Monday, 31 December 2018

Monthly Musings: December 2018

An overview of opinions and observations for the month.

01/12/2018 @16:34
Parenting 101; constantly move the elf around the house to keep the magic alive. Ilysha is convinced that Elvis keeps moving on himself. The classic bait and switch 😏

04/12/2018 @23:45
What even is the internet πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ fucking weak af rn

05/12/2018 @00:31
What an embarrassment to the sport any "fans" involved in that toxic behaviour tonight are. Nothing better to do than go smash up a venue and riot because other people choose to watch a different set of athletes kick a bag of air around than you do.

05/12/2018 @13:31
The Attorney General's worrying legal advice regarding the "backstop" aspect of the Brexit draft has finally been revealed, after the Tory ministers were found in contempt of Parliament yesterday for refusing to publish it. Snippets of the legal advice are as follows: "While it will not be directly bound by EU rules, GB will be obliged to observe a range of regulatory obligations in certain areas, such as environmental, labour, social and competition". "despite statements in the Protocol that it is not intended to be permanent, and the clear intention of the parties that it should be replaced by alternative, permanent arrangements, in international law the Protocol would endure indefinitely until a superseding agreement took its place". "I understand that we attempted to negotiate a unilateral termination mechanism exercisable on notice and on the grounds that there was no longer any reasonable prospect of agreement, but this was rejected by the EU". "In conclusion, the current drafting of the Protocol, including Article 19, does not provide for a mechanism that is likely to enable the UK lawfully to exit the UK wide customs union without a subsequent agreement. This remains the case even if parties are still negotiating many years later, and even if the parties believe that talks have clearly broken down and there is no prospect of a future relationship agreement." "In absence of a right of termination, there is a legal risk that the United Kingdom might become subject to protracted and repeating rounds of negotiations." The full thing is viewable here:
tl;dr The current "Brexit" deal would mean the UK still has to answer to the EU in certain areas including "environmental, labour, social and competition", despite not actually being in the EU or having any "benefits" of the EU... for forever, or until both UK/EU agree on a different arrangement. If the EU refuse to agree, the UK cannot leave. If the UK/EU never agree to a new arrangement, UK cannot leave the "backstop" one where they would be 'not' in the EU, but have to abide by certain EU rules, like they 'are' in the EU. Forever. So basically EU get to decide if we can ever leave, and we don't really get a say unless we agree to whatever they demand. Doesn't really sound like independence or sovereignty to me...

06/12/2018 @02:00
Looks sick!

07/12/2018 @00:32
Cinema all to ourselves πŸ˜‚πŸΏ
[with Terry Scott at Vue Cinema]

08/12/2018 @16:01
Looks hype

09/12/2018 @09:10
Nice easy mischief idea for your Elves people πŸ˜‰πŸ€—

14/12/2018 @00:12

14/12/2018 @20:43
With this little princess starting to feel a bit like Xmas is coming 🀩 xo

14/12/2018 @22:44
This fucking Elf. Every night I do this shit I think to myself, I'm gonna have to tidy all this shit up when I wake up FML πŸ˜‚

15/12/2018 @09:21
πŸ˜‚ she loves this damn Elf xo

15/12/2018 @15:06
Why I love Jordan Peterson ❤️πŸ’ͺ

15/12/2018 @16:06
The weather outside is frightful. I'm up town tonight; delightful... 🎢😐

16/12/2018 @22:13
Decent night out yesterday up town for the works Xmas do, and a solid night out tonight with all the old brigade. Ready for my pit now.

17/12/2018 @17:58
Was gonna head home. Seen traffic. Fuck that.
[at The Reginald Mitchell - Wetherspoons]

20/12/2018 @01:14

20/12/2018 @17:31
Stupid woman.

22/12/2018 @15:05
Absolute genius marketing.

22/12/2018 @18:26
New, grim experience. I can see a bit of hair in the plughole, so I starts pulling it out... Jesus Christ on a bicycle. It's like a fucking magicians handkerchief! Utterly ridiculous, and equally disgusting!

22/12/2018 @22:22
Cuddled up with this little sleepyhead on the sofa watching The Greatest Showman 😍 just getting emotional thinking about the days when this will be a thing of the past, when she is too cool for cuddles and falling asleep on Daddy's chest 😭 for now though I'll make the most of it, and cherish these moments whenever they come. And no matter what, she will always be her Daddy's little girl. Love her more than life itself ❤️ xo

23/12/2018 @08:42
Todd made it to Heaven πŸ‘

23/12/2018 @21:49
Little family get together ❤️
[with Terry Scott, Matthew Morris, Sammie Scott and Emma Scott at Coast to Coast Restaurants]

24/12/2018 @14:18
Here again 🍻
[with Tim Harlott, Georgina Handy, Sam Harding and Matthew Handy at The Reginald Mitchell - Wetherspoons]

24/12/2018 @19:51
Amaretto under the lights of the Christmas Tree ♥
[watching It's a Wonderful Life]

25/12/2018 @09:48
Christmas is the time to take a moment to appreciate and be grateful for those people in your life that make it special πŸ’– presence over presents xo

25/12/2018 @21:21
So, as you all know, I celebrate my Christmas on Boxing Day with little Princess. Resultantly my Christmas Day evening is spent how everyone else's Christmas Eve is spent. Tonight my little sweetheart insisted we give carrots to all 9 reindeer because it's not fair that only Rudolph gets one. She even individually labelled them! πŸ˜πŸ˜‚ Merry Christmas everyone πŸ’•πŸŽ…

27/12/2018 @12:18
Madness. Incredible, but madness.

27/12/2018 @12:22
Thanks, sons crying now.

27/12/2018 @20:26
Economists; either you dismiss all the fear mongering they did as part of the Anti-Brexit movement that was shared to scare people into voting Remain... or you accept this as gospel too. Irony; gotta love it.

28/12/2018 @16:38
Bank Error not in your favour; collect your wages six days later than expected.

29/12/2018 @22:34
Utterly incredible.

30/12/2018 @15:54
I am so exhausted with the phrase: "Yay, another box I can use for crafting!" in reference to every single box in the house, including boxes still in use. "We can just leave the cereal in the bag inside the cupboard Dad". No, Ilysha. No we can't.

30/12/2018 @16:30
πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ it's either crafting or performing these days 😝 xo

30/12/2018 @17:52
Drew a tear ngl πŸ’–

31/12/2018 @15:26
Lose my shit trying get this cunting tree down every year. Nothing like headbutting and curb stomping a fucking tree to signal the end of Christmas. Where's the alcohol at?!

31/12/2018 @21:38
Before the lines get busy, Happy New Year to all my family and friends. Hope you all have a great 2019 full of laughter and good times. IDST. tb xx

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