An overview of opinions and observations for the month.
02/04/2015 @23:22
Finish work at 17:30 and go for a 'swift' farewell beverage for Andrew Stokes & Hayley Indyk... just got home, at 23:20.
03/04/2015 @11:07
Being Oddballs Together
03/04/2015 @17:16
I was in Hanley earlier with Ilypie and she was scolding the Spikey Man calling him a naughty silly boy and demanding he get down, stop climbing and go on the naughty step! 😂
03/04/2015 @22:18
Has there just been an explosion on Park Estate?
05/04/2015 @17:30
Sad times
05/04/2015 @18:33
Fitting end to a fantastic Easter weekend with my Ilypie... Marie shouting "FUCK OFF!" at the top of her lungs and slamming the door in my face! (Y) #AwesomeRoleModel #TopMum
06/04/2015 @10:05
I'm 27 years old, sat in my boxers watching Pokemon and eating chocolate at 10am.
06/04/2015 @10:27
"This is your life now: no natural behaviour, everybody is wearing clothes they don’t want to wear, everybody's showing up and doing something they don’t want to do, that they have no connection to. That’s the problem with our society. And then what’s the reward for all this stuff? Go home, get a big TV. Go home, your going to get a shiny belt buckle. You’re going to get a nice purse. You’re going to wear shoes that you couldn't afford last week. You’re going to get that dream car. And every week we’re chasing down this new object, and every week, we’re trying to fill this hole, in this sad shadow of a life that we've been left with after work. That you work eight to whatever the hours a day, plus commuting, and then you’re like this... *sigh* - and that’s your life. That’s your real fucking life. All that other stuff is not your life any more. All that other stuff is work. And most of us have committed to that."
Absolutely glorious day outside, anyone fancy my company in a beer garden somewhere?
06/04/2015 @18:16
[with Jamie Felton at Moorland Inn]
Off to bedski, not as hardcore as I once was!
09/04/2015 @09:07
"The only constant is changing, and never knowing what you'll find."
This is 100% legit, all 4 episodes are downloaded & my night is sorted (Y)!!
I can officially confirm that all four leaked episodes are legit, because I've just watched them all back to back! Holy fuck, it's mighty good to have you back Game of Thrones!
Nothing can make you realise how much you miss someone more than a really vivid dream involving them.
After an unusually sociable week or so, the prospect of sitting in my house alone tonight is dire.
Too much emotion ♥
"Say thank you to Carol for your eggs." x
[with Natalie Tweedie and Carol Perkin]
:L x [with Kym Archbold]
With a child weight...
:'L x [with Terry Scott]
:') x
:L x
Every time I think about you it hurts; because it reminds me that if you cared like I thought you did, I wouldn't miss you how I do.
My beer garden invites seem to have been mislaid; please resend them so I can come join you.
Right in the feels tonight.
[watching Person of Interest]
Though I may not be agoraphobic, I seriously cannot be fucked with this Continental Market in Hanley - it's not about battling your way through 10,000 people just to get a sausage roll from Pound Bakery. How do these stalls even survive? A whole stall selling just olives... one selling just macaroons... diversify your product ranges and you'd double your sales figures and profit margins. Don't even get me started on the cheese stall offering samples to the heaving crowd, heavily breathing and circling like vultures, fencing cubes of cheese with their cocktail stick rapiers!
You're my Princess Ilysha and no-one can compete.../
The jigsaw piece that makes my life complete.../
From your head to your feet, perfectly unique.../
Perfectly perfect; perfection at it's peak.
Had an amazing day with my Princess Ilypie :'') - took her to see the circus this afternoon and she absolutely loved it despite my initial concerns!! :D - then we've been round a BBQ tonight & she's been happy as pie playing with all the other kids there :) - & now she's well & truly flat out in her big girls bed :') - I'm going sleep like a log tonight myself soon too! Happy Daddy! (Y) ♥
[watching Orphan Black]
Happy Birthday arr kid, wish you were still here so we could celebrate together. Hope you're staying out of trouble up there. Love you and miss you Ricky x
Haha yes Fat Ed! @Louis Lee
I'll be spending tonight sat at my PC alone... unless somebody wants to corrupt me with an invitation to pretty much anything else?
Nice night, beer, food and company 😊
[with Terry Scott at Horn and Trumpet]
Galaxy S5 with 16GB internal memory; 4.5GB is already used for system memory, and now there is a software update that's pretty much another 1GB. Bit sly saying it's 16GB when you can only access about 10GB of it.
If you're on LinkedIn, get expanding your network by linking with me.
Bittersweet memories :') x
Happy St. Georges Day; I'm proud, not racist. Proud that I belong to a country so hospitable & selfless that we put other nationalities before our own. I'm proud... oh wait, not proud... I meant disappointed. I'm disappointed, yeah.
What's peoples thoughts on toddlers being on diets? I've been told this morning that Ilysha is on the paleo (caveman) style diet which I think is extreme...
Silly Voice
It would appear that I'm long overdue for catch ups with Chris Bostock, David Michael Lawton, Steph Hand and Rob LoweTide, so if any of you fancy a bevvy or a spot of lunch or something at some point in the near future, go ahead and drop me a message so we can get it arranged (Y) x
[watching The Wedding Ringer]
Women complaining that Christian Grey isn't what they'd expect... meanwhile I'm here falling in love with Anastasia Steele...
[watching Fifty Shades]
"I should have never even shown you what it's like inside the world I keep a lock on."
I approve of this post! (Y)
I've grown stronger; physically, mentally and emotionally.../
Trying to fit the mould of the man that I'm supposed to be.../
The Dad that I need to be, the Father that you need to see.../
Discarded selfishness, surrendered it peacefully.
Free download of my latest mixtape, "Unspoken".
[watching The Flash]
[watching Arrow]
I'll never understand people who get 'ill' all the time; I don't recall the last time I was ill enough to bother going the doctors or pissing about with meds... it's rare I even take paracetamol for a hangover, let alone have a day off work "sick" for that matter. And yet I see some people on here or Snapchat or whatever who seem to be "dying" every other day, always sumat wrong with 'em! I don't lead a particularly healthy lifestyle, yet I seem invincible compared to the majority! It doesn't make sense?!!
[feeling confused]
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