Sunday, 31 March 2019

Monthly Musings: March 2019

An overview of opinions and observations for the month.

01/03/2019 @22:15
Mad ting!

01/03/2019 @22:19
Did a thing. A silly thing. I downloaded Tik Tok after getting sick of seeing the advert. And I can't stop watching mad stuff on it 😅

02/03/2019 @09:04
😂😂 xo

02/03/2019 @09:42
Ahh, to be a kid again. Saturday morning cartoons is the one 💯

02/03/2019 @11:54
I saw a video that said Islam takes offence at Western culture for the abundance of drugs, alcohol, sex and pornography. I have to say, they have a point. It is a bit out of hand at times. But tbf, we don't have an abundance of terrorism, jihadism, killing homosexuals, grooming gangs, forcing all women to wear burkas, or killing people for not believing in our imaginary friend "Allah". So ya'no, swings and roundabouts 🤷🏻‍♂️

02/03/2019 @14:03
Fuck sake 😂😂

Right. So. Recently stumbled upon @Will__NE on @YouTube & have binge watched the fuck out of his entire channel. Fucking pisser.

Need glasses dunt ah. Tried on my colleagues and after I took em off I realised how shit my sight is 🤦🏻‍♂️

06/03/2019 @00:25
"SPARK HER OUT! CHIN HER! Punch her in the nose! Question my masculinity? Smash her face in!!" 😂

Life got me like...

Ngl, lowkey makes me salty af when I see friends supporting others passions when they don't take an interest in mine 😑 like, you suppose be my friend too ya'no. Just here like.

10/03/2019 @10:08
This little girl makes me the happiest I ever could be. The best things in life really are free 😍 xo

11/03/2019 @09:10

12/03/2019 @09:43
Well, this weather can fuck right off for starters.

12/03/2019 @19:53
[watching Ghost In The Shell]

12/03/2019 @21:13
It's amazing how many people still insist on challenging a democratic vote on the basis that 'perhaps' the outcome is not representative of the current political bias. It was a democratic vote. The majority voted to leave. How hard is that to comprehend? What amuses me most is the conflation of mainstream media's biased reporting as being representative of fact. Because as we all know, mainstream media are nonpartisan and definitely do not push false narratives that support the interests of the minority in power (lol topkek). Also the notion that those who voted in favour of Brexit are 'scared' that their vote will be dismissed in the event of a second Referendum is laughable. There is no "fear". There is anger and frustration. Democracy means that people have a voice; using delay tactics long enough to push enough scaremongering narratives through mainstream media to sway public opinion does not mean that a Second Referendum would be any more representative than the original one. It just means instead of "people voting to leave because they believed the lies" about the benefits Brexit could deliver, it would be "people voting to stay because they believed the lies" about the damage Brexit could entail. Apply the same logic to any democratic vote and you'll see how contrived and redundant the argument of a Second Referendum is. The logical fallacies employed by the mainstream media are transparent if you pay attention. Any democratic vote could be swayed if you spent two years relentlessly hammering the voters with biased reporting and false equivalencies, in an attempt to brainwash them and grind them down to apathy. Democracy is not democracy, unless a democratic vote is honoured. Brexit was democratically voted for. Brexit needs to happen.

13/03/2019 @20:14
This generation of politics will be forever remembered for the utter shitshow of Brexit.

14/03/2019 @09:08
Steak and blowjob day; £13.99 for a steak platter at Moorland, £20 for a blowjob from Hope Street. Cheaper than Valentine's Day tbf.

14/03/2019 @13:19

14/03/2019 @19:12
"If voting made any difference, they wouldn't let us do it." - Mark Twain

14/03/2019 @22:22
[watching 47 Ronin]

People who pretend they already know stuff when they don't 😏🔫😑

If Marvel care that much about being political agenda pandering cucks, they could have done a separate female dedicated spinoff. Not hijack the core MCU & send it off a cliff in a bid to virtue signal to a demographic that don't watch their movies or generate them any revenue.

Last time God wanted to destroy humanity, he sent a great flood. This time, he realises his input isn't needed. We're quite capable of doing it ourselves.

Do you think the Government realise how polarising the current circus over Brexit is? Suffice to say, next election I won't be voting for either Labour or Tories.

16/03/2019 @15:33

16/03/2019 @20:16
I'll take that 🙌

"Love, far from being benign and sweet, is, in fact, the closest many of us get to experiencing mental illness."

Curious how much coverage terrorism receives when it feeds the leftist narrative that reinforces mass migration; yet terrorism that detracts from it, is swept under the carpet & never discussed such as the 370 Islamic attacks that have killed 2,070 people so far in 2019... 🤔

18/03/2019 @21:07
#prayfornigeria #prayforchristianity

18/03/2019 @23:38
[watching Triple Frontier]

19/03/2019 @19:56

19/03/2019 @22:56
[watching The Equalizer]

Ughh. Section 21 Eviction Notice. Guess I need to find a new home. Kiddo is gonna be gutted.

20/03/2019 @17:50
Section 21. Fuck my life.

23/03/2019 @18:29
I wonder if the claims today of 1 million turnout are on par with last time when they claimed 700k when it was actually 250k? 🤔

23/03/2019 @22:43
Yep, Revoke Article 50 because I'm sure they are trying to keep us in for our own benefit. I'm sure it's nothing to do with the content of this 🤔🤔

24/03/2019 @21:51
Now is not the time to bury our heads in the sand and walk on eggshells around these issues. Now is the time to stand up, open our eyes and address the situation. Either we continue with willful ignorance in the name of multicultural diversity and not offending anyone, or we agree that the time for empty platitudes and virtue signalling is long past. The clock is counting down to the loss of all European identity. Make no mistake, if we continue to indulge this current narrative, Europe will disappear into the history books much like the Roman Empire within the century. Overwritten and forgotten, a victim of tolerance and humanitarianism. My only solace in all of this, is that one day I will die and be free from all this despair and insanity. My biggest pain is knowing that my daughter, or potential grandchildren will be the ones to witness the cannibalisation of our culture, heritage and national identity at the behest of naive martyrs who just wanted to show the world how compassionate and virtuous they were. This is real life, not social media. Your "likes" and "retweets" won't mean anything when the Western world passes the point of saving.

25/03/2019 @22:42
[with Georgina Bailey]

26/03/2019 @12:11
This of course is hilarious when viewed beside the original Brexit referendum and the ensuing Government's unwillingness to commit to delivering what was voted for then either. Beautifully ironic. I hope May ignores all the MP's votes, just like they've tried to ignore our 17.4m.

26/03/2019 @12:32
Theresa May has made it clear that she would not feel bound by the result of any indicative votes – which could include a 'softer' Norway-style deal, or a second referendum: "No Government could give a blank cheque to commit to an outcome without knowing what it is. So I cannot commit the Government to delivering the outcome of any votes held by this House." This comes following the Commons vote of 52% in favour of a cross-party amendment to enable MP's to stage a series of “indicative votes” on alternatives to the Prime Minister’s deal. Wait... 52%, where have I heard that number before? I genuinely hope the 52% vote in favour of a Second Referendum, and then May just dismisses it and ignores it. Like all these MP's who've simply tried to dismiss and ignore the will of 17.4m voters [also 52%] for almost 3yrs. It would be delightfully ironic to see the MP's then complain about how it's undemocratic for May to shrug off their indicative votes, without conceding the hypocrisy in their hysteria. You see, this is the issue when you shit all over our national democracy; in doing so, you remove all the stigma for not upholding any future democratic decisions either. Once it's dead, it's dead for all of us. You can't have a'la carte democracy.

[May] made it clear she would not feel bound by the result of any indicative votes: "No Government could give a blank cheque to commit to an outcome without knowing what it is. So I cannot commit the Government to delivering the outcome of any votes held by this House." This of course is hilarious when viewed beside the original Brexit referendum and the ensuing Government's unwillingness to commit to delivering what was voted for then either. Beautifully ironic. I hope May ignores all the MP's votes, just like they've tried to ignore our 17.4m.

"Copyright: Parliament just voted in favour of the proposed directive on copyright rules for the digital market. Press release to be published soon." This type of reckless and excessive bureaucracy is why 17.4m voted for Brexit.

It appears that the UK, much like the core EU, is democracy in name only. Every once in a while they will let the slaves pick their masters, but when it actually matters, your democratic voice will be muted and ignored by schadenfreude loving politicians.  #Brexit #Article13

Sure, Leavers voted out because they're racist, xenophobic, bigoted morons. Nothing to do with these types of demand for surrendering of all control and sovereignty to Brussels...

So much love and respect for Viktor Orban, @matteosalvinimi, Andrzej Duda, @Nigel_Farage, Marine Le Pen and any other leader who stands up for democracy and anti-mass migration. The EU needs to fall. George Soros must be denied. Sovereignity, identity, and heritage must win!

#Brexit being undermined by a rogue corrupt Government. #JussieSmollett walking free despite not being exonerated. EU arrogantly passing #Article13. Refusal to accept the findings of the #MuellerReport by liberal wet lettuces... Stop the world, I want to get off.

It's like the World Cup Final today, only in this one it's England vs. the 'Rest of Europe'. Oh, and some of the England players are actually playing for the 'Rest of Europe' team too. And the Rest of Europe have bribed the officials. And the England Captain has no legs. #Brexit

And the #Brexit circus continues. Too many egos, political agendas, personal vendettas and party politics to agree on anything. The world is watching, waiting, with baited breath. Our national humiliation at the hands of incompetent, arrogant and ignorant Europhiles continues.

May: "This House has rejected no deal. It has rejected no Brexit. On Wednesday it rejected all the variations of the deal on the table. And today it has rejected approving the withdrawal agreement alone." Reject everything. Keep rejecting it all. No Deal is the default. #Brexit

The desperation of Remain voters pleading with the EU leaders to overrule the British Government and cancel Brexit is grotesque. Have they no shame or dignity? Utterly reprehensible behaviour from the naive and gullible whoever swallowed the pro-EU propaganda. #Brexit #NoDeal [@eucopresident: In view of the rejection of the Withdrawal Agreement by the House of Commons, I have decided to call a European Council on 10 April. #Brexit]

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