Tuesday, 31 August 2021

Monthly Musings: August 2021

An overview of opinions and observations for the month.

01/08/2021 @11:13
"Breakthrough infections" make Vaccine Passports pointless. Since vaccinated people can still catch and transmit the virus, segregation based on vaccine status is illogical. #NoVaccinePassports

01/08/2021 @11:39
Why don't they just come clean and admit this isn't about Covid and is entirely about the Digital ID system they want to introduce? Because everyone would tell them to get fucked. So the charade continues instead. #HoldTheLine #NoVaccinePassport

01/08/2021 @12:21
It amuses me how the term "anti-vaxxer" is hurled at people hesitant about Covid vaccines regardless of whether they've had all previous vaccines and even if they champion all other vaccines. It amuses me more that they think vaccine hesitant people care about being called it.

01/08/2021 @12:47
Lol remember that time when there was a deadly global pandemic and you just carried on living your life without a care in the world and survived it? Ahh, fun times.

This is a perfectly reasoned response which gives ground for my next question. If we henceforth accept that the vaccine isn't 100% effective, how can vaccine passports be justified; being vaccinated does not mean you cannot catch, transmit, be hospitalised or die with Covid. [@UKHSA: "It's really important to get both doses of your #vaccine to get maximum protection against #COVID19. Two doses of the AstraZeneca or Pfizer vaccine are highly effective against hospitalisation from the Delta variant."][@SocialMediaTodd: "A large % of people have been vaxxed.  Vax isn’t 100% effective. Large % of population have been double jabbed. Chance are, if someone gets it, they’re going to be jabbed, over not jabbed."]

I'm agreeing with @matthewdmarsden. Regardless of vaccination you can onward transmit Covid. So Vaccine Passports have no point. Furthermore, I've known 35+ unvaxxed people who have had Covid, all of whom have recovered perfectly fine within a few days without hospitalisation. [@kcurrio: "Like beating your head against a wall. He just can't or wont see reason. We are all f***ed.๐Ÿ™„"]

Arguing for the individual is valid in the case where vaccination does not prevent onward transmission. Such as in the case of Covid vaccines. If they prevented spread, there would be an argument for mandatory vaccination. You can catch Covid from vaccinated or unvaccinated. In fact, I don't know a single person who hasn't recovered perfectly fine vaxxed or unvaxxed. This deadly global pandemic sure isn't all it was cracked up to be. I expected people to be dropping dead in the street like the original Wuhan videos claimed. Quite the contrary. [@matthewdmarsden: "There is no way of proving that your symptoms would have been less severe if you hadn’t had the vaccine."]

[@EssexPR: "Daily reminder, a senior Parliamentary review concluded that Vaccine Passports were discriminatory on race,age,sex, religion & socio economic situations. It concluded that the Government could NOT provide scientific evidence for their introduction. No MP should be backing them."]

[@mymatepeach: "Imagine calling yourself a ‘survivor’ of a fucking cold ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ"]

[@Heachy_1979: "If Facebook have banned it. YouTube have censored it. The BBC have called it misinformation. And the fact checkers have fact checked it. Then it's probably the truth."]

02/08/2021 @20:39
[with Pete Carney at Moorland Inn]

02/08/2021 @23:47
That is the Moorland ๐Ÿป 
[with Stanway Ian at Moorland Inn]

[@SydneyLWatson: "Today is Monday August 2nd and it's day 504 of 2 weeks to flatten the curve."]

03/08/2021 @12:13
Worth your time. [https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1422181544161128450.html]

04/08/2021 @11:45
I no longer trust a single thing the Gov tell me. Nope. Since March 2020 they have lied, gaslit & backtracked on their "science" more times than I care to count. Dodgy data, alarmist models, empty reassurances. I have ZERO faith in their vaccine data or claims. Why would I?

[@emmakennytv: "I love how million and billionaires like to tell people on the breadline what to do with their bodies and what makes them good and worthy humans. I mean the selflessness of these DRIPPING IN WEALTH humans is humbling ahh it’s great how they care so deeply!"]

05/08/2021 @11:35
Same shit, different claim. Say one thing, go back on it. Don't trust any fucking
thing these cunts say. ๐Ÿ–• ["This vaccine will not be used for children. It hasn’t been tested on children. The reason is the likelihood of children having significant detriment if they catch Covid-19 is very very low. This is an adult vaccine for the adult population." - Matt Hancock]

06/08/2021 @16:51
You can print and share as many anecdotal stories of people refusing the Covid jab and dying of Covid as you like. I still don't want your jabs.

[@Timcast: "the best part about the covid restrictions is that after 508 days of slowing the spread we know that government will soon give up its extreme powers and things will get back to normal"]

Never mind kids, I don't personally know a single person who's been significantly ill or hospitalised with Covid ๐Ÿคท๐Ÿผ‍♂️ To further quantify this; I know 30+ people who've allegedly had Covid. [@Kateandtheboys: "Anecdotally, anyone know of any teenagers that have been significantly ill 'with covid' or hospitalised 'due to covid'? I've 3 boys 16, 18, 20, a gf aged 20, friends with same age kids and all their connections to go on (school, college, uni, clubs) and don't know a single one."]

I'm living in fear? ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ Says the guy rushing out to get jabbed and demanding unvaxxed wear masks or stay at home ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ okay pal ๐Ÿ˜‚ ["@MarkLazerus: Get the fucking shot. And until you do, wear the fucking mask. Or YOU stay the fuck home. It's not hard. It's not a burden. It's not dangerous. You're the ignorant idiots living in fear. The rest of us are trying to move on and save lives."]

08/08/2021 @13:52
If I theoretically die following a positive Covid test, I want it on record that I never wanted the vax, never had the vax and sure as fuck won't be saying I wished I'd had the vax on my death bed ✌️ Like any other critical thinker.

[@RyanRallyOh: You know it's coming...]

[@ZubyMusic: "The people who have lied to you every single day for the past several years are now confused that you don't trust them."]

[@cliftonaduncan: "Wishing discrimination and death upon people is one of the weirdest virtue signals ever."]

[@DrLeeJones: "Top scientists: - everyone will get COVID, spread can't be stopped, incl. by vaccine - mass testing should end - focus on people who actually get ill, not "cases" - we must learn to live with it. Exactly what "sceptics" have been saying for some time."]

It's not to stop the spread of infection? Then explain the vaccine passport being touted as "protecting vaccinated people from the unvaccinated" by stopping unvaccinated partaking in regular life activities. [@readepjp: "I thought the vaccine was to reduce the risk of serious illness or death in people. Which it does. Pretty sure it isn't to stop the spread of infection. Similar to the annual flu vaccine. But that fact clearly doesn't support your agenda."]

I stopped wearing my seatbelt after I put it on one day and developed pericarditis. [@matthewdmarsden: "Just stop with the “seatbelt” analogy. It’s ridiculous."]

Vaccinated people in these comments when people point out that the vaccine doesn't prevent catching or spreading Covid. (subsequently vaccine status has no correlation with who is safe/unsafe to be around). [@therealmissjo: "Hi, my name is Jo and I live in France. I have been banned from eating in restaurants, going to concerts, shopping, visiting friends in the north by train, going to hospital except emergencies. Why? Because I have no vaccine pass and I refuse to pay €49 for a test every 2 days."]

When the statistics and data they presented did not justify the messaging they were narrating to me. For clarity, I wrote this summary of my thoughts on Apr 6th 2020 which still resonates now. [@CharlotteEmmaUK: "When did the alarm bells start ringing for you? I’ll go first:  Right at the beginning when they said the entire world needs to be jabbed. Your turn:"]

[@EssexPR: "Let’s be totally clear, Vaccine Passports will NOT stop the spread of Covid 19. No data supports this notion at all."]

12/08/2021 @21:49
Don't talk to people in case you spread Covid ๐Ÿ˜…๐Ÿคฃ 

[@JamesTodaroMD: "Iceland & Israel are two of the most vaxx'ed countries in the world. Iceland has record high new cases. Israel is on track to do the same soon. Can we agree that the the vaccine doesn't stop the spread? No, of course not. Because then vaccine mandates would lose their impetus."]

16/08/2021 @17:02
Is it bed time yet? Today can fuck right off ๐Ÿฅด

16/08/2021 @20:27
All this press coverage about Afghanistan makes me wonder what else is going on behind the curtains whilst all eyes are distracted on Kabul and the Taliban. I never trust the smoke and mirrors of the mainstream. Never let a good crisis go to waste.

16/08/2021 @20:54
๐Ÿ’ฏ ["The Government's abandonment of the self-isolation rule for the double-jabbed who get 'pinged' makes no sense, given that the vaccines don't stop you getting infected. Why not just abandon the rule altogether?"]

17/08/2021 @19:27
5 more days of house arrest at HMP Home. I don't know how the fuck people coped with working from home during lockdown. Sick of the same four bastard walls already!

18/08/2021 @13:03
This is my personal account of contracting Covid-19, including symptom progression and recovery experience. #Covid19 #CovidSymptoms #CovidRecovery #NoVaccinePassport 

18/08/2021 @23:29
Covid Vaccines do not prevent transmission meaning there is no medical argument in mandating them or limiting people's involvement in society based on whether or not they've had them. Vaccine Passports have nothing to do with health; that is obvious to anyone paying attention.

[@ZubyMusic: "Liberals January 2020: "My body, my choice". Liberals August 2021: "Your body, my choice"]

[@DrCharlesL: "94.2% of adults in England have COVID antibodies according to the ONS. A remarkable amount of protection in the community. It's fantastic news and we should be telling people about it."]

[@AlexBerenson: "Serious question: 18 months into the new Black Death, who is the most prominent person to have died of #Covid? (Fringe presidential candidate and colon cancer survivor) Herman Cain? (81-year-old playwright and lung cancer patient) Terrence McNally? Am I missing someone?"]

19/08/2021 @13:27
Lunch breaks when you're working from home due to isolation be like, shall I watch some Netflix? Play some PS4? Have a wank? All three if I'm feeling ambitious? ๐Ÿ’๐Ÿป‍♂️๐Ÿคฃ

19/08/2021 @19:18
All support appreciated for this great group of guys! ❤️

20/08/2021 @17:24
People's inability to comprehend that the vaccines don't work adequately explains a lot about the lack of resistance to other pointless measures they've introduced over the past 18 months. When you can still catch and die from Covid after being vaxxed, zero-Covid is a pipedream.

20/08/2021 @22:32
1) Covid vaccines have 95% efficacy & will end the pandemic.
2) Okay, so you can still catch Covid but it's not as bad.
3) Seems you can still get very ill despite having the vaccines.
4) You will need more vaccines because the first two don't work well enough.
5) TBA

21/08/2021 @00:05
To hate someone takes more effort than to forgive and move on with your life. Don't sacrifice your happiness to being consumed by negative emotions. Your future self with thank you.

21/08/2021 @10:26
Track & Trace trying ring me at 08:50am on a Saturday and leaving voicemails telling me that I must answer the phone when they call ๐Ÿ˜‘ it's called a lie-in you morons. Why would I bother rushing out of bed early at the weekend when I can't even leave my house anyway? ๐Ÿคฆ๐Ÿผ‍♂️

21/08/2021 @16:54
Everything being digital purchases is a problem. Just spend £10 on Roblox here, £10 on Minecoins there, another £10 on Apple for Toca Boca over here, £15 more on Uber Eats over there... next thing you're skint and you haven't even left the house ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜‚

[@Hol_Myst: "I couldn’t care less what people call me or think of me. You think I’m crazy because I don’t want to receive a medical intervention which isn’t fully licensed and has no long term safety data? Cool. Enjoy your day."]

[@AlexBerenson: "“Despite” "Hospitalisations in Hawaii are up 854% in 2 months, despite one of the longest mask mandates and highest vaccination rates in the country, but the good news is that experts and the media are squarely focused on ignoring this and forcing masks on 2 year olds."]

The slippery slope of pursuing a Zero Covid strategy when vaccines do not offer sterilising immunity is going to destroy Australia. [@LexiDaish: "Full statement from @VictoriaPolice]

22/08/2021 @00:22
The longer this goes on, the more entrenched I become in my position. I will happily cut off my nose to spite my face, and sacrifice all of my short term freedoms for even the tiniest chance that my daughter will grow up in a country not governed by tyranny. #NoVaccinePassport

22/08/2021 @18:40
Last couple weeks been a nightmare between isolation and Lysh catching Covid off me ๐Ÿคฆ๐Ÿผ‍♂️ simple fucking pleasure of a pint in a beer garden finally and shut off for a bit. Head has been well and truly battered.

22/08/2021 @21:53
You know what that is Chris Mountford ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿป 
[with Chris Mountford at Moorland Inn]

23/08/2021 @17:31
Lotteries are used by governments to help identify time travellers.

23/08/2021 @22:07
Birthday drinks for Zack Clews ๐Ÿป❤️ 
[with Sammie Scott and 2 others at Moorland Inn]

[@BernieSpofforth: "Vaccine Passports are dead in the water! 4,700 COVID cases now linked to Boardmasters in Newquay. A strict COVID status proof before entry event. That’s a failure then! #NoVaccinePassport #COVID19"]

[@AlexBerenson: Why so soon? "FDA APPROVAL requires Pfizer to submit study results analysing risk of myocarditis and pericarditis, and risk to long-term infant development in pregnant women. Study results reports will be submitted to the FDA for review on Oct 31, 2025 and May 31, 2027 respectively."]

[@kahnkidz: "I could be fully vaxed and sick and not be denied entry anywhere. Does anyone stop to think anymore?"]

24/08/2021 @13:31
Happy 12th Birthday to my Sonshine Charlie! ❤️๐ŸŽ‰๐ŸŽ‚๐ŸŽ 
[at Fastlane Karting]

25/08/2021 @15:05
Source: @ONS. England ~Population (P) Data vs. Covid Death (D) Data: 0-49yrs old P: 35,243,298 D: 2,786 0.008%. 50-64yrs old P: 10,689,947 D: 9,656 0.09%. 65+yrs old P: 10,353,716 D: 103,146 1%. Only 278 people aged 0-29 have died within 28 days of a +ve Covid test in 536 days.

25/08/2021 @08:19
Fucking conspiracy theorists! ๐Ÿ’๐Ÿป‍♂️ ["EXCLUSIVE: The NHS has drawn up plans to start vaccinating 12-year-olds from the first week schools go back. Health officials have said children would not need parental consent to be jabbed under the programme of vaccination in schools."]

[@CharlotteEmmaUK: "Being smeared as an “anti-vaxxer” when you have genuine concerns about being coerced into a repeated medical intervention which not only has no long term data but enables the introduction of ๐Ÿ’‰ passports AKA digital ID should be classed as a HATE CRIME. RT if you agree!"]

[@lensiseethrough: "Gaslighting teenagers to take a medical intervention they don’t need and whitewashing potential risks is off the scale wrong; and not the kind of wrong that parents can ever forgive. There’s no coming back from here."]

Fucking conspiracy theorists! ๐Ÿ’๐Ÿป‍♂️ I'm sure they'll inform the kids of the risks for informed consent, like they did with adults. Oh, wait. [@Telegraph: "Aug 25, 2021 ๐Ÿ”ด EXCLUSIVE: The NHS has drawn up plans to start vaccinating 12-year-olds from the first week schools go back. Health officials have said children would not need parental consent to be jabbed under the programme of vaccination in schools."][https://telegraph.co.uk/news/2021/08/25/nhs-draws-plans-vaccinate-12-year-olds/]

[@TheTweetOfGod: "I'm going to turn the universe off and then back on again and see if that works."]

28/08/2021 @14:55
Slushie break cause we are melting ๐Ÿฅต having fun  ☺️❤️ xo 
[with Stace Crutchley and 2 others at Flip Out Stoke-on-Trent]

29/08/2021 @20:50
Nice catch up with Mr and Mrs Scott ❤️๐Ÿป 
[with Terry Scott at Moorland Inn]

29/08/2021 @21:53
These reprobates ๐Ÿป 
[with Alex Legan and Dan Gildroy at Moorland Inn]

29/08/2021 @22:46
Track & Trace pinging us all tomorrow ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜‚ 
[with Pete Carney and 11 others at Moorland Inn]

29/08/2021 @22:55
This is Moorland ๐Ÿป 
[with Chris Mountford at Moorland Inn]

30/08/2021 @00:46
After school club  ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿป 
[with Daza Clorley and 3 others at Cheshire Cheese Hanley]

30/08/2021 @01:36
As a recovering addict, it's the small victories. But you do wonder how long it takes before you stop feeling the need to pat yourself on the back for not indulging. Surely at some point it doesn't feel like you've exercised willpower and is normal to just not do drugs?

30/08/2021 @15:14
Happy 10th Birthday to Tilly ❤️๐Ÿ xo 
[with Stace Crutchley and 3 others at Bagnall Cc.]

30/08/2021 @17:40
Nice afternoon celebrating Tilly's 10th birthday ☺️ my favourite part was where she nearly took my head off whilst doing the blind piรฑata ๐Ÿ™ˆ๐Ÿ˜ซ๐Ÿ˜‚ xo 
[with Stace Crutchley and 4 others at Bagnall Cc.]

[@geezerpaulr: "So people in Israel are lining up to get a 3rd dose of a jab that’s the same as their first 2 because the 2 they had don’t work . It’s a clown world isnt it..."]

๐Ÿคฆ๐Ÿผ‍♂️ [@JamesMelville: "Israel. 14 Israelis have been diagnosed with Covid despite having a third Covid vaccination, according to the Israeli Health Ministry data. So what’s the point of the vaccine passport again? #NoVaccinePassport"]

[@ollysmithtravel: "We should be talking about: – why we embarked on three ruinous and ultimately ineffective lockdowns – who's paying the bill  – the non-Covid health crisis. We are talking about: – jabbing healthy kids at no risk from Covid – passports for a vax that won't stop transmission. FFS."]

[@RupertLowe10: "So No 10 have said they intend to press on with their hideous vaccine papers plan. If you think this stops at nightclubs or other crowded events, then you're deluded."]

31/08/2021 @08:06
๐Ÿคฆ๐Ÿผ‍♂️ ["14 Israelis have been diagnosed with Covid despite having a third Covid vaccination, according to the Israeli Health Ministry data. So what’s the point of the vaccine passport again?"]

31/08/2021 @14:50
["The science changes" Yes, it keeps changing into things peoples said months ago and got banned for"]

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