Saturday, 10 August 2002

DD #36

 What up?

Don't ask how, but last time I wrote was the day after Laura's birthday - how did I manage 2 forget that? I didn't even mention it. It reminds me of not mentioning Steph and me going on holiday about a year ago to Prestatyn.

But ne way - that's the past now. I'm just in one of the 'don't give a fuck' moods ya know what I'm sayin? Eminem does that for ya u know. Like if ya ever pissed just flip in a tape and trip to the lyrics of the king of white rappers - He's so off da wall it's untrue. If ya on a downer just insert here and spin 360° onto a permanent upper. If ya frowning as soon as ya trippin to the words over the beat of pure class it spins 180° to become a smile. Just listening 2 him now makes ya happy. He don't half speak some dumb shit but it does the fuckin' job! Though he is misunderstood I can relate 2 his pain he's one top bloke. He can express your feelings over any beat or melody. He can stick his finger on anything and cuss n diss the holy shit outta any fucker who duz as little as breathes in his direction. He's my idol. He kicks ass! I'd give virtually n e fing to meet him. People say people are nothing like they're portrayed as but if Eminem is as he's portrayed that's fine with me. If I could I'd love to duet with him ya know what I'm sayin - up on da stage dissin every mutha fucka who's ever pissed me off. People say he needs help - mentally - I say fuck you. - you have no idea what you are on about - he is the greatest entertainer ever. People dislike his sense of humour and his views and opinions or the way he speaks so freely about rape, murder + drugs but people must see this as decent music else he would still be rapping on corners in detroit. Dre and Eminem r 2 peas in a pod. They have the same style - the same skill about them. Ya know that they both r class but I prefer Eminem. In his words - you may think he's a pistol packin drug addict who bags on his mama but its just him. That's the way he is. Whatever I feel like after rollin to Eminem I'm so high on life I'd never need to pop an upper.

The words just flow from da face hole like rivers flow from da sea. It just keeps coming. Every track hes penned n every verse hes ever freestyled is one of the best I've ever heard. It's just the way he does. He can even cover songs with twisted verses. Take Our House 4 instance. Gr8 bumpin tune to kick 2 now add some funny lyrics about rape, drugs, murder + sluts. Then you get Eminems style of Our House. It's gr8. Ya know?

There r only a few things in this world that I'd class as entertainment - the main 1 is the one that ups u went ya down n makes ya smile thats...


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