monroe quotations, implying a relativity between themselves and her.
Born to a mother who suffered with paranoid schizophrenia and who had minimal involvement in her upbringing, Marilyn spent most of her childhood in and out of foster homes. She dropped out of education by choice, married at 16 years old and became a housewife, then spent the next few years flaunting her body as a pin-up model for income. She went onto abuse drugs and alcohol throughout her acting career which she secured by initiating a sexual relationship with an executive for a film studio. Progressing in the film industry by sleeping her way to the top, she went on to have two more failed marriages that both ended in divorce, suffered with anxiety and depression, then played the victim and refused to accept responsibility for her own actions. In a manner befitting of her life, she died of a drug overdose aged 36.
Well, she is clearly a great role model.
But the point I'm getting to is that in spite of the obvious abhorrence of Marilyn Monroe's life choices and conduct, she is still heralded as a champion of femininity to young females today. The fact that society does nothing to rebuke the fact is utterly bewildering, yet feeds into the narrative that I wanted to touch upon; women can do no wrong. It does not matter how abhorrently they conduct themselves, society will give them a bucketful of excuses and pardons for their transgressions.
Let's look at a publication from this year, and how they present Marilyn Monroe:
"Although vulnerable and complex, Marilyn was a strong woman who consistently fought for what she believed in. However, because of the confusion and stigma related to the word, it is highly unlikely that she would ever have considered herself a feminist." [The Girl: Marilyn Monroe, The Seven Year Itch, and the Birth of an Unlikely Feminist (c) 2018 by Michelle Morgan, Running Press]
It is as though society condones the life choices of Marilyn Monroe, and is happy to encourage females today to follow in her footsteps. Don't bother with a formal education. Flaunt your sexuality for money. Be sexually promiscuous. Have no respect for the sanctity of marriage. Abuse drugs and alcohol. Blame everyone else for your failings. Do these things, and society will still adore you, because you have a vagina and resultantly are absolved of all judgement by society.
This only goes to reinforce the obvious conclusion; females have the power. Feminist's will relentlessly screech about the patriarchy, and how females are disadvantaged by the way society functions. I do not believe this at all. As Esther Vilar once wrote in The Manipulated Man:
"By the age of twelve at the latest, most women have decided to become prostitutes. Or, to put it another way, they have planned a future for themselves which consists of choosing a man and letting him do all the work. In return for his support, they are prepared to let him make use of their vagina at certain given moments." - "Men have been trained and conditioned by women, not unlike the way Pavlov conditioned his dogs, into becoming their slaves. As compensation for their labours men are given periodic use of a woman's vagina."
It would not be so concerning if I didn't relate to the point. I am also quite sure you can assume how feminists view Esther Vilar? Yes, needless to say, Marilyn Monroe is regarded much more highly.
On the subject of females using men, let's take a look at marriage. Now marriage often begins with a proposal, whereby traditionally, a male will take a knee in a position of subservience, and humbly request a female to accept him. This gesture in and of itself demonstrates a submission of power by the male to the female, and thereby enforces gynocentrism. A male will feel empowered should the female accept his chivalrous sacrifices and will acquiesce to her every whim, no matter how banal or unreasonable, in a desperate attempt to retain his position of subservience. Accordingly, a female typically holds the power in any romantic relationship.
In a culture where society places so much emphasis on the dominant superiority of females, by valuing their well being, needs and wants ahead of that of males, it is starkly apparent that true equality would be more beneficial to males than females. This is why feminism does not equate to egalitarianism, but rather 'a la carte equality' whereby their only activism is in favour of reform to the benefit of females alone, and there is never endorsement for improvement in areas where men are clearly at a disadvantage.
To market feminism as equality is inherently deceitful. Feminism focuses on retaining the privileges of chivalrous conditioning, whilst also leveraging further benefits in areas of lower economic or societal importance than concerns that solely affect males.
In a society where females are absolved of all blame, heralded in spite of their failings, recipients of chivalry and sacrifice, and also hold all the power in romantic relationships; it isn't too difficult to understand why family courts rule in favour of females, thereby forcing males to sacrifice their involvement in child-rearing. After all, females are superior to males by extension of the above, and accordingly the male should be out toiling in the fields to support his family whilst the female is doted on and supported in her ivory tower.
If feminism truly wants equality, I'd be interested to see where they advocate in favour of family law reform to make 50/50 shared custody a mandatory standard. Until that day arrives, I'll be distancing myself from feminism and the hypocrisy it favours.
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