Friday, 3 January 2014


A New Year often means a fresh chapter in life, even if unacknowledged; subconsciously we always try harder to make the start as perfect as possible. If this sounds like hogwash, compare the legibility of the first word written in a new diary to the last.

I'm feeling reflective as I often do around this time of year. It has dawned on me that since having a child my life has changed so much - I haven’t had sex since before she was born, taken drugs since before she was born, or had an interest in getting really drunk since before she was born.

I’m not trying to come across as some kind of saint, I’m aware I still have many flaws - I guess what I’m trying to say is, that having a daughter has completely changed my outlook on life. It makes me consider the outcome of everything I do, it makes me aware of my character, and how my behaviour affects those around me. I honestly think that the Court process has made me a better person too, as crazy as it seems in hindsight. I value and appreciate all the small things in my life, I don’t take simple things for granted, and it taught me a lot about myself and about how I handle pressure and obstacles.

These days I barely recognise the person I used to be, and I am grateful for that fact. Given the choice of the two, I’d choose my current lifestyle any day of the week. Having my Godson and my daughter in my life has really given me clarity on what matters - and it’s not the things I used to think did.

I hope you all make the most of this new year too.

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