Thursday, 31 July 2014

Monthly Musings: July 2014

An overview of opinions and observations for the month.

01/07/2014 @01:13
It's that time again where my bed gets the pleasure of my company, and I get to waste 6hrs or so of my life that could be spent much more productively elsewhere.

01/07/2014 @19:01
This guy is ridiculously talented! ♥

01/07/2014 @19:56
My new solo project sampler, 17 snippets from the new tracks I've been working on for "Unspoken". Let me know your thoughts if you haven't already, always appreciative of feedback :)

01/07/2014 @20:03
My home is where I lay my hat, and that's wherever Ily's at.


01/07/2014 @20:56
[with Terry Scott and Matthew Morris at The Auctioneer Sports Bar]

04/07/2014 @00:37
Who we are is defined by our emotions and experiences; we're all just patchwork personalities occupying the same space.

04/07/2014 @08:47
"All things go."
Carpe diem.

05/07/2014 @22:45
Just been informed that my neighbour has been spotted loitering outside the front of my house with a noise monitor/decibel meter... wish she'd just go fucking deaf already so I can have the volume at a reasonable level without harassment.
[feeling annoyed]

06/07/2014 @12:03
Dead Space 3 free on PS+ this month?! Fuck yes, I'm all over that like fapping in a dook hut!

06/07/2014 @22:22
This is how Charchar kept himself entertained whilst waiting for a bus... be grateful this video is not full length. He must have blown the whistle for about 7 minutes out of 10! x

06/07/2014 @22:24
This is Ilysha's adorable way of telling Daddy that she is hungry. She usually does in impromptu, but for the purposes of this video I had to encourage her since she'd already been doing it lol x

06/07/2014 @22:38
Singing at the bus stop :') x

06/07/2014 @22:41
Haha, she is awesome with some of her vocabulary and expressions! x

06/07/2014 @22:48
...and this is how Ilysha waits for a bus, and just pretends she has a whistle lol x

06/07/2014 @23:04
So chuffed me lil Princess is still into books, I encourage her and try to minimise time spent in rooms with a TV on, but I only see her once a week and I can't speak for her time in the care of others... but, she still has a fairly decent attention span considering she's not even 2yrs old yet! :) x

06/07/2014 @23:28
Ilysha has got a grasp on the tune for ABC, but doesn't know the letters properly yet it's so adorable. She sounds like when adults try to sing to songs and don't know the words, and kinda just mumble along to the tune :') x

06/07/2014 @23:53
I love how Ily takes after me when it comes to improvising and finding new, often strange ways of making boring toys seem interesting lol. She cottoned on to using plastic hoopla rings as bracelets, a bucket as a hat etc... but this is all her own creation! Full credit to her! x

07/07/2014 @00:43
Here is my Ilypie demonstrating her full awareness of bedtime routines, mentioning it involves her knowing that she goes upstairs to go to bed, she lies her teddies face down (how she sleeps) and pat their backs (how I pat hers when she is nodding off), and will even tell them vocally to "lie down", "in bed", "get up", and "stay there" haha obvious sayings for bedtime! This is by far the best footage of my little Princess being really vocal and coherent that I've ever recorded. If you've parented children yourself, this won't seem so dismissive compared to how it probably does to those of you thinking "what's the big deal?" - seeing your child growing and learning to vocalise and be verbal, hearing their speech develop and seeing them associate words with actions etc is such a proud, rewarding feeling! :') ♥ x

07/07/2014 @19:34
I love hearing people who've had an easy life bigging themselves up for overcoming all the struggles and hardships to be who they are today.

08/07/2014 @10:36
Best support response I've ever seen:
"In regarding of the issue, it may be cuased by some reason."

10/07/2014 @19:21
We haven't spoken in a while, and I'm sat here wondering if you've even noticed.

11/07/2014 @00:13
Social media encourages us to embellish and exaggerate our mundane existence in a competitive bid to convince people we don't really like of how awesome our lives are.

11/07/2014 @07:02
99% of advertising exists solely to encourage you to spend money that you don't have, on things that you don't need, to impress people that you don't like. Being materialistic is an ugly trait.

11/07/2014 @18:16
Got my perfect lil' Princess coming for a sleepover at Daddy's house again this weekend ♡

12/07/2014 @13:16
Took munchkin the park this morning, uncomfortably hot!!

12/07/2014 @22:11
Sleep is the plan, but optimism is elusive.

14/07/2014 @12:28
Oh. I guess someone is feeling menstrual today and fancies taking their period out on me? No thanks flower, you can have your bloody tampon back and jog the fuck on.
[feeling intolerant]

14/07/2014 @18:42
"I got 99 problems and a bitch aint one.../
She's all 99 of 'um, I need a machine gun!"

14/07/2014 @20:41
"A man provides for his family. And he does it even when he's not appreciated, or respected, or even loved. He simply bears up and he does it. Because he's a man."

14/07/2014 @22:24
Expectations are the catalyst of disappointment.

14/07/2014 @23:41
It may sound morbid however I find great comfort in the fact that no matter how different our lives may be, we are all equal in death; and no matter your contribution to this world, great or small, unless it's discovering the secret of immortality it's value is negligible.

15/07/2014 @07:47
I'm a man of simple pleasures, like that first hot mug of coffee in the morning ♥

15/07/2014 @20:48
I treat insects like smackheads; if I see them out in public I just leave them to go about their day... but if I see them in my home, it's like no way Kimosabe, this is my house now!

15/07/2014 @21:00

16/07/2014 @00:20
"You can never beat a woman in an argument, it's impossible; because men, we are handicapped when it comes to arguing because we have a need to make sense. Women ain't going to let a little thing like sense fuck up their argument, because she ain't in it for sense, she's in it for distance and irritation."
- (Chris Rock, Never Scared)

16/07/2014 @20:21
When I see people driving aggressively or like fucking idiots, I secretly wish they would be involved in a horrific traumatising single vehicle road traffic accident. Like crash into a railing and need a leg amputating or something.

17/07/2014 @01:12
Empathy is the most human emotion we are blessed with, and it makes me sick to see the way that some people are treated by others, especially by corporations and privatised, profit motivated conglomerates. Sometimes I am truly ashamed of our species. The irony of inhumane humans.
"We may not be the same, but that's not important.../
No freedom 'til we're equal - damn right I support it."

17/07/2014 @01:19
So I'm just lay in bed in the dark like, casually playing on my phone with the window open since it's a warm night... next minute POW a big fucking moth lands on my face! Not cool moth, not cool at fucking all.
[feeling traumatised]

17/07/2014 @21:28
Bored, lonely and thoroughly demotivated tonight.
[feeling meh]

17/07/2014 @23:32
Physical pain passes fleetingly; emotional and psychological trauma linger. The worst wounds we sustain aren't those that bleed.

18/07/2014 @01:11
You used to be such a very big part of me.../
Now we barely even speak and it's hard for me.

18/07/2014 @19:06
"You know what to do with that big fat butt..."

18/07/2014 @19:13
Hopsin accurately summarising the views of an atheist.

18/07/2014 @21:39
"That's that nerve.../
Why give a bitch your heart, when she'd rather have a purse?"

20/07/2014 @19:49

20/07/2014 @23:08
Warning: Rant ahead. Right. The internet is really starting to grind my pissing gears lately... fucking adverts are every bastard where! On Facebook, want to see what people have been up to? First check out these adverts we've decided you'll like... Try to watch a video on Youtube, sure, but first watch this unrelated advert - don't worry, we'll pop back halfway through your viewing to remind you how few fucks we give about the experience we provide to our users... try to quickly download some pirated media, here have some rollover adverts that cover half the screen... even trying to read a fucking article on a website, have some more adverts... and most of the adverts are these damn iframes that take over the entire screen, and trying to close them just opens more webpages... then they pop up all nonchalantly like "do you like this content? Why not share it on Facebook" and I'm just like "I haven't even seen the fucking content yet because you're harassing me within 5 seconds of loading the damn page!" Then you try to close the stupid pages about "How I Make £1,000,000 a day at home" with an auto playing video "Hi I'm Steve, and I used to be like you..." FUCK OFF! So you try to close the window and it's pipes up with "are you sure you want to leave this website?" Yes I fucking am because I never wanted to be on it in the first fucking place! It's getting to the point now where if I go on a site and an advert pops up, I just bail the fuck out and think FUCK IT cause "nobody got time fo dat!" GAHHH!

21/07/2014 @20:51
Charlie is getting way more confident on his scooter now, even dares go down the kicker ramps properly :D x
[at Burslem Skate Park]

21/07/2014 @21:39
Charlie is even pushing himself to come down the big ramps, not quite there yet but he witnesses a lot of bigger lads take a tumble on them so I'm proud of how brave he's getting! :') x
[at Burslem Skate Park]

21/07/2014 @23:05
Ilysha is coming along leaps and bounds, I can happily just watch her develop constantly! She is forever surprising me and making me laugh - she is such a little character! I blush with pride at how amazing she is, I'm so lucky to be her Father! ♥

21/07/2014 @23:16
I perform best under pressure; challenge me, and I go above and beyond to come out shining; people who really know me should already know that. Ilysha's Mum recently made a fuss about me feeding her cheap and cheerful meals such as chicken dippers, smiley stars and peas etc... she states this is "processed crap" and not sufficient for a growing child. I won't dwell on this, instead I'm using it to my advantage and improving my culinary abilities and hopefully developing Ilysha's palate a bit further :) This weekend just gone for her dinner I made wholewheat spaghetti with fresh grape tomatoes, kale, red onion and garlic, and for tea we had soy and honey glazed alaskan salmon with bok choy, green beans and red peppers over a bed of rice. I think next weekend I'm going to try my hand at sun dried pesto chicken quesidillas with cranberries for lunch, and then for tea I think we'll have cheese, ham and broccoli manicottis. Actually quite enjoying challenging my cooking abilities and learning some new recipes... it sure beats eating the same rinse and repeat meals for one all the damn time!
[feeling inspired]

21/07/2014 @23:38
Still cracks me up every time! hahaha! x

22/07/2014 @08:51
Happiness is a lifestyle, positivity is a philosophy, and optimism is a choice. Smile all you beautiful souls, and remember it's just a ride. Kick your feet up and enjoy the journey. Time is too precious to waste ♥

22/07/2014 @19:20
Cheeky few beverages
[with Terry Scott]

22/07/2014 @22:26
Relationships in 2014: A couple smother each other all over Facebook. Then the couple break up and openly slag each other off. Naive third parties come out of the woodwork and hit on them as soon as they realise they're single. The couple then get back together (as predicted by 99% of their friends list) and the third parties disappear back into the woodwork until the next time.

22/07/2014 @23:17
WTAF tho!? Seriously, has this ACTUALLY just randomly popped up on my fucking newsfeed after the 30 minute conversation about it on lunch!?! Fucking Ross Facts!!

23/07/2014 @22:46
Accomplishment for the sake of accomplishment is void of purpose; it is more beneficial to redirect your efforts, than waste them on a passionless venture.

24/07/2014 @00:23
If you doubt me.../
Well that just proves you know nothing about me.

24/07/2014 @20:42
"We're pretty much amazing!"
[feeling super]

25/07/2014 @00:58
The most accurate analogy for playing Dead Space 3 after its predecessor is this: Back at high school you fell in love with the most perfect, flawless girl and you wished you could stay together forever. Unfortunately she had to move away and you fell out of touch, but you always held a fond place for her in your heart. A few years later you get a message from her saying she's coming back to town for a visit and wonders if you want to meet up for old times sake to see if you can rekindle the old flames. Your heart is racing, and those nervous butterflies that had become unfamiliar over the years immediately resurface reminding you of how much love you have for this girl. You eagerly respond that you would love the chance to see her again. The big night arrives and you are dressed up smartly in your best tuxedo and ready to indulge in a romantic evening of laughter and reminiscent flirting. You arrive at the poshest venue that you could afford to book with the highest hopes for the night ahead. Then you see her, and your heart flutters to a standstill. It becomes rapidly apparent that since you last saw her she has really let herself go. She looks pale, gaunt and clammy. Her hair has thinned out and she is dressed in rags. You quickly learn that she has 4 children all with different deadbeat Fathers, unfortunately contracted AIDS from a stint as a hooker, a crack cocaine habit and complex psychological issues. And you realise that all those feelings you thought you had for her have died; she just isn't the one you fell in love with all that time ago.

27/07/2014 @18:33

27/07/2014 @18:55
This tho!?

27/07/2014 @20:43

27/07/2014 @20:51


27/07/2014 @21:14

27/07/2014 @21:19

27/07/2014 @19:26

27/07/2014 @22:46
"You ever wake up and just feel like fucking off?
Never coming back to this place, and just shutting off?"

28/07/2014 @12:44
"If it wasn't for my baby.../
I'd probably be dead in the bottom of an empty bottle of JD..."

28/07/2014 @7:59:44pm
"From sappy author Nicholas Sparks, comes the timeless romance that paved the way for millions of people to form unrealistic expectations of their real life relationships." - "A love that taught an entire generation of women that it's perfectly okay to string along a sweet, handsome, supportive guy, as long as you're able to satisfy your every impulsive desire." - "A romance that will make nagging girlfriends ask: why aren't you more like Ryan Gosling?"

28/07/2014 @10:39:19pm
Out of sight, out of mind? That's beyond me.../
Because my daughter and my son are thought of fondly!


29/07/2014 @19:22
Anticipating predictable retaliation upon receipt of the letter I have just produced for the Mother of my child regarding her attitude and unreasonable dictations where Ilysha is concerned.

29/07/2014 @19:24
Crazy that I wrote and recorded this almost 4yrs ago... so much has changed since then, nothing is how it was back then - everything is different x

29/07/2014 @22:45
The world we inhabit is beautiful until mankind make it ugly.

30/07/2014 @00:17
Literally just watched this in utter disbelief at how that yank cunt just obnoxiously dismissed everything that didn't support his argument! #FreePalestine!!

30/07/2014 @22:31
Sick of being abused by this bitch.../
So I'm sticking to my guns like I'm glued to the grips.

#FeelsLikeHome - AnothaB

30/07/2014 @23:31
I'm amused by the stones that are thrown at my home.../
Whilst I prepare nukes to consume what you own.
#FeelsLikeHome - AnothaB

31/07/2014 @08:36
[listening to Tidy Pose]

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