Friday, 30 November 2018

Monthly Musings: November 2018

An overview of opinions and observations for the month.

01/11/2018 @01:18
Just climbed into a chest freezer to go bed. Well. That's how it feels at least. Fucking arctic.

01/11/2018 @08:32
Feels like just last week xo

02/11/2018 @20:12
Does anyone else have it where BM drops off kiddo and tries to dictate punishments you need to enforce in respect of behavioural issues whilst the child was in their care? For example my BM has dropped our daughter off tonight and chastised her in front of me (common occurrence) then tried to tell me she isn't allowed to have puddings or snacks the entire time she is with me because she wasn't grateful that BM bought her a new coat. Kiddo got upset crying and then BM left and went off to enjoy her child free time leaving me with a distraught 6 year old. How do other Dad's handle this situation?  I have my daughter for 48hrs a week. I lament spending that time playing executioner for crimes she's committed whilst with BM. Especially since she is well behaved for me. I envision our child starting to misbehave for me also; after all, if I'm punishing her regardless, why bother behaving? I don't agree with the standard model of "punishment" and I prefer to use positive reinforcement to get behavioural changes; though tbh I very rarely need to. She's a good kid for me, so idk. My daughter hates when I'm upset with her, it makes her upset, all it takes is me saying "I thought you were Daddy's good girl?" and she instantly starts apologising and getting upset. She doesn't misbehave for me, so I disagree with enforcing punishments that BM dictates. It seems like a cop out from her. Rather than handle discipline herself, drop her off and mine then coerce me into being the bad guy. There have been way too many instances to get into but needless to say the main ones that stick in my mind were stopping me seeing my kid unless I concede to her in whatever way she dictated, demanding I do unreasonable things (documenting my time with kiddo for her to then consult and pick fault with) and having people spy on me etc. She always wants to know everything and have a say in everything. Once she tried make me punish our daughter because she'd refused to put BM's washing and shoes away for her. Her justification? "I always tidy hers up, she needs to learn that we help each other out". I was like, why should she? It's your mess, clean it yourself? BM logic; "I always clean up our daughters dirty laundry etc, she should clean up mine. We are a team." I'm like FFS, she's 5 years old. You're the parent. Clean up your own fucking mess. Ugh.  I always think if it doesn't get nipped in the bud now, it will escalate. I don't dictate stuff to her about what happens in her home, I don't expect her to do it either. I was worried previously about becoming a "Disney Dad" (spoiling, not discipling etc) so I be sure to discipline accordingly to her behaviour in my care. But I aren't playing executioner of her punishments. My kid is a little angel for me. I aren't souring her opinion of me based on what BM dictates. She makes it known what the "crime" was when she's chastising her in front of me which is uncomfortable, because kiddo gets upset and tries to come to me for comfort and BM will yank her away and basically scold her until she cries. If she isn't getting the response she wants, she'll keep ramping it up until kiddo cries. It's really disheartening to witness but I know speaking up won't do anything besides escalate the situation. She will vigorously chastise our kid until she cries. If she doesn't cry at the prospect of a punishment then she'll take it up a notch with the threats and intimidation until our daughter is crying and begging for forgiveness.

02/11/2018 @22:11
What's on my mind? Really? Well, since you asked, Facebook. I had always believed "reality" to be defined by my brains interpretation of my sensory input. Yet some dreams can be so intensely vivid, they feel as real as "reality" without requiring the sensory input. Ever had a dream that you could have sworn was real? Where you wake up in a state of disorientation trying to untangle what is "real" and what isn't? It seems safe to say that this "reality" that can be mimicked in dreams is achievable without any sensory input, meaning it can theoretically exist without me even having a physical presence; if I don't need sensory input to create the reality I perceive (as in dreams) then I don't need sight, sound, taste, smell or touch, then I can literally experience the exact same level of existence without a physical entity (body). That makes me ask, how can I know for sure I even have an actual physical body? Is this my "brain" just imagining this body into existence? After all it clearly doesn't need the body to generate a "reality" where a body exists? Is my brain manifesting this "reality"? Does my brain actually even exist? Have I imagined my brain into existence to justify thought? Am I simply unbound cosmic energy trying to rationalise it's existence by creating this infinite series of unfathomable complexities in a desperate bid to understand it's purpose? Is any of this real?

03/11/2018 @11:58
Women: Stop objectifying women you perverts!
Also women: []

03/11/2018 @16:53
The replies to this are creative af ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ™Œ

03/11/2018 @21:16
But wait... There's more! ๐Ÿ˜‚

03/11/2018 @22:41
๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ we was cool until Cloud got mentioned...

04/11/2018 @09:40
That moment when you realise since RDR2 came out, you've neglected the TV shows you usually watch and as a result have an incredible 42 episodes of stuff to catch up on ๐Ÿ˜…

04/11/2018 @11:36
๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ dead

05/11/2018 @20:04
Fuck this show.
[watching The Walking Dead]

05/11/2018 @20:45

05/11/2018 @21:58
Often life breaks my heart, a hundred ways each year. It has a terrible way of introducing people into my life, allowing me to become used to having them around until I cannot imagine them not being there - then it rips them away heartlessly. I find myself suddenly wondering what happened to destroy what we'd had, and tearing myself to pieces trying to understand if it's something I did wrong. I have done things wrong, and I'll be the first to admit that I've lost many friends as a result. Somehow by a miracle, through all the mistakes and the awful decisions I've made, I still managed to keep a select few strong friendships and relationships. And of those, one of the biggest blessings I have, is keeping this special lady in my life. Do I deserve it? Definitely not. Am I grateful? Every single day. She has a mischievous nature, a filthy mouth and a heart of gold. My partner in crime, my favourite coffee drinker, my bestie. She has laughed with me in the happiest times, cried with me in the saddest times, stuck by me through the darkest times, and kicked me up the arse when I've needed it most. She's pushed me to be the best version of myself and I'll forever be grateful to her for never giving up on me. She's an incredible woman, an inspirational Mum, and the one I'm proudest to call my friend. Love ya Samantha - thank you for being my bestie xxx
[with Samantha Edmondson]

06/11/2018 @18:04
Walking up the bus, and as I move between holding bars my hand accidently glances the top of a ladies head, well, moreso my little finger strokes the top of her hair... really audibly she aggressively says "ow!" whilst rubbing her head and staring at me like I'd just twatted her with Lucille. Half expected her fucking eye be popped out for how she reacted. Long story short, a bus full of people think I'm a thug ๐Ÿ™„

06/11/2018 @20:28
Excuses are tools of the incompetent; those who specialise in them, seldom specialise in anything else. Take ownership; own your mistakes, your failings, and use them to better yourself.

07/11/2018 @09:13
Being late for work got me like ๐Ÿคท๐Ÿผ‍♂️

07/11/2018 @21:20
Why I hate admitting I had a solicitor through court, she was utterly incompetent

08/11/2018 @00:49
Gawd its so pwetty

08/11/2018 @00:50
Sometimes you just need to disable autosave and go indiscriminately kill some innocent folk. #RDR2

08/11/2018 @21:12
Just came across this little gem on Youtube and thought of you! Hope life looking after you & your beautiful little family brother ♥
[with Paul Steele]

09/11/2018 @01:22
I aren't sure why, but tonight Shimmer has started sounding like a duck ๐Ÿค”๐Ÿคจ

09/11/2018 @21:16
Other people's kids: "When I grow up I want to be a doctor", "a fireman", "an astronaut"
My kid: "I want to be that woman in the circus flying around in the air"
๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ™Œ xo

09/11/2018 @22:19
Your Friday < my Friday ๐Ÿ™Œ xo

10/11/2018 @09:22

11/11/2018 @19:55
I knew it was coming and had already told Ilysha to get her prepared, but today both her mice have passed away. Just last night they were playing nice together, but I had noticed they weren't eating much lately, and seemed a lot less active. Found them both curled up together in their house. You're in a better place now Cherry & Shimmer ๐Ÿ’”

11/11/2018 @21:23

12/11/2018 @01:18
Every day when I go to bed, I say goodnight to Cherry & Shimmer. Instead today I'm saying goodbye. Not gonna lie, my heart hurts right now. Looked after them little scamp's since they were a couple weeks old, and the house seems so silent without the sound of them scurrying around and running on their wheels ๐Ÿ’”

12/11/2018 @20:00
Absolutely beautiful. Not all heroes wear capes. I idolise Jordan Peterson. What a guy

13/11/2018 @20:02
This time of year is always humbling, when people ask what I would like for Christmas and I realise just how comfortable my life is. That I don't really need anything, and the things I want are trivial and unimportant. Really makes you stop and realise how grateful you are for such a simple life.

14/11/2018 @10:09
The only time I've seen the Gold Coast feature in UK news ๐Ÿ˜‚ x

14/11/2018 @23:30
Tonight's sunset was ๐Ÿ˜

14/11/2018 @23:54
Love Shoe0nHead. Love this video.

16/11/2018 @14:07

16/11/2018 @18:01
Mentally preparing myself for an emotional night of tears and heartbreak ๐Ÿ’”๐Ÿ˜”

16/11/2018 @23:32
Whilst breaking her heart, she fought back the tears to say "I just wish I could stroke their beautiful fur one last time and promise them I love them so they can remember me in Heaven" ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ’”

17/11/2018 @15:15

17/11/2018 @21:54
Aussie (ex PM) Tony Abbott sums it up beautifully: It’s pretty hard for Britain’s friends, here in Australia, to make sense of the mess that’s being made of Brexit. The referendum result was perhaps the biggest-ever vote of confidence in the United Kingdom, its past and its future. But the British establishment doesn’t seem to share that confidence and instead looks desperate to cut a deal, even if that means staying under the rule of Brussels. Looking at this from abroad, it’s baffling: the country that did the most to bring democracy into the modern world might yet throw away the chance to take charge of its own destiny. Let’s get one thing straight: a negotiation that you’re not prepared to walk away from is not a negotiation — it’s surrender. It’s all give and no get. When David Cameron tried to renegotiate Britain’s EU membership, he was sent packing because Brussels judged (rightly) that he’d never actually back leaving. And since then, Brussels has made no real concessions to Theresa May because it judges (rightly, it seems) that she’s desperate for whatever deal she can get. The EU’s palpable desire to punish Britain for leaving vindicates the Brexit project. Its position, now, is that there’s only one ‘deal’ on offer, whereby the UK retains all of the burdens of EU membership but with no say in setting the rules. The EU seems to think that Britain will go along with this because it’s terrified of no deal. Or, to put it another way, terrified of the prospect of its own independence. But even after two years of fearmongering and vacillation, it’s not too late for robust leadership to deliver the Brexit that people voted for. It’s time for Britain to announce what it will do if the EU can’t make an acceptable offer by March 29 next year — and how it would handle no deal. Freed from EU rules, Britain would automatically revert to world trade, using rules agreed by the World Trade Organization. It works pretty well for Australia. So why on earth would it not work just as well for the world’s fifth-largest economy? A world trade Brexit lets Britain set its own rules. It can say, right now, that it will not impose any tariff or quota on European produce and would recognise all EU product standards. That means no border controls for goods coming from Europe to Britain. You don’t need to negotiate this: just do it. If Europe knows what’s in its own best interests, it would fully reciprocate in order to maintain entirely free trade and full mutual recognition of standards right across Europe. Next, the UK should declare that Europeans already living here should have the right to remain permanently — and, of course, become British citizens if they wish. This should be a unilateral offer. Again, you don’t need a deal. You don’t need Michel Barnier’s permission. If Europe knows what’s best for itself, it would likewise allow Britons to stay where they are. Third, there should continue to be free movement of people from Europe into Britain — but with a few conditions. Only for work, not welfare. And with a foreign worker’s tax on the employer, to make sure anyone coming in would not be displacing British workers. Fourth, no ‘divorce bill’ whatsoever should be paid to Brussels. The UK government would assume the EU’s property and liabilities in Britain, and the EU would assume Britain’s share of these in Europe. If Britain was getting its fair share, these would balance out; and if Britain wasn’t getting its fair share, it’s the EU that should be paying Britain. Finally, there’s no need on Britain’s part for a hard border with Ireland. Britain wouldn’t be imposing tariffs on European goods, so there’s no money to collect. The UK has exactly the same product standards as the Republic, so let’s not pretend you need to check for problems we all know don’t exist. Some changes may be needed but technology allows for smart borders: there was never any need for a Cold War-style Checkpoint Charlie. Irish citizens, of course, have the right to live and work in the UK in an agreement that long predates EU membership. Of course, the EU might not like this British leap for independence. It might hit out with tariffs and impose burdens on Britain as it does on the US — but WTO rules put a cap on any retaliatory action. The worst it can get? We’re talking levies of an average 4 or 5 per cent. Which would be more than offset by a post-Brexit devaluation of the pound (which would have the added bonus of making British goods more competitive everywhere). UK officialdom assumes that a deal is vital, which is why so little thought has been put into how Britain might just walk away. Instead, officials have concocted lurid scenarios featuring runs on the pound, gridlock at ports, grounded aircraft, hoarding of medicines and flights of investment. It’s been the pre-referendum Project Fear campaign on steroids. And let’s not forget how employment, investment and economic growth ticked up after the referendum. As a former prime minister of Australia and a lifelong friend of your country, I would say this: Britain has nothing to lose except the shackles that the EU imposes on it. After the courage shown by its citizens in the referendum, it would be a tragedy if political leaders go wobbly now. Britain’s future has always been global, rather than just with Europe. Like so many of Britain’s admirers, I want to see this great country seize this chance and make the most of it. Tony Abbott served as Prime Minister of Australia from 2013 to 2015

18/11/2018 @03:19
Had a good night cheers for having me ๐Ÿ‘Œ
[with Callum Francis and Bethany Jade]

18/11/2018 @22:44
Just heard Thoughtune Ltd's brilliant new track and it really made me miss making music. Haven't recorded anything new in ages myself. Always mean to get back to it but stay distracted and preoccupied ugh.

18/11/2018 @23:37
How the fuck have I not known until today that you can have a free Spotify account as long as you don't mind hearing an advert here and there?? Fuck sake ๐Ÿ˜‚

19/11/2018 @08:49
Hari knows the deal ๐Ÿ‘Œ- right there with you Mr Kunzru

19/11/2018 @18:45
Spontaneous drinks with this face that I've missed ๐Ÿป
[at The Reginald Mitchell - Wetherspoons

20/11/2018 @08:35

20/11/2018 @17:42
Seeing this sexy bastard ๐Ÿ‘Œ
[with Christopher Downs at The Reginald Mitchell - Wetherspoons]

21/11/2018 @22:37
Happy 30th Birthday to the bestest bezzin. It's been a crazy friendship that involves many of my favourite memories. Life is even crazier now as our adult responsibilities interfere and keep us preoccupied and prevent us spending as much time together, but as the old adage goes; true friendship means being able to not see each other for a long time, yet pick it right back up where we left off whenever we're together. You're a fantastic bloke, a fantastic friend, and from what I can see, a fantastic partner & Dad. So from the messy days of our past, to the messy days of our future, I'm wishing you the bestest birthday. Forever my bezzin - the Very Courteous Mr. Heath (aka Spanner) ♥ xxx
[with Dan Heath]

22/11/2018 @00:59
I'm exhausted with seeing people refusing to take ownership for their own decisions. Is your ex a wanker? You chose to have a relationship with them & put up with their bullshit. Is the other parent of your child a cunt? You chose to have a kid with them clearly without knowing them properly. Is your job shit and you hate going to work? You applied for it & continue to work there. Stop fucking soundboarding on social media for people to validate your grievances and tell you how much of a victim you are. You got yourself in the situation, deal with the consequences. It's called being an adult for fuck sake.

22/11/2018 @22:49
Shit like this is why I stay single & fuck cuffing season ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ™Œ

23/11/2018 @22:27
Black Friday is tragic really. People fighting each other in shop mosh pits and waiting in long ass queues to save £30 on an item they don't really need, but figure since it's on offer they may as well buy it. I was going to buy a couple things, then realised I couldn't justify it even if I would save a few quid because I don't really need any of it.

24/11/2018 @10:09
This is awesome!

24/11/2018 @17:52
Absolutely amazing.

24/11/2018 @19:18
Avengers Infinity War goes live on Netflix on Xmas Day ๐Ÿ˜

24/11/2018 @20:32
Actually sounds pretty spot on. Thought the answer was gonna be "You're attracted to slags & psychos".

26/11/2018 @09:12
Vodka? Vot vodka?! Happy birthday you beautiful bastard, have a great day son! x
[with Brett Lovatt]

29/11/2018 @22:18
This dude I was saying you needed check out earlier, you too TJ Harlott

30/11/2018 @19:35

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