Dear Ilysha,
Guess who got to see his beautiful little Princess again today? :')
I turned up in shorts and a vest top at about half past 9am, it has been really hot the last week - it's unusual in our country, England is usually the victim of really rubbish weather, but I guess with you in my life I better get used to the sunshine :) - it's always clear skies with you in my presence <3
I could hear you giggling and babbling with your Mummy before we went in, I could see you just around the corner sitting clapping your little handies and smiling gorgeously like always... :) - we went through into the Contact Centre at about 10am, you and Mummy were ahead of me but I could see you looking over Mummy's shoulder at me smiling... happy Daddy once more! I came into the same room as you after my delay in the queue, I put my bag down and went to get the high chair - Mummy told me you might still be a bit tired, and you were a bit niggly and restless as Mummy tried give you a kiss goodbye.
I cheered you up, smiling and giggling again before I opened up your food bowl... it looked like the white oaty gloop they eat in the Matrix haha, but you seemed to like it so I won't dwell on it hehe. You were a thirsty girl this morning, I had to keep stopping feeding you to let you drink some water, but after a while you let me feed you the rest of your breakfast without gazing at your water bottle longingly hehe. You kept reaching out and stroking my face and grabbing my lips, putting your fingers in my mouth smiling hehe. You ate all your food today, the last couple of times you'd left a bit but not today no siree! A member of staff took the high chair back for us today so I didn't have to wrestle it through whilst carrying you :)
A member of staff was sat in the room all day today which was a bit annoying, I kept feeling her eyes watching us, it makes Daddy feel uncomfortable - but we still just cracked on and had a good time playing with your toys again that I'd brought with me :) - you showed me how good you were getting at standing up again, and your toothypegs have really come through now! You've got both bottom teeth at the front, and one of the front ones at the top, and the one next to it which is strange to see hehe... you kept reminding me of your Uncle Ricky, he had one front tooth missing... :')
We played rolling around the floor, but Daddy was conscious today that there was no playmat available and the carpet was a bit rough on your mush as you rolled over... I didn't want you getting friction burns on your pretty little face! I chucked you up in the air whilst you giggled, and we played peek-a-boo, and "you can't reach it" hehe.
I changed your nappy again, and I stuck to the wet wipe technique to keep you busy,;) - I managed to not get zinc oxide everywhere this time too haha. You kept trying roll over though which made it awkward to get your nappy on straight! You little active bugger! I told Mummy when she came collect you that if it's not on straight then that's why, and she agreed changing your bum has become hard work now you can try to roll away!
We played for a bit longer with some stackable tubs, but you seemed more focused on eating them! You kept trying eat a rattle too... I think them toothypegs are really coming through, you were a right little drooly pup! At one point I was lying on the floor holding you in the air above me, and you managed to get me right in the eye haha, you found it hilarious! :)
By the time Mummy came to fetch you we could tell you were getting tired, you kept doing huge yawns and seemed disinterested in all the toys preferring to just lay in my arms and drink some water out your bottle. Daddy didn't mind, he likes holding his little Princess :') - when you had to go Daddy gave you a cuddle and kiss and told you he loves you, and then he watched you leave feeling happy and sad at the same time.
I love you my beautiful little Princess, my world - roll on next week when I can see you once more, and definitely roll on all this Court palava being over so I can finally have you in my life properly :')
Daddy x x x
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