Monday, 16 March 2015

Comic Relief

The biggest comedy is the part where all the generous British public who naively donate fail to realise how organised "charity" works. Any charity organisation encounters overheads; but you would expect the administration costs are kept to a minimum to allow for maximum donation to the cause. Nope. Comic Relief's Chief Executive Kevin Cahill is on like £120k a year, the cheeky cunt!

Then you've got fucking celebrities, for example John Bishop this year, chastising us and guilting us into feeling responsible for the entire burden of Africa poverty? Fuck that! Some shit about the £2.50 you spend on a coffee could be better spent on a mosquito net for an African child? Sorry John, I couldn't quite hear you over the deafening sound of hypocrisy... or in other words, the fact you've stacked up £6.3 million profit in the last couple of years and could buy African's 2.5 million mosquito nets if you were that bothered!?

How about instead of emotionally blackmailing the working class into feeling responsible, you turn to these overpaid, greedy, selfish pricks for funding? The 25 richest people on the Forbes list have a collective net worth of over $1,000,000,000 (that's a fucking TRILLION). Instead of begging us lot who are on like £15,000 a year before taxes, you ask those rich fucks for the cash? Surely that's fairer? Comic Relief has only raised £1 billion since it was introduced in 1988, Bill Gates has $78 billion to himself!

And furthermore, "charities" such as Comic Relief then invest all the money donated into fucking stocks and gamble it against an ever fluctuating market - they even invested in tobacco and arms companies in the past - you know, this honourable charity fighting for "humanity"?! They earn profits from the market to line their pockets, and then pay the original donated money to the cause two years later! It's all documented if you bother to educate yourselves instead of following the trend like sheep to make yourselves feel better!

Seriously! Fuck this "charity" bullshit off! Lining the pockets of top level executives by exploiting the British public with emotional blackmail, and manipulating and guilting them into donating for causes that the "charity" clearly don't give a flying shit about themselves! If they cared so much, they wouldn't accept £120k salaries and bullshit like that! They'd insist the cash goes to the cause ASAP!

Fuck organised charity! Bunch of profit driven, manipulative cunts!
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