Thursday, 30 April 2020

Monthly Musings: April 2020

An overview of opinions and observations for the month.

01/04/2020 @08:52
Just heard on the radio that they're going to end the lockdown after internationally recognized experts such as the president of the World Medical Association Frank Montgomery, Yale professor David Katz and Mainz professor Sucharit Bhakdi have called for radical measures such as curfews to be lifted quickly stating these are counterproductive and would ultimately kill more people than the virus itself πŸ’― April's Fools, they're ignoring the experts and basing their response on distorted figures and publics reaction to media induced hysteria instead.

01/04/2020 @10:47
I went bed at a reasonable hour, had a lovely nights sleep, woke up fresh and even went for a run before work. April's Fool. I woke up late and I'm late for work. πŸ₯΄πŸ˜‚

01/04/2020 @10:48
Easter as an adult; get one or two eggs, take your time and make them last as long as possible. Easter as a kid; get 15 eggs and insist you need to partially eat all of them before 09:30. πŸ’―πŸ˜…

01/04/2020 @14:21
"Patients who have been tested for SARS-CoV-2 are disproportionately those with severe symptoms and bad outcomes. As most health systems have limited testing capacity, selection bias may even worsen in the near future. The one situation where an entire, closed population was tested was the Diamond Princess cruise ship and its quarantine passengers. The case fatality rate there was 1.0%, but this was a largely elderly population, in which the death rate from Covid-19 is much higher. Could the Covid-19 case fatality rate be that low? No, some say, pointing to the high rate in elderly people. However, even some so-called mild or common-cold-type coronaviruses that have been known for decades can have case fatality rates as high as 8% when they infect elderly people in nursing homes. If we had not known about a new virus out there, and had not checked individuals with PCR tests, the number of total deaths due to “influenza-like illness” would not seem unusual this year. At most, we might have casually noted that flu this season seems to be a bit worse than average.”
[Citation by:]

01/04/2020 @18:51
Just wanted to give you all an accurate summary of SARS-CoV2/Covid-19 as assembled from all the news stories I've seen so far.
1/ The virus has an R0 number between 1 and 9. This means they have no idea how easily it spreads. Either it's really high, or it's not. You may have already had it, you may have it now, you will have it at some point. We're all gonna get it. It's gonna infect everyone, just look at the statistics - look at them, it's spreading so fast it cannot be stopped.
2/ It can be passed on by coughing, sneezing, touching or breathing. You can catch it anywhere up to 6 feet away. It stays in the air for up to 3 hours after being aerosolised. It stays on surfaces for up to 17 days. It doesn't die, it's resilient and resistant. Except for washing your hands of course. Also it's mutating every second into new strains and becoming even stronger. It's going to become even more of a threat, and more transmissable between humans. Masks are useless, gloves are useless, all PPE is useless. You will get it sooner or later.
3/ You should get tested so we know how bad this is and how many of us are already infected. So far tests have been hard to obtain, some have been contaminated with Covid-19 before being used, and also they can't conclude whether they're even trustworthy with some only being reported as 30% accurate, and others giving false positives entirely. But get tested anyway, it's the most important thing. We need to know those big scary numbers so they can keep telling us and ensure we all know that we're going to die. Remember, if in doubt, you're going to die. And your loved ones too.
4/ If you catch it, you will die. Even if you are asymptomatic, it will get you later on and you will die. If they cure you, you will be reinfected and die. It remains dormant inside you and comes back and kills you. If you get it, you will pass it onto everyone you love and they will die too. Nobody is safe. If you are old you will definitely die. But if you're young, you can still die. Everyone will die because of it. If you don't die, it will scar your lungs for 15 years and you will still die as a result at some point.
5/ When you get it, it will start as a fever, then progress to a dry cough, and eventually shortness of breath. Some people may also get diarrhea, headaches, fatigue, dry eyes, loss of taste and smell, a runny nose, or cough up rubbish. When it really sets in, your lungs will be fucked, you will get pneumonia and your aveoli will flood with blood and fluid. You will be drowning internally. If that doesn't kill you, it will spread to your kidneys and you'll get renal failure. Or your heart and you'll die from cardiomyopathy. Or your liver and you'll die from that. Or your bladder too. If you are a bloke it will even attack your testicles, and lower your testosterone making you infertile. Some times you may even just randomly drop down dead with no prior symptoms.
6/ If by some absolute miracle you don't get it, the economy will be crippled by lockdown, and you will likely end up with severe mental health issues and probably suicidal. Remember, most of your loved ones will already be dead too. The energy grid can't cope with this and they're gonna turn off your electricity, gas and water. The internet can't cope and it's going to crash. They're gonna close the petrol stations. You are also not allowed to see any of your friends or family. All the medical staff are catching it and will die. Nobody can save you. Crime is going to skyrocket because police are catching it too; soon you will see civil unrest as people start looting and burglaries will increase. You can just lock yourself in your home and wait to die. Well, until they evict you because you can't pay your rent, because your work went bankrupt and had to lay you off. You will die because of Covid-19 one way or another.
7/ All your forms of entertainment are gone. Sports events, theatres, libraries, cinemas, day trips etc. You can't go on holiday anymore either. The airlines are all going into administration. You can never go anywhere in the world ever again. You're stuck here. You need to just stay in your home and wait to die. All you can have is TV. And Netflix of course; Tiger King is good. Watch Netflix or Disney+, get your daily dose of death statistics, and wait to die.
8/ You are going to die.
Think that sums it up pretty much. Let me know if I missed anything, cheers.

02/04/2020 @09:11
Missed going Amsterdam this year, and seeing photos like this from when I went Prague just salts the wound. #tbt

02/04/2020 @09:12
Proper need get back in shape. Well, a shape that isn't "a sphere" πŸ˜‚

02/04/2020 @10:23
If people die whilst infected with Covid-19, regardless of whether it's a contributing factor, it gets reported in the stats. This has been confirmed by multiple sources. That is why the media words it as "## number of people die after testing positive for Covid-19". This does not mean that Covid-19 was the catalyst, or even a causal factor in the death, just that it was present in testing prior to them dying. Which means nothing in truth. It's akin to saying: "Every person dying has tested positive for having a brain; therefore we need to report them as a brain related death". BRAINS HAVE KILLED ANOTHER 68,746 PEOPLE TODAY.

02/04/2020 @12:18
"Many UK health spokespersons have been careful to repeatedly say that the numbers quoted in the UK indicate death with the virus, not death due to the virus – this matters. The distinction between dying ‘with’ Covid-19 and dying ‘due to’ Covid-19 is not just splitting hairs. Consider some examples: an 87-year-old woman with dementia in a nursing home; a 79-year-old man with metastatic bladder cancer; a 29-year-old man with leukaemia treated with chemotherapy; a 46-year-old woman with motor neurone disease for 2 years. All develop chest infections and die. All test positive for Covid-19. Yet all were vulnerable to death by chest infection from any infective cause (including the flu). Covid-19 might have been the final straw, but it has not caused their deaths. Consider two more cases: a 75-year-old man with mild heart failure and bronchitis; a 35-year-old woman who was previously fit and well with no known medical conditions. Both contract a chest infection and die, and both test positive for Covid-19. In the first case it is not entirely clear what weight to place on the pre-existing conditions versus the viral infection – to make this judgement would require an expert clinician to examine the case notes. The final case would reasonably be attributed to death caused by Covid-19, assuming it was true that there were no underlying conditions. It should be noted that there is no international standard method for attributing or recording causes of death. Also, normally, most respiratory deaths never have a specific infective cause recorded, whereas at the moment one can expect all positive Covid-19 results associated with a death to be recorded. Again, this is not splitting hairs. Imagine a population where more and more of us have already had Covid-19, and where every ill and dying patient is tested for the virus. The deaths apparently due to Covid-19, the Covid trajectory, will approach the overall death rate. It would appear that all deaths were caused by Covid-19 – would this be true? No." []

02/04/2020 @18:48
Is it just me, or would now be the ideal time for council to go sort all the potholes our whilst the roads are mostly clear? πŸ€”

02/04/2020 @20:22
Weekly Netflix Party time πŸ’―πŸ‘Œ
[watching El Hoyo with Terry Scott and Matthew Morris]

03/04/2020 @19:24
Feel so run down, totally drained. Got kiddo here with me now so happy days ❤️ but ngl, looking forward to bed tonight. All this constant stress is really screwing with my anxiety. Meditation works wonders, but it doesn't do much to prevent excess cortisol in the short term. Ugh.

03/04/2020 @21:03
Thanks to Terry, Luke, Dan and Joseph for the tags. We all have different battles we face everyday, we try so hard to balance all aspects of life that sometimes we neglect our own mental health, even more during this difficult time. I have so much respect for so many men around me that I aspire to be like in one way or another. For those who don’t normally do social media 'challenges' this is for Men’s mental health and particularly male suicides is something I feel can get overlooked at times so here goes: Let's do this for 75% of all suicides, which are committed by men, too many already have been taken way too soon! We can’t keep letting this slip by us, be strong, be there for each other and please never be afraid to speak up or try and reach out to anyone, even myself! #ChallengeAccepted #24hours (If I didn't tag you, please don't be offended, I tried to pick people who I thought would take part) All too often, some men find it easier to criticize each other or themselves instead of building each other up, with all the negativity going around, lets do something positive!! Upload 1 picture of yourself... ONLY you. Then tag 10 or more men to do the same. Build yourself and everyone around you up instead of tearing yourself/ others down COPY AND PASTE If I tagged you, don't disappoint me, you better do it!! Let's spread some love ❤️ Billy Lui, Joe Toscano, Matt Carpenter, Tom Deadmore, Charles Jr. Smith, Rob Cooper, Christopher Downs, Hayden Joyce, David Michael Lawton, Jay Martin

03/04/2020 @23:53
Good to have this back πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

05/04/2020 @17:01
ATTENTION; stop following the news about Covid-19. Turn off the TV. Stop following news channels. It is not good for your mental health to be sat obsessing and getting terrified about it all every day. Follow the guidance, adhere to the rules, and wait for this to all blow over. Stop feeding the beast.

05/04/2020 @21:16
I am posting this so next year, and every year after, it’ll come up as a memory and remind me of this uncertain time. Of course by then, we will know how this all plays out. Stock markets crashed. Education was suspended. Employees lost their jobs or at least 20% of their wages. Self-employed got fucked hard. Holidays were called off. Events were shutdown. All sports and entertainment was stopped. Weddings were postponed. Not allowed to see friends/family. Idiots panic bought pasta & bog roll. Summer was cancelled. This was the Covid-19 Pandemic, declared needlessly on March 11th, 2020. By now you'll likely agree, it was a minor influenza strain that was blown way out of proportion by mainstream media, and used to enforce draconian lockdown measures unnecessarily at the cost of the global economy and civil liberties. πŸ™ƒ

06/04/2020 @12:18
A video from 2010 on YouTube states that the Stone Mason's had a meeting in 2005 where they planned a biological attack in which "China catch a cold" which then spreads to the Western world. This would result in lockdowns all over the world, and set the stage for WW3 where the West would go to War with China over the virus and ultimately reduce the world population by 50%... 😳

06/04/2020 @08:51
sorry not sorry πŸ˜‚

06/04/2020 @19:36
MC Devvo 2020

06/04/2020 @21:02
This film and it's sequel bang.
[watching Goon]

07/04/2020 @08:53

07/04/2020 @18:13
Ahh bit of normality. Needed this today
[at Moorland Inn]

09/04/2020 @08:47
Happy 28th brah! Looking forward to NF Party & CAH later to celebrate! & since it's Good Friday tomorrow, I don't need an early night cuz am off work πŸ’―πŸ‘Œ love you bredder! Enjoy this sunshine with a bevvy out back & catch you later! ❤️ xxx
[with Matthew Morris]

09/04/2020 @20:02
Happy 28th Birthday to my little brother Moz. To celebrate, I just pre-ordered myself FFVII Remake. We can both have a good day now.

09/04/2020 @23:28
Netflix Party with these pair and Stace. What a bizarre film.
[watching Fractured with Terry Scott and Matthew Morris]

10/04/2020 @11:13
We take people for granted, especially those we hold dearest; we become so accustomed to them being around that it's hard to imagine them not being there. Stop autopiloting relationships and be present in the moment. Take every opportunity you get to tell them how much you love them, how appreciative you are for the part they play in your life. Peace and love to all of you. ❤️ This is especially poignant this year.

11/04/2020 @19:32
If you think the queues at supermarkets are bad, imagine the queues for literally everything once lockdown ends and everybody flees to the pubs and restaurants.

12/04/2020 @08:52
I need bulk back up πŸ˜…

12/04/2020 @10:24
It's interesting that there is a coronavirus running wild and apparently killing thousands of people on an unprecedented scale, yet less people have died in the UK so far this year from respiratory diseases (22,877) than did in the same period back in 2013 (25,495), 2015 (28,969), 2017 (25,800), 2018 (29,898) and 2019 (23,336). Hmm.

12/04/2020 @16:06
Three years ago today I officially started working on my novel Lightfade, and despite all the distractions and obligations adult life demands, I am proud to announce that I'm still nowhere near completing it πŸ˜…

13/04/2020 @16:18
Today is literally being spent gaming all day idgaf; it's rare I have such freedom.

13/04/2020 @18:55
I don't understand why porn actresses have Only Fans accounts. I can literally go on Pornhub and see your minge for free if I want too 🀨🀷🏻‍♂️

14/04/2020 @08:11
I don't want to be an essential worker anymore. Plz can I just stay home & play FFVII all day instead? 😭

15/04/2020 @08:33
Take a look in the mirror, a real long look, and ask yourself honestly if you're happy with where you are in your life. The past is done, over, history; but tomorrow is a new day, and the chance to begin moving towards the future you want and deserve. If you aren't happy where you're heading, then get the fuck off the train and walk the other way. Your life is exactly what you make it, and only you have the power to change it. You won't live forever, but you have the chance to leave a mark in history that will. Be something more. First step to improvement is change. If nothing changes, then nothing changes! πŸ’―

17/04/2020 @18:28
when lockdown is over i'm defo arranging a piss up with my work colleagues. doubt anyone else will come but i'll be smashed so idgaf ✌️πŸ’―

18/04/2020 @14:42
Currently #1. Anyone with #4, #5 or #6 wanna swap?

18/04/2020 @17:26

19/04/2020 @02:53
oh Jessie. right in the feels 😒

19/04/2020 @16:05
The lad just got his first ever Victory Royale on Fortnite Solos πŸ˜… he was a bit happy about it, not sure if you can tell? πŸ€£πŸ˜‚

19/04/2020 @19:07
Fatherhood Challenge. Thanks for the nomination Luke Cleverley. I was nominated to post a picture that makes me feel proud to be a father (only one picture). My beautiful little Princess Ilysha Jade. I'm going to tag some men that I think are mint Dads . If I marked you as one of the awesome dads, copy the text and paste it into your wall with a picture and tag more fathers! Only one pic! Sorry if I missed people too many to mention some quality dads out there. Dan Heath, Rob Cooper, David Michael Lawton, Joseph Caine, Josh Lynagh, Tom Lux, Shaun Riley, Shaun James, Damian Jenkins, Lea Hope, Arsenal Mario Ozuna, Owen Paul Jobburn, Decklan Lea Rafferty πŸ’™ Stay safe. Stay home. Save lives.

20/04/2020 @18:30
Just been chatting with my neighbour; had no idea he was the Business Analyst at his work and manages all their servers. I was like touchΓ© motherfucker πŸ˜‚

21/04/2020 @08:55
Be raising a can for you again today Rick. Happy Birthday arr kid, hope you're behaving up there ❤️

21/04/2020 @19:03
Love ya Ricky, this one's for you brother. Happy Birthday arr kid. Requiescat in pace ❤️

22/04/2020 @12:37
"The evidence to support national closure of schools to combat COVID-19 is very weak and data from influenza outbreaks suggest that school closures could have relatively small effects on a virus with COVID-19's high transmissibility and apparent low clinical effect on school children. At the same time, these data also show that school closures can have profound economic and social consequences." "Reviews have noted the adverse effects of school closure, including economic harms to working parents, health-care workers, and other key workers being forced from work to childcare, and to society due to loss of parental productivity, transmission from children to vulnerable grandparents, loss of education, harms to child welfare particularly among the most vulnerable pupils, and nutritional problems especially to children for whom free school meals are an important source of nutrition." This is from The Lancet, the world's leading independent general medical journal. Mainstream media scaremongering has terrified most parents into not even wanting their kids to go back to school until there is a vaccine available, a vaccine that won't have been properly tested since clinical trials typically take 10+ years to identify any unintended long term damage. Collectively, kids being off school is damaging to both their health and education; the economy also cannot recover whilst parents are furloughed as businesses are suspended, and the workforce is being paid 80% of their wages by the Gov. The only way the economy can get moving once more is by reopening schools so that the parents can also return to work as industries reopen, and the Gov can stop paying wages using money that we'll all have to pay back via increased taxes somewhere down the line.

23/04/2020 @08:58

23/04/2020 @09:20
did ya know that smiling at people can't make you catch corona? mad I know. so if people can stop looking at me like am about to mug them, that would be great.

23/04/2020 @10:04
"2,300 cancer diagnoses are being missed each week because patients are not going to see their GP or because they are not being referred for urgent tests and scans at hospital. Another 400 cancers a week are, it is estimated, being missed because breast, cervical and bowel cancer screening has been suspended. For any of these patients, delay can be a death sentence. And yet if you walk around most NHS hospitals today, you’ll find whole wards are empty; operating theatres are eerily silent, while scanning equipment lies unused. As for the 4,000-bed Nightingale hospital in London, it has seen only a handful of patients. My own specialism is cancer, where the number of patients being referred by GPs for urgent hospital appointments has dropped by 75% since the start of the coronavirus outbreak. If this continues for six months, I suspect that in the years to come there will be at least 50,000 excess cancer deaths. That is a terrifying number. Normally about 30,000 people a month are diagnosed with cancer. But this April it’s likely to be fewer than 5,000. And the reason for that is, quite simply, they are not being diagnosed."

23/04/2020 @12:45
Did you know that the World Health Organisation (WHO) is ~80% financed by voluntary contributions from private foundations and global corporations including Gilead Sciences (producer of 'remdesivir' currently being trialled to treat Covid-19) and GAVI (Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization). GAVI is partnered with UNICEF, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF) and the World Bank to sell vaccines globally. Why an organisation with such significant and clear conflicts of financial interests should be considered a global health authority is anyone’s guess. []
Remember the terrifying figures from the Imperial College London that predicted 250,000 deaths from Covid-19 back at the start of all this? Well, it's somewhat ironic that GAVI and BMGF are also the direct funders of Imperial College London. BMGF and GAVI fund the Imperial College London who then overexaggerate the threat of Covid-19 to the World Health Organisation, (whom BMGF and GAVI also fund directly via voluntary contributions). The WHO then insists on lockdowns based on the inflated figures from Imperial College London. The big scary figures are then disproven by independent studies, and yet the lockdown remains in place with momentum pushing towards "a mandatory vaccine before it can be lifted". A vaccine that will conveniently make Big Pharma a lot of money. [] Following the needless declaration of a pandemic in 2009 for H1N1 Swine Flu, the WHO were investigated by the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) during which it was accused that: "The WHO basically held the trigger for the pandemic preparedness plans, they had a key role to play in deciding on the pandemic. Around $18 billion was spent on this pandemic worldwide. Millions were vaccinated for no good reason. It is not even clear that the vaccine had a positive effect, because it was not clinically tested." [] Many of the scientific experts who advised the WHO to declare pandemic were receiving money directly or indirectly from Big Pharma including GlaxoSmithKline, Novartis and other major vaccine-makers. The WHO Swine Flu Pandemic declaration was a fake. 2009-10 saw the mildest influenza worldwide since medicine began tracking it. The pharma giants took in billions in the process. [] And here we are again it seems. The data has never supported the lockdown. The death toll has never justified the hysteria. I guess its just a case of waiting now for Big Pharma to conjure up an unnecessary vaccine for an overhyped influenza strain whilst excess mortality increases due to the societal and economic effects of the lockdown, not due to the disease. *sigh*

24/04/2020 @08:47
"I spent my time, watching the spaces that had grown between us"
[listening to Ben Howard.

24/04/2020 @17:56
i haven't seen the corona update from Gov today but assuming they've lifted the lockdown now since there is a 6000% increase in traffic and groups of people congregating in the park πŸ‘€πŸ€·πŸ»‍♂️

25/04/2020 @10:04
Just popping by to show you the good news the mainstream media won't. According to the official Government figures [], the number of people in hospitals nationwide with Covid-19 is dropping pretty much daily now. The peak of hospitalisations was April 12th with 20,184. We are now down to 16,329. ♥

25/04/2020 @11:27

25/04/2020 @13:41
bruh. I am so bored of being added to random groups & tagged in random photos on IG non stop 🀦🏻‍♂️ miss me with that shit.

26/04/2020 @14:50
The fun on Instagram continues with this fake profile pretending to be my Uncle Den πŸ˜‚πŸ€¦πŸ»‍♂️

27/04/2020 @00:45
sick of seeing "horny singles in your area" adverts.
i have a mirror dickhead, i already know.

27/04/2020 @09:07
any of you attractive single ladies interested in clap for the NHS? hit me up on Thursday.
i have Chlamydia, we can sort something out x

27/04/2020 @12:05
Just popping by to show you the good news that the mainstream media won't. According to the official NHS figures [], the number of people in hospitals nationwide who are dying with Covid-19 is dropping pretty rapidly now. Be sure to remember that the amount of deaths announced each day by the Government and media are not "actual deaths in the past 24 hours" but rather "confirmations of previous deaths that we've added to the official figures within the last 24 hours". Most of these deaths are peppered on top of the NHS tallies for previous days/weeks. The drop off of Covid-19 related deaths on the graph below will be adjusted [and increased] as more data becomes available in the next few days from post mortems/late reporting etc., but it's pretty clear that the deaths are tailing off since the peak of 857 almost 3 week ago on April 8th. People need to stop panicking when seeing the Government/media announced figures as a sign that the daily deaths are up and down so wildly because "we need full lockdown". The data actually suggests this "pandemic" is already almost over. And also that lockdown was never needed and has actually caused more damage than good, but that a topic for another day. Oh; other positive news. Hospitalisations have also continued to drop. We're now down to 15,239 from a peak of 20,184 on April 12th. []. In fact, only 12% of active confirmed positive cases are hospitalised [15,239/133,138], meaning that 88% of active positive Covid-19 cases aren't. Stay alert. Stay positive. ♥

27/04/2020 @21:45
been trying lose weight but hit a plateau. heard when you stop losing weight you have to try something different so I cut off my left foot. good news tho, I've lost 6lbs today.

28/04/2020 @09:06
Miss this face! Roll on Spoons being open & lockdown lifted! πŸ’― xo
[with Georgina Bailey]

28/04/2020 @19:00
is friends with benefits still a thing? asking for a friend.
me. i am your friend. i wants benefits.

28/04/2020 @23:37
"Apparently some people go to bed and just... sleep??? They don't plot a 7-book epic fantasy series or softly broil in existential dread or replay every mistake they ever made??? And then they wake up [checks notes] REFRESHED? I just. It sounds a bit fake." πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

30/04/2020 @12:54
anyone else have a proper routine before bed or just me? brush teeth. have a piss. check doors are locked. check windows are locked. check vape is on charge. check headphones are on charge. check phone is on charge. get in bed. read a book. have a wank. meditate. go sleep. swear that's why am always going bed so late.

30/04/2020 @08:45
Still πŸ’― the day you stop caring about people who don't care about you, is the day your quality of life improves ❤️

30/04/2020 @12:22
i've compared the old death stats from the Gov which showed just hospital deaths, with the new ones including care homes deaths too, & although the death toll has increased overall, i'm happy to report that: on 11/04, 78 people who had previously died with Covid-19 came back alive. on 12/04, a further 51 people who had previously died with Covid-19 came back alive. on 19/04, yet another 98 people who had previously died with Covid-19 came back alive. so that's pretty dope I reckon. at least if you die with Covid-19 there is a chance you get resurrected.

30/04/2020 @14:22
First legitimately concerning cyber security news I've seen in a while. Stay safe and aware.

30/04/2020 @18:02
highlight of my social calendar. nipping Tesco for 4hrs to grab a few bits & pieces.

30/04/2020 @19:40
when i used to hear "you don't know what you've got til it's gone" i never once thought they meant the option to go the pub

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