Monday, 29 February 2016

Monthly Musings: February 2016

An overview of opinions and observations for the month.

03/02/2016 @14:58

05/02/2016 @09:01

06/02/2016 @10:26
With this cheeky lil bug-o 😍

06/02/2016 @13:28
I really need a better social life because my current lifestyle really isn't healthy. I need beers, laughs, experiences, and a little bit of love... my life can't just be work and spending time with my kids when I get the chance. This just isn't fulfilling enough... *sigh*
[feeling frustrated]

08/02/2016 @01:48
Ughh. Why can't things just ever be simple? Trying to order a gift for somebody in another country, and it's either ridiculous shipping charges, alternatively what I want is unavailable to order from within their country and also listed as a prohibited item that cannot be sent by mail myself... 😣😭

09/02/2016 @22:32
Ilysha Jade 😘😘

14/02/2016 @15:59
I must be doing something right, right? Love my better half 💗 😁😁

18/02/2016 @18:49

19/02/2016 @19:29
Ugh, I hate forced change. You get used to something, and then... *boom*... that just happened... now readjust again.

21/02/2016 @15:10
Having a brew with Char 🍵💙
[at Ruff & Ruby]

23/02/2016 @01:03
Casually sharpening up my Ethical Hacking knowledge at 1am thanks to Cybrary 😜

24/02/2016 @19:19
Charlie just told me he watched a video of a panda eating a baboon on YouTube earlier today. He meant bamboo.

26/02/2016 @00:26
[reading A Child Called "It"]

26/02/2016 @18:42
My cheeky bug-o Sheesha Jade is back with Daddy for the weekend 😍😌

26/02/2016 @21:42
The internet is a wealth of knowledge, but a terrible place for hypochondriacs/cyberchondriacs ( and people who are obsessed with self diagnosing psychological disorders ( It's kinda like horoscopes; you can read heavily into the vague or generic descriptions, broad explanations and symptoms, and find justification for ascribing them to yourself. I have been reading up a lot lately on the psychology of emotions, and concluded that I have a plethora of deep seated problems that affect my ability to function as a regular member of society. But then 'normal' is a misnomer in itself, as the term is purely subjective with no accurate definition that can be appropriated to anything in actuality. I can twist myself into knots over this stuff, convincing myself I'm so broken, then putting myself back together with reassurance that it's all just in my head. But then on reflection, that process itself is absolutely mental; so yeah, I guess I have issues.
[feeling perplexed]

27/02/2016 @18:51
Ily's attitude!! 😂😂😂

28/02/2016 @18:10
[listening to This Unruly Mess I've Made]

28/02/2016 @18:33
"They say boys don't cry,
But your daddy shed a lot of tears,
They say I should be a strong man,
But baby, I'm still filled with fear.
Sometimes I don't know who I am,
Sometimes I question why I'm here.
I just wanna be a good dad,
Will I be? I have no idea."


28/02/2016 @18:57
[with Christopher Downs]

28/02/2016 @19:16
This has made me laugh. Growing up I was constantly told "you'll be deaf by the time you reach 30" because I have always had a penchant for listening to music etc VERY LOUD. If I am listening to music, I don't want to hear anything else. At all. I can still hear 17.4khz. Fuck you Presbycusis! 😂😂

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