An overview of opinions and observations for the month.
01/03/2022 @13:58
The situation in Ukraine, how I understand it: Up until November 2013, the EU and Ukraine had been in talks to form a closer relationship under the "European Union–Ukraine Association Agreement". At the last minute, the Ukraine government backed out and proposed that rather than signing the agreement, they would prefer a tripartite agreement between Ukraine, the EU and Russia. This was allegedly due to restrictions that the EU would place on Ukraine's ability to trade with Commonwealth of Independent States countries after they had signed. The Ukrainian Government stated this would severely damage Ukraine's economy as Russia was Ukraine's biggest trade partner at the time. The President at the time was Viktor Yanukovych, a Russian who had been voted into power in 2010. In response to the breakdown of talks, huge protests broke out in Kiev from frustrated Pro-EU citizens. The "Euromaidan Protests" were followed by the Maidan Revolution in February 2014 which saw the President Yanukovych ousted from the Government in what some describe as a coup, and replaced by a Pro-EU Ukrainian President instead. It is alleged this coup was orchestrated by the EU/US who used Yanukovych's Russian nationality to stoke up distrust and hatred against him by Pro-EU fanatics. Directly after ousting Yanukovych, an anti-Russian nationalistic agenda became apparent in the interim Ukrainian Government who adopted a bill to disestablish Russian as a minority language of Ukraine, despite it being the major language spoken in Eastern and Southern Ukraine. Most of the people in the Eastern regions did not accept the replacement Pro-EU Government and viewed it as illegitimate. Soviet monuments were targeted and vandalised/destroyed by Pro-EU nationalists intent on erasing Russian heritage from the country, and eight former officials tied to Yanukovych were alleged to have "committed suicide" (however it later transpired that at least five were likely murdered). By May 2014 the Neo-Nazi Azov Battalion of the Ukraine National Guard had formed who would later murder, torture and rape Ethnic Russians in Eastern Ukraine. The replacement Ukrainian Government fascists were so anti-Russian, that they ordered their military to shell Ethnic Russian residential areas such as Horlivka in Donetsk resulting in the deaths 235 civilians including 22 children. They viewed these deaths as acceptable collateral in their bid to stamp out any Pro-Russia sentiments that opposed the Pro-EU views of the new Government. This all culminated in the ousted Yanukovych (who Russia still considered the legitimate President) requesting Putin send Russian military support into Southern and Eastern Ukraine. This then led to the subsequent annexing of Crimea, a majority Ethnic Russian territory, and the declaration from Donetsk and Luhansk that they too wish to be recognised as separate People's Republics, and not part of Ukraine. The Minsk II agreement was then drawn up in 2015 to grant Donetsk and Luhansk their independence, however due to ongoing civil war in Ukraine over the past eight years, resulting in over 14,000 deaths, the agreement has never been formally settled. Recently Donetsk and Luhansk have declared their independence despite the Minsk II agreement not being finalised; Russia have accepted the declared independence and have sent military support into the regions to help the Russians there repel Ukrainian military attacks. In a bid to neutralise the Ukrainian military who continued to attack the Eastern territories, Russia had targeted their military infrastructure in other areas of the country. The West refuse to recognise Donetsk and Luhansk as independent and view Russia's entry into those regions as a hostile invasion of Ukrainian territory. Russia argue that they are peacekeeping and protecting Ethnic Russians from an illegitimate and fascist Pro-EU Government. This is pretty much where we're at today.
02/03/2022 @17:41
When the Russian Soviet army liberated Auschwitz to stop the genocide of Jews by the Nazi's in 1945, the world cheered them. When the Russian army intervenes in Eastern Ukraine to stop the genocide of Ethnic Russians by the neo-Nazi Azov's in 2022, the world condemns them. I would have thought after the Western media's agenda driven reporting on Covid, more people would be conscious of the way information is manipulated to support a particular narrative? Evidently not, since clearly very few people are bothering to look into the situation before forming an opinion that simply echoes the hive mind narrative of "Russia man bad". "The pure and simple truth is rarely pure and never simple." And relative morality is a bitch.
~£30 each for Gas & Elec per month here. I'm with on a Smart Meter. [@_Gary_UK: "Morning everyone. I manage my 83yr old mother’s energy bill and her fixed tariff has just ended. @ScottishPower are increasing her monthly payment from £58.79 to £256.76. Yes, more than 437%! Is this a record, or can anyone best this disgraceful increase? Retweets appreciated."][@TheWomanHolmes: "Im more stunned that her bill is only £58 per month! How?? Im paying close to £200, and everyone i know is too!"]
[@Resist_05: "Just like that protesting is allowed back in Canada.. led by those who arrested, imprisoned, froze bank accounts and impounded vehicles last week… [protesting Ukraine invasion by Russia]"]
[@JojoLegend3: "You didn't even stand up for the freedom of your own children so you can shut the fuck up about Ukraine"]
[@AlanRMacLeod: "[Thread] The most racist Ukraine coverage on TV News. 1. The BBC - “It’s very emotional for me because I see European people with blue eyes and blonde hair being killed” - Ukraine’s Deputy Chief Prosecutor, David Sakvarelidze"]
03/03/2022 @22:54
Kievan Rus split into Ukraine, Belarus and Russia back in the 1300's when the Golden Horde invaded. The Mongols took over North Rus (Russia), whereas Lithuania took over South Rus (Ukraine and Belarus). Lithuania worried about losing control over Ukraine so they married their Grand Duke to the 11yr old Queen of Poland, and the Poles began their brutal rule over Ukraine which led to serfdom and the conversion of all Ukrainian Rus nobility to identifying as Polish Catholics. The Ukrainians rebelled through the rise of the Cossacks, who sought aid from Russia to save them from the Polish rule. From 1686 until the collapse of Poland in 1795, the Dneiper split Ukraine in two; Poland ruled Western Ukraine, and Russia ruled Eastern Ukraine. Poland collapsed and was split up between Russia/Prussia-Austria rule. With Poland out of the picture, Russia solely ruled Ukraine from 1795 until 1991 when the Soviet Union ended. Eastern Ukraine is still heavily populated with Ethnic Russians as a result of that side of the country being ruled by Russia for almost 350 years, and they categorically do not want Ukraine to be in the EU or part of NATO. The issue in Ukraine may have been exacerbated by Russia, but the trouble in the country is much deeper rooted than Western media will admit. There is a reason civil conflict between East and West Ukraine has been ongoing for almost a decade; one half wants to be in EU/NATO, and the other half doesn't.
05/03/2022 @08:37
My fave film of all time ๐ [Cruel Intentions]
05/03/2022 @18:46
Due to Russia/Ukraine, all the predicted scenarios including food rations, energy rations, and internet outages have been forecast. Convenient.
07/03/2022 @09:58
Predictable, and arguably reasonable. "The Kremlin has announced its demands for ending the war in Ukraine: Ukraine must change its constitution to guarantee it won't join any "blocs", i.e. NATO + EU. Must recognise Crimea as part of Russia. Must recognise the eastern separatist regions as independent."
[@georgegalloway: "A dribbling idiot in the White House and his #NATO war-machine are leading you all to disaster. And most of you are heartily cheering him on. Not since 1914 has there been such madness in the land."]
14/03/2022 @10:43
The internet has exposed Gov & Media as having zero integrity or credibility; the more they censor dissenters to control the narrative, the less I trust them. "Oh what a tangled web we weave / When first we practice to deceive." (Sir Walter Scott, 1808)
15/03/2022 @00:28
Hoping my buggo is having a great time at Standon Bowers, whilst I fret at home worrying about her ๐๐
first ever time sleeping away from family! ๐
15/03/2022 @10:33
It is crazy to realise how life varies across the planet at any given moment. China in a Covid lockdown. Ukraine/Russia situation. Climate Change & Net Zero insanity. People buying NFT's for absurd money whilst others starve. And NASA preparing to go drill for ice on the moon.
Saving people from dying of Covid is more important than the economy ๐ฅด [@LeAdderNoire: "I’m not sure people fully understand just how financially fucked they are going to be in the next six months. It hasn’t even begun yet. Our government has spaffed over £500,000,000,000 on Covid, fuel is about to hit £2/ltr, electricity, gas and heating oil rising astonomically."]
[@KingBobIIV: "The working class who didn't stop during the entire lockdown, shouldn't have to pay the bill for academics, on twice the salary, that sat on furlough tweeting about what wankers the working class are."]
[@ProfessorFerg06: "Yeah, we know, Chris. We'll never forget it, Chris. It was a disgusting crime, Chris. Those responsible should be brought to justice, Chris. Tell us, Chris.. who *was* responsible for it...? Chris...??"][Sir Chris Whitty: School closures likely to have caused substantial long-term damage to children]
[@matthewdmarsden: "But we accused of wanting to kill granny for saying this would happen. It was absolutely obvious to anyone with any modicum of common sense."]
23/03/2022 @15:09
UK economy in the shit with mass public outrage about inflation. Economic concerns have been shouted down over the past two years: "Lives matter more than money!" So public were demanding more Government handouts & harsher non-pharmaceutical interventions instead. Good job ๐
[@SaraVic333: "Thanking a 'vaccine' when you get 'covid' is like thanking a condom when you get pregnant."]
27/03/2022 @13:53
So far Charlie's complaints about losing on Fortnite today: 1) Nahhh he's bad at the game, he just uses thermals. He's only on one kill. What a bitch boy. Pussy. He's bad at the game. I want to report him just for being so bad at the game. 2) Nah he's just spraying, only shit player spray with AR's. He's bad and doesn't know how use a shotgun. What pussy uses an AR on Creative mode? He's just bad. 3) He's shit! He just boxed up. He's bad at the game. If he tried build in Battle Royale, he'd be dead. He's just a pussy boy. He's shit bro.
27/03/2022 @14:48
Charlie just says: "Mum and Nan don't like Auntie Sammie. They say she's a slag or something." Me: "What? Where the hell have they had that from??" Charlie: "Actually not a slag, she's a thief. She steals from shops and stuff." ๐คจ
28/03/2022 @12:19
In 1922, the Soviet Union gave the Novorossiya [New Russia] territories of Kharkov, Lugansk, Donetsk, Kherson, Nikolaev and Odessa to Ukraine. The inhabitants of these territories were Russians, who remained there. The view of many in western Ukraine is that the people of the Donbas are not "real Ukrainians", but Russians who had come to replace those who had died in the Holodomor and to staff the industrialisation of the region from the 1930s. They are often denigrated by monists as lacking intellect and ‘national identity’, and could thus be considered a Russian incubus that needs to be cut out to ensure the healthy development of the Ukrainian nation. When asked in a famous YouTube interview "What should we do now with the 8 million Russians that stayed in Ukraine?" Yulia Tymoshenko (the former Ukrainian prime minister) responded: "They must be killed with nuclear weapons. It’s about time we go grab our guns, and kill those damned Russians together with their leader." [Richard Sawka: Frontline Ukraine]
28/03/2022 @12:21
When asked about the 8 million ethnic Russians who inhabit the Donbas region, Yulia Tymoshenko (former Ukrainian prime minister) responded: "They must be killed with nuclear weapons. It’s about time we go grab our guns, and kill those damned Russians together with their leader."
28/03/2022 @21:54
I advanced to the Obsidian League on Duolingo [duolingo]
29/03/2022 @19:54
My little bug is having 12" cut off her hair to donate, alongside raising money for the Little Princess Trust who make wigs for young cancer sufferers. Any donations are appreciated ๐ค
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