Friday, 15 July 2022

Staying Quit

Back in January, I boldly declared that I was quitting nicotine as a New Years Resolution.

Initially I doubted my ability to stick with my honourable intentions, hence it being almost a week before I bothered to write a blog post about it. Let's be honest, it's embarrassing declaring to the world that you're quitting, only to renege a few days later. The public humiliation of lacking the willpower to persevere.

I aren't sure what was different this time around. Look, I've quit before. I went cold turkey in January 2015 for 5 months before relapsing. I quit cigarettes entirely in 2016 and transitioned to vaping. I tried to taper down the nicotine content from 18mg, to 11mg, to 6mg, even down to 3mg... but I just found myself vaping more frequently to offset the difference in nicotine content which meant burning through "juices" faster which costs more money. I ultimately ended up just vaping 11mg consistently. Alas, here I am now, astoundingly free of nicotine since 31/12/2021.

Was it difficult? Of course! At first I struggled to break the habit and adjust to fighting the cravings off, but before long, it was an after thought, a fleeting observation. Oh, remember when I used to vape? It's strange, it feels longer than 6 months since I quit. I don't miss it, and I aren't tempted to relapse. I feel comfortable enough to say, I believe I may have completely quit nicotine permanently. That feels good to write!

But wait, there's more. Never one to back down from challenging myself, I opted to up the ante; following a regrettable parlay with alcohol on February the 1st, and I ambitiously swore off the booze too thanks to This Naked Mind.

I know, I know... I am all too familiar with the cliche "I'm never drinking again" mantra of a hangover. But this was more. I was fairly resolute. I did not drink alcohol at all from 01/02/2022 until 09/04/2022 which was an achievement in itself. April the 9th was my brothers 30th birthday and I reluctantly dipped my toes back into the familiarity of alcohol consumption. Mistake. Big red flag to a bull mistake. That night was a further stark reminder of why drinking alcohol is not my friend and abstinence is in my best interests.

After that, I opted to stay alcohol free for the foreseeable, potentially permanent, future. It's now over 3 months since I last drank alcohol. I'll be the first to admit, I doubt quitting alcohol will be permanent - nevertheless, the times I've spent without drinking has definitely provided food for thought, and ample opportunity to reassess my relationship with alcohol. That can only be a good thing.

It remains to be seen how this plays out, but I'll be interested to see what the situation is later in the year.

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