Saturday, 31 July 2021

Monthly Musings: July 2021

An overview of opinions and observations for the month.

01/07/2021 @14:12
We'll die one day, and all we can do between now and then, is try to experience and enjoy as much of life as we can ♥

01/07/2021 @15:19
What is the purpose of life, if you're prevented from living it? What is it's value, if you can only exist?

01/07/2021 @23:36
"She will definitely be here?" queried Ilaithe in an agitated tone glancing across at Ichvi. From his left, Tisia'ch snorted derisively. Her features were delicate beneath her fiery braids that held impeccably in neat furrows. "You can always trust a Scalyar to do something foolish" she spat. "Well you know what they say; Never doubt a Scalyar..." mocked Illaithe. "To be a fucking idiot?" retorted Tisia'ch disgustedly. Ichvi kept quiet, staggering along with unwelcome assistance from the occasional nudge in his back. The Firefolk offered him no sympathy or respite. Lorenvir was leading the group, a good few paces ahead with the Flare wielded masterfully in his palms, the smallest of the group, Aess'ia, was fighting to remain at his flank. At the back of the group, Gaiavel, Ivamir and Eialon were lightly conversing using a language unknown to the Scalyar. The two males seemed to be teasing Eialon, as her tone suggested annoyance, and was met simply with snickers and mimicry even down to the squeak of the voices. Occasionally Illaithe would glance back with a nasty expression, and their voices would dry up briefly, but before long they were back yammering among themselves. Tisia'ch was visibly frustrated, which was matched by the sharpness of her voice. "I don't understand why we're taking her with us" she hissed, "or this sorry sack of shit for that matter!" The back of her hand stung as it struck the side of Ichvi's face, causing him to stumble into Illaithe who nudged him back into formation with a grunt. One of the twins behind him chuckled loudly, but whether it was Gaiavel or Ivamir didn't matter. He had already glanced back at them once, and realised quickly that both were built like wardrobes and their copper bearded grimaces were as hardy as the kick he'd received thereafter. He hadn't got a proper look at Eialon, but he'd noted she was a well built female too. He swallowed back the lump in his throat. He deserved this. This was his penance.
[XVII Destiny Delivers | Lightfade] (I'm getting there now, first draft should be finished in the near future!)

@veryvirology [@peachypuk: "Wtf is Prion disease? My vet med student daughter was just told by a professor that’s what he’s most concerned about with the MRNA. I haven’t even seen this mentioned ๐Ÿคท‍♀️"]

[@EssexPR: "In a few years time, a lot of people are going to pretend they didn’t support Lockdowns and harsh restrictions. When the devastating collateral damage becomes clear to the masses, watch them distance themselves."]

02/07/2021 @22:37
Singing Lysh a lullaby before bed. She knows ⚽✌️ ["Football's coming home, it's coming home..."]

03/07/2021 @22:31
Still get "leaking roof anxiety" whenever the rain is this heavy ๐Ÿ˜ฌ๐Ÿฅด

[@screenname87: "Government have got a big problem on their hands. NHS whistle blower letter in full ๐Ÿ‘‡"]

Having a pregnancy test myself. [@ClarkeMicah: "In park near centre of Oxford a pop-up Covid testing centre appears. Why? At 7.30 PM it has small queue of people unquestionably under 30."][@JonAustinjourn1: "I’m to busy having my Dengue Fever test done to think about this."]

[@mumziep: "Government Health Advice > Avoid sunlight and fresh air as much as possible. > Trap bacteria and germs on your face for at least 8 hours a day. > Watch television news propaganda daily. > Instil a sense of anxiety and fear in your children. > Get injected with untested vaccines."]

[@JanBrodsky: "๐Ÿ‘‡๐Ÿ‘‡ Dr. Mike Yeadon has had enough! ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ #EndThePandemic #EndTheLockdowns  #ImDone #EnoughIsEnough"]

04/07/2021 @19:01
Oh, behold, a reason to postpone July 19th easing of lockdown. ["Fears over the ‘Lambda’ Covid variant that’s hit UK as ‘unusual’ mutations can ‘dodge vaccines’"]

05/07/2021 @12:14
Getting really bored of people telling me: "You really should have the vaccines you know; I've had my two jabs and I'm fine. They aren't trying to microchip you. You just read too much about really rare side effects. All my family and friends have been fine with their jabs." ๐Ÿ™„

05/07/2021 @22:16
For those who somehow don't know yet, I'm writing a novel called "Lightfade" and it's fucking sick. I am so damn impressed with my own writing ability. The first draft is nearing completion now which is something I swore to achieve this year, and I am so proud of myself. It's been a long time in the making, but you can't rush perfection. 296 pages so far, and 54,000 words. ✍️❤️

[@youth_unheard: "I have my own 5 point plan: Sack SAGE. Sack all the MPs. Sack all the journalists. Never get tested. Take control of your life and health. All problems solved."]

[@DickDelingpole: "You would DEFINITELY be able to spot the deadly, economy-destroying, freedom-cancelling pandemic year based on number of deaths in England and Wales, wouldn't you? Even if the last 30 years were jumbled up? Spot 2020 on this chart. Will post answer later."]

06/07/2021 @15:50
๐Ÿ˜ณ ["West Indies women's team now fully vaccinated" - "2 West Indies women cricketers collapse on field during T20I against Pakistan"]

07/07/2021 @22:37

[@fact_covid: "Around 9 in 10 *adults* in the UK would have tested positive for antibodies against coronavirus in the week beginning 14 June. Latest @ONS estimates: England - 89.8% (was 86.6%) Wales - 91.8% (was 88.7%) Scotland - 84.7% (was 79.1%) N. Ireland - 87.2% (was 85.4%)"]

08/07/2021 @09:39
["Remember to get vaccinated or a vaccinated person might get sick from the virus they got vaccinated against because you're not vaccinated"]

09/07/2021 @08:07
This. ["I know I may sound like a crazy conspiracy theorist, but getting lots of fresh air, having daily exercise, giving up junk food, eating healthily, losing weight, drinking less booze and giving up smoking may help to reduce the pressure on the NHS."]

09/07/2021 @08:13
Do it. 

09/07/2021 @10:04
"Data from the first 12 months of the pandemic in England shows 25 under-18s died from Covid." 25 under 18's. Under 18's. Not even just "children". In a deadly pandemic. 15 of those 25 had life-limiting or underlying conditions, including 13 living with complex neuro-disabilities. There are 12 million 'children' in England. That means 11,999,975 children didn't die of Covid. And it's not even an argument that many still got really ill and were lucky to not die. Only 251 children were admitted to ICU. 11,999,749 were perfectly fine. Stop even toying with the idea of vaccinating our children.
[ ]

09/07/2021 @11:11
First weekend ever without Ilysha where it's at my request. Feel like a selfish bastard for not having her ๐Ÿ™ˆ and missing her loads. But tomorrow is my brothers Stag Do in Liverpool that has been postponed due to Covid, a once in a lifetime event and I couldn't miss it. Early night in preparation for making my liver hate me again. And when I'm hanging out my arse on Sunday, I get to make my liver hate me once more watching the boys bring it home against Italy. Big weekend! ⚽๐Ÿป๐Ÿ’ฏ

This. [@JamesMelville: "I know I may sound like a crazy conspiracy theorist, but getting lots of fresh air, having daily exercise, giving up junk food, eating healthily, losing weight, drinking less booze and giving up smoking may help to reduce the pressure on the NHS."]

[@itsjillgardner: "If an overweight person tells me I need to wear a mask and take a jab, I will tell them they need to lose weight. I have had enough of this political correctness stopping us from being honest."]

[@AlexBerenson: "Six kids. And we know the real rate of infections in kids is ~4-5x the reported rate because most have no symptoms at all and are never tested. So the real #Covid death rate in healthy kids was 6 out of 2-2.5 million - 1 in 300,000 to 400,000. 0.0003%. DO NOT VACCINATE KIDS."]

[@RobSchneider: "We should never abandon our liberal principles and international stance on body autonomy, free informed choice and human rights, and support unprecedented coercion of professional health workers, patients and people to have experimental treatments with limited safety data. This and the policies that go with it are more of a danger to our society than anything we have face during this last year."]

11/07/2021 @19:26
Last night was absolute carnage with the Stag lads ๐Ÿ˜‚๐ŸคŸ drank too much and woke up still pissed. Got back home this afternoon and fell asleep, and now I'm back up and it's time watch football come home! ⚽๐Ÿป

11/07/2021 @20:03
Fuck off! ⚽๐Ÿป๐Ÿ’ฏ

11/07/2021 @20:52
It's coming home ⚽๐Ÿป๐Ÿ’ฏ 
[with Terry Scott and 4 others at White Horse inn carvery pub]

11/07/2021 @22:41
It's not about penos. Fml.

11/07/2021 @22:56
Work is gonna be depressing tomorrow.

12/07/2021 @12:05
Still can't get over how disgusting Chiellini fouling Saka was.

12/07/2021 @20:00
This weekend has utterly ruined me ๐Ÿ˜… quiet week of rest & recovery coming up.

[@RyanKemper10: "How interesting is it that we know that SARS-CoV-2 was circulating around the globe for at least half a year before the world collectively lost its shit - and during Winter no less - and then the mass deaths started as soon as we became aware of its existence. What a coincidence!"]

[@davidkurten: "If you delete the NHS track and trace app, you won't get pinged to self-isolate. If you stay free from experimental injections of mRNA and chimp virus, you won't suffer any 'rare' adverse health effects. If you have an immune system, you have >99.9% chance of beating SARS-Cov-2."]

[@youth_unheard: "What is the obsession with getting tested for Covid all the time? Either you're ill, or you're not. If you're not ill, it's insane to get tested, basically hypochondria. If you are ill, why does it matter if it's SARS-CoV-2 causing it or another virus?"]

[@Taka_tut: "1/12 NHS Dr Stephen Wright, 32, wanted his Covid vaccination to protect his patients: young people with complex Autism. He died from VITT ten days later. His friends are now fundraising to help his family with the bills. A thread on costs of a noble lie"]

[@a_webb: "If care home residents have been jabbed, and if the jabs work, why do staff and visitors need them? And if they don’t work, what’s the point in staff having them? Why is NOBODY in the MSM asking these questions?"]

13/07/2021 @08:07
I will not be coerced into taking an experimental jab with no proven health benefits, ever. The cognitive dissonance of a terrified nation with no critical thinking capacity is legitimately astounding. The reality I witness, and the narrative they parrot do not marry up at all.

13/07/2021 @11:52
They've kept reminding us about 'asymptomatic transmission' throughout. Data proves that none of the vaccines prevent transmission (you can still catch/pass it on post-jab(s)). Now explain to me the health benefits of Vaccine Passports. I'll wait. ๐Ÿคจ #NoVaccinePassports

13/07/2021 @16:57
๐Ÿ˜ท"Your vaccine passport says you have not had the vaccine, so you cannot come in the venue."
๐Ÿง"But why?"
๐Ÿ˜ท"In case you spread Covid."
๐Ÿง"But you can spread Covid even if you've had the vaccine, so how does that make sense??"
๐Ÿ˜ท"Look, I don't make the rules."

14/07/2021 @10:14
I can only imagine how frustrated the Gov are that despite all the money they've spent and energy they've wasted on trying to generate fear in the population to increase vaccine uptake, MANY OF US STILL AREN'T SCARED ENOUGH TO GAMBLE ON EXPERIMENTAL VAXS. #NoVaccinePassports

14/07/2021 @21:15
When you've looked in the cupboards, fridge and freezer 26 times already and still canna find owt you fancy ๐Ÿ’ฏ๐ŸคŸ

What might work? Clearly not the vaccines. [@ProfEmilyOster: "My unpopular opinion of the day is that I think we may be reaching the limits of fear-based vaccine motivation. And there are downsides to continuing to sow fear among those who are already afraid. What might work? -Full FDA approval -Employer mandates"]

15/07/2021 @11:06
Trust me, when the wheels fall off and the shit hits the fan, everybody who has encouraged, condoned and advocated for lockdowns, masks, vaccines and passports etc. will suddenly deny any involvement, make weak excuses and refuse to accept any accountability for the outcomes.

15/07/2021 @23:30
Surprised to see any tabloids allowing counter-narrative to "vAcCiNeS aRe SaFe aNd eFfeCtiVe"... 

16/07/2021 @14:21
Remember when the taxi driver basically said to us "if you could have any superpower, what would you choose? mine would be the ability to get away with rape" ๐Ÿ˜ถ [with Josh Adams]

16/07/2021 @23:52
Trump makes a passing observation about whether injecting disinfectant could help tackle Covid, and the world mocks and heckles loudly. ...then they queue to allow globalists to inject them with undertested, experimental gene therapy mRNA jabs lmao. We live in clown world. ๐Ÿคก

Someone I know developed shingles post-vac; refuse to accept it's vac-related, insist it was a reaction to tumeric. Also keep telling me I should get vax'd. Their wife just randomly developed blood clots on the brain & required surgery. Again, refuse to accept it's vac-related. ["@Christi46847375: Another person I know now has shingles after the jab! This is now three people!"]

Hmm. Not really a major issue in UK though is it? ๐Ÿค” [@holmenkollin: "Something really odd is going on: In Europe we are seeing surges at many places where most of the population has already been vaccinated. At the same time, the 15 least vaccinated countries don‘t seem to face any problem. At some point, denying this problem will get painful."][@tw_rdr: "Death count in the last month has been going up in UK, but very low for Malta and Cyprus."]

Increasing the price won't deter people if they're that way inclined. Not even the risk of dying early is a deterrent. They will just have less money for other things that improve their quality of life so they stay unhealthy, only now their mental health deteriorates too. [@GBNEWS: "This Saturday morning, we want to hear from you. ๐Ÿ” Does Britain need a tax on sugar and salt?"]

17/07/2021 @15:06
Can't stay in all day when it's 26°c! ๐Ÿฅต☀️๐Ÿฆ 
[at Burslem Park]

17/07/2021 @20:35
Swift one with Foden ๐ŸคŸ 
[with John Lunt at Moorland Inn]

17/07/2021 @23:20
So fucking relieved.

17/07/2021 @23:27
Close the window, you're letting all the heat in ๐Ÿฅต

[@jonnyhodl: "I’ve been vaccinated against measles, mumps, rubella, meningitis, tetanus, diphtheria, whooping cough, polio, hepatitis A, hepatitis B, typhoid, cholera and yellow fever. But I’m an antivaxxer apparently, because I don’t want an unnecessary vaccine with no long term safety data."]

19/07/2021 @10:28
Today is a glorious day. Awaking to the sunshine. Nice bit of breakfast at Spoons. It's Freedom Day with an end to a lot of Covid restrictions and it's my brother's wedding day. Have a great day everyone, because I know I will ☺️❤️

20/07/2021 @19:12
Yesterday was amazing ❤️๐Ÿ’๐Ÿฐ๐Ÿ‘ฐ๐Ÿฅ‚

20/07/2021 @21:56
These moments are what make life worth living. I'd do it all over again in a heartbeat. Love you all, thanks for helping make yesterday so amazing for the Bride & Groom ❤️๐Ÿ‘ฐ๐Ÿ’๐Ÿฅ‚๐Ÿฐ xo #JustScottMarried2021

21/07/2021 @18:28
Ahh go on then ๐Ÿป 
[with Terry Scott at Moorland Inn]

21/07/2021 @09:15
Oh, and another one ๐Ÿป☺️❤️

21/07/2021 @12:37
Petition to change the phrase "conspiracy theory" to "spoiler alert".

22/07/2021 @12:31
The more you comply, the more they will lie.

22/07/2021 @22:00
[with Carl Hepple, Kyle Potts and Mike Roberts at Powerleague Stoke-on-Trent]

22/07/2021 @22:32
Powerleague stopped serving so fuck em ๐Ÿ˜…⚽๐Ÿป๐Ÿ’ฏ 
[at Hem Heath]

[@PeterStefanovi2: Breaking: Courageous Labour MP @DawnButlerBrent has just been told to leave the Chamber by Deputy Speaker for raising my film which public have sent to 27 MILLION VIEWS in protest at Prime Ministers rampant lying in Parliament & calling PM a lier. Thank you for your courage Dawn."]

[@AlexBerenson: "The reason this has become such a morass is the same reason that masks became such a morass. And lockdowns. And asymptomatic transmission. The establishment is trying to force a narrative on data that will not support it no matter how badly it is twisted."]

this aged well. just more "conspiracy theories" that turned out to infact be "spoiler alerts". bunch of lying cunts run the country but most people are asleep at the wheel just nodding along. [@Telegraph: "The government-funded trial could be rolled out to millions across the UK if successful"]["Exclusive: Vaccine passports to be trialled by thousands of Britons"][@nadhimzahawi: "We have no plans to introduce vaccine passports. We have vaccinated, as of yesterday, 2,431,648 first dose and 412,167 second dose. No one has been given or will be required to have a vaccine passport. @NHSuk @Emily_JR_Lawson"]

I simplified table 5 from the Technical Briefing to illustrate the point I was making about double vaxxed vs. unvaxxed ๐Ÿ‘ [@Arwenstar: "Some people who are double jabbed & are now ill with Covid have decided it’s the fault of unvaccinated people who are apparently—somehow—despite feeling perfectly healthy—extremely contagious - but they’re not asking questions about the vax, oh no, not that."][@Prowexx_UK: "something is wrong with these data. where are the single jabbed? why they make such a big proportion if they correspond to the missing part?"]

[@fedup42Mn: "How quickly its changed from "protect the vulnerable" to "hunt the unvaccinated"."]

23/07/2021 @11:05
Are the vaccines effective? Yes - then vaccine passports are pointless. Are the vaccines effective? No - then vaccine passports are pointless. Read it again. 

23/07/2021 @11:44
"blatant lies that have been told to the UK population over vaccines (no intention of vaccinating children; no intention of introducing vaccine passports; and no intention of using vaccine passports the UK) I am not surprised that people see conspiracies"

23/07/2021 @16:27
Awkward. Latest UK technical briefing for #COVID19 Variants of Concern shows 53% of Delta cases (121k/229k) are unvaxxed, but only 36% of deaths (165/460). So unvaxxed survive Delta better than double-vaxxed? That is what this shows, right?

23/07/2021 @16:55
Someone make it make sense please. Double vaxxed are less than 13% of cases and 22% of admissions, yet 49% of the deaths. Unvaxxed are only 36% of deaths.

23/07/2021 @17:03
NHS Framework Agreement for the supply of Direct Oral Anticoagulants (DOACs) for the NHS in England, 22 July 2021. Value of contract: £3,185,000,000. Now why ever could they possibly need so much anti-clotting medication? ๐Ÿค” #clotshot #NoVaccinePassport

24/07/2021 @17:58
Just got bollocked by my 8 year old kid for misgendering an animatronic off Five Nights at Freddys and using the wrong pronoun. Apparently it's they/them. ๐Ÿฅด So, how's your day going?

[@annaberu: "Jabbing for freedom is like f*cking for virginity."]

[@KyleKashuv: "It’s hard to put into words the level of contempt I have for Politicians and Journalists who did this"]["5 times more children committed suicide than died of Covid-19 during lockdown: UK study"]

[@TheLaurenChen: "2020: These crazy extremists think vaccine passports are going to be a thing. 2021: These crazy extremists don't want vaccine passports to be a thing."]

[@jengleruk: "Today I notified the local secretary of my local constituency Conservative Party that I was resigning from the Party. I did not vote Conservative to usher in authoritarian medical apartheid, nor a neo-Communist state aping China. @Conservatives"]

[@RepThomasMassie: "Inserting needles into people without their consent is violence. Depriving them of their basic human rights because they won’t give consent is also violence."]

Lmao. "Foo Fighters 'Vaccinated Only' concert has been canceled due to a fully vaccinated member getting COVID" [@backtolife_2023: "Springsteen demands vaccinated-only audience"][@James_Easter_19: "Foo Fighters have done the same. Unbelievable. ๐Ÿ˜ก Genuinely gutting when people you admire turn out to be utter morons."]

[@rodbishop15: "So Covid “cases” fall 42% in a week and peaked at 50k not 200k a day. Another great piece of forecasting by the overpaid, overjobbed doom mongers. For goodness sake @BorisJohnson"][@sajidjavid: "stop listening to them, dump the App & get the economy moving!"]

I've known 15-20 people who've had Rona. They described it as a being a "bit flued up". I know 3 people who've had severe adverse reactions to vaccines. One developed Shingles. One developed Guillian Barre and is permanently paralysed. The other developed a brain aneurysm. [@BreesAnna: "If there are fertility issues and hundreds of thousands die this winter then we will all have a better idea of what the hell is going on. It won’t take long to know what the truth is..."][@uknightwishfan: "The number of people that I KNOW have died within weeks of being vaxed is now 5. The number of people who I KNOW have had the rona is 1... and that was only like a bad cold."]

Your opinion. [@Markgsparrow: "Is there no aspect of our lives left unchecked? The government wants to control our movements, spending habits, income, diet, Internet usage, phone calls, alcohol consumption, energy usage, smoking, gambling habits and health. Have I left anything out?"]

25/07/2021 @09:21
Unvaxxed people can catch, transmit, be hospitalised with, & die with Covid. Vaxxed people can catch, transmit, be hospitalised with, & die with Covid. There is no difference. The amount of vaxxed people who cannot grasp this simple concept is staggering. #NoVaccinePassport

25/07/2021 @09:41
I invite you to justify Vaccine Passports to protect vaccinated people from unvaccinated people, when vaccinated can still transmit #COVID19 @sajidjavid @BorisJohnson #NoVaccinePassport

25/07/2021 @09:54
"It only took one wild weekend on July 9-11 for Hess to spread it to 20 confirmed cases, and another 40 people who now have symptoms. 'Honestly, I have no idea how many people I infected, I came into contact with so many it could be hundreds'. Hess said it appeared the Delta variant was overpowering Covid vaccines as most of the people he infected were double-jabbed. He now worries there will be a massive outbreak." I'm struggling to understand how the UK Gov can try to justify Vaccine Passports when it's clear that vaccinated people can spread Covid just as easily as unvaccinated people. Having "only double vaccinated" people in a venue doesn't protect anyone, so what's the point, other than as a means to coerce people into having a vaccine that still won't protect them from catching Covid anyway? Even ignoring the adverse events, there is little justification for pressuring people to take something that clearly doesn't do what is advertised. Why does it matter if people have the vaccines when you can catch, spread and die from Covid even after having the jabs? I cannot understand wrap my head around it, and I am dumbfounded by how many other people still cling to the narrative that everyone needs to be vaccinated to protect others, despite it not stopping you spreading it ๐Ÿคท๐Ÿผ‍♂️ 

25/07/2021 @12:35
Vaccine Passports will mission creep into nanny state control. Cashless Society will be integrated so they can monitor your spending. It will be used to verify Social Media accounts for accountability. Your calories and exercise will be scrutinised. Freedom will be conditional.

25/07/2021 @12:41
I truly fear that by the time enough of society wake up to what is being ushered in, it will be too late and the nightmare will be reality. Communism will be approved. Freedom will be conditional. Privacy will be a luxury. Wrongthink will be a crime. Humanity will be subjugated.

25/07/2021 @13:10
Is this a conspiracy theory, or spoiler alert? The Passport App will evolve into something much bigger. As though preventing people living their lives based on an arbitrary vaccine wasn't enough. After the alleged racism following the Euro Final there is talk of forcing Social Media to require Digital ID to validate the identity of all users. This is so you can be held accountable for your online activities. Censorship for "wrongthink" will have real life implications. Say something that the Gov disagree with, they'll know who you are and where you are. Also given data sharing, validating your ID for Social Media pretty much means every website you visit will be able to identify you. Your online activities will all be tracked and traced against you. []. The Government are talking of a Cashless Society using their own Digital Currency. This means they can control what you can/cannot buy, and can halt all cash-in-hand work, lending money off people, buying drugs/alcohol/cigs if they decide, stop you buying second hand stuff etc. Basically they would be able to control your finances and dictate what your can/can't buy, where you can/can't go. []. The Government are now talking of a Social Credit System where they monitor your health and diet, and sanction people depending on whether or not they are taking their health seriously. This is to "Protect the NHS" that has been the mantra for the last 18 months. Eating too much "bad food"? Smoking? Drinking too much? Not getting enough exercise? They'll know and they'll be able to ration you or rescind your right to healthcare. []. Combine all those above, and now imagine life where the Gov know everything about you and can impose restrictions on you whenever they decide based on that information. Freedom would be conditional.

25/07/2021 @18:47
Do you want to know why the elites have destroyed your lives over the last 15 months? Well read on, I promise to explain all of it A thread. It links nicely to this... 

25/07/2021 @19:42
She defo has my OCD. Wait.

25/07/2021 @19:00
I didn't believe the "conspiracy theories" until recently. I just thought the Government were fucking incompetent. Lately though, conspiracy theories make a lot more sense than the contradictory and nonsensical measures being implemented by the Government.

25/07/2021 @20:31
Wait until the bait and switch is complete and the sheep all look around confused. I won't even want to say "I told you so" at that point. I'll be too busy mourning for the future of my daughter.

25/07/2021 @21:17
Ilysha just asked why I always turn my yawns into song themes. Idk kid, it's just a bonus feature of having me as your Dad ๐Ÿคท๐Ÿผ‍♂️

26/07/2021 @09:44
It's not about health. If it was, there would not even be a discussion; the vaccines do not prevent transmission. The Vaccine Passport would not prove you are "safe" enough to go into a venue, it would instead be a way to reward obedience to your overlords. #NoVaccinePassport

26/07/2021 @10:37
"encourages laboratories to consider adoption of a multiplexed method that can facilitate detection and differentiation of SARS-CoV-2 and influenza viruses" So what you're saying is, until now, labs have being using PCR's that can't tell if you have Covid or flu? ๐Ÿค”๐Ÿ’๐Ÿป‍♂️

26/07/2021 @12:13
If you don't stop them coming after things that don't affect you now, like nightclubs, don't expect people to stop them coming after things that do affect you further down the line. This is a slippery slope. #NoVaccinePassportsAnywhere

26/07/2021 @12:26
If you develop Covid within two weeks of the jab, you are included in the "unvaccinated" category. This is despite the fact that the vaccine actually causes your body to develop the spike protein that causes Covid. tl;dr Covid caused by a jab = unvaccinated Covid case ๐Ÿคฏ 

26/07/2021 @23:32
One of kiddos teeth came out today walking back from swimming. Just made me think about how the Tooth Fairy would work in a cashless society? ๐Ÿค”
๐Ÿ‘ฉ๐Ÿผ "Dad, the Tooth Fairy has taken my tooth but not left me a coin!?"
๐Ÿง”๐Ÿผ‍♂️ "It's okay, she's sent me the money by BACS transfer."
Doesn't have quite the same magic.

There is zero journalistic integrity in this day and age. The simplicity of Occam's Razor is totally lost on the people examine and reporting on the vaccine data. [@AlexBerenson: "Good morning. In case you missed it last night: the CDC’s own data show Fauci, @CDCDirector, and  @Surgeon_General are lying when they say 99% or more of #Covid deaths now occur in the unvaccinated. The article below is proof. By the way: you know who else is full of it? Ace @nytimes reporter Apoorva Mandavilli, who included this whopper in her screed about “vaccine refusal” yesterday. Though, as always, it’s never clear whether she’s knowingly spreading untruths or is merely incompetent."][]

[@garethicke: "Taking littleun to the circus today. I have no idea how to judge how good of a circus it is, after living in one for 18 months."]

[@JamesTodaroMD: "The CDC just raised its travel advisory warning to Level 3 for one of the most vaccinated countries in the world—Israel. “We need to emulate vaccine distribution in Israel…but it’s too dangerous to travel there.”"]

[@AlexBerenson: "Two possibilities. Only two. 1) The vaccines work, and the unvaccinated are no threat to the vaccinated (if anything, the reverse, based on high load vaccine cases). In that case leave the unvaccinated alone. They'll figure it out. 2) The vaccines don't work. In that case..."][@jonnyhodl: "Double vaxxed? Test positive/no symptoms = “vax works perfectly” Test positive/symptoms = “vax prevented hospitalisation” Test positive/hospitalised = “vax prevented death” Test positive/die = “we need to vaccinate everyone, the vax isn’t 100% effective” Answer always = vax"]

27/07/2021 @08:42
Having some mad dreams lately.

28/07/2021 @00:55
If there is anything I've learned over the past 18 months, it's not to trust a goddamn word that these fuckers say ๐Ÿ–•

28/07/2021 @12:16
No matter what the data says, how wrong all the modelling is, how flimsy the arguments are, or how visceral the opposition is, the blinkers stay fixed in position and the Gov just plough ahead with their unjustified impositions on civil liberties.

28/07/2021 @13:25
Proudly "selfish" ๐Ÿ˜˜ ["Are you getting a Covid vax? No... No I don't think I will."]

28/07/2021 @15:31
Is it even a day out with kids if they don't try stitch you up for money every 5 mins? ๐Ÿคฃ 
[with Laura Scott at Just Kidding]

28/07/2021 @18:26
If you are vaxxed and bothered about people not being vaxxed, please answer this: If your vaccine works, why do you care if others aren't? You're protected, right? If your vaccine doesn't work, then why do you feel other people need to have it? ๐Ÿคท๐Ÿผ‍♂️

28/07/2021 @21:53
We are not anti-vax. Offer us a safe Covid vaccine (without the risk of horrific side effects that you cannot be compensated for) that offers sterilising immunity and we will go and get the jab tomorrow. What is being currently offered is avoidable russian roulette.

28/07/2021 @23:02
Asymptomatic spread makes temp checks pointless. Virus particle size makes masks pointless. Unreliability of tests makes testing pointless. Economic impact makes lockdowns pointless. Side effects make vaccines pointless. Post-vax transmission makes vax passports pointless.

There is no case for vaccine passports, nevermind a "strong" one. Thanks for coming to my Ted talk. [@toadmeister: "The case for the introduction of vaccine passports across all U.K. nations "is strong", says Michael Gove, who would like to see vaccination checks at Premier League matches and "in [other] appropriate locations".]

[@DaveAtherton20: "A review of 47 studies into masks found they made no difference and 32 found negative effects of wearing them."][]

Concisely explain how it's selfish, and be prepared to debate. (If you incorrectly believe that vaxxed people cannot catch or transmit Covid, do not bother replying and instead spend your time going to educate yourself rather than embarrassing yourself on Twitter.) [@YouGov: "Michael Gove has said those who don’t take the Covid-19 vaccine are “selfish” - a statement that two thirds of Britons (66%) agree with"][]

Shame the Gov will never let inconvenient truths railroad their plans. This will be swept under the carpet and ignored, in favour of SAGE models and more banal rhetoric. [@EssexPR: "There we go. Vaccine Passports are useless and unnecessary. "CDC Director Rochelle Walensky said recent studies had shown that those vaccinated individuals who do become infected with Covid have just as much viral load as the unvaccinated, making it possible for them to spread the virus to others."]

But they won't. Because they never are. [@DrCharlesL: "Cases significantly down again today compared to last week - 27.7k vs 44.1k. Next time the modellers tell us it's going to be a disaster, I think it's fair that some serious questions need to be asked."]

29/07/2021 @11:58
What an amazing day ❤️ Definitely worth waiting for. Honoured to be an Usher. Privileged to be involved. A tale as old as time! ๐ŸŒน #JustScottMarried2021

29/07/2021 @12:28
Knowing that vaccinated people can still catch and transmit Covid, justify Vaccine Passports in 250 words or less. @sajidjavid @BorisJohnson @michaelgove

30/07/2021 @09:29
Assuming I give in to the media coercion, Government insistence and peer pressure, and take the vaccine. I then have a serious adverse reaction such as a stroke, paralysis, blindness, deafness or even death. Who is looking after my child and financially supporting my family?

Something felt "off" from the beginning. The reaction seemed hysterical given the figures. The speed with which they rolled out restrictions without data to support it never added up. April 5th 2020 I wrote the below and fell out with people immediately. [@Charlot62189447: "Given this question, especially if you were aware at the beginning. How have those around you reacted to your thoughts? Have you been very open or afraid to speak out? Have you faced ridicule? Has it affected any of your close relationships?"][@Charlot62189447: "Purely out of interest, how long did it take you to realise what was happening?"]

[@matthewdmarsden: "I’m gonna say it again. If you are vaccinated, you can still get and transmit the virus. CDC says you are just as likely to transmit it as the unvaccinated. Stop with the demonization of the unvaccinated. The vaccinated pose exactly the same threat to others."]

[@BernieSpofforth: "Texas upholds it’s people’s freedoms, by legislating against medical discrimination. They know. Hold. Your. Line #NoVaccinePassport #NoVaccinePassports #COVID19"]

31/07/2021 @01:06
I can't fathom how some people have survived this long. It's like speaking to a child trying to explain obvious things they can't comprehend. You can catch/spread Covid whether vaxxed or not. Vaccine Passports are therefore pointless. How is this so difficult to grasp?!

31/07/2021 @20:56
Been an exhausting week with buggo, bit of me time now ๐Ÿป 
[with Mike Stanier at Eleven]

31/07/2021 @22:54
this is what living feels like. fuck "existing" under restrictions x 
[with Mike Stanier at Eleven]

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