Wednesday, 8 April 2020

Covid Conspiracies

As this overly dramatic situation unfolds, I see more and more discussion and prominence given to many conspiracy theories surrounding it. It appears that everybody knows somebody who knows a whistleblower. And every secret organisation has a mole. Plus every person with social media is a renowned and reputable source of information regarding "what's really going on".

So what is really going on?

Well, let's take a look.


Following an article in a Belgian newspaper titled "5G is life threatening, and no one knows it" back in January, the 5G conspiracy exploded into the mainstream. Kris Van Kerckhoven, a general practitioner pointed out that Wuhan had recently had 5G installed, and questioned whether there could be correlation. We must remember however that correlation does not imply causation. Earlier speculation about the risks of 5G can be traced back to a Youtube video on the channel yebo.

This particular conspiracy theory has gained a lot of traction over social media, even more so now celebrities such as Woody Harrelson are being drawn into the fray. There are an abundance of claims that 5G is responsible for what is currently unfolding even leading to the vandalism and destruction of erected 5G masts. The theory centres around the idea that there is correlation between the rollout of 5G internet, and the emergence of Covid-19. Tenuous links point to Wuhan recently launching 5G, which coincided with the origins of the coronavirus. The arson attacks not only have financial ramifications for telecommunications providers, but also impact emergency services and the general population who rely on the communication channels that the masts support.

The radio waves that underpin the 5G technology are part of the non-ionising electromagnetic spectrum, which the mainstream media reiterates do not damage cell DNA as alleged. Some detractors from the narrative disagree. Other devices in this range of radio waves include Wi-Fi, bluetooth, smart meters, television transmitters and satellite communications. Ionising radiation can be found most prominently in X-Rays, Gamma Rays and UV Rays which have been linked to an increased risk of cancer.

We should also note that Iran, (a country not supporting any 5G yet) was one of the hardest hit at the beginning of the outbreak. Ofcom have sanctioned a radio station that gave airtime to a guest alleging to be a "registered nurse" who claimed 5G absorbs the oxygen out of your lungs. has a lengthy article regarding the affects of RF radiation that may be worth your time to digest for reassurance.


On the face of it, the depopulation conspiracy seems shoddy; the numbers of people dying from Covid-19 are comparatively pathetic in truth when compared to the world population and existing crude death rates. At the time of writing, in spite of Covid-19, world population growth this year alone stands at a staggering +22,134,855. If Covid-19 was intended to directly contribute to depopulation, it's about as effective as throwing a bar stool at a rapidly approaching freight train. Some believe Covid-19 was intended as a bioweapon that was released in China by America. Some believe Covid-19 was a Chinese bioweapon that was accidently released domestically. If Covid-19 is a bioweapon, whoever made it should revert to nuclear armament instead, because it is largely ineffective.

That being said, there are further indirect considerations for how the current pandemic could merely be a stepping-stone in a greater plot to wipe out a large portion of humanity. I refer to the Anglo-Saxon Mission and the eerie forewarning of the current pandemic from over a decade ago. The Anglo-Saxon mission claims that a Stone Masons meeting back in 2005 planned for the current pandemic as means to incite World War 3 with the long term goal of reducing the population of humanity by 50%; it also alleged that this was a planned genocide of Chinese people. It makes reference to the Georgia Guidestones that command we must maintain our population "under 500 million in perpetual balance with nature".

Existing opinions on the Guidestones discount the link with intentional reduction of the population, instead arguing that their purpose is to provide guidance for survivors of a post-apocalyptic event. There is however more to this, when you consider that the Guidestones were allegedly installed at the behest of a man going by the name of "R. C. Christian"; this name was a reference to Christian Rosenkreuz who is a legendary character who founded the Rosicrucian Order which has established ties to Freemasonry. It is not difficult to see how this conspiracy theory could gain tracking. This ties in with Agenda 21 and the belief that the New World Order will comprise of 440,000 chosen elites each owning 1000 slaves; there is also support for the idea that soft-kill depopulation plans are already underway.


Some say that the 9/11 false flag incident was the start of a draconian surveillance state
à la 1984, and that this pandemic is simply the latest layer being added in the push for globalists 

Have you heard of ID2020 yet and the increasing suspicion that they intend to microchip all humans under the guise that digital identity is the next stage of digital security? That's something you know now.

Do you know about the Rockefeller Foundation document from 2010 that cited a scenario called Lock Step which began with a pandemic and ended with draconian measures of control from the top down? The scenario included a coronavirus spreading from China and crippling the world, resulting in military lockdowns of the Western World. Ed Snowden has already warned that control measures being introduced would likely remain once the crisis is averted.

How about David Icke proposing that a cashless society is on the horizon that spells the end of democracy and freedom since every purchase will be traceable?

Many anti-vaxxers believe that this is all a conspiracy by big-pharma to reduce opposition to mandatory vaccinations as per the IA2030 "Immunization Agenda". The CDC itself does justify the concern from anti-vaxxers regarding the questionable long term effects of vaccines that are rushed to market and not tested sufficiently. It should also be noted that any Covid-19 vaccine that becomes available in the near future will not have been adequately tested in-line with best practices as developing, testing and regulating a vaccine typically takes 10-15 years.

There are many plausible theories surrounding top down control of the population in response to the Covid-19 outbreak. Again we must remember that correlation does not imply causality and it could quite simply be that Government institutions are seizing the opportunity to implement questionable or opposed control systems whilst they can.


A bat flaps it's wings in China, and the US Stock Market crashes. I think the typical chaos theory example goes something like that?

All joking aside, there is a modicum of rational logic to the theory when we can observe the Western World economy collapsing, whilst China is rising from the ashes to vacuum up the worlds wealth. And all of this unfolded following the US-China trade deal that was the latest conflict in the ongoing trade war. However, remember that thing about correlation and causality? Yeah, it applies here too. 

The capitalist structures of old seemed to be collapsing under the global recession in 2009, and reliance fell on the shoulders of China to cheaply manufacture goods for global consumption. China stood up and their economy grew by 9.4% in response. As the US Federal Reserve desperately inject trillions into the floundering stock market, and central banks desperately slash interest rates, China continue stockpiling gold and trading their stocks. Now the Chinese economy is coming back to life as quarantine measures are lifted and a semblance of normality resumes to the country.

That being said, the recent finger-pointing and blame games have resulted in a lot of distrust for China, and as a result US companies are decoupling, and the UK is asking whether it's time to focus inward for manufacturing needs instead of relying on China despite the Brexit intentions to strike up a trade deal.


The entire of 2019 was a drum beating exercise about climate change awareness, going green, and saving the world from imminent destruction at the hands of us ignorant humans and our damned carbon footprints. Greta Tintin Eleonora Ernman Thunberg became a household name, and even now she is pushing her narrative vehemently regarding global warming thresholds. Is it purely a coincidence that reactionary measures to Covid-19 are resulting in massive benefits to the climate and in reducing pollution?

It is worth noting that there is evidence to substantiate this observation. China has been touted as one of the biggest culprits for industrial climate change "accounting for more than half of the global increase in energy-related CO2 emissions in 2018" and also served as the epicentre for the outbreak. Iran was another hard hit country by Covid-19 which also has notoriously bad pollution that even hospitalised 1,500 people in one day a few months ago. Italy, another hard hit country by the virus boasts a red alert for their air quality (or lack thereof), notably in the Northern region.

The lockdown measures being introduced to prevent the spread of Covid-19 are working wonders for the climates of these countries; China and Italy have both seen huge improvements in NO2 pollution as a result of less transport and industry emissions. The UK is also reporting improved air quality in response to lockdowns. Is this just a lucky natural byproduct of the lockdown measures, or part of a bigger plan that required a global threat to scare people into compliance?

My take on it all.

Let me offer an alternate theory, which doesn't require a tinfoil hat or any overreaching with claims. There is nothing insidious or nefarious about it, and nothing that doesn't seem implausible given the current sorry state of affairs. It comes down to one simple word; incompetence.

Following the whole 2009 Swine Flu Pandemic debacle, where the WHO acted rashly in declaring it a pandemic and made a rod for their own back, their reluctance to repeat the same mistake this time was understandable. The novel coronavirus appeared on the radar with a limited impact confined to China. The transmission rate seemed moderate but not excessive. The death rate seemed even less concerning. WHO bit their tongue and waited.

As cases began to pop up in small clusters around the world, social media began to incite panic with increasing numbers of worried users asking the million dollar question: "should we be concerned?". Fresh off the back of Brexit which had dominated headlines for the last couple of years, there was a vacuum in the media reporting that could easily be filled by this new virus doing the rounds, so being the greedy, profit chasers they are, the mainstream media obliged and dug in hard on reporting every minutiae detail of the unfolding situation. 
The headlines screamed of children dying due to the virus, and of high excess mortality that never actually occurred. People's ignorance to population statistics and crude death rates was leveraged against them. All the components for media hysteria were falling into place. People were already concerned, there was a tangible threat to be leveraged, and the media had the capacity to exacerbate the fear.

The explosion of technology in the last decade provides the ideal foothold for masses of under educated and naive layman's to voice their concerns in echo chambers of confirmation bias, quickly fueling the fire and resulting in mounting pressure from the public for Governments to react. The truth is, the media had blown it out of proportion to garner more ad revenue, but the masses couldn't see the wood for the trees, and were instead getting their pitchforks sharpened for their leaders. Eventually the Governments began to cave. Preventative measures began being introduced gradually, but as the media continued to speculate, sensationalise and scaremonger, the public cry for protection reached fever pitch. One by one, Governments began to lockdown society and parts of their economies. The WHO, again under public pressure, folded and declared it a pandemic. This reinforced public opinion, and populations continued to bleat for total lockdowns to be imposed; the voluntary surrender of civil liberties under the false notion of security. The Governments all too happily obliged.

And here we are today. The pandemic that is nothing more than another strain of influenza, very similar to the flu has ground the world to a standstill. The numbers do not justify it; the data doesn't support it. But public fervor has demanded it and so it has been imposed. What happens next remains to be seen, but somewhere down the line, the truth behind this situation will be revealed.

I'll be interested to see how we look back on this period of history in the future.

Sunday, 5 April 2020

Why Covid-19 Is Overhyped


There is an unsettling feeling bubbling beneath the surface of my conscience. A constant unrelenting little voice that keeps repeating a mantra; "something isn't quite right with this". It's there always, like a splinter just under my skin, begging me to remove it. Why doesn't this feel right? I couldn't quieten the voice enough to allow me to just let it lie, so I went digging for clarity. Here is my summary thus far.


Let's start with the data, and why it doesn't correlate with the media induced hysteria. There are two main metrics being pushed unabated by the media on a loop; CASES and DEATHS. The former of these is a red herring, ironically it actually serves only to prove my point further which is this; POSITIVE CASES ARE IRRELEVANT. That's right; contrary to what the media lead you to believe, the amount of cases does not matter in reality. What does matter is hospitalisation, as this is where the true issues arise, those of ICU capacity and healthcare related deficits [staff, equipment and facilities]. All leading media sources confirm that the majority of cases will be either asymptomatic or mild [as much as 78% as per latest reports], meaning they do not require medical attention. Hence we can conclude, the attention should fall on the number of cases considered critical. The number of cases that require hospitalisation. Not the number of positive cases.

Which leads me onto this; the INFECTION RATE too is a misnomer. No country in the world has the capacity to test their entire population. Accordingly the only people being tested are predominantly those displaying serious symptoms, or those with confirmed exposure to the contagion such as early contact tracing/those returning from highly infectious areas. This leads to the scenario whereby a false representation of infection rate is attained, since the majority of those tested will indeed be positive. Ironically, there are even medical professionals adamant that the testing being used is for any variant of coronavirus, not specifically Covid-19, further artificially inflating the data. This too inflates the DEATH RATE as this is calculated as a percentage of those who tested positive; and those who tested positive are largely those displaying severe symptoms. It is to be expected that a large proportion of those who fall really ill [at least enough to qualify for testing] will die. It is tragic, alas it is not reflective of general population.

We would hope that the DEATHS count being reported could alleviate some of the uncertainty and help solidify the threat of this latest virus. Unfortunately, this too fails catastrophically due to the reporting framework and the obvious inconsistencies in the figures. The acclaimed WORLD HEALTH ORGANISATION have made Covid-19 notifiable which itself is not seemingly problematic; however it actually is. Let me explain. Where a patient has tested positive for the virus, regardless of their current state of health or preexisting health conditions, in the event they die they must be included in the DEATH TOLL for Covid-19. This leads to the situation whereby those who would have typically died anyway without the virus have their deaths falsely attributed to Covid-19 simply because they contracted it before passing away. This is attested to by the choice of wording used in the media; "died with Covid-19" or "died after testing positive for Covid-19", yet seldom "died as a result of Covid-19". Two key contributors to my perspective on this are;

  • Italy admitting that only 12% of deaths included officially by the WHO actually have Covid-19 included on their death certificates as being a causal factor in their deaths.
  • UK Government stating openly on their website that those dying whilst infected are included in the count, regardless of whether it was instrumental in their deaths. Also that the Office of National Statistics are including deaths attributed to Covid-19 when the patients were never tested and infection was simply "suspected".
"The figures on deaths relate in almost all cases to patients who have died in hospital and who have tested positive for COVID-19. 
In addition to these figures, the Office for National Statistics (ONS) publishes weekly counts of deaths in which COVID-19 was mentioned on the death certificate. It includes cases outside hospital and also some cases where COVID-19 is suspected but no test has taken place. "

In addition to the above, a key factor for consideration in the official DEATH TOLL is demographics of those who have died, which is overwhelmingly the elderly and those with preexisting health conditions. It would be prudent to note the amount of retractions or updates made by the media on cases where initial reporting states young victims with no confirmed underlying health conditions have died, only to later admit their faux pas and clarify that underlying health conditions were indeed present. This is significant.

Assuming that the number of deaths attributed to Covid-19 is accurate [which we know it is not as per above] we can still further add clarity to the numbers using POPULATION and CRUDE DEATH RATE to ascertain a baseline with which to assess EXCESS MORTALITY. In the event that a true viral pandemic was ravaging the world, we would expect huge surges in EXCESS MORTALITY that is, as of yet, absent aside from marginally in the elderly population of Italy. It should also be noted that deaths in the elderly and infirm will occur as a response to the lockdowns, with carers unable to provide their typical level of care. There were reports in Spain of carers abandoning care homes in fear of Covid-19, leaving all the residents to die.

The WORLD HEALTH ORGANISATION mortality database contains data on typical deaths per cause, per year. The latest data from the database indicates that typically over 30 thousand people die of pneumonia in the UK every year. The CRUDE DEATH RATE of 9.4 shows that on average 1,747 people die every day in the UK. We would therefore expect to see EXCESS MORTALITY above these figures every day in the UK, which we simply do not. EUROMOMO shows weekly statistics on EXCESS MORTALITY which reflect no surge. No increase. No excess.

We can take a look at the overall DEATH TOLL as relative to the GLOBAL CRUDE DEATH RATE and illustrate that the figures we are currently seeing [even if we considered every reported death as being directly caused by Covid-19] are still not that shocking [0.00088%]. Currently in the UK the Covid-19 attributed DEATH TOLL stands at a paltry 0.0001% with a total of 5,914 deaths [compared to the typical 113,615 deaths that occur in the same time period]. Again this ignores the fact we have already ascertained that the DEATH TOLL as reported by the WORLD HEALTH ORGANISATION is grossly overinflated.

It is therefore reasonable to conclude from the above that the current deaths being sensationalised in the media and attributed to Covid-19 are in fact those with underlying health conditions who would have died any way within the average 1,747 daily deaths the UK expects. Underlying health issues are also largely instrumental in all chronic respiratory diseases; it isn't a coincidence that almost all of the deaths so far are due to underlying health issues. As the virus spreads [at a moderate rate, if not even lower, like any influenza strain] the % of the 1,747 deaths will become increasingly [and incorrectly] attributed to Covid-19. This does not indicate the epidemic worsening, simply more deaths being wrongly labelled as Covid-19 as more people contract it.

Speaking of the spread of the virus, the presence of exponential growth which is a tell tale indicator of an epidemic is again, absent in the data. The media like to rely on cumulative growth charts that fail to reflect the number of positive cases relative to the amount of people being tested. As more people are tested, and more positive cases identified, there will naturally be an increase in positive case counts. This does not indicate that the virus is rapidly spreading through the population, simply that more cases are being confirmed with testing. The INFECTION RATE of those tested is staying relatively linear, with minor fluctuations, as is the case with all influenza strains. This indicates that this is not a virulent strain with a high R0 number that should be of concern.


The take away from the above data is thus; the INFECTION RATE is irrelevant, the DEATH RATE is grossly inflated, and the EXCESS MORTALITY is absent. This all leads to the only obvious conclusion that this is being hugely blown out of proportion and does not justify the measures being implemented worldwide.

Furthermore, many acclaimed epidemiologists and medical professionals are coming forward and speaking out against the draconian measures being implemented labelling them as counterproductive, unnecessary and even riskier than allowing natural herd immunity to increase.

America have recently been pushing forward the #FilmYourHospital approach, whereby citizens are encouraged to swing by their local hospitals that are being described and documented in the media as "war zones" only to find them quiet and largely lifeless despite the reports showing swathes of patients inundating them. Many hospitals themselves are also reporting that the expected "tidal waves" of hospitalisations are never manifesting.

A lot of my awareness of updates regarding this can be found here: