Thursday, 20 December 2018

Femicide Census Accuracy

The Census is visible here:

"Because of the Femicide Census, we now know that between 2009 and 2017 in the UK: [A woman is killed every three days by a man - A woman is killed by her male partner or former partner every four days - A third of women killed by their male partner are killed after separation, of whom a third are killed in the first month and three quarters within a year]. This must surely tell us that it is long past the time to think of the killing of women by men as ‘isolated incidents’."

This is a dangerous and disingenuous narrative to pursue.

To clarify here, that according to the official statistics from 2016, there were 33,270,380 females in the UK. This report and it's statistics are highlighting 139 instances of a female dying as a result of a "male's actions". 139 is 0.00042% of the female population in the UK. This technically does make them 'isolated incidents'. It is not a widespread prevalent issue.

Furthermore, if we adjust for Terrorism [21 instances included] which is not an isolated risk to females [which the report appears to imply], then this figure falls to 0.00035%.

If we further remove cases where the death was accidental/unintended, including where the intended victim was actually a male [Joanne Rand, Demi Pearson, Susan Fuller, Louella Fletcher-Michie, Chloe Miazek, Megan Bills, Justene Reece] this drops to 0.00033%

If we remove the cases where both parties were an immigrant couple who relocated to the UK/an immigrant killing one of their own female family members after relocating to the UK, of which there are a minimum of 12 included [Arena Saeed, Kiran Daudia, Karolina Chwiluk, Ilona Czuper, Amandeep Kaur, Asiyah Harris, Karina Guimaraes Batista, Monika Lasek, Kulwinder Kaur, Romina Kalaci, Celine Dookhran, Dzilva Butiene] this reduces to a further 0.000298%.

One of the cases included, that of Kanwal Bernice William, never actually received a conclusive answer and was left as an "open verdict" with no actual charge or even allegation offered against her husband Lawrence. The murder of Dionne Clark was committed by both a male and female perpetrator [Dominic Wallis and Elizabeth Ellis] with no clear evidence of who actually committed the murder. The murder of Sinead Wooding was also committed by both a male and female perpetrator [Akshar Ali and Yasmin Ahmed] with no clear evidence of who actually committed the murder. These three should also be omitted from the Census for obvious reasons bringing the figure down further to 0.000289%

There are also several instances where both males and females were injured/killed during the events that ultimately led to the deaths and murder charges. I find it disingenuous to include these in what appears to be an attempt to inflate figures and exaggerate the risk posed to females by males. I will not offer an adjustment for these but I do believe wholeheartedly that these skew data where it is presented as though the risk of "a male murdering a female" is demonstrated in these cases.

The more accurate representation therefore becomes 99 instances, not 139, out of a population of 33,270,380 females in the UK.

This means women have a 1/336,064 chance of being killed by a man.

And that does not factor in motive; in some included instances the male killed their female relatives/partners out of compassion. Wives or grandmothers who were old and suffering from Dementia [Ruby Wilson], Alzheimers [Avis Addison], Emphysema [Ann Furneaux], and Parkinsons [Jane Sargeant].

The point I am making here, is that the "Femicide Census" is geared up to skew figures and conceal fact by exaggeration and deliberate misrepresentation of the actual risk posed to females.

All this "Femicide" report serves to do, is further the divide between the genders and cause females undue concern.

The reality is that 99.99981% of UK females will never be intentionally killed because of a male.

And I am not dismissing the 0.00029% of females that may die at the hands of a male; I have personally looked into all 139 cases mentioned in the Census and agree that there are some awful and reprehensible tragedies included. The fact remains however that the chances of a female being involved in something of this nature are so few and far between, it isn't worth getting anxiety over.

Thursday, 22 November 2018

MGTOW: The Game Is Rigged

I identify as MGTOW. There is a reason; it's not me, it's you.

I used to be a normal blue pill cuck. I believed the traditionalist hyperbole, the standardised format for life consisting of education, career, marriage and children. I naively believed this was the structure that made life happy. I believed the illusion.

Men are typically reared from birth to be servile; brought up in the ideology that it was his place in the world to dote on women and offer them validation and affirmation. Men should be chivalrous and always making all the effort. If he doesn't, then he is vilified for being cheap. Shamed for being weak and poor example of a man. The power of the pussy is a globally recognised standard that I vehemently oppose.

It is the arrogant entitlement that turns me off more than anything. The reprehensible attitude of "I'm going to be an insufferable cunt, but you better still treat me like I'm a lady because I have a vagina."

Societal changes have masculinised females. No men are looking for crass, loudmouthed, lairy females who are chugging down beer, fighting and being confrontational. Yet that's what is on offer. Either that or high maintenance bitches who believe they are God's greatest gift who should be treated like royalty. Even the masculine women wish to claim female privilege at every opportunity. They will get physically violent, whilst screeching that "real men don't hit women". They demand equality of outcome, despite having no rights to it. They are so fast to play the victim, the hapless damsel who needs help because they are so oppressed by the patriarchy, whilst still demanding "a la carte equality" where it suits.

Have you ever noticed that women only want equality when it benefits them at the expense of men? "There are not enough female CEO's" they echo. "We need more representation in high paying positions of power" they chide. Funnily I never hear them complaining that there aren't enough female refuse collectors, sewer workers, or hard labour/high mortality professions such as construction, oil rig workers etc. They don't want equality when it requires them to put their life on the line, or work in awful conditions; only when it's cushty for them. If they truly want equality they better be prepared to muck in the shit with us blokes.

"I want equality. Give me everything you have earned. But also give me privilege. Buy me drinks. Pay for dinner. It's tradition." Know what else is tradition? Females staying at home raising kids whilst men go out and build the world and everything in it that we know and love. Gynocentrism in family law shows equality is a long way off. We'll discuss equality when Fathers are considered as important as Mothers. Yeah, equality is a long way off.

I'm rapidly reaching the stage where I wish men would just call it a day. Fuck it. Let them have it. They want it? Let them hang themselves with their own ropes. They don't need us anymore, they keep telling us. They have artificial sperm now. They can do everything we can. Gender isn't even a recognised thing in this new world; you can literally wear a saucepan lid on your head and identify as a fucking geranium, and you'd be heralded as a revolutionary. I am so disenfranchised with the world and all these fucking pandering, virtue signalling, beta cuck hipster simps and self-titled feminazis. I'm fucking done playing along. I quit. Let them take the wheel and drive society off a fucking cliff for all I care; we can sit back and applaud them for being so fucking disillusioned and arrogant to declare they don't need us. Let them crash the economy, destroy the industries and all the progress we've made, and when they are sat in the rubble desperately in need of help, we can tell them to fuck off and put on their big girl panties and sort it out themselves. We're expendable, useless, man-children. They don't need us, remember?

Other fun parts of being a male; false rape accusations, domestic violence accusations, sexual assault charges, harassment charges, the "baby trap" where you end up with 18 years of paying 15% of your income for a child we never wanted, because the women hold all the cards where childbirth is concerned. You have sex and if there is an unplanned pregnancy, then you sit back and let her decide whether you get fucked for the foreseeable future. In marriage you get to lose your home, car, pension and if you live in America, even alimony when she decides she's had enough and her hypergamous nature draws her into the arms of someone else.

The world has changed, and a simple risk/benefit analysis concludes that no pussy is worth the potential shit storm that accompanies it. I have stayed single now for six years, been celibate for three. I have no interest in engaging romantically with women and putting my reputation, sanity or resources on the line. The whims of female nature are much too irrational, and I refuse to allow a vindictive women destroy my life if she does not get what she wants.

I am MGTOW, and until society changes how men are treated then I have no interest in returning to the plantation. I've wasted too much of my life and money trying to appease females, trying to be the traditionalist male who dotes on his woman and gives her a good quality of life, when in the end she fucks me spectacularly whilst society vilifies me and champions her with applause.

The game is rigged. And I'm done playing.

Thursday, 25 October 2018

Relapse Avoidance #11

Been a while since I last posted but I just recently introduced a friend to this app and the amazing support community herein.

I am proud to report that I have remained clean since I last posted. I have now been sober for a full 3 years without any relapse.

Does the temptation still visit? Sure. I have managed to figure out my triggers though and I can effectively minimise or avoid them. It comes at the cost of my total freedom as it requires creative avoidance of certain associates or environments, but it is a sacrifice worthy of the cause.

Once again I'd like to extend my sincerest support to all of you who have been a part of this journey with me and supported me on staying on the righteous path of sobriety.

And if you are fighting the urge to relapse, find comfort in my successes. I am nobody special; just an addict who found a way to avoid his vices. And you can too.

Friday, 28 September 2018

Feminism Supports Gynocentrism

I shall never tire of the irony of females citing inspirational Marilyn Monroe quotations, implying a relativity between themselves and her.

Born to a mother who suffered with paranoid schizophrenia and who had minimal involvement in her upbringing, Marilyn spent most of her childhood in and out of foster homes. She dropped out of education by choice, married at 16 years old and became a housewife, then spent the next few years flaunting her body as a pin-up model for income. She went onto abuse drugs and alcohol throughout her acting career which she secured by initiating a sexual relationship with an executive for a film studio. Progressing in the film industry by sleeping her way to the top, she went on to have two more failed marriages that both ended in divorce, suffered with anxiety and depression, then played the victim and refused to accept responsibility for her own actions. In a manner befitting of her life, she died of a drug overdose aged 36.

Well, she is clearly a great role model.

But the point I'm getting to is that in spite of the obvious abhorrence of Marilyn Monroe's life choices and conduct, she is still heralded as a champion of femininity to young females today. The fact that society does nothing to rebuke the fact is utterly bewildering, yet feeds into the narrative that I wanted to touch upon; women can do no wrong. It does not matter how abhorrently they conduct themselves, society will give them a bucketful of excuses and pardons for their transgressions.

Let's look at a publication from this year, and how they present Marilyn Monroe:

"Although vulnerable and complex, Marilyn was a strong woman who consistently fought for what she believed in. However, because of the confusion and stigma related to the word, it is highly unlikely that she would ever have considered herself a feminist." [The Girl: Marilyn Monroe, The Seven Year Itch, and the Birth of an Unlikely Feminist (c) 2018 by Michelle Morgan, Running Press]

It is as though society condones the life choices of Marilyn Monroe, and is happy to encourage females today to follow in her footsteps. Don't bother with a formal education. Flaunt your sexuality for money. Be sexually promiscuous. Have no respect for the sanctity of marriage. Abuse drugs and alcohol. Blame everyone else for your failings. Do these things, and society will still adore you, because you have a vagina and resultantly are absolved of all judgement by society.

This only goes to reinforce the obvious conclusion; females have the power. Feminist's will relentlessly screech about the patriarchy, and how females are disadvantaged by the way society functions. I do not believe this at all. As Esther Vilar once wrote in The Manipulated Man:

"By the age of twelve at the latest, most women have decided to become prostitutes. Or, to put it another way, they have planned a future for themselves which consists of choosing a man and letting him do all the work. In return for his support, they are prepared to let him make use of their vagina at certain given moments." - "Men have been trained and conditioned by women, not unlike the way Pavlov conditioned his dogs, into becoming their slaves. As compensation for their labours men are given periodic use of a woman's vagina."

It would not be so concerning if I didn't relate to the point. I am also quite sure you can assume how feminists view Esther Vilar? Yes, needless to say, Marilyn Monroe is regarded much more highly.

On the subject of females using men, let's take a look at marriage. Now marriage often begins with a proposal, whereby traditionally, a male will take a knee in a position of subservience, and humbly request a female to accept him. This gesture in and of itself demonstrates a submission of power by the male to the female, and thereby enforces gynocentrism. A male will feel empowered should the female accept his chivalrous sacrifices and will acquiesce to her every whim, no matter how banal or unreasonable, in a desperate attempt to retain his position of subservience. Accordingly, a female typically holds the power in any romantic relationship.

In a culture where society places so much emphasis on the dominant superiority of females, by valuing their well being, needs and wants ahead of that of males, it is starkly apparent that true equality would be more beneficial to males than females. This is why feminism does not equate to egalitarianism, but rather 'a la carte equality' whereby their only activism is in favour of reform to the benefit of females alone, and there is never endorsement for improvement in areas where men are clearly at a disadvantage.

To market feminism as equality is inherently deceitful. Feminism focuses on retaining the privileges of chivalrous conditioning, whilst also leveraging further benefits in areas of lower economic or societal importance than concerns that solely affect males.

In a society where females are absolved of all blame, heralded in spite of their failings, recipients of chivalry and sacrifice, and also hold all the power in romantic relationships; it isn't too difficult to understand why family courts rule in favour of females, thereby forcing males to sacrifice their involvement in child-rearing. After all, females are superior to males by extension of the above, and accordingly the male should be out toiling in the fields to support his family whilst the female is doted on and supported in her ivory tower.

If feminism truly wants equality, I'd be interested to see where they advocate in favour of family law reform to make 50/50 shared custody a mandatory standard. Until that day arrives, I'll be distancing myself from feminism and the hypocrisy it favours.

Tuesday, 25 September 2018

SJW's Are Cancer

For a long time I have been working hard at drowning out all the SJW bullshit that is constantly spewed in mainstream media. My biggest issue has been with the constant crying and complaining about everything; primarily things that don't matter. Recent examples include people picking fault with FRIENDS, and now even Adam Sandler in his older films is being targeted a problematic. All the movements, the protests, the pickets over bullshit that does not matter. Fabricating issues, finding problems where none exist just so they can feel important and cry about something to play the victim with their virtue signalling.

But as much as I try to drown it out, sometimes it cannot help but hit me in the fucking face like Thor staving my head in with Mjolnir.

What am I getting at? The Witcher Netflix series.

I have been soooooo fucking hyped to see this, so eager to see how they handle the lore and narrative that I have become so invested in and love so much. The beautiful Polish folklore, the Eastern European and Slavic culture. Make no mistakes, I fucking adore The Witcher; hell, when I played The Witcher III it catapulted it straight to the forefront of my favourite games of all time. And it's stayed there threatened only by TESV Skyrim. The escapades and adventures of the Butcher of Blaviken, the amazing Ciri and the mysterious Yennefer. This story that dragged me in, emotionally fucked me, and spat me back out leaving me wanting more. CDPR really set a high bar, and when I read the books by Andrzej Sapkowski I could really appreciate the time, effort and scrutiny that had gone into fully realising the Witcher universe in the games.

And here we are now, with you perhaps wondering where I'm going with this?

Well, the SJW's and the Forced Diversity Squad have seemingkly taken a royal shit all over the franchise that I love so much. A recently leaked casting advert for the show stipulated they are looking for a strictly BAME (Black, Asian, Ethnic Minority) to play the role of Ciri. Now to some this likely seems an overreaction, but for anyone fully versed and immersed in the lore of the series, and the Witcher universe will agree, that this is fucking horseshit.

Let's take a quick look at the description of Ciri from the Witcher books:

"Now it’s our turn, thought Geralt. He was right. The officer stared at Ciri. His eyes shone through the opening in his visor, watching everything without missing a detail. Her paleness. The scar on her cheek. The blood on her sleeve and hands. The white streaks in her hair."

And now at the CDPR representation of Ciri in the Witcher game series:

Why the fuck would you cast a BAME to play this role?!

The Witcher is set in medieval Poland; a heavily Slavic culture with little to no representation of BAME's. That is not racist, and there is nothing racist about expecting the Netflix series to stay true to the origins and lore that are already established in the universe. Much like casting Frodo Baggins as a Chinese man, or casting a white lady to portray the Black Panther. It's retarded, and it's purpose is nothing more than forced diversity into a series that does not require it.

So yes, today I am pissed off at SJW's. Today I am largely considering the possibility that I will not be bothering to watch the Netflix show I had been so hyped up to see because all the way through I will be thinking "this is such bullshit".

Fuck SJW's.

Monday, 3 September 2018

Travel: Mallorca, Spain

We flew into Palma on Monday around lunchtime, before transferring to the Africamar Hotel in Can Picafort, just outside of Alcudia. After freshening up and unpacking a little [and finding faults with the hotel including one balcony door which wouldn't lock, hairs in the bathroom and a missing door key], we headed over to Trotters British and Irish Pub for a spot of late lunch, and more importantly a beer. The food was nice [peri-peri chicken and spicy wedges] and the beer was reasonably priced; we stayed at Trotters for a few more beers before moving onto Restaurante Niagara for cocktails by the beach. Niagara has three Blue-and-yellow macaw parrots - word of warning, do not try to stroke them, they don't seem to like it! We sampled strawberry daiquiris, and more notably Moz tried a Tortuga which was pretty much a glass of pure ethanol. You will get approached by 'lucky-lucky men' here; we were offered to buy a watch more than a few times (buy one, get five free!). Me and Tez had a wander down onto the beach, and then we all had a walk across the seafront. We arrived at Heladeria San Remo and opted to have our evening meal there; the place seemed quite lively and well kept and the prices were palatable [17.50 euro for peppered steak]. We all had ice cream and another drink, settled the 95 euro bill and headed back to the hotel for some rest in anticipation for the next days activities. The night ended with a fantastic tropical storm which saw the entire sky lighting up in menacing flashes of white, whilst the rain poured down over paradise.

Tuesday morning saw us heading back over the road to Trotters British and Irish Pub once more, this time for breakfast [a coffee & full English - typical Brits abroad]. We then caught a coach back across  the island to Palma so that we could visit Bellver Castle. Hilarity ensued after arriving by bus to the base of a flight of 500 steps which we then had to climb. Moz on crutches recovering from a dislocated knee, and Stace who suffers with chronic fatigue [not 'conifer trees' as I had thought she'd said initially]. We finally arrived at the top of the steps and realised there was a road that led all the way to the top; ugh. We went to enter the castle only to be told we needed tickets from around the other side - awesome, it's not like we were tired or sweating! Tez volunteered to go fetch the tickets, whilst Moz discovered his sun-cream had leaked all inside his bag [harsh but hilarious at the time]. Tez returned and we headed into the castle, taking in the architecture, the historic monuments and the museum-esque areas that explained its history. We headed up to the roof [minus Moz who could not manage the stairs] and took in the fantastic views out over Palma and the surrounding coastline and mainland. After taking [many] photos, we headed around to the Castle Bar near the carpark and enjoyed a cold Estrella in the shade. Note to all tourists; do not waste your time trying to arrange a taxi from outside of the Castle. After an infuriating time trying to arrange a taxi from NTaxi's [we're talking 45 minutes here including speaking to drivers, ringing the operator and being told there were none available, downloading their app etc.], we gave up and walked back down into the city via the 500 Steps. Once back in the streets of Palma we caught a [free] bus up to Bar Central where we stopped for another beer. Not sure why the bus was free but it was absolutely packed; the epitome of a sweat-box. We walked up through Mayor Plaza, had a quick stop off at the Disney Store [for Stace haha] and then had a wander around Museu Fundación Juan March taking a look at the early works of Pablo Picasso and works by Joan Miró, Juan Gris and Salvador Dalí. After we'd taken in the artworks, we headed toward a craft beer shop that Moz wanted to visit via bus however when we arrived it wasn't open. Remaining optimistic that the owner would appear soon, we stopped at the nearby Santa Catalina Santina for a spot of food [a panini] whilst we waited for Del Món Beershop to open [which it did thankfully]. Afterwards we continued on to Catedral de Mallorca for a bit of sightseeing and photography as the sun began to set, before finally heading over to Lórien to sample their craft beer offerings. After a busy day in Palma, we headed back to the coach and rested up during the 50 minute drive back to Can Picafort. Once back, we headed to the hotel, freshened up and headed round to the Jamaica Cocktail Bar for our evening meal. This was quite possibly my favourite place in Can Picafort to eat at [I had Jerk Chicken with all the trimmings!]; if you bought four cocktails, you also got a free t-shirt. By the end of the night we had a couple of free t-shirts and a 147 euro bill [we gave them 170 euro, it was worth it!]. We headed back to the hotel and got some much needed and well deserved rest.

Wednesday was a very relaxed day. Following a simple breakfast at Playa Bar Restaurante, we headed down onto the white sand beach to enjoy the sunshine. The first thing we realised was that a lot of people aren't shy about their bodies based on the amount of topless women we saw. We found some sun loungers available and perched up. Tez went to fetch us all some ice lollies whilst we reclined and soaked up the rays. Before long we decided to venture out into the sea [beside Moz with his bad leg]; the water was cool at first but very refreshing; me and Tez ended up pretty far out off the coast. When we got back, Stace was approached by a lady offering Thai massages which after a little discussion she agreed to; a male then showed up offering Moz a foot massage which he politely declined. Whilst we were relaxing the sky suddenly darkened over quickly and before we knew it the weather turned dreary as rain began to fall. I was the first to evacuate and head up to the nearby Nusa Dua Can Picafort for shelter, shortly followed by Moz leaving Stace to enjoy her Thai massage in the rain. By now the male masseuse had also joined in giving the Thai massage. Myself and Moz sat supping beers watching the rain fall once again. Tez and Stace joined us and had a drink before we moved onto the Oasis Grill Restaurant for cocktails, and then the Horitzo Cafe for even more cocktails. The Oasis Grill seemed part of a franchise with the Jamaica Cocktail bar from the previous day as it had very similar branding and menus. Terry enjoyed a Kiss By The Sea cocktail that was reminiscent of a Mudslide [a cocktail by Revolution], meanwhile I had a sangria. At Horitzo I recall having many various cocktails with exotic names and expensive price tags. After freshening up at the hotel, we headed next door to Sabores De India for a curry; I'll be the first to admit all the alcohol and sun had gone to my head at this point and I barely even remember the rest of the night. From what I've seen on pictures, videos and the limited recall I have, we went to Trotters British & Irish Pub yet again, but this time for beer and karaoke [Beach Boys, Meatloaf, The Killers, Madness, Rick Astley]. I was absolutely hammered by the time I went back to the hotel room. So much so, that the next morning I was still hammered.

So after the previous nights antics, Thursday was my 31st birthday, however I was too hungover to even function until midday! Everyone else headed down to the beach and left me in bed nursing an awful hangover, returning with birthday cake and gifts. Once I was more alive [around 13:00] we headed down to catch the bus for our Formentor Experience excursion that we had arranged the previous day [whilst I was too drunk to really recall]. The bus headed out to Alcudia passing some landmarks including Church of St. Jaume, and the Saint Sebastian Gate into the old town Murada Medieval d'Alcúdia before stopping at Port de Pollenca. We had a short bathroom break at Stay Restaurant which included the least private toilets I've seen [the stall doors were frosted glass] since Riga [the Skyline Bar has an entirely glass wall right beside the urinal]. The Formentor Experience included a boat ride from Pollenca that passed by Talaia d'Albercutx, before continuing onward to Playa de Formentor Beach. Upon arrival, we popped into L'Espigó BeachBar for a tourist trap light lunch [self-service & overpriced], before heading down to the beautiful beach for a swim and relax. The beach, though beautiful was pretty hectic, and we found respite near some rocks under the shade from nearby trees. The water was crystal clear, however there was a very strange odour, and it was really salty. There were also a lot of fish swimming around your feet which was a little unnerving. After we'd spent some time on the beach the journey continued onward via coach to the amazing views of Mirador Es Colomer high up in the hills. It was crazy as the coach headed up winding roads with a huge cliff face metres away. When we arrived at the top of the hills we were greeted by spectacular valleys meandering through the mainland; there was a rocky path cutting it's way across the landscape that led up and down steps to a viewing platform that offered amazing views of the coastline. Many photos later we headed back down and grabbed ice lollies from Bar Mirador Colomer before heading back onto the coach that would return us to Can Picafort. It was our last night, and also my birthday, so we headed back into the hotel and freshened up before making our way down to the highly recommended Restaurante Vinicius for our evening meal. The service was excellent, our waiter Zeus was really polite and the food was delicious [I had the angus sirloin steak but also got to try the garlic rabbit which Tez ordered]. We spoke with the owner Daniele who was very accommodating and advised us she prepares all the desserts herself; I had the white chocolate brownie with pistachio ice cream which was superb. After we'd eaten and finished our drinks we headed across to the Africamar hotel bar to try the highly recommended strawberry daiquiris made by Nacho; unfortunately we did not get to try them as his protege Topher made them. This was made worse when Stace sucked a hair out of her drink which ruined the atmosphere entirely. Topher was apologetic and didn't charge for the drink, but the mood was already spoilt. After we left the hairy daiquiri at Africamar, we went around for cocktails at Pirates Can Picafort [another of the chain with Oasis Grill and Jamaica] however their selection of cocktails wasn't as broad which meant we did not stay for long before we made tracks to Barracuda, a club we noted the previous day was quite lively at night. We had a few more beers, ate a few more bar snacks, and begrudgingly went back to the hotel for one last sleep before we flew home on Friday morning.

Friday was the day we came home. It was depressing. The highlight was Moz complaining about his leg whilst we were checking into the airport which resulted in him being rushed through fast track and priority boarding. This seemed like a good thing at first until they finally delivered him to the boarding gate, and he had to make his way back through a large part of the airport to meet us at Burger King where we were enjoying our breakfast/lunch. Eventually we boarded the plane, waved goodbye to Can Picafort, and left with our memories of a lovely holiday.

#swooped #done #jibeet


Africamar Hotel
Trotters British and Irish Pub
Restaurante Niagara
Heladeria San Remo
Bellver Castle
Castle Bar
Bar Central
Mayor Plaza
Museu Fundación Juan March
Santa Catalina Santina
Del Món Beershop
Catedral de Mallorca
Jamaica Cocktail Bar
Playa Bar Restaurante
Nusa Dua Can Picafort
Oasis Grill Restaurant
Horitzo Cafe
Sabores De India
Church of St. Jaume
Saint Sebastian Gate
Murada Medieval d'Alcúdia 
Port de Pollenca
Stay Restaurant
Formentor Experience
Talaia d'Albercutx
Playa de Formentor Beach
L'Espigó BeachBar
Mirador Es Colomer
Bar Mirador Colomer 
Restaurante Vinicius
Pirates Can Picafort

Thursday, 31 May 2018

Monthly Musings: May 2018

An overview of opinions and observations for the month.

Whisper: May 2018

18/05/2018 @22:00
When I see/hear idiots driving recklessly I secretly wish they'd have a substantial accident and sustain a severe injury so they can understand why they should drive sensibly.
19/05/2018 @05:05
You do realise the relevance of the terminology clearly carries merit otherwise it wouldn't have been globally adopted right?
20/05/2018 @01:13
Regardless, you must realise the reason it still carries weight is because 'mistake' or not, in a world of labels, the general connotations hold merit. There are wolves and sheep.
21/05/2018 @00:26
Well you're a moron, congrats. My post was actually aimed more toward drivers who race through residential estates. Like the driver who killed my friends 7yr old son. So yeah, you're so cool.
21/05/2018 @00:33
Well you live 5 miles from me according to Whisper so look it up. The child was Kayden Dunn and he didn't get 'injured', he died after being hit by a dickhead driver who "knew better" than the law.

Wednesday, 9 May 2018

Travel: Riga, Latvia

Rixwell Gertrude Hotel
KGB Building
Freedom Monument
House of Blackheads
Riga Cathderal
Cat House
Riga Castle
Three Brothers
Riga Ghetto
Latvia Occupation Museum
St. Peter's
Alus Celle
The Armoury Bar
Labietis Debnica
Folkklubs Ala
Labietis Centraltigrus
S. Brevinga
Alus Muiza

Monday, 7 May 2018

Travel: Vilnius, Lithuania

Skapo Apartments
Three Crosses
St. Anne's Church
Gedimas Castle Tower
Vilnius Cathedral
Gates of Dawn
Genocide Museum
St Peter & Paul's Church
War Machinery & Vehicle Museum
Trakai Island Castle
Nisha Craft Capital
Snekutis (Uzupis)
Alaus Biblioteka
Snekutis Sv. Stepono
Smagus Raugas
3 Staliukai ir Telikas
BeerHouse & Craft Kitchen
Alaus Namai
Baras Suo
Vilnius Alaus

Saturday, 31 March 2018

Monthly Musings: March 2018

An overview of opinions and observations for the month.

Whisper: March 2018

13/03/2018 @00:23
I have a deep seated sense of loss over surrendering my childhood. Every time I think back to how easy life was, and how big my dreams were, it breaks my heart to realise how different it turned out.
19/03/2018 @01:07
Dead hand gang.

Wednesday, 31 January 2018

Monthly Musings: January 2018

An overview of opinions and observations for the month.

Whisper: January 2018

07/01/2018 @16:50
Lust after a girl but;
1) I'm her manager.
2) She is engaged to my friend who is also a manager at our place of work.
14/01/2018 @02:04
Petrol or blown out birthday candles.
14/01/2018 @02:05
Petrichor ❤️
14/01/2018 @02:09
Napalm in the morning whilst I'm eating my Apple Jacks.
19/01/2018 @01:17
I'll never understand adults/parents who go raving in places like Ibiza or Aiya Napa on a "lads" holiday when they are in their thirties. It isn't "cool". It's embarrassing.
19/01/2018 @01:22
I am in my 30's. The adults/parents I refer to are people I went to school with.
I cannot fathom how juvenile they still seem 😂
19/01/2018 @01:26
The problem is, they do care what people think.
The ones that prompted this post are the one's harping on about it all over social media for attention 😂
21/01/2018 @17:24
Lol, going to Ibiza isn't the only thing to determine whether you're boring or not 😂