Monday, 31 December 2012

Content Consumption 2012

Those of you who know me well enough already know that 2012 has been a big year for me. It's involved overcoming the deaths of a close friend, Anthony Mansell, and my brother in law, Ricky Lewis. It's involved overcoming a bad cocaine addiction, and finally getting my finances in order. I started back the gym in August, and began taking better care of my health again. I've changed jobs to be an I.T. Technician and website developer as opposed to a call centre slave. I've cut away a fuckload of dead wood, burned bridges with wankers and learned the value of true friendships. I've got my creativity back, and recorded almost 100 songs in the last 12 months.

And most notably of all, I became a Daddy to a beautiful daughter, Ilysha Jade ♥ - I can finally say now, that after battling through so much drama, grief and heartbreak, I am looking forward to 2013 and whatever it brings.

I've come too far and overcome too many obstacles for this next year to not be easier. So thank you to all of those who stuck by me through all the shit I've fought through, and fuck you to all those who didn't.

Here's to 2013, let's make it a fucking good one!

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