Friday, 6 November 2020

Lockdown? Mental Breakdown.

It's been a funny kind of year. I always believed that years incremented chronologically, alas, last year was 2019, and this year is 1984. 

From the outset of this "pandemic", I've always stuck to my guns that this was naught more than an over-hyped flu. People mocked me, called me a "conspiracy theorist" or a "covidiot", they implied I was a moron for not buying into the media propaganda machine, and yet here we are, back under the oppressive regime of yet another pointless lockdown. Once again, the data does not support it. Once again, the consequences from it will be dire. Once again, I'm an outlier for not championing it.

The cognitive dissonance I witness daily is beginning to wear my patience thin. People truly do have short memories when it comes to facts, figures, stats and lies. The entire duration of this pandemic has been wrought with falsified, exaggerated and dishonest statistical models, predictions, scenarios and graphs. SAGE produce a graph that isn't remotely reflective of reality, the media band it around, the Government refers to it, and consequently pointless policy is legislated on the back of it. The naive public buy into the idiot proof graphs saying we will all die, and then once it's too late, the data is challenged, revised and/or retracted entirely. By now you would expect people would see it coming; unfortunately, and quite maddeningly, the large majority seem to not.

It's bad. No, not Covid, silly. Everything else.

Financially, we are fucked. Proper fucked. The projected borrowing in the current financial year according to the OBS is £372 billion compared to £54.5 billion in total for the entire of last year. Let that resonate for a moment. Remember when austerity was blamed for the avoidable deaths of 130,000 people before? Well buckle fucking up because we're about to hit crescendo.

Where do you think they're going to recuperate £317.5 billion from? I'll take an educated guess that the answer to that quandary doesn't bode well for any of us. Yet disillusioned sheeple just keep drinking their lockdown medicine and basking in their 80% furlough payouts thinking this is all just going to blow over after New Year and life can go back to how it was. You have to laugh at the clown world we live in now. If you didn't laugh, you'd probably be reaching for a noose instead.

Let's be honest here; there are only a few places that £317.5 billion can come from. We all may as well begin to prepare ourselves for higher taxes, a reduction in public spending (ya'no non-important stuff like the NHS, Police and Education), and wave goodbye to our pensions. Retirement age will be pushed back until you're 75 to stop you claiming what you're entitled too. Not sure who'd be paying the higher taxes though, most people will be unemployed as repeated lockdowns bankrupt their employers.

So as businesses close up for good - bankrupted by needless lockdowns, millions of people become unemployed as there's no jobs out there hiring, elderly relatives die alone and afraid in care homes, nobody can visit friends or families, shuttered gyms result in worse public health, kids grow up with worse education and more impoverished than their parents because almost everybody is on benefits, holidays abroad are a distant memory because the aviation industry collapsed, increases in cancer and heart related deaths because the underfunded NHS cannot cope with the backlogs created by suspending all non-Covid related healthcare, more people become destitute and depressed leading to suicide rates skyrocketing...

...but hey! Good news! At least we can all wear our masks, locked inside our homes, clapping our hands, and accepting our rushed vaccine that will likely have serious long term health impacts they haven't realised yet, proud that we "beat the virus".

Fucking mental; I live in an actual clown world on fucking steroids.

Let me off this fucking 'ronacoaster.

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