Saturday, 23 November 2019

Labour Sold The NHS

Many people believe that NHS Privitisation began with the introduction of the Health and Social Care Act 2012; the Act was spearheaded by Conservative Secretary of State for Health, Lord Andrew Lansley. Lord Lansley had also been identified as accepting a £21k donation from the chairman of Care UK, a company likely to benefit greatly from the increase in the use of private health providers within the NHS.

As concerning as that sounds, the truth is that the NHS privitisation had already begun under the previous Labour Government.

Back in 2006 under the Labour 'Minister of State for Health', Baron Norman Reginald Warner, NHS privitisation was already on the cards as their £64bn NHS privatisation plan was revealed, and there were also reports of a London hospital outsourcing surgical work to a private firm despite fears it could "give that company enormous leverage to launch a takeover bid to run the whole hospital." A Department of Health spokesman under the Labour Government stated: ""Primary Care Trusts will take responsibility for securing the best possible healthcare for their patients by commissioning services from a range of providers, including the independent and voluntary sector."

In 2009, under Labour PM Gordon Brown, the 'Principles and Rules of Cooperation and Competition (PRCC)' was introduced which sought to "liberate the NHS" and "set out the Government’s strategy for the NHS including the commitment that, wherever relevant, patients should have a choice of any willing provider that meets NHS standards, within NHS prices". This allowed private companies to lobby for NHS contracts and provide healthcare services as long as they were on par with nationalised healthcare pricing and quality of care.

It seems somewhat ironic that now Labour are banging the drum about preventing the privitisation of the NHS as their keystone policy when it seems it was them who first got the ball rolling and put frameworks in place to facilitate it's privitisation?

Part of me also has to wonder if the NHS issues are partly due to the massive population growth since it was formed in 1948. We now have over an additional 16 million people in the country. It's inevitable that unless the working population paying taxes grows in direct proportion to the demands on the NHS, and economic growth that stimulates business growth and associated taxable revenue, there will be a skill and fiscal deficit, and subsequently an expanding blackhole.

Monday, 16 September 2019

Travel: Lisbon, Portugal


Ascensor Da Bica
Café A Brasileira
Delirium Café Lisboa
Rua Nova do Carvalho
Flor de Lupulo
Cantinho do Aziz
Pasteis de Belem
Jerónimos Monastery
The Tower Of Belem 
Padrão Dos Descobrimentos
Elevador De Santa Justa
Merendinha do Arco
Estadio da Luz
Coca's Place
Crafty Corner
Casa Das Queijadas
Quinta da Regaleira, Sintra
Initiation Well, Sintra
Pena National Palace, Sintra
Velha Gaitiera
Outro Lado
São Jorge Castle
Cervejas Canil
Praça do Comércio
Duque Brewpub

Saturday, 31 August 2019

Monthly Musings: August 2019

An overview of opinions and observations for the month.

Whisper: August 2019

07/08/2019 @21:50
Close friends looking for an extra person for no strings fun 😉

21/08/2019 @07:19
When you really want to message that someone you have strong feelings for, but you know they'll just ignore you because they've lost interest in you.
22/08/2019 @20:40
You let them in against your better judgement.
You told yourself they were different.
Then they proved they weren't.
And now you're alone, again.
22/08/2019 @20:44
The older you get, the more alone you become.
I think that's why so many people end up in unhappy relationships.
The souls yearns for a connection to others.

Sunday, 28 July 2019

Application for being Boyfriend Material


Qualified Graphic Designer with a Triple Distinction from Newcastle-under-Lyme College. I can draw and design mad awesome shit. If I ever lost my job, I could sell my artwork for a few quid to prevent needing to use foodbanks. I refuse to be a drain on society.

Qualified Computer Games Designer with a 2.1 Hons BSc Degree from Staffordshire University. Not only did I spend an unhealthy amount of time playing games as a kid – I also got a degree that excuses me doing it as an adult too. Hey, if I’m at home gaming, I’m not out cheating right?

Currently employed as an IT Manager for Connect Insurance Brokers Ltd, in a position I’ve held for 7 years. Started out as a Technician, then was promoted to a Supervisor, and now a Manager. I’m a great manager. I often turn up on time, and sometimes I even turn up sober. I’m a fucking delight to work for.

Held a Full UK driving licence for 12 years with no motoring convictions or claims. Admittedly this is due to not having a car and isn’t a fair representation of my driving ability/inability. But hey, in a pinch I can legally drive us around, although there is no guarantee we would survive the excursion.

I have a 6 year old daughter from a past relationship that lasted 7 weeks. The pregnancy was planned. I am a responsible parent, despite being a moron by planning a child with someone I’d been with for a few weeks. My daughter is pretty well behaved and I have custody of her at weekends meaning I’m at home behaving, not out up town getting drunk, high, or fighting any more. Wait, what do I mean by “any more”? Well. Interesting story; I used to be a bit of a dickhead (didn’t we all??) but I aren’t like that now. I’m a paradigm of chastity and virtue.

I have my own home. Well. It’s not owned by me, and my tenancy isn’t exactly secure. I’m actually expecting to be evicted in October. But at least I don’t live in a hostel or behind ASDA in a box or anything. Your daughter would be safe with me (at least until October).

My hobbies include working on music and writing a novel. I also like staying up all night like an irresponsible teenager, then drinking obscene amounts of coffee the next day to cope. I have a moderate caffeine addiction, and I also vape like a cool hipster kid for my nicotine fix.

Additional Notes:

Not sure what else to say, except that I really like your daughter, and I can only hope this application is sufficient for me to be considered. Thanks for your time, and I’d really relish the opportunity to make your daughter happy.

Friday, 31 May 2019

Monthly Musings: May 2019

An overview of opinions and observations for the month.

Whisper: May 2019

27/05/2019 @19:39
I really fancy my mates wife. Scared I will break up their marriage.
28/05/2019 @21:39
I swipe right on every Tinder. Even if I don't find them attractive, it's validating to get matches and feel attractive and wanted.

Tuesday, 12 March 2019

Will Brexit Ever Happen?

It's amazing how many people still insist on challenging a democratic vote on the basis that 'perhaps' the outcome is not representative of the current political bias.

It was a democratic vote. The majority voted to leave. How hard is that to comprehend?

What amuses me most is the conflation of mainstream media's biased reporting as being representative of fact. Because as we all know, mainstream media are nonpartisan and definitely do not push false narratives that support the interests of the minority in power (lol topkek).

Also the notion that those who voted in favour of Brexit are 'scared' that their vote will be dismissed in the event of a second Referendum is laughable. There is no "fear". There is anger and frustration. Democracy means that people have a voice; using delay tactics long enough to push enough scaremongering narratives through mainstream media to sway public opinion does not mean that a Second Referendum would be any more representative than the original one. It just means instead of "people voting to leave because they believed the lies" about the benefits Brexit could deliver, it would be "people voting to stay because they believed the lies" about the damage Brexit could entail.

Apply the same logic to any democratic vote and you'll see how contrived and redundant the argument of a Second Referendum is. The logical fallacies employed by the mainstream media are transparent if you pay attention. Any democratic vote could be swayed if you spent two years relentlessly hammering the voters with biased reporting and false equivalencies, in an attempt to brainwash them and grind them down to apathy.

Democracy is not democracy, unless a democratic vote is honoured. Brexit was democratically voted for.

Brexit needs to happen.