Tuesday, 26 January 2021

Carpe Next Year... Maybe?

What is there to say so far for 2021? Not much to be fair. January is almost over already and nothing has happened.

Lockdown continues to keep us all handcuffed and chained to a proverbial radiator. The global vaccine efforts have ramped up significantly, but the advice is that there is no evidence it reduces hospitalisations, deaths or forward transmission, so I remain bewildered about what the point of it even is? Cases have been falling for three weeks and deaths are just now leveling off. I cannot stand much more of this stop/go, open/close shithousery. I want to live my life, not merely "exist".

Given that the risk of this virus is so negligible for my age bracket, I'm unlikely to bother being vaccinated either since there have been no long term studies into the potential side effects (how could there be when the vaccine was produced within 10 months?). The idea of having experimental mRNA injected into me (the first such type of vaccine) in response to a virus that has a high survival rate seems absurd. Most people I know are like lemmings off a cliff, naively believing that if they just "take their damn medicine", they can have their lives back. It's pitiful; life as we know it will never return because the power creep is already apparent. Increased surveillance and removal of our civil liberties, enforced by a mob handed police force.

2021 already looks bleak. I'm admittedly becoming so numb to it all; completely desensitised to the fear porn statistics and the reality that all my plans for the future are on indefinite pause whilst the economy collapses around me. Is this what being on anti-depressants feels like? Just complete neutral. No joy. No misery. Just a perpetual state of "okay". Bland. Mundane. Emotionless. Nothing to look forward to. Nothing to be optimistic about. Go to work and go to sleep. Repeat. Ad infinitum.

I remember when people used to say "Carpe Diem". These days, "seizing the day" is a distant memory. Instead it has become "Carpe Next Year... Maybe?"

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