Monday, 16 July 2012

Nicotine Dreams: Explosives and Value

This post is part of a series of articles that reflect on nicotine induced dreams. During 2012 whilst attempting to quit smoking, I was using patches as part of a Nicotine Replacement Therapy program. I became very aware of heightened recall of dreams I experienced whilst wearing a nicotine patch and began to document them accordingly. This is one such dream.

I was lay on my stomach in a small room, the floor of which was a country. I had partial control over what was happening, like an overseer, a God? The was another like myself there, though he seemed more my opposite, like the devil, Satan?

Toward the far wall was a large pile of gunpowder, explosive, and yet I acknowledged somehow it held great value financially. In comparison to the country, the gunpowder was comparable to an entire mountain range. There was an incomplete train track that resembled that of Duplo when I was a child, that spidered across the majority of the floor between the hills, valleys and towns. A lone train carriage was steadily chugging around the track, slowly meandering towards the gunpowder, intent on destruction. I don’t know why, but I understood that if the train carriage reached the gunpowder, the country over which I was observing would be destroyed.

I was working quickly, attempting to divert the train tracks away from the gunpowder, though simultaenously the other figure was working against me, undoing my will and beckoning the disaster. As fast as my hands placed the sleepers to guide the carriage away, the other figure would replace them provoking carnage. When the train carriage was nearing the gunpowder, the other figure vanished, leaving me alone void of the time or skill to counter the situation.

I surrendered to the knowledge that the explosion was imminent and that I had failed to prevent it sufficiently, and in a bid for damage limitation I lay atop the gunpowder and forcefully kicked the train tracks away from myself, angrily and defiantly. The train carriage fell from the tracks and disappeared from sight before a small explosion was noted away from myself.

The other figure reappeared and questioned my actions without speaking, it was like communication through telepathy? I could not explain why I had done what I did. I sensed that the financial and physical damage caused by my actions was lesser that which would of happened had I not, and this was suitable justification for myself. The other figure disappeared again, and then I too faded from that place, and awoke in my bed.

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