Sunday, 31 January 2021

Monthly Musings: January 2021

An overview of opinions and observations for the month.

01/01/2021 @00:32
The final night of 2020 was spent crying with Natalie Jayne Weatherall over Vikings, and flying on a sofa through the skies of Minecraft with Ilysha. A fitting end to capture the heartbreak and insanity of a crazy year!

01/01/2021 @09:52
2021 begins with me up at a reasonable hour, feeling fresh and ready for new challenges and victories 💪 this is our year y'all, and I'm not competing with any of you - I want us all to win! 💯

01/01/2021 @12:25

01/01/2021 @14:52
2020, you were a crazy bastard of a year.

02/01/2021 @20:50
A little something new from my next project as yet untitled 💯 lmk your thoughts! 🙏

02/01/2021 @20:53
Guess the motivation has carried into the new year 👀

03/01/2021 @11:02

03/01/2021 @21:04
One of my favourite examples of retardedness lately is seeing people saying "Covid" was planned because it stands for "Certificate Of Vaccination ID". If you were going to genuinely release a bio-weapon onto the unwitting public, you would not name it with some cryptic riddle that exposes your insidious plan. This is real life, not a James Bond movie, Susan.

04/01/2021 @17:55
Anybody else make the expression with their own face when they're searching for a GIF? Like it helps you describe what you're trying to find 🥴

04/01/2021 @20:12
Been watching a TV show for the last 9 months or so called "Boris Johnson: Coronavirus Update" and it's repetitive as fuck. The content got stale ages ago, not sure how it's still pulling in so many viewers.

04/01/2021 @21:06
Fine Boris, you win. I'll become an alcoholic 🥴

05/01/2021 @18:57
Day Two of becoming an alcoholic. Got home from work, cracked open the Amarula immediately. Cheers Boris, ya prick 🍻

06/01/2021 @12:00
Ya'no when you've been sat still for ages, then get up and realise it's fucking freezing? 11°c. Wtf.

07/01/2021 @14:11
2020 was the year where people were forced to stay home, find out who they truly are and do some soul searching. Apparently, it worked very well.

07/01/2021 @19:32
Finally home with my feet up and a brew. Had a lovely chat with a 43yr old homeless Scouse poet for 40 minutes after work; been shopping and spontaneously bought myself a new microwave to round off replacing my main kitchen appliances 🤣

08/01/2021 @09:40
That amusing moment when your kids teacher emails the class saying: "I've received work from every single person in the class, whether it be handwritten, typed on a computer, written on an iPad/tablet, or in one case, written on an Xbox. English today must be handwritten." lmao 😂

08/01/2021 @13:00
The air is that fresh today, I genuinely thought I had lost my sense of smell.

08/01/2021 @20:24

10/01/2021 @09:55
People being arrested for sitting on benches, what a time to be alive! 🥴 Never in my life did I expect that laws would include things like: "It is illegal to visit your own family." 

10/01/2021 @17:16
Ilysha: "Dad, how do girls get pregnant?"
Me: ...
Me: "Hahahaha!"
Ilysha: "What?"
Me: "Check out this funny Tik Tok!"
*both laughing*

11/01/2021 @11:14
"The improver of natural knowledge absolutely refuses to acknowledge authority, as such. For him, skepticism is the highest of duties blind faith the one unpardonable sin." --Thomas Huxley

[@RoadsideMum: "#FreeSchoolMeals bag for 10 days: 2 days jacket potato with beans, 8 single cheese sandwiches, 2 days carrots, 3 days apples, 2 days soreen, 3 days frubes, spare pasta & tomato. Will need mayo for pasta salad. Issued instead of £30 vouchers. I could do more with £30 to be honest."]

12/01/2021 @09:19
Relevant when you're thinking that the Government have your best interests at heart 💁🏻‍♂️

12/01/2021 @10:49
This is the logic of most people against the lockdowns; we aren't all "covidiots" or "covid deniers". We are concerned citizens who worry about the collateral damage.

12/01/2021 @14:56

13/01/2021 @08:58

14/01/2021 @00:36

14/01/2021 @18:59
Scared of rejection... // Witholding affection... // Airplane mode how I lost all connection.

15/01/2021 @08:50

16/01/2021 @10:32
This is why we need to keep making music bro. You still need come finish this track!
[with Luke Cleverley]

16/01/2021 @12:47
Would it be my life if it didn't involve a leaking ceiling? 🤷🏻‍♂️💁🏻‍♂️

16/01/2021 @17:02
Why do no parents discuss the very legitimate concern of their kid walking in on them whilst on Facetime or live streaming on socials whilst they're in the shower or having a shit? 🧐

17/01/2021 @10:50
Reconcile your anger and your peace; but always be prepared to defend what is yours.

17/01/2021 @20:21
Posted a new song: "Humility"

18/01/2021 @14:09
Sorry ladies, even fingering is illegal now 🥴😂

19/01/2021 @21:14
Hit's a little close to home today
[watching Instant Family]

21/01/2021 @14:20
Anyone else just feeling meh lately. Cba with anything. Everything is just annoying me.

22/01/2021 @09:05

23/01/2021 @10:39

23/01/2021 @21:27
This track bangs. My boy Evila is way underrated.

25/01/2021 @08:35
You're way too hot to be acting like that 💯 

25/01/2021 @09:06
Pigeons breaking social distancing rules and bans on large gatherings. They claim they're all part of the same support bubble. Lying little pricks.

25/01/2021 @14:01
and I won't let my insecurities define who I am //
not gonna waste my life cause I've been fucked up //
cause it doesn't matter


25/01/2021 @23:03
"Muted shrieks echoed in the distance, Shadebringers undoubtedly scurrying into foreign lands. The wind was picking up; invisible bony fingers tussled her hair, and brushed her modest clothes. Pragmatism had convinced her to shed her robes in favour of attire more suitable for the journey. Her boots were cumbersome and uncomfortable, her coat heavy, and her headscarf kept fluttering across her face from where it was abruptly swiped back aside. Caramir was beside her, along with the few Throneguard she had managed to muster. Each carried swords which seemed archaic given the recent dynamic of battle. What good could a metal blade serve against otherworldly magic? Time would tell, she feared. Across the hills and vales they had fled, like thieves in the night. Stealing away to a distant land."
[Lightfade | XIV: Broken Bodies)

26/01/2021 @19:52
"Fractured" from my latest album 'aMuse' available for free on Bandcamp.

26/01/2021 @19:58
Always looking for feedback and empty platitudes. Give me some hollow validation please.

[@mannyfidel: "BREAKING: Elon Musk loses "richest man in the world" title to TigBitties420_x"]

[@SydneyLWatson: "Just give the hedge fund managers $600."]

28/01/2021 @15:59
this stinks of shithousery manipulation. #wsb is down as brokers prevent $gme buy but still allow sell? who is buying then? #gme #diamondhands #tothemoon #buyandhold

28/01/2021 @20:52
Stop picking on the brave billionaires! The retail investors on minimum wage are the bad guys!

28/01/2021 @09:18
😂😂 well ain't this some shit.

29/01/2021 @08:42
Lol, nah update.
Ship: 4 years.
Single: 2.5 years.
Ship: 7 weeks.
Single: 9 years.

31/01/2021 @10:32
Happy Birthday brother. Your ongoing contributions to the Stoke-on-Trent News arena continue to bring me hours of joy and entertainment in an otherwise mundane groundhog day existence. Your invaluable insight and commitment to simultaneously pissing off the establishment and amusing the general public means you deserve a fantastic day. Much love. Enjoy x
[with Shaun Mills]

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