Saturday, 30 April 2022

Monthly Musings: April 2022

An overview of opinions and observations for the month.

01/04/2022 @20:36
Finally fixed my smile for just the small price of £283, and multiple appointments due to my dental practice running about as well as Oscar Pistorius without his blades attached 💁🏼‍♂️

[@RealCandaceO: "Apr 1 There is no 5 year old in the world that is explicitly gay, lesbian, transgender or heterosexual. Small children do not think about sex and sexuality unless they have been groomed to do so by an adult. These are the facts."]

02/04/2022 @11:35
My SmartMeter is not being discreet about how much energy prices have gone up. Based on my usage, the estimate has changed from £45.51 gas lasting me 79 days, to £44.70 gas lasting me 55 days 🙃

05/04/2022 @19:06
I'm on a 150 day language learning streak! [duolingo]

06/04/2022 @19:07
For anyone interested, bug has had her hair chopped today 🙈💇 she says that she "looks like a Karen" now 😅 super proud of her, and she's nearly hit £300 in donations! ❤️

07/04/2022 @13:05
"If anything, he wanted a very simple life filled with nature, books, and perhaps a few children. He knew that later in life, he also wanted to be let alone to read and to be quiet." A very relatable excerpt from "Pachinko" by Min Jin Lee.

💁🏼‍♂️ [@1Fubar: "Those of us who worked all the way through the pandemic are now having our taxes increased to pay for the furlough of the public sector workers who didn’t work and had a two year holiday? How is that fair?"]

"To a dependable man, providing is a mark of honor. Only weak and unreliable men see your need for financial support as a burden. He doesn’t have to be rich by any means, but he has to at least value bringing in money to help you out." 😂💁‍♂️ [@juliewrites: "How to Identify a Man You Can Depend On. Feminism teaches women how to become independent, but has no message about how to identify a good man."]

12/04/2022 @09:37
Fact check: It's not porn that's the problem, it's western women with their narcissism, OnlyFans accounts, hypergamy, malformed MeToo world view, in which all men are toxic but should worship their vagina, & commit all their energy & resources to obtaining it. I'm good, thanks. [@juliewrites: "With porn as an option, men are not motivated to go out and approach women IRL and channel their sexual energy into the creation of families & life. They can be sexually gratified without bettering themselves. It cannot be overstated how much porn destroys society."]

12/04/2022 @10:20
I need to paraphrase this below, because it's absurd and shows precisely why I don't bother with relationships anymore. He is decisive and non-avoidant = he will always be at your beck and call, and if you disagree with any of his decisions, he will be open to negotiation. He follows God = he will give you a nice church wedding and his religious views will make him more forgiving and malleable. He is willing and able to provide = he will let you abuse his desire to "feel useful and needed" by using him as an ATM whenever it suits you; otherwise he is "weak". He is protective = willing to sacrifice his own safety to protect you, despite gender being a social construct. He respects sexual boundaries = he allows you  to leverage sex as a form of control. He is disciplined = he will not do things he enjoys like gaming, will save his money for you both, and will keep himself physically fit (for your benefit).

13/04/2022 @20:36
My stepmum has been admitted to hospital with DKA today, currently in resus; I am not okay rn 😫

13/04/2022 @23:34
stupidcallousdiabeticketoacidosis even just the sound of it is something quite atrocious

19/04/2022 @10:08
Does my head in when people chalk their personal choices up as following Covid rules, when they aren't even the rules. Cleaner at work just said "yeah I was supposed to go Wales last week but I couldn't go cause of Covid." I says "oh, so it got you pretty bad if you weren't up to going?" She replies, "no, but I tested positive so I wasn't allowed to travel." Sorry, what? That isn't even a fucking rule 🥴🤥

19/04/2022 @10:20
People still use "Covid" & "Covid Rules" as excuses for their decisions. A colleague just told me they "had to" cancel their holiday to Wales last week because they'd tested positive for Covid. I said, "that isn't even a rule". Her: "I'd tested positive; I couldn't travel."

20/04/2022 @09:14
Back at the dentist, again. Because I love it here so much 🥴🙃 Sick to the back teeth, of my fucking teeth 🦷

20/04/2022 @18:28
I truly believe that toothache is a different kind of pain. Ready get the pliers if these amoxy don't work soon 💊🦷

21/04/2022 @10:22
Happy Birthday arr kid ❤️🍻

22/04/2022 @08:14
Praying this infection clears up soon - these restless nights of broken sleep are killing me 🦷😪

22/04/2022 @11:55
Congratulations to my niece Ash on the birth of her baby boy Lowan ❤

22/04/2022 @15:50
Imagine being the director of a company so unprofitable, a £1 buy-out falls through 😳

At the start of the first lockdown I pointed out that ignoring economic impacts that would be caused by NPI's would prove to be myopic and foolish. I was told repeatedly by friends and family alike: "lives are more important than money", as though my observation was callous 🤷‍♂️

Your condescension amuses me. Dead people caused by incoming absolute poverty and inevitable austerity shall not be spending money either. But then only people dying of Covid matter in 2022. Such as was the case in 2020, and 2021 also. Deaths of despair are not of concern.

23/04/2022 @09:31
Reg gave me a few Naproxen and I have had the best night sleep all week as a result ❤️😌

23/04/2022 @20:02
Hate teeth 🦷 love drugs ❤️ give me that sweet codeine, that delicious naproxen, that beautiful benzocaine 🥴

24/04/2022 @00:28
Washing dishes at 00:25 on a Saturday night, impatiently waiting for the naproxen to kick in so I can get some quality sleep 🥴🦷💊

25/04/2022 @08:03
24hrs without painkillers, fingers crossed this is almost over. Minor swelling remains in my gum, but hopefully it's just fucking itself off now.

27/04/2022 @16:39
"Do nothing secretly; for Time sees and hears all things, and discloses all." - Sophocles

28/04/2022 @00:08
Went Bon Pan with Stace and thought eating 5 platefuls was a good idea. It was not. Death by gluttony... 🤢🥴

 29/04/2022 @09:37
Waking up on payday, to find you haven't been paid is wonderful! Such amaze! 🥴

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