Wednesday, 31 January 2018

Monthly Musings: January 2018

An overview of opinions and observations for the month.

01/01/2018 @00:41
Astounded by Ilysha staying up past midnight to see the New Year in! ❤️
Thanks to Davyd & Rebecca for having us 👍
Happy New Year to all xo

01/01/2018 @11:28
Single females be sharing pictures of half naked male celebs & drooling over them, and then wonder why no actual obtainable guy hits on them. I aren't trying to compete with Channing Tatum & his chiselled six pack 😂

01/01/2018 @14:54
Here's hoping Marie can fetch Ilysha later since there are no buses running! 🙈🔫

02/01/2018 @07:43
I guess that officially concludes the Christmas/New Year festivities... #backtolife #backtoreality #backtowork 😔😭

03/01/2018 @13:14
When everyone is disappointed with how mild the sauces are and you keep having to go one hotter, only to continue being disappointed! 😝😂
[with Georgina Handy, Matthew Handy, Jennifer Sibley and Josh Brian at Nando's]

04/01/2018 @00:47
And here's to many more! Love you brah! <3

04/01/2018 @01:01
Glad I gave this another shot; knocked it on the head after S2, but my man Josh bigged it up to me & here we are, four episodes into S3 in one sitting ;)
[watching Black Mirror]

04/01/2018 @18:12
So today was interesting; stood outside a shop waiting for Jennifer when One-Leg Barry comes bombing down the street about 40mph in his wheelchair and ploughs straight into a metal sign sending it flying directly in front of me & Josh. He's there off his bonce apologising and then off he rolls down the street. Josh makes a comment about whether it's safe for him to be out and about on his own in that state, next thing we turn around and he's on the floor in a heap after falling out his wheelchair down a kerb. What a hero!

04/01/2018 @19:17
As if they've put a mofuckin Ardyn cameo into Origins! #PS4share
[playing Assassin's Creed® Origins x FFXV]

06/01/2018 @07:33
On sofa with the little Princess ❤️

06/01/2018 @10:12
The best £16 you will ever spend as a PS4 owner. The best deal I ever saw. The best game ever.

06/01/2018 @10:49
Pudding just says to me "how much do you love me Dad?" I replies, "more than anything else in the world" to which she responds "well I love you a million dollars eight thousand nineteen percent" 😂😍 xo

06/01/2018 @16:10
Fucking crying at this 😂😂

06/01/2018 @17:17
What the fuck is this abomination mentally scarring my daughter!? 😳😵

06/01/2018 @17:47
Just seen the news about Mark Hughes! Madness, can't believe he's been offered the manager position at Real Madrid, Barcelona and Man Utd! He's such an awesome manager all the big teams want him!

07/01/2018 @08:54
If you ever wonder where your kids have disappeared to and what they are up to, I have this surefire way to summon them instantly. Go in your kitchen, get something to eat, and within seconds they'll be in the doorway staring at you saying: "I like that too." 😂😂

07/01/2018 @11:55
Sometimes when I see other people's spending habits, I convince myself they all hustle on the side shotting coke. It's the only logical conclusion.

07/01/2018 @15:53
This cutie though 😍 xo

07/01/2018 @16:31
Going take some getting used to, my little grown up looking like a smarty pants 🤓

08/01/2018 @00:18
Fucking glitches ffs! #PS4share
[playing Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor]

09/01/2018 @01:00
And you thought ZIAS looked baked in that Mans Not Hot reaction 😂

10/01/2018 @20:00
A true test of parenting is losing convincingly. Little man be like "you're letting me win 😭" and feeling like there's no point if I aren't trying, but also cries if he loses! 😂🙈

10/01/2018 @20:05
If your life is bad, just be glad you aren't the guy stumbling about in the main road down Stoke yelling "JUST RUN ME OVER THEN, I DON'T CARE" at the cars swerving around him.

11/01/2018 @02:16
One trophy off the damn Platinum but gonna have to leave it until tomorrow considering it's 02:15am ugh. The old me would've thought fuck it & just pushed on to get it before going to bed, but being a responsible adult I need to be functional at work tomorrow 😑🔫
[playing Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor]

11/01/2018 @08:56
Feel as fresh as a walker off The Walking Dead. Fuck sake. Prepare the coffee, I'm coming in for a crash landing.

11/01/2018 @22:05
Trophy #2900, first Platinum of 2018... 15th Plat, fuck yeah! #PS4share

12/01/2018 @01:53
🙌 [with Josh Brian]

12/01/2018 @22:05

13/01/2018 @10:19
Why do kids wait until they're in the bath and soaking wet before deciding after about 43 seconds they need a shit? 🙈

13/01/2018 @14:38
Amazing to watch people willing to speak out on mainstream news channels bluntly without the eggshell tiptoeing about the reality of modern issues 🙌

14/01/2018 @02:13
Very "Black Mirror".
[watching Philip K. Dick's Electric Dreams]

14/01/2018 @12:44
Been lovely to see my best friend the very courteous Mr Heath and the beautiful Lorna, and to finally meet the adorable little Ronnie! ❤️

14/01/2018 @18:42
If you are a dog owner and don't clean up your dogs shite from outside peoples houses then I hope one day you roll over in your sleep and your dog has shite on the pillow beside your head.
[cleaning dog shit up from all over his downstairs floors because some absolute cunt has let their dog shit right outside the front of his house and not bothered to clean it up!]

14/01/2018 @22:26
Stunningly good looking, fantastic sense of humour, and always down for a coffee 🙌

15/01/2018 @23:22
100% done on Journey, plus popped my 16th Platinum, and second of 2018 on Telltale Batman 😏😝

16/01/2018 @01:00
Been convinced by Mr Heath to give this another chance after dismissing it first time I tried get into it.
[watching Peaky Blinders]

17/01/2018 @00:41
Not a fan of this tbh. Especially not a fan of the fucking insane trophy list. Trophies that conflict with others unless you run multiple saves/have multiple play throughs, dumbass unstacked difficulty trophies that I abhor, and what seems to be a goddamn ballache of a trophy for completing the entire game without being detected whatsoever in a 15hr main quest line. Fuck offff.
[playing Deus Ex: Mankind Divided]

17/01/2018 @20:54
👍 x

18/01/2018 @20:24
Two seasons down, onto season 3.
[watching Peaky Blinders]

19/01/2018 @22:22
Back to Ilysha crying at bed time because her other "Daddy" has seemingly departed from her life again, ffs. Her words: "I aren't seeing my other Daddy ever again because Mummy says he keeps picking on her so he has to go away and never come back". Fucking heartbroken child AGAIN. Fucking said when she got back with him that I'd be pissed off if I had to endure more of this after last time; she's five years old, all she knows is the bloke who she's been encouraged to call Dad and had around again for the last few months has gone from her yet again. This is how you raise a child to have separation anxiety - bring people into their life, let them get massively attached, then yank them away. Fucking pissed off.
[feeling exhausted]

20/01/2018 @14:20

20/01/2018 @22:27
Well fuck. S4 kicks off with a bang! 😲
[watching Peaky Blinders]

21/01/2018 @10:23
Ugh, this snow is starting to stick! 😑

21/01/2018 @18:36
Someone seems a little fragile; "migraine" apparently, but seemed more likely a hangover to me given circumstances. Then I leave with Ilysha going inside in tears getting bollocked and told she is going to bed early because she is "selfish and doesn't care about other people's feelings". Oh, kinda like the person responsible for her having her other "Dad" taken out of her life for the third time in 2yrs? And why is Ilysha selfish? Because she was excitedly speaking a little loud about how good a weekend she's had when her Mum has a "migraine". 😑

22/01/2018 @09:13
Well today can go fuck itself already! Bus doesn't show up, and then two turn up at the same time. And now I'm sat in traffic. First world problems cluster fuck. 😑🔫

23/01/2018 @01:24
Deus Ex has one possible play style that masquerades as being two; be stealthy, or be dead. Sure, you can pick off the odd guy here or there, but largely (99.9% of the time) if you try to go full Neo, you are violently decimated like a rekt fgt.

23/01/2018 @22:31
When you send a message and are waiting for a reply, but truly don't know what to expect the response to be...
[feeling apprehensive.]

24/01/2018 @01:23
"We're all just little kids with scarred hearts" ❤️

24/01/2018 @08:57
Really rate this "Young Fire, Old Flame" joint with Avelino 👌
[listening to Wretch 32]

24/01/2018 @19:52
After my Mum told me not to let Charlie win the other week, I just spanked him 28 - 6 at footy. Git gud son 😂 he then started saying he'd hurt his arm as an excuse for getting battered 😂😂

25/01/2018 @00:09
I'm so blessed to have such amazing children; Ilysha & Charlie, the best kids a Dad could wish for! ♥

25/01/2018 @00:25
New hero ting? Let's see if this is just a Flash knock off 😂👀
[watching Black Lightning]

26/01/2018 @00:25
Quite possibly the most beautiful game I ever played. The environment is so alive and immersive. The characters, the story thus far... everything! Fuck off!
[playing Horizon: Zero Dawn]

27/01/2018 @06:33
When you are a kid, Saturday mornings are made for watching cartoons. When you're a teen they're made for hangovers. When you're an adult they're made for lie-in's. And when you're a parent, you get to return to watching cartoons once more 😁

27/01/2018 @11:15
"Try not to flood the bathroom Ilysha"
5 minutes later...

27/01/2018 @12:54
Deadass 😂😂

28/01/2018 @02:49
Pinged that 3000th trophy bitches :P #PS4share

30/01/2018 @01:04
I am obsessed lately with watching US dudes reacting to UK grime & hip-hop... and I get fucking gassed when they react like this!

31/01/2018 @09:03
"The Tide Pod challenge" also known by its more established name; Darwinism. Natural selection will phase out these morons who think ingesting chemicals for "internet fame" is a worthy venture.

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