Thursday, 20 December 2018

Femicide Census Accuracy

The Census is visible here:

"Because of the Femicide Census, we now know that between 2009 and 2017 in the UK: [A woman is killed every three days by a man - A woman is killed by her male partner or former partner every four days - A third of women killed by their male partner are killed after separation, of whom a third are killed in the first month and three quarters within a year]. This must surely tell us that it is long past the time to think of the killing of women by men as ‘isolated incidents’."

This is a dangerous and disingenuous narrative to pursue.

To clarify here, that according to the official statistics from 2016, there were 33,270,380 females in the UK. This report and it's statistics are highlighting 139 instances of a female dying as a result of a "male's actions". 139 is 0.00042% of the female population in the UK. This technically does make them 'isolated incidents'. It is not a widespread prevalent issue.

Furthermore, if we adjust for Terrorism [21 instances included] which is not an isolated risk to females [which the report appears to imply], then this figure falls to 0.00035%.

If we further remove cases where the death was accidental/unintended, including where the intended victim was actually a male [Joanne Rand, Demi Pearson, Susan Fuller, Louella Fletcher-Michie, Chloe Miazek, Megan Bills, Justene Reece] this drops to 0.00033%

If we remove the cases where both parties were an immigrant couple who relocated to the UK/an immigrant killing one of their own female family members after relocating to the UK, of which there are a minimum of 12 included [Arena Saeed, Kiran Daudia, Karolina Chwiluk, Ilona Czuper, Amandeep Kaur, Asiyah Harris, Karina Guimaraes Batista, Monika Lasek, Kulwinder Kaur, Romina Kalaci, Celine Dookhran, Dzilva Butiene] this reduces to a further 0.000298%.

One of the cases included, that of Kanwal Bernice William, never actually received a conclusive answer and was left as an "open verdict" with no actual charge or even allegation offered against her husband Lawrence. The murder of Dionne Clark was committed by both a male and female perpetrator [Dominic Wallis and Elizabeth Ellis] with no clear evidence of who actually committed the murder. The murder of Sinead Wooding was also committed by both a male and female perpetrator [Akshar Ali and Yasmin Ahmed] with no clear evidence of who actually committed the murder. These three should also be omitted from the Census for obvious reasons bringing the figure down further to 0.000289%

There are also several instances where both males and females were injured/killed during the events that ultimately led to the deaths and murder charges. I find it disingenuous to include these in what appears to be an attempt to inflate figures and exaggerate the risk posed to females by males. I will not offer an adjustment for these but I do believe wholeheartedly that these skew data where it is presented as though the risk of "a male murdering a female" is demonstrated in these cases.

The more accurate representation therefore becomes 99 instances, not 139, out of a population of 33,270,380 females in the UK.

This means women have a 1/336,064 chance of being killed by a man.

And that does not factor in motive; in some included instances the male killed their female relatives/partners out of compassion. Wives or grandmothers who were old and suffering from Dementia [Ruby Wilson], Alzheimers [Avis Addison], Emphysema [Ann Furneaux], and Parkinsons [Jane Sargeant].

The point I am making here, is that the "Femicide Census" is geared up to skew figures and conceal fact by exaggeration and deliberate misrepresentation of the actual risk posed to females.

All this "Femicide" report serves to do, is further the divide between the genders and cause females undue concern.

The reality is that 99.99981% of UK females will never be intentionally killed because of a male.

And I am not dismissing the 0.00029% of females that may die at the hands of a male; I have personally looked into all 139 cases mentioned in the Census and agree that there are some awful and reprehensible tragedies included. The fact remains however that the chances of a female being involved in something of this nature are so few and far between, it isn't worth getting anxiety over.