This post is part of a series of articles that reflect on nicotine induced dreams. During 2012 whilst attempting to quit smoking, I was using patches as part of a Nicotine Replacement Therapy program. I became very aware of heightened recall of dreams I experienced whilst wearing a nicotine patch and began to document them accordingly. This is one such dream.
25mg Nicotine Patch
25mg Nicotine Patch
I was in a sort of big old warehouse in a snowy field stood in a bar area with seating arrangements etc. My sofa was there. Me, Terry and Chris Clark start moving the sofa so that the area is more accommodating. We are dressed in army clothes and have guns, and we go outside and it’s like Call of Duty and we are shooting attackers who are running through the snow trying to get to our bar.
I flank past some snowy conifers and get into the enemies base which is open topped with lots of cover; I sneak into a small makeshift garage, like a chain-link fence, and metal panels knocked together to form a small outbuilding with a strange armoured car inside. I crouch up the corner in the shadows behind the car and start picking off enemies who can’t tell where I am shooting from. They pick up on my location and start to all come straight for me. I’m killing them, and then a bloke is next to me on the other side of the chain-link; I’m trying to shoot him but can’t? Then another enemy runs in from the side and stabs me in the neck with a sort of dagger?
I respawn in my own base and tell Terry proudly I am on a 12-1 kill to death streak, and then I see an enemy trying to flank our base via a path down a cliff. I hurry through the base telling everyone I have it covered. I go out the back of the building and round a small ledge in the dark, overlooking the underpass. There are a couple here, a man and woman lying down; the woman is on her back with the bloke between her legs. They are scouting; I can only imagine I know this because it’s my dream, and because they seem out of place. I shoot the man in the face and he falls down the cliff. The woman is panicking and trying to wolf whistle to the enemy trying to flank our base; I try to shoot her but have to reload, and by the time I kill her she has already signaled a retreat. I try to shoot the fleeing enemy but he is too far away and due to the distance I have no accuracy. Suddenly the enemy falls to the floor dead, and I turn a corner to see my director from work Bill Gilroy who tells me not to worry, he got him.
Then we are all back inside the base kicking grenades at enemies? We are pulling out the pins and then kicking them like footballs and blowing all the enemies up. I can remember camping overlooking a ramp and shooting enemies and directing my team where to kick the grenades.
Next thing I know I’m down Stoke with Michelle Anchors, we’re walking along London Road towards Sainsburys and she isn’t happy with me? She is trying to hurry away but I’m keeping up with her asking what is up but she won’t tell me, so I’m following her confused. We get closer to a building and she bursts out that it’s all my fault for telling JB mine and her secret? I don’t know what secret. Then she goes inside a building and locks the door; I’m calling out with no response and I can’t get in so I leave.
I’m walking towards the Wheatsheaf, and outside the Blockbuster is a seating area in the road? Rob Lowe and Steve Davies are there having a pint, I walk over and am met with an unexpected response; both of them are really confrontational towards me saying I always find excuses not to hang out, and then expect to just turn up when I choose and everything to be rosy. I walk off into the Blockbuster but it isn’t a Blockbuster if you get how I mean?
I’m with my brother Terry inside a car; it’s the Batmobile out of The Dark Knight. We are in some kind of arena with tall structures, and we are doing laps around the outside, jumping over obstacles really fast with Terry driving. I feel really happy and carefree. Suddenly I’m driving and we pull inside a big elevator inside the car. I am reversing and edging forward impatiently and Terry tells me to stop because it will jam the engine, but not to put the brakes on? There is a random guy in a red shirt complimenting the car, and I’m being really smarmy and arrogant about it, saying it’s the best ever and nobody else deserves one.
Suddenly I’m in a room sniffing cocaine with loads of people I don’t know; except Michelle is here again now? We are planning some sort of rave/party. We are on the Green now, a field by my Mum’s house, but there are lots of tall wooden structures with banners hanging from them. There are shit loads of people here. Me, Michelle and someone else who I cannot recall climb up a sort of wooden scaffold and start dancing at the top.
We look down and Justin Bieber is in the crowd; Michelle starts climbing down and goes over to him whilst we stay dancing. Michelle shouts up that Justin likes her yellow flip-flops and then they disappear into the crowd and leave. I continue dancing, and then I woke up.
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