Monday, 7 November 2022

A Gaming Chronology

I'll be first and foremost in admitting that the precise dates for some of my earlier exposures and experiences may be slightly off, that said, the roundabout period will be correct. Also, some of these memories may even transpire to not be correct, nevertheless, this is how what I believe to be accurate. The purpose of this post is to explore how interwoven gaming is in my history, and how similar to music, specific games/consoles can evoke certain nostalgic memories.

Thursday, 20 October 2022

Monthly Musings: October 2022

An overview of opinions and observations for the month.

Quit Update

Heh, suffice to say at this juncture, smoking and vaping are both evidently things of my past. I can officially resign them to the pile along with all manner of other unsavoury addictions I've managed to overcome.

Monday, 22 August 2022

Travel: Prestatyn, Wales


Conwy Castle
Conwy Quay
The Smallest House in Great Britain, Conwy
Fisherman's Chip Shop
Presthaven Sands
Gronant Dunes
Indoor Pool, Presthaven
Lazy River, Presthaven
Arcade, Presthaven
Seaside Treats, Presthaven
SC2 Rhyl
Palace Fun Centre, Rhyl
Robinsons Fun Fair, Rhyl
Mash & Barrel, Presthaven
Talacre Beach

Thursday, 18 August 2022

Relapse Avoidance #12

It's been a very long time since I last updated you all, since October 2018 in fact. I wonder if anybody is still here, if anybody still reads my journey and finds any solace in my past observations? Regardless, I'll post this here for anyone who cares.

Tuesday, 19 July 2022

So, you wanna work in IT?

When I secured a job in a general I.T. role (despite applying for a job as a web designer) I never expected that a decade later I'd be responsible for single handedly maintaining an entire network. Neither did I ever envisage my knowledge and skillset would have expanded as wide as it has, especially with no formal training, and no certified qualifications. What's more valid than a piece of paper saying I can do the job? A decade of hands-on experience actually doing the job...

Friday, 15 July 2022

Staying Quit

Back in January, I boldly declared that I was quitting nicotine as a New Years Resolution.

Initially I doubted my ability to stick with my honourable intentions, hence it being almost a week before I bothered to write a blog post about it. Let's be honest, it's embarrassing declaring to the world that you're quitting, only to renege a few days later. The public humiliation of lacking the willpower to persevere.

I aren't sure what was different this time around. Look, I've quit before. I went cold turkey in January 2015 for 5 months before relapsing. I quit cigarettes entirely in 2016 and transitioned to vaping. I tried to taper down the nicotine content from 18mg, to 11mg, to 6mg, even down to 3mg... but I just found myself vaping more frequently to offset the difference in nicotine content which meant burning through "juices" faster which costs more money. I ultimately ended up just vaping 11mg consistently. Alas, here I am now, astoundingly free of nicotine since 31/12/2021.

Was it difficult? Of course! At first I struggled to break the habit and adjust to fighting the cravings off, but before long, it was an after thought, a fleeting observation. Oh, remember when I used to vape? It's strange, it feels longer than 6 months since I quit. I don't miss it, and I aren't tempted to relapse. I feel comfortable enough to say, I believe I may have completely quit nicotine permanently. That feels good to write!


But wait, there's more. Never one to back down from challenging myself, I opted to up the ante; following a regrettable parlay with alcohol on February the 1st, and I ambitiously swore off the booze too thanks to This Naked Mind.

I know, I know... I am all too familiar with the cliche "I'm never drinking again" mantra of a hangover. But this was more. I was fairly resolute. I did not drink alcohol at all from 01/02/2022 until 09/04/2022 which was an achievement in itself. April the 9th was my brothers 30th birthday and I reluctantly dipped my toes back into the familiarity of alcohol consumption. Mistake. Big red flag to a bull mistake. That night was a further stark reminder of why drinking alcohol is not my friend and abstinence is in my best interests.

After that, I opted to stay alcohol free for the foreseeable, potentially permanent, future. It's now over 3 months since I last drank alcohol. I'll be the first to admit, I doubt quitting alcohol will be permanent - nevertheless, the times I've spent without drinking has definitely provided food for thought, and ample opportunity to reassess my relationship with alcohol. That can only be a good thing.


It remains to be seen how this plays out, but I'll be interested to see what the situation is later in the year.

Wednesday, 22 June 2022

Monday, 20 June 2022

The Architect and The Sage

I find it fascinating how warped my perspective and aspirations seem when compared to most other peoples; this is not to be narcissistic, or emblematic of some type of megalomania God complex. It is just irrefutable that I am unlike most people - this is fact, not opinion.

Tuesday, 10 May 2022

Art Appreciation

I've always had a fascination, and admiration for art in all of it's formats. Many among us would recognise and appreciate the obvious talents of established, 'famous' artists: Van Gogh, Da Vinci, Monet, Picasso, Vermeer, Rembrandt, Dali, Munch, Matisse, Cézanne, Magritte, Constable, Bosch.

However beyond these established names are many artists that I greatly adore; in the current era, websites such as DeviantArt, ArtStation, Instagram, CG Society, Sketchfab, and many other websites are brimming with creative ability, and artistic talent.

This post aims to promote and raise awareness of some such talent that inspires me.

Thursday, 21 April 2022

The Subjectivity of Pain

Pain is a particularly elusive concept to articulate in words. We all understand the premise of pain, but such a subjective experience cannot be quantified with any measurable specificity.

Using scales and ratings we can attempt to convey our suffering in a meaningful way with some familiar context, yet in reality, such attempts are futile. Describing pain is akin to explaining anger, grief, or joy. Therein are stages, broad strokes of categorisation from a little to a lot, but nothing tangible insofar as is appreciable.

Wednesday, 20 April 2022

Truly Tragic Teeth

If I could go back in time and change one thing, it would quite possibly involve my past dental care, or lack thereof. I neglected my teeth, and it is a source of permanent embarrassment and frustration.

Sunday, 27 March 2022

Really Random Rash

Quite unexpectedly, I developed a really random rash last week that refuses to subside. As a side note, I remain unsure whether it was initially caused by an allergy, an infestation, or an irritant.

Wednesday, 2 March 2022

Primer History of Ukraine

The origins of Ukraine stem from the Kievan Rus (a loose federation of East Slavs, Baltic and Finnic), and the ‘Rus’ nationality which would splinter off into Russians, Ukrainians and Belarussians. All three of their languages descend from ancient Slavs’ and all three inherited Orthodoxy as their religion.

Tuesday, 1 March 2022

Recent History of Ukraine

Up until November 2013, the EU and Ukraine had been in talks to form a closer relationship under the "European Union–Ukraine Association Agreement". At the last minute, the Ukraine government backed out and proposed that rather than signing the agreement, they would prefer a tripartite agreement between Ukraine, the EU and Russia.

Tuesday, 22 February 2022

Ukraine | Are Russia the Bad Guys?

A brief little primer of information I've compiled from sources over the internet in a bid to understand the real situation in Ukraine without media bias.

Wednesday, 16 February 2022

We Never Stop Learning

Learning never stops and I am always hungry to know more. Knowledge is power, as the adage goes. Below is a brain dump of random things I've stumbled across or taken an interest in lately.

Wednesday, 9 February 2022

TV Watch List

Herein lies an attempted comprehensive log of TV shows that either I watched historically and/or sporadically, gave up watching for whatever reason, still watch now if new seasons are released, and intend to watch at some point.

Saturday, 5 February 2022

Absence of Control | Quitting Alcohol

I have conceded it for a while to myself, yet I always surreptitiously avoid outright admission around others. That needs to change now. It is time I discuss the issue of my relationship with alcohol.

Wednesday, 5 January 2022

NY Resolution | Quitting Nicotine

It's safe to say I have an addictive personality. Not just safe in fact, it's undeniable. 

I have long understood that addiction couples nicely with the Void. We all have a huge empty chasm in our meaningless lives to fill, and we all find hobbies and habits to occupy it. If we quit a hobby/habit, we must find something new to fill the Void with instead; religion, relationship, marriage, children, career, personal projects, fitness, sports, gaming, gambling, alcohol, recreational drugs, prostitutes, becoming a serial killer... there is a very diverse plethora of options available. Not all are advisable.