An overview of opinions and observations for the month.
01/03/2020 @07:58
02/03/2020 @12:42
Well. That's my night sorted... ð
02/03/2020 @20:21
This demo has had me giggling like a little kid, and smiling like the Cheshire cat. Goddamn it Square Enix. So much nostalgia, and such a graphically beautiful remake ð❤️
[was playing Final Fantasy VII Remake]
02/03/2020 @22:08
This is unexpectedly intriguing ð
03/03/2020 @00:37
03/03/2020 @22:14
when you keep posting memes and joking about Coronavirus, then you get Coronavirus
04/03/2020 @09:42
Been having severe abdominal pain, bit of tightness in my chest and random bouts of heartburn for almost a week now. After eating or drinking I keep burping loads, and then I get random stabbing sensations below my sternum, below my right rib cage and to the bottom left of my stomach. Looked online at symptoms, utterly pointless. I've either got indigestion or cancer, you know, completely opposite ends of the scale. Think to myself, fuck it, just gonna ring 111 and see what they reckon. Speak to them at around 11pm last night and they say a clinician will call me back shortly. I went bed at around 2am after not hearing back from them, and woke up to 3 missed calls at 5am and a voicemail saying they were closing my 'ticket' as I hadn't answered. Funnily enough, I was asleep 111, because calling me back after 6hrs at the crack of dawn isn't "shortly"!
04/03/2020 @20:02
right. okay. so this Coronavirus is obviously God at work cleansing all the sinners from the planet like Old Testament swag. most important question, who building the sky Ark for us to go into 2-by-2? does anyone noah guy? lmk
05/03/2020 @08:35
05/03/2020 @10:47
omg now one in every seven hundred and thirty eight thousand two hundred and twenty two people in UK have covid. the end is nigh
05/03/2020 @13:54
if we gonna all die from corona, may as well just laugh about it til then innit. no point worrying bout it. que sera sera and all that
06/03/2020 @14:53
Ugh. Let's see what's occurring.
[at NHS Walk in Centre Hanley]
07/03/2020 @19:23
Keep calm and carry on ðŊð
[at The Nelson Inn]
08/03/2020 @01:01
the first case of corona in UK was 31st Jan & now we have 2 deceased as a result. that’s one death every 18.5 days. at this current rate, it will kill the whole UK population by the year 3,341,480. better go buy more hand wash and toilet roll for fuck sake
08/03/2020 @01:16
Annnnd that's enough internet for today.
08/03/2020 @21:59
When did they sneak Season 3 onto Netflix!? ð
10/03/2020 @08:56
10/03/2020 @19:25
[watching My Neighbour Totoro]
10/03/2020 @20:26
[watching The Secret World of Arrietty]
11/03/2020 @08:57
Positivity is power! ðŊðŠ
11/03/2020 @20:29
[watching Spirited Away]
11/03/2020 @22:57
Forget Coronavirus. What the fuck is this weather doing tonight? Swear it sounds like it's raining inside my house, and the wind is about to throw a bin through my window.
12/03/2020 @13:30
The concept of "social distancing" makes me laugh. I do that anyway.
13/03/2020 @14:10
I see a lot of Facebook politicians have switched jobs now Brexit is over, and become Facebook Doctors and Scientists now... a couple of months ago they knew everything about global economics, international trade tariffs and parliamentary procedure, now they know everything about viral load, R0 transmission rates and anti-viral biomedical research.
13/03/2020 @21:00
You’re stuck in quarantine for 14 days with the third person who pops up when you type @. Who are you quarantined with, and will both of you make it out. Stephen Nero Hodson Lmao, probably making memes and music I guess ðĪ·ðŧ♂️
14/03/2020 @07:56
I understand people worrying, the scaremongering by the media is incredible. We really do need to think about this logically though. Closing schools effectively means one of two things; parents being forced to be off work to look after children who would normally be at school, meaning loss of income whilst they're off and unable to work which directly affects housesholds, or parents will more than likely have the grandparents babysitting whilst the working parents go to work which increases the risk of exposing the most vulnerable to the disease if the working parent catches the virus and brings it home. It doesn't show symptoms for days meaning the parent would likely pass it onto the child anyway, who would then pass it onto the grandparents. People saying the Government are prioritising the economy over public health are shortsighted. Think of all the drum banging there was been about austerity and the amount of avoidable deaths caused by the restrictive measures introduced to salvage the economy. The alleged figure was 130,000 deaths for clarity. If the country grinds to a halt because a large proportion of workers have to sign off work, the austerity measures required to recover the economy once the virus subsides will be worse than anything we've seen thus far. Would taking a test really help at this point? Not particularly. If you have symptoms then stay home and recover. If you can't recover, the NHS can still accommodate you and treat you as required. Wasting time and money on providing tests is unnecessary; look at the current stats for tests done vs. positive; extrapolate that number across the population and you'll see why. A positive test does not change the outcome of whether you can recover at home, or if you need hospitalisation; the progression of your symptoms does. So the test is irrelevant. What would be more beneficial? Testing everyone, and hospitalisation of every minor case that could recover by themselves at home? Overwhelm the NHS so that those who genuinely need help can't get it as the nurses are busy looking after those who could be at home resting and letting it run its course? It's a worrying time for people, because now Brexit is over, the media need news that sells; seems they're rubbing their hands because they can post any clickbait article with a trivial update and everyone rushes to read it which further fuels the hysteria and panic. The reality is that if everyone just followed the guidelines and takes the recommended precautions, the spread would be hugely reduced and those suffering can receive the treatment they need. Just remember that mainstream media are a for profit business, not a public service. They masquerade acting like they're providing news for your benefit, but the truth is, they're printing whatever sells because that's how they make money; by profiting off public panic. There is often zero journalistic integrity and they say whatever they need to get the sale or click to generate revenue. Keep calm, follow procedures and ride it out. Avoid unnecessary public gatherings if you're concerned. I know, it's scary, but it's not the apocalypse. We will get through this together ❤️
14/03/2020 @08:54
14/03/2020 @08:55
14/03/2020 @08:56
14/03/2020 @08:59
Steak and blowjob day when you're in social isolation due to the current Covid-19 situation; gonna treat myself to some pasta and a hand sanitiser wank instead. It's a good job I bought toilet rolls and hand wash for after.
14/03/2020 @11:10
Last night a youth knocks on my door with a clipboard, starts going on about "just want check if you're overpaying on your gas and electric". I whips out my spreadsheet of my daily usage and he is like "do you track all this yourself?" Hahaha, then he left because he couldn't beat what I pay already ðĪŠðŊ
14/03/2020 @13:55
Never really cared about calorie tracking and all that jazz until my best mate Dan mailed me a Fitbit the other day. The gamification of your health makes it all the more interesting, seeing stats and trends and getting little achievements and that. I'm actually sat drinking a coffee with NO SUGAR because I looked it up and it's like 100 calories if you have two teaspoons! Not letting a sweet tooth fuck up my calorie deficit! ððĨī
14/03/2020 @15:27
How times change...
Feb: "Be kind".
Now: "Fuck everyone else! Give me all the toilet roll, sanitiser and pasta! I don't give a fuck if they have to wipe their arse with a sock!" ðĨīðĨī
15/03/2020 @09:18
Kiddo is singing Billie 'Eyelash', Bad Guy in the other room. She gets to the appropriate part, and I go to jump through the doorway dramatically to shout "DUHHH" and manage to full on headbutt the top of the doorframe ð so instead I stumble into the room saying "ARHGHHH" clutching my head ðĨīðĪŠ fuck sake
15/03/2020 @11:22
Temperature: Freezing.
Heating: On.
15/03/2020 @19:36
A few Covid stats to counter the misleading scary news circulating. China has 80,000 cases. It's population is 1,480,000,000. Italy has 21,000 cases. It's populations is 64,800,000. UK has 1,372 cases. It's population is 66,780,000. The numbers are worrying without perspective, but realise, these are tiny numbers in reality. Chances are you won't get it. Chances are that if you do, you'll be fine. ð
16/03/2020 @12:53
Here are the figures. Absolutely terrifying... ð And now my little trip to Amsterdam has been called off. Suck my root Rona, ya cunt.
16/03/2020 @19:44
Just gonna go on record and say I don't buy it. This isn't just a cut and paste virus pandemic like it's being made out to be. There is more to this than they're letting on. I'm not going full tin foil hat like some people, but the hysteria and draconian measures being implemented worldwide are not justified by the statistics. The main things I've noticed buried beneath all this media hype are beneficial climate change in all locked down countries largely due to a reduction in pollution from vehicles and production factories, and the absolute shitshow of the stock markets lately. Perhaps it really is just pure coincidence, but when the death toll is a low as it is (and make no mistake, comparatively it really is fuck all) these grandiose measures seem overkill. And that's an understatement. Someone is getting very rich picking up all these plummeting stocks, and with the drum being banged loudest by globalist organisations like WHO, I can't help but think this is perhaps manufactured and driven as a corrective trajectory for climate change. They said it themselves; if it doesn't change, we'll pass the point of no return and the world will become uninhabitable. If you think they wouldn't sacrifice a small percentage of humanity to achieve it, you've not been paying attention. ð§
17/03/2020 @23:47
Fuck sake ðð
19/03/2020 @19:34
19/03/2020 @21:29
Been shopping tonight. Food, cleaning products etc isn't an issue, yeah some common items are missing and the brand's you usually get may be AWOL but there is plenty of stuff still there to keep you fed & clean. I feel for parents of babies most, nappies and baby milk is nowhere to be seen ð❤️
20/03/2020 @10:04
I felt that.
20/03/2020 @18:12
A year ago today, I got served an eviction notice to get kicked out my home of 8 years. Today work have made 5 people redundant and everyone else has had to take a 20% pay cut. Fuck March 20th, and fuck Covid ð
20/03/2020 @20:26
Man, this is just shit innit? I aren't even arsed about Covid anymore; they weren't lying when they said the economical impact will affect people more than the health risk.
21/03/2020 @11:45
Total deaths from Covid in UK at present: 177.
Deaths from smoking in UK every day: 220.
Ban smoking to save 80,000 lives a year?
21/03/2020 @13:31
I feel so sorry for her Mum working from home with this ðð xo
21/03/2020 @18:00
How I understand it, rn the advice is that you choose one of the following; Self Isolation; stay home, don't leave to avoid proximity with everyone. Order food to be delivered or get family/friends to drop it off for you. Do not have visitors. Social Distancing; go about your life as minimally as possible and avoid all unnecessary proximity. Go to work if you need too, but minimise contact with others. If the latter fails, we'll all have to do the former.
21/03/2020 @19:12
And people think Brexit was voted for by racists, not by people who know the bloc don't give a fuck about each other. We have Greece fighting out swarms of migrants without support. Italy left to fend for itself. Now France are stealing medical supplies on route to UK. Oh yes, the EU is a lovely project...
22/03/2020 @08:43
This will never not be solid advice ðŊð
22/03/2020 @12:57
Powerful way of framing it ðŊ
22/03/2020 @20:29
Make no mistake, what we are witnessing right now is the Boy Who Cried Wolf demonstrated on a national, if not global scale. For years the mainstream media have given the public increasingly less reasons to trust or believe them about anything whatsoever. They've repeatedly lied, exaggerated, twisted the facts to sensationalise, and intentionally misled to clickbait the world for profit and power for years... ðĪĨ Is it really so unsurprising that a large proportion of the population just ignore it now and drown it all out? Is it such a bizarre notion that people don't believe it, or bother to even listen to what they claim anymore? As I said; it's the Boy Who Cried Wolf. So when there really is a metaphorical Wolf that threatens the world, the Boy [Media] can scream a warning as much as they like, but the population no longer believe them. And who's fault is it really? The public for giving up listening to the lies, or the Media for putting profit over truth for all these years? ðĪ
22/03/2020 @22:43
Happy Mother's Day Mum! Love you more than any words could ever express ❤️ thank you for all you've done, and continue to do for me xxxxx
23/03/2020 @22:13
I don't understand everyone who has been self isolating now complaining about lockdown. You've already been in lockdown if you've been self isolating. Nothing has changed for you.
24/03/2020 @08:15
24/03/2020 @13:58
If you want reassurances that people are taking lockdown seriously, check this out. Also, ignore my breathing, I'm just 17st and vape too much ððŊ
24/03/2020 @21:21
Follow up to earlier. Leaving work was weird ngl. Can't lie either, I like there being less people. Never been a fan of social interaction anyway ðĪ·ðŧ♂️ð
24/03/2020 @22:15
Never in my life thought I'd be selecting which lager to buy based on the calories, alas here we are... ð Kronenbourg has over 100 more calories than San Miguel! ðģ
24/03/2020 @22:32
[watching Seven Deadly Sins]
26/03/2020 @09:00
26/03/2020 @19:10
I work in a "Critical Sector" as a "Key Worker" so dickhead here still has to go into work at the office everyday. That said, I've got tomorrow booked off, so my plan for tonight is what all you furlough fuckers seem to be doing every night. Get pissed and sleep it off tomorrow. Let's go!
26/03/2020 @20:33
Should be Amsterdam rn for my brother's stag but alas. Gotta make do with what we got boys ❤️ðš #NetflixParty
[was watching Netflix with Terry Scott and Matthew Morris]
27/03/2020 @10:37
Right, I'm awake; time to be productive. A day off consisting of washing, cleaning, and tidying. Living the dream! ðŊ
27/03/2020 @12:20
Washing dishes, having a good sing along to the radio. See movement out my peripheral vision, glance up and no word of a lie there is a bumblebee the size of a golf ball bouncing off my kitchen window. Based on their growth over the last few years, I anticipate bees will be the size of beachballs by 2026. You heard it here first.
28/03/2020 @12:33
Is it just me, or every time you get an unusual symptom now do you Google to see if it's related to coronavirus? Media hysteria is making us all hypochondriacs ðĪ
28/03/2020 @14:21
The last data from ONS showed 1,484 people die every day in UK from various causes. I'm curious how many of those 1,484 deaths are currently being attributed to Covid-19 when the deceased died "whilst infected" rather than "because of the infection".
28/03/2020 @17:34
What non-parent's think having a kid is like: "Daaaad can I have some sweets?" What having kids is actually like: "Dad I need you to colour all this sky in blue..."
28/03/2020 @23:18
Don't forget clocks go forward tonight. I recommend putting them forward about 6 months so all this Covid bollocks is over with by the time you wake up ððŊ
29/03/2020 @11:51
29/03/2020 @12:02
If you watch anything today, please I beg you watch this! Almost moved me to tears can't lie.
29/03/2020 @13:01
30/03/2020 @18:47
Just a quick update; I still don't buy it. The draconian measures are simply not justified by the supposed health risk, and I have no faith in the figures being reported either, especially not for mortality.
31/03/2020 @09:56
"The real problem is that when human societies lose their freedom, it's not usually because tyrants have taken it away. It's usually because people willingly surrender their freedom in return for protection against some external threat. And the threat is usually a real threat but usually exaggerated. That's what I fear we are seeing now. The pressure on politicians has come from the public. They want action. They don't pause to ask whether the action will work. They don't ask themselves whether the cost will be worth paying. They want action anyway. And anyone who has studied history will recognise here the classic symptoms of collective hysteria. Hysteria is infectious. We are working ourselves up into a lather in which we exaggerate the threat and stop asking ourselves whether the cure may be worse than the disease."
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