Friday, 31 October 2014

Monthly Musings: October 2014

An overview of opinions and observations for the month.

01/10/2014 @22:06
Watch this @Chris Bostock, @Brian Joseph Oliver, @Lyndsey Oliver haha, my lil' man is an absolute boss nailing Zombie by Jamie T :D x

01/10/2014 @22:22
I love creative souls with imagination and flair! This guy is fantastic!

01/10/2014 @22:38
The majority of people who are unhappy in life suffer from a preoccupation known as "destination addiction" which is the ideology that happiness is a fixed point which you can arrive at. People who suffer from Destination Addiction believe wholeheartedly that once they achieve a particular goal or overcome a specific obstacle, then they will be happy; and furthermore, that this happiness will be perpetual. If only it were that simple. The problem is that once the goal is achieved, or the obstacle overcome, another will be set. Nothing is ever enough, and your happiness is constantly tied to the next requirement. Happiness comes from being content with your current situation; it comes from appreciating what you already have, and not resenting what you do not. It is about being grateful, thankful, and cherishing the blessings in your life.

01/10/2014 @22:52

01/10/2014 @23:30
My little Princess' rendition of "For the First Time in Forever" from Frozen :') ♥ - when she says "I wanna stuff some chocolate in my face", Ilysha's imitation is absolutely amazing haha! Then near the end she realises I'm recording, and runs off to hide acting all shy haha ♥

01/10/2014 @23:37
If you cough or act injured around Ilysha, she gets concerned and pats you and asks if you're okay... this video isn't a perfect example because I think she was getting suspicious of how much I was coughing, and the fact I was filming so at first she acts like she knows I'm faking and even covers my face whispering "hide, hide" haha x

02/10/2014 @08:43
I'd like to take a moment to wish my brother Terry Scott a very happy birthday. I have nothing but unconditional love, respect and admiration for him, more than just a brother, he has been my shoulder in tough times, my safety net when I've fallen, and is my best friend. I wouldn't be half the man that I am without him. I love you brother, and I hope you have a day as special as you are to me ♡

03/10/2014 @00:09

03/10/2014 @08:57
Today is the start of the next major chapters in my brothers lives. So proud of Matthew 'Mozzaa' Morris starting his new job in Nottingham today, hope it's everything you want and more bro! And I hope Terry Scott enjoys his promotion to Store Manager down Stafford, I'm sure he'll smash the role! We're all so grown up now boys, where did the time go?! ♡

03/10/2014 @21:21
Adore this song, reminds me so much of someone I used to know...
"She'll always let you down, when she knows that she can."
"She meant to protect me, but only betrayed me."
"You're too proud to call.../
I guess I never knew you at all.../
She stooped low; I got high..."
"Still know you can call me whenever.../
I'm always round town, man I'll be 'round forever..."
"It's unanimous, I lost her..."
"I said she's not the same person that I grew up with.../
She's not the same person I left."

03/10/2014 @21:35
"And I sang 'love, is only a heartbeat away...
best to save it for, the darkest of your days."


03/10/2014 @22:55
Prince EA is an absolute boss. Watch this video, and then reassess how we allow technology to hinder our lives. I am too guilty of the very persona he so accurately depicts, and it really does make you realise how removed and disconnected the majority have let themselves become from actually living outside of technology, apps and social media.

04/10/2014 @14:22
Today epitomises British weather. At 6am I was rudely awoken by the rain hammering against my bedroom window. At 8am it was a steady downpour and miserable. By 10am it was spells of moderate rain, still enough to warrant wellies and umbrellas. Come midday it was still overcast but dry besides remaining puddles. Since around 2pm it's been beaming sunshine and blue skies. Go home weather, you're drunk.

04/10/2014 @19:12
Think me munchkin is almost ready for beddy byes :') 💟

05/10/2014 @18:34
Beautiful concept and a very powerful message; random acts of kindness can change the world ♥

05/10/2014 @18:35
"Right now we have the executive branch making a claim that it has the right to kill anyone, anywhere on Earth, at any time, for secret reasons, based on secret evidence in a secret process, undertaken by unidentified officials. That frightens me."
Rosa Brooks, Former Counselor to the Undersecretary of Defense for Policy.

07/10/2014 @08:54
That was fucking lucky! I almost caught the 8:25 bus to work so I could get there early to crack on but thankfully it came 25 mins late so I got the wonderfully opportunity of standing around at the bus stop in the rain! Can't believe I almost missed this glorious scenario! And now I'm stuck in traffic and will be late to work! Awesome!! I love Tuesdays!!

08/10/2014 @22:58
[watching The Flash]

09/10/2014 @01:19
My latest blog article, this time discussing Ebola and whether the zombie rumours are just a marketing ploy for the new series of The Walking Dead; seriously, just read it.

09/10/2014 @20:02
That awkward moment when someone acknowledges you in a boozer by name, and you just respond out of courtesy whilst drawing a blank like nope, not a clue who you are.

09/10/2014 @21:38
What do you get if you cross a joke with a rhetorical question?

10/10/2014 @08:55
This though ♡

10/10/2014 @22:18
I've lost two brothers to depression; I pray there is never a third.

11/10/2014 @15:44
This child tho! Hahaha! What even?! ♥

11/10/2014 @20:49
The older I get, the more I witness to justify my pistanthrophobia.

12/10/2014 @01:43
What the fuck is wrong with some people? Cunts like this make me ashamed to be white!!

12/10/2014 @12:44
Time to suppress this illness again... I've battled through it most the week at work, fought through it yesterday to see Ilysha, and now it's time to soldier on through it to see Charchar ♥

12/10/2014 @20:38
I'm hearing a Father has killed his wife and two kids on Sherwin Road down Stanfields! WTF is this city coming too if that's the case?!!

13/10/2014 @00:04
Yeh, so... I just flicked my still lit cig butt and somehow managed to have it land on my neighbours rear windscreen where it then proceeded to roll down and fall into the gap where the boot meets the rear quarter panel. I panicked and after failing with a pair of tweezers, I ended up outside at midnight with a large carving knife inserted down the gap retrieving the aforementioned cig butt... I'm sure it would have looked perfectly innocent if anybody witnessed it.

13/10/2014 @11:59
Since last Weds I've had intermittent blocked sinuses, a sore throat, fever, headaches, light sensitivity, nausea, fatigue, lethargy and physical exhaustion. Today is the day I succumb to the symptoms, knock work on the head and spend the day curled up feeling sorry for myself instead.
[feeling sorry for myself]

16/10/2014 @19:29
I'd rather be late than run to catch a bus.

17/10/2014 @01:41
So yeh, uhm I was playing PS3 and 3hrs like kinda sorta erm passed in an instant. Better go bed, got work in the morning.

18/10/2014 @00:01
It only seems like such a short time ago that I was impatiently awaiting your blessed arrival into my life, and yet today we are celebrating your 2nd birthday! You have grown so much already, flourishing into a beautiful, unique little Princess who makes me proud every moment of every day. I wish I could see you today on this special occasion, but Mummy is being greedy and keeping you all to herself again; Daddy will see you tomorrow though sweetheart, and we will have our own little party celebrations. Never doubt that I love you more than life itself Ilysha, and I hope your day is as perfect as you are. Happy Birthday Daddy's little Princess ♥ x x x x x

20/10/2014 @00:07
So yeah, if someone could go right ahead and invent a spray bottle that evaporates insects instantly so I could effortlessly get rid of these freeloading squatters that set up camp in my house without paying rent or contributing to my utility bills, that'd be great.

20/10/2014 @09:36
First PMT should start printing their timetables on toilet rolls; all they're good for is wiping your arse with anyway. 45mins waiting for a bus, 2 that don't turn up... what is the point in even having timetables really?

20/10/2014 @18:56
It's strange how time changes everything. My time with Ilysha has just increased again at her Mum's suggestion! :) - instead of having her overnight once a month, it's now fortnightly... and I will be picking her up over an hour earlier and dropping her off half an hour later!! More time with my Princess is always good news!! ♥
[feeling accomplished]

20/10/2014 @21:33
Classic Ilysha, walks into a room with presents, but is more interested in balloons haha ... "ready... kick!" x

20/10/2014 @22:52
I was in the kitchen assembling some of Ily's presents and could hear her talking to her baba, so I pops my head around the corner and this is what happened hehe :') - such a little cutie pie ♥

20/10/2014 @23:04
You know those relatives who bring your child presents that make you go "omg why!?" haha, that would be Ily's dear Auntie Stace & Uncle Mark!! x

20/10/2014 @23:45
Taking baba for a walk in her stroller :') ♥

21/10/2014 @08:44
Presence is always more important than presents, and proximity and presence are not the same thing; don't just physically be there, actually be there emotionally, spiritually and mentally... be involved, invested and interested. This applies to all relationships you value, domestic, romantic, friends and family ♡

21/10/2014 @13:00
@IyanlaVanzant: If someone has offended, insulted, or disappointed you, let it go! Ask yourself, what good does it do for me to hold on to this? 

21/10/2014 @18:07
[with Georgina Bailey, Ryan Thorpe and Deanna Tiny Exon]

21/10/2014 @22:57

22/10/2014 @23:34
[watching black-ish]

23/10/2014 @19:20
[watching Person of Interest]

23/10/2014 @20:00
[watching Arrow]

23/10/2014 @20:34
[watching The Flash]

23/10/2014 @20:43
And this my dear friends, is how NOT to approach the subject. Just the other week @Emma Watson made a huge progressive step for Feminism with a powerful, and thought provoking speak... which is seemingly followed up with... ugh... whatever the hell this is. Nope. It's not big, and it's sure as hell not clever. Talk about a crash course in how not to raise a child, and how not to handle a marketing campaign. Rather than helping to drive home the points that they raise, all this video serves to do is make me angry with any "feminists" who endorse this sort of shock tactic marketing at the expense of the children who are being exploited as advocates for issues that they cannot even comprehend.

23/10/2014 @21:27
And I quote: 'It was a stupid drunken incident that lasted a very brief period of time, where he slaps his flaccid penis on the head of a sleeping woman." :L []

23/10/2014 @23:06
Note: if you're going to prank people and put on a stupid accent down the phone, don't have your number plastered all over Google on sales adverts with your name beside it.

24/10/2014 @20:41
Non school uniform day at work!!! :)

24/10/2014 @18:31
[watching The 100]

24/10/2014 @18:43
There is something amusingly ironic about this status. Perhaps it's the fact that we all knew joining the EU was a dumb idea since day one, or more likely the fact that even David Cameron himself is venting on Facebook.

24/10/2014 @19:39
"Don't care... autocorrect. Spelling is for suckers"
[watching black-ish]

24/10/2014 @19:45
Tonight's prank call was brought to you courtesy of 07863488622. Some people really need grow up like.

25/10/2014 @19:47
Off fetch my lil Princess :') ♡

25/10/2014 @22:11
Me lil duck has got a right awful dry cough on her today, plus she's a snotty lil bugger :( - hate it when she's not very well & I can't make it all better for her - all parents know how much it sucks feeling helpless... at least she's perfectly happy in her disposition, same little happy soul as usual :) x

25/10/2014 @14:29
Looking into the financial viability of getting a car because I'm sick to death of unreliable buses... turns out after the initial outlay it wouldn't be that bad. I can get TPFT insurance for less than £700 a year with nil NCD, which works out about the same per month as I pay for a bus pass... projected petrol use based on MPG of a car I've looked at would only be about £50 a month on top... cost of a cheap car, insurance, tax and petrol would only be about £2k a year. Not affordable for the time being, but definitely something I'm going to keep in mind!

25/10/2014 @19:34
Little pretty poppet has gone home and it's a free night (including an extra hour) with no plans ahead of taking my little Sonshine to see all the zombies tomorrow at the Longton Park Zombiethon :) x

25/10/2014 @20:06
Back Breaking Bad; I'm Walt White with a ricin fag.../
And I'm forcing these slags to inhale every drag.


25/10/2014 @20:21
Me and @Mick Rawlingson just spazzing out on a random mic session :)

26/10/2014 @11:31
Mad to think this was a year ago...

26/10/2014 @19:51
Peaceful relaxing night before the work week starts once more
[watching Let's Be Cops]

27/10/2014 @19:05
[watching Constantine]

27/10/2014 @20:08
Couple bevs
[at Moorland Inn]

27/10/2014 @22:45
Any of you young professionals, Link me up!

28/10/2014 @22:21
Me & Blue on a mic session a few months back!

28/10/2014 @22:27
We ain't much for your fella...

29/10/2014 @21:27
[watching Sons of Anarchy]

29/10/2014 @22:39
[watching Marvel's Agents of SHIELD]

30/10/2014 @21:41
Worst hand on the table... unless you fold. #PokerProblems

31/10/2014 @23:36
Best get ready for bed, 7am start tomorrow to pick up my Princess for the weekend :) - & cheers to Daniel & Ruth for tonight, was nice get out the house for a bit! (Y)

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