Monday, 31 May 2021

Monthly Musings: May 2021

An overview of opinions and observations for the month.

01/05/2021 @07:43
Bug doesn't understand the reason I aren't as enthusiastic to get out of bed as she is, is simply because she gets to relax, chill, eat, game and play... whereas I've got to parent, cook, clean and do all the other adult crap πŸ₯΄

01/05/2021 @20:26
And now, S9 has been announced πŸ’―
["Predicting this choice will be regretted tomorrow, but there is no doubt that right now, it's not a choice I have any real control over. Let the last episode of Dexter commence..."]

[@loumeimcounting: "Natural immunity is a right wing conspiracy theory."]

02/05/2021 @21:24
Amazon Prime Video is the fucking worst. A paid subscription service where half the content requires additional payment, and it shows you adverts for other content too gtfoh πŸ₯΄

03/05/2021 @11:32
Contentment in simplicity πŸ’―

03/05/2021 @15:13
Beautiful Bank Holiday weather to sit in a beer garden πŸ₯΄

03/05/2021 @18:50
Hat trick of tripped electricity fml πŸ₯΄

03/05/2021 @21:07
Mob is a baby Saitama. Change my mind πŸ˜‚
[was watching Mob Psycho 100]

05/05/2021 @12:51
peanuts, raisins and almonds are all god tier snacks and if you disagree you're wrong

07/05/2021 @19:49
Creating a monster bro πŸ˜‚ Stephen Nero Hodson πŸ’―πŸ‘Š

07/05/2021 @19:10
If Facebook could fuck off with it's Covid vaccine advocacy, that would be great. Sick to fucking death of having vaccination adverts shoved in my face πŸ₯΄ are you covering any financial liabilities for people affected by adverse effects Mark Zuckerberg since all the vaccine manufacturers have been absolved of all legal liability for side effects, disablement and death? Thought not. Fuck off with shoving it down my throat FFS.

08/05/2021 @08:45
Allow me to sum up kids in one scenario. Ilysha has bugged me about getting her some "Zimmys Choco Dragon Eggs" cereal (basically Nesquik). I've hunted for them all week with no success, when by a stroke of luck, her Mum messages me yesterday saying she's found them and Lysh has a box to bring with her this weekend. I'm silly grateful. This morning, I make her a bowl of the elusive Zimmys expecting a big smile and appreciation. Ilysha looks at them with disdain. "I didn't want these today, I wanted Krave. I'll have these another day." Cue eyeroll. Ilysha, you've pestered me to get them for you all week. Eat them up. A few minutes later, with no eating having occurred and Lysh just pushing the contents of the bowl around with her spoon. "I don't like milk Dad. It's disgusting. It comes from a cows privates." I explain it comes from a cows udder, not privates, which is like it's boob. "That's still gross. I'm not eating them. I hate milk now." Me lowkey annoyed. Fine Lysh, I'll make you a fresh bowl without milk. I throw the breakfast away. "Just make me Krave now Dad. I don't want Zimmys." She likes milk on Krave though... πŸ₯΄

08/05/2021 @11:09
Health Officials have announced that under 40's with no underlying health conditions should be offered an alternate vaccine than AstraZeneca due to at least 49 people dying from blood clots as a direct result of the vaccine. People taking a vaccine as a precaution against catching Covid which they may never have even caught, have died because of the vaccine; that's irony. NHS data shows the total deaths for under 40's from Covid who've died in hospital in the past 14 months is currently 647. Since all the vaccines are still in trial phase, are only being used under emergency authorisation, and considering the tiny risk posed by Covid for my demographic, I won't be having any Covid vaccine by choice. I'm not anti-vax. I'm not a conspiracy theorist. I'm not a covidiot or a covid-denier. I simply don't trust the science behind rushed vaccines with no data on their long term effects. I know the risks with Covid, we've had it constantly shoved down our throats for over a year, yet I have no idea of the risks of these vaccines. Nobody does. Nobody knows for sure that in 5 years time they're not going to cause unforeseen side effects, or on future generations; like Thalidomide did when it caused deformities. I don't trust the data from Yellow Card or VAERS, because throughout the entire pandemic, all data cited and publicised from cases, to infections, to deaths has been repeatedly flawed, incorrect or manipulated to push an agenda. If the powers that be had been more honest and transparent, perhaps I'd be more trusting of their intentions and integrity. The beauty of vaccines is thus; if you've had yours, you don't need to worry about who else has had theirs. Unless of course, the vaccines don't work. The point of a vaccine is to provide immunity; if you're immune, you don't need to worry about whether I am.

09/05/2021 @12:50
Soon it will be "legal" to hug friends and family πŸ˜…πŸ₯΄

11/05/2021 @21:25
God damn this game is immersive and addictive AF 😍
[was playing Stranded Deep]

12/05/2021 @08:51
Oh how the tables have turned πŸ˜πŸ’πŸ»‍♂️

12/05/2021 @20:04

14/05/2021 @13:38
Bruh, how hard is it to find somewhere selling new official PS4 controllers? πŸ₯΄ Argos, Tesco, GAME... all out of stock. Fml.
UPDATE: Sorted now, thanks all for the input.

15/05/2021 @23:15
It's actually really simple when you think about it; just do your best to be a good person. Be kind, be respectful and be honest. That's really all there is to it.

16/05/2021 @19:43
any excuse for a bev 🍻❤️
[with Terry Scott, Sammie Scott and Zack Clews]

17/05/2021 @08:52
Hahaha look its your mate Michelle Preece 🀣

18/05/2021 @18:51
Nice to be able go out again, and nice to see my bestie ☺️πŸ™Œ Matt is sad cause he's not being fed 🀣 x
[with Georgina Handy and Matthew Handy at The Reginald Mitchell - Wetherspoons]

18/05/2021 @22:25
Good seeing these fellow reprobates having a good little banter and sing-a-long πŸ’―πŸ’πŸ»‍♂️
[with Alex Legan at Moorland Inn]

19/05/2021 @19:30
[with Terry Scott and Matthew Morris at Moorland Inn]

20/05/2021 @22:04
[with Terry Scott, Steve Wintle, Kyle Potts and Mike Roberts at Powerleague Stoke-on-Trent]

21/05/2021 @09:05
The circle of social life πŸ’―

22/05/2021 @10:08
Basically it explains how 99% of people are lazy and ignorant when it comes to using critical thinking to make their own informed decisions. As a result most people can be "nudged" into doing whatever private companies and Governments want them too simply by setting defaults, framing options a certain way, and presenting data in a coercive context to imply a certain risk. I mention it, because it was cited as underpinning the Covid-19 response. Turns out most people are sheep who fall prey to the "status quo bias" and will just go along with whatever they're told without stopping to ever ask questions.
[reading an interesting book called "Nudge" by Richard Thaler]

[@RepThomasMassie: "reminder: @factcheckdotorg’s vaccine fact checking is funded by the RWJ foundation which holds $1.8 billion of J&J stock and is run by a former director of the CDC."]

22/05/2021 @11:03
Current mood: Ilysha is crying because I've told her to get dressed πŸ₯΄

23/05/2021 @14:56
[at Stanworths Funfair]

23/05/2021 @20:40
I fucking love seeing all these posts of people having a social life and actually living again. It's refreshing to see normality resuming.

24/05/2021 @10:45
"The group who is most likely to purposefully choose to not vaccinate are highly educated. In speaking with them, these are people who have read the primary literature themselves, and they’re correctly interpreting it, so it’s not a misunderstanding." [Emily Brunson, MPH in Epidemiology, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Anthropology at Texas State University]

[@Coronavirusgoo1: "The 7-day average for Covid deaths in the UK is 6, which is the lowest since 15th March 2020."]

[@JamesMelville: "Anyone who stated a year ago that they were concerned about vaccine passports were often accused of being a conspiracy theorist or spreading dangerous misinformation. The real danger is turning a blind eye to conspiracy theories that become harsh realities."]

[@AlexBerenson: "Meanwhile, @cdcgov and the public health experts insist that post-vaccine myocarditis cases in young people are occurring at normal background rates. THIS IS FALSE. I normally give myself wriggle room, but the data are unequivocal. THEY ARE NOT TELLING THE TRUTH..."]

[@JamesMelville: "Scaremongering comes with a price tag. Our media are the beneficiaries of £322 million of taxpayers money from government Covid advertising. The UK government are now the biggest spender of advertising in the UK. The media doesn’t bite the hand that feeds them."]

[@RealKeriSmith: "Anyone have any “Conspiracy Theories” they can loan me? All of mine turned out to be true. Seriously, if you’re one of the sleep walkers still getting & trusting your “news” from legacy media...WHY?"]

26/05/2021 @13:00
If you don't understand the difference between a virus and a disease, don't try to pressure me into getting vaccinated. The lack of knowledge on this topic is alarming considering medical professionals are required to have informed consent before vaccinating people. Seems very few people are actually "informed" before they "consent". The vaccine may help prevent the disease or make it less severe, but won't stop you spreading the virus. Having the vaccine does not "protect your loved ones" or "help unlock the country". If you are high risk, then I support having the vaccine to reduce your risk. That makes sense. If your risk of disease is already low however (, then taking a vaccine still in phase 3 trials ( to "lower your risk" is utterly insane imo especially if you take the time to check MHRA Yellow Card ( or VAERS ( and see some of the side effects (deafness, blindness, heart attacks, death etc). As the below fact check will claim, the vaccines are tested and monitored etc, but that's of little comfort to people who had no real risk of COVID-19 and have debilitating side effects directly as a result of a vaccine they never needed but were pressured into having.

27/05/2021 @00:20
Just know, I take no comfort and find no joy in being right about things that have resulted in misery and death. I'd find no pleasure in saying "I told you so". And there is still more to come. Wake up.

27/05/2021 @09:51
I'm confused; I thought 'conspiracy theories' were supposed to be fake news, and anybody promoting them 'dangerous' and 'crazy'? 🧐

[@JamesTodaroMD: "There’s a lot of ‘conspiracy theories’ becoming facts lately. Censorship has always been the enemy of truth."]

[@PrisonPlanet: "So if the Wuhan lab leak theory is confirmed to be true, mainstream media & social media censorship helped facilitate one of the biggest cover-ups in modern history. All in the name of "stopping misinformation." Why should they be trusted to be the arbiters of truth ever again?"]

@ClarkeMicah: "This is interesting. Do you really want your NHS records 'scraped' into a database shared with third parties? If not, you have a month to say so. Opt-out details are in the FT article below:]

[@youth_unheard: "Believing the government models of impending doom is equivalent to refusing to go outside because your weather app says it's raining, even though when you look out of the window there isn't a cloud in the sky."]

28/05/2021 @14:42
@Sladey_10 100% support your decision to decline the vaccine. Perhaps others will wake up to the fact it isn't mandatory, and maybe even research the topic for themselves rather than just having an experimental cocktail of chemicals jabbed into them because everybody else is.

28/05/2021 @22:57
Snake oil salesmen don't flee until things get hostile.

[@LeaveEUOfficial: "Life can have a wonderful irony to it at times... 🀣"][]

We've been waiting. [@JamesMelville: "Variants will always occur. And because of the mass testing, cases will always remain. But right now, hospitalisations and death rates are at record lows, and yet, the government are still not willing to completely unlock us. We are locked in a mΓΆbius loop of entrapment."]["Boris: We May Need To Wait For Our Freedom"]

[@RougeNoirUK: "I don't think mainstream people realise this about so-called conspiracy theorists on the Covid 19 pandemic subject - that their dearest wish is to be wrong."]

29/05/2021 @09:31
Most people against mandatory vaccines aren't morons who think there are microchips in the them. We are people who simply don't trust that they are safe because they haven't had sufficient testing. Not all adverse reactions are immediate.

29/05/2021 @09:44
Most people against mandatory vaccination, and those choosing not to have the Covid vaccine are not worried about microchips, or dumb conspiracy theories. They are worried that there has not been sufficient testing, and that the medium to long term effects of the vaccine are unknown. Not all adverse effects are immediate, and even some of the already identified adverse effects are concerning such as strokes, blindness, deafness or even death. Imagine you get pressured into having a vaccine by media, Government and peers, so you dutifully go and get yours despite being low risk for Covid-19, collect your free slice of pizza or whatever other dumb incentive they offer, and virtue signal on social media proudly. Then in a few years from now, it transpires that the vaccine causes long term issues like Thalidomide did, or even Primodos. Would you still feel smug and sneer with contempt at those who chose not to have the vaccine? I remember when "my body, my choice" was championed in relation to abortions, so why is the same sentiment not shared when it comes to experimental vaccines that are still in Phase III trials?

30/05/2021 @11:05
Clarifying some misconceptions:
1) SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19 are NOT the same thing. One is a virus, the other is the disease caused by the virus. The lockdowns and masks etc are intended to stop SARS-CoV-2 spreading.
2) Not everyone who catches/carries SARS-CoV-2 develops COVID-19. This is why some people are "asymptomatic" but still infectious; they can still pass on SARS-CoV-2 despite not developing COVID-19 themselves.
3) PCR/LFT Tests cannot test for COVID-19, they can only identify if the SARS-CoV-2 virus is in the respiratory tract. This is why cases do not correlate with hospitalisation/death. Low amounts of SARS-CoV-2 will not be enough to progess to COVID-19 but will still be detected in tests.
4) Vaccines help prevent COVID-19 developing, they do not stop you catching and spreading the SARS-CoV-2 virus. This is why you still need to be tested to travel abroad, still have to wear masks and why being vaccinated yourself only benefits yourself. This is why vaccine passports are pointless; vaccines do not prevent spread of SARS-CoV-2, they only help prevent you developing COVID-19/prepare your immune system to fight it off easier.

30/05/2021 @11:39
Vaccine analogy. Regular vaccines are like showing a person a cake so they can recognise the cake in future. Covid vaccines are like showing them some lab grown eggs and hoping they'll recognise it as a cake at a later date.

30/05/2021 @12:36
What's the difference between a conspiracy theory and reality? About 12 months it seems πŸ₯΄

30/05/2021 @12:39
Ilysha's observations seem to be holding up pretty well over a year on...

30/05/2021 @12:48
To anybody naive enough to think that private companies and the Government care about your health more than profits, I proffer smoking. I await your rebuttals.

30/05/2021 @17:31
Gonna start putting guidance on my Uber Maccies orders saying "if you aren't sending the ketchup again, then don't fucking send anything" because honestly, it's absurd πŸ₯΄

The fact they've prepared to deploy shows intent. [@PrestonsWomble: "Calm down. He is saying they are ready to deploy “if required”. He is not saying that decision has already been made, ffs."][@GuidoFawkes: "Zahawi: Vaccine Infrastructure Stands Ready to Deploy Jabs to 12-15 Year Olds"][

[@MattGubba: "Some people seem to think we're now 'back to normal' and don't understand why massive protests are still happening. In what world is it 'normal' to be asked to wear a paper bag on your face and download a spyware app on to your phone when arrive at a restaurant? It's deranged."]

[@EwaMazierska: "One thing which makes me take conspiracy theorists seriously is that they tend to have no monetary interests in their theories, unlike mainstream scientists who are paid to promote certain positions. Think about members of Sage with their conflict of interest."]

[@nick_the_geek78: "A friend has had Covid, has been vaccinated already, and just got a message from track and trace and has to isolate despite just having tested negative. This is utter madness."]

[@CharlotteEmmaUK: Hats off to @beverleyturner sticking it to the mainstream media lackeys who admittedly aren’t allowed to go against the official narrative."][@beverleyturner: "@Matthew_Wright you and your stupid rat-tail are despicable."]

31/05/2021 @01:49
If anyone wants a creative, easy and enjoyable Platinum trophy, play Concrete Genie. In one sitting (~5hrs), I've just scooped 44 trophies 😳 and when I get up tomorrow, I'll wrap up the Plat.
[was playing Concrete Genie]

31/05/2021 @17:59
Bank Holiday vibes with good company ☀️πŸ»πŸ’― (side note, they aren't drinking cinema drinks πŸ˜…)
[with Sammie Scott, Hayley Gibson and Zack Clews at Cherry Tree Pub & Grill]

31/05/2021 @22:12
Fuck sake 🀣🍻
[with Sammie Scott, Hayley Gibson and Zack Clews at Cherry Tree Pub & Grill]

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