Monday, 1 May 2023

Monthly Musings: May 2023

An overview of opinions and observations for the month.

01/05/2023 @10:22
Taking Frog shopping up Hanley today to buy her some new clobber ๐Ÿ˜

01/05/2023 @16:49
£170 later, we are home... Maccies, KFC, The Works, Rymans, Wilkos, B&M, Forbidden Planet, Primark, Bubble Ci-Tea, TK Maxx, Poundland... ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคช

02/05/2023 @14:24
Now I've binged all of Sopranos, I decided to go back and watch the final 2 seasons of The Walking Dead since I'd previously invested so much time into it. Forgot how badass Negan was... and I had no idea that Beta was played by Opie off SoA... ever likely he takes a dislike to sluggers! ๐ŸงŸ‍♂️๐Ÿ

02/05/2023 @21:27
What I imagine the writers of The Walking Dead want you to think: "Oh no! All these characters I love might die!!" - what I actually think: "Ya'no what, I am so over these absolute morons just ignoring all common sense and hurtling headlong into danger - let them die, I'm done!"

03/05/2023 @20:04
This kid begging to borrow some of her new clothes from mine for this Coronation Day at school tomorrow... I'm still annoyed her £18 Relaxalotl top has apparently vanished into thin air at her Mum's... and yet here we are, her Mum has just begrudingly come and picked up this outfit for her tomorrow! She better be grateful! ๐Ÿ˜ค๐Ÿ˜…

04/05/2023 @08:02
Wake up to a depressing message off kiddo saying her Mum says she cannot wear the blue frog top she'd picked out, because "it's the wrong shade of blue" and "horrendous"; she's a 10-yr old celebrating the Coronation Day at school ffs, not meeting the King ๐Ÿคฆ‍♂️ - talk about choosing your battles?! The more you try to force a kid into the boxes you want them to be in, the more they'll push back and rebel - simply to exercise some autonomy and feel in control. Parenting 101. It's gonna be a fun journey for some people learning that lesson I reckon...

04/05/2023 @23:17
First week back at footy after a few off... ⚽ aaand I've chipped my front tooth saving a shot ffs! ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜…

05/05/2023 @08:33
Getting ready for work and hear loud banging and hammering outside my front door; look outside, and they're only knocking down my garden wall without anyone advising me it was even going to be happening... top tier communication from my estate agent there! ๐Ÿคฏ

06/05/2023 @00:15
Back to bed for the second time. After a busy night changing round some of her room, we went up to bed at 11ish since Lysh was tired. Then at 23:30 she decided she wanted to come back down as she couldn't get comfy, and wasn't tired after all ๐Ÿคฃ now we're going to try again!

06/05/2023 @17:42
I love this kid. Was going to take her for a Starbucks or a Dessert Club this afternoon but she never bothered brushing her teeth after I told her to this morning. We've played Bloxburg, some games, made a Tic-Tac-Terranium, and Posca'd a smiley face on a Pringles lid ๐Ÿ˜‚ now she's going home to spend some time with Izzie, and I've got my bestie coming to visit ๐Ÿคช

07/05/2023 @11:28
Lauren Ridloff really reminds me of Thandiwe Newton.

07/05/2023 @17:16
Chill day with the lad discussing Discord Bots, started watching Wild Bill on Netflix but it was shit, played some Minecraft, made a fake birth certificate on Photoshop for a laugh... been a casual afternoon.

08/05/2023 @01:08
Just thought randomly: what if insects can actually talk to us, but their voice is outside our hearing range? How much worse would it be if you could hear the spider talking to you, and he was all like, "pls dont kill me, I hav kids at home waiting for me" ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜Ÿ and on that note, its defo bedtime!

08/05/2023 @11:17
Well, that was a lie-in... ๐Ÿ˜

08/05/2023 @13:43
Amazon be like: "thank you for purchasing an item; here, have 14 emails about it" ๐Ÿฅด

08/05/2023 @22:15
Last ever episode of Walking Dead just made me shed a few tears.

09/05/2023 @10:17
Move in silence; actions speak louder than words ๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿผ

09/05/2023 @21:32
Skipping is not as easy as I recall from childhood ๐Ÿ˜ซ๐Ÿ˜…

10/05/2023 @06:52
Worst night sleep in months due to worrying I was going to oversleep and miss my alarm! ๐Ÿ˜–

10/05/2023 @15:30
Fun day out at BIBA networking with insuretech companies and collecting a sackful of freebies! Amusing to run into Chris Lear & Nigel Harper too, especially seeing their surprise at finding lil' old me there ๐Ÿ˜‚ bumped into Jase Martin too and had a little reminisice with him about days back with JB when we were all wrong'uns ๐Ÿ˜… on a related note, my final debt repayment was taken today, meaning I have now paid back my £16k debt in full! ๐Ÿค‘ Today was a good day!

12/05/2023 @09:13
I had never really thought about the obstacle of altitude when appraising feats of mountaineering, like that of reaching Everest's summit. I had only considered the arduous undertaking of physically climbing and navigating the monolith of jagged rock and ice. Madness. "Experiments conducted in decompression chambers had by then demonstrated that a human plucked from sea level and dropped on the summit of Everest, where the air holds only a third as much oxygen, would lose consciousness within minutes and die soon thereafter." - "Brain cells were dying. Our blood was growing dangerously thick and sludgelike. Capillaries in our retinas were spontaneously hemorrhaging. Even at rest, our hearts beat at a furious rate." - [reading Into Thin Air by Jon Krakauer] 

12/05/2023 @17:33
Turns out my daughters idea of conversation these day's is me messaging her saying that I miss/love her, and her replying with "pls" and a link to something she wants me to buy her from Amazon... ๐Ÿ™„

13/05/2023 @10:16
May as well just put money directly into the bin. Booked swimming for today after Frog said she wanted go. Now she doesn't want to go, and it's not refundable. No point forcing her to go, because it won't be a fun experience if she doesn't want to be there. So I've wasted almost £12, and now we are just going to spend all day sat around bored instead... living the dream mate! ๐Ÿ™ƒ

13/05/2023 @23:03
I eat my words. Today has not been boring at all, it's been non-stop and super productive. We went down the park, then spring-cleaned and decluttered the entire house! ๐Ÿ˜ฒ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿผ

14/05/2023 @18:30
Had such a lovely weekened with Frog ๐Ÿฅฐ today we made cakepops which turned out probably like 7/10 which I'll take for a first try, and we've been Starbucks, and even played some boardgames! It's been superb! ๐Ÿ˜

14/05/2023 @20:04
Frog has gone home and decided to download Snapchat to see what the fuss is about... NOPE. Get it deleted kiddo. No chance.

15/05/2023 @11:14
"If you want your children to turn out well, spend twice as much time with them, and half as much money." - [Abigail Van Buren]

16/05/2023 @22:28
Been to visit the birthday boy! Happy 65th birthday Dad! ๐Ÿฅณ๐Ÿฅฐ

17/05/2023 @14:26
I had forgotten how infuriating buffering was until this lunchbreak where it's taken an hour to watch a 42 minute episode of The 100 because it freezes every 6 seconds... ๐Ÿคฌ

17/05/2023 @23:51
After finishing Dishonored last night, I've finally started playing Horace, and I have been smiling and laughing at the dialogue ever since. Top tier writing.

19/05/2023 @00:10
No footy tonight, so had a lads night with T & Moz, a fat 16" Asain and a film. Long overdue!

19/05/2023 @20:14
Why is nothing straightforward ffs! Trying apply for a GHIC Card for Lysh has required me to lie about her residence, because apparently non-resident parents, even those with parental responsibility, are not allowed to apply for GHIC for their own kids!

19/05/2023 @20:48
If Frog is bored on holiday, I'm leaving this reminder here that whilst trying to have a conversation about excursions which are available and trying to make plans with her, she was more interested in listening to some spoof version of Trapped In The Closet saying "get your bitch ass on the ground" and "pants are full of shit"... because obviously that is the priority ๐Ÿ™ƒ

20/05/2023 @01:25
Not about some random mandem banging on my front door in the middle of the night! I look out the upstairs window and he beckons me to come to the door, and I'm thinking fuck that... I go downstairs & try get a proper look at him through the spyhole and he's just some rando youth in a beanie and a hoody. Heard him on the phone after the 4th round of knocking saying, "yeah bro I'm outside yours now, hurry up..." then to someone else on a different call, "this guy better fucking hurry up now, the taxi is getting pissed off about waiting... Leonard Street right? What? Fuck sake, I'm knocking on some guys door here!" Brilliant. I'm going back bed ๐Ÿ’๐Ÿผ‍♂️

20/05/2023 @18:14
Enjoyed this sunny day with Nezuko down the park, then we went down B&M so she could spend her £10... and coax me into spending a further £15 on her ๐Ÿ˜‚

21/05/2023 @13:29
Char is bewildered that I'm not impressed by him winning using cheats on Minecraft ๐Ÿ™ƒ he has some Cronus hardware peripheral to plug into his controller to allow him to cheat... says it does aim assist and removes recoil on CoD etc... fuck sake, just git gud scrub.

21/05/2023 @15:10
Char has sat here and eaten 2,300+ calories in the past 2hrs. Then he weighed himself, and the scales said 15st 6lbs. The scales are wrong he says, he knows that he only weighs 12st ๐Ÿคจ

21/05/2023 @23:50
Finally seen the finale of The 100: emotional and introspective. Really says a lot about the progression of society, and makes me weep for mankind.

22/05/2023 @18:44
Lysh asking if I can buy her £202 worth of clothes off SHEIN for at her Mum's house because she doesn't have the money spare atm is comical. At her Mum's they've recently had a new £250 air fryer, a hot tub installed in their backyard, a 14ft trampoline, a BMW X5 as a second car, a fish tank set up with exotic fish... they have new tattoos, piercings, beauty treatments etc... No, funnily enough I'm not willing to spend my very limited amount of spare cash buying clothes for at their house ๐Ÿคฏ

23/05/2023 @13:52
"Times are changed, don't you know? Thinking about stuff like that don't feed the kids. Get your three dollars a day, feed your kids. You got no call to worry about anybody's kids but your own." - [reading The Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck]

24/05/2023 @20:24
Got abducted by Legan as I was walking home, so ended up in Moorland beer garden for a couple hours ๐Ÿป๐ŸŒž

25/05/2023 @22:40
Finally managed get enough players for a game ⚽ ...aaaand we got utterly destroyed ๐Ÿ˜‚

26/05/2023 @20:23
We're off down the park to feed the ducks this late at night ๐Ÿ˜‚ Lysh proper fancies a little dusk mission!

26/05/2023 @22:45
Just got home (we nipped back grab some money for some squishy cloud Skittles for Lysh briefly) but been a pleasant evening down the park including watching the sunset from the top of the climbing frame... well, pleasant, aside from some drunk bloke called Carl Tongy from Madeley (he told me his name multiple times) who was down park with his kid Vinnie but looked like he would have fit in more on the terraces... he kept telling me about him being a massive whizz head, and that he'd rather be off his face somewhere than with his kid at the park on a Friday night, he does painting work for Marcus Rashford, and his missus Laura kept ringing him and hanging up when he told her he wasn't on his way home... before he left he asked for my number, and dodgied me after I gave it him... so I blocked his number right after he left... a couple of young girls turned up and went on the tyre swing (they asked for song suggestions so Lysh got them playing Melanie Martinez ๐Ÿ˜…), Tongy got Vinnie to go ask them if they smoked, but they only vaped - so he had a go of one of their vapes ๐Ÿ˜ then he was saying he was going get Vinnie go flash his dick at them thinking it was hilarious ๐Ÿคฏ at one point he even faceplanted on concrete trying kick Lysh's blue ball... absolutely pissed-up menace he was!

27/05/2023 @19:18
Stanworths funfair may have cost me £35, but at least the sunburn was free ๐Ÿฅด๐Ÿ˜…

28/05/2023 @16:57
Today we have baked a cake, stripped Lysh's room to the bone, and been down the park again ๐Ÿค

28/05/2023 @20:20
Getting rid of loads of old toys and stuff hits home how much Lysh has grown up, and really hurts my heart tbh... to think she has outgrown so many things that hold a special place in my memories of her growing up ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ž

29/05/2023 @23:58
Fun day celebrating Stace's birthday (early) with her & T... Bear Grylls Adventure for Archery & Tough Mudder training on the Royal Marines-inspired Assault Course, then Nandos, Moorland, and back mine for slice of cake & a bit of Paul Smith comedy ๐Ÿฅฐ

30/05/2023 @13:13
I still can't fathom how Temu is legit.

30/05/2023 @21:43
Half term. Assume Lysh gonna be bored by the evening and want some attention from me. Nope ๐Ÿ˜‚

31/05/2023 @23:52
Been a good night. Got home from work and blasted out a little HIIT session of jump rope, press-ups & sit-ups; played Roblox with Lysh until half 10ish, then finished off Metro 2033 Redux ๐Ÿ˜

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