Sunday, 23 December 2012

Samaritans #6

My current emotional instability isn't my Godson's fault so I try to shelter him from any negative energy; it isn't fair for him to be subjected to a fragmented Xmas experience with me being depressed in his presence.

Regarding the gym, it's something for me to focus on that isn't detrimental - it's naturally better for me than drinking/abusing drugs. I see the gym as a way to keep in shape, to spend quality time with my brother and also as a social experience as I know quite a lot of people who go there. I usually play football on Thurs nights too, but due to the weather it's been cancelled a lot lately. I keep myself busy, I work through the week etc, so I can't really accommodate frequenting the gym anymore than I already do.

I'm feeling a lot better just from getting stuff off my chest talking with yourselves, you truly are a blessing in these times.


You are obviously making a great effort over Christmas for the sake of your Godson at some cost to yourself and the way you are feeling at the moment.I hope it proves to be a reasonable time for you.

Your time spent at the gym seems to be a very positive experience all round.Your determination to grapple with all your many issues is admirable.

We are here if you need us at this difficult time.


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